31 research outputs found

    Adalékok a Kárpát-medence kora középkori szőlőműveléséhez

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    The history of viniculture is a controversial matter in the research for the early Hungarian history and the lifestyle of early Hungarians. The author of this article adopts some new aspects for historical sources referring to early medieval viniculture, analysing e.g. the relevant parts of Capitulare de vil/is and Saint Gerard's Deliberado

    GĂ©za Ă©s Adelhaid

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    In this paper I explore the early medieval marriage custom in the Carpathian basin. There is a 100 hundred-yeared question about the wives of Géza, dux of Hungarians (972–997). As I’ve gathered information about this theme, I found that poligamy was the current practice about marriaging at the neighbours of Hungarians. But Hungarians also practiced this custom, like Ajtony head man of the Tisza–Maros area. I can’t resolve the problem of Géza’s wives, but i can say, he had more wives after one by one (at least Sarolt and Adelhaid), but we have to suppose he had more wives simultaneously, as his neighbours have and some of his contemporary rulers. This is the new result of my research

    Középkori galambposta Magyarországon

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    The fastest way of newscast in the Middle Ages could have been the use of carrier (homing) pigeons. So my paper is engaged in the history of carrier pigeons in the medieval Carpathian Basin. This study found out, that there weren't carrier pigeons in the Hungarian Kingdom's area in the Medieval Era. The use of these animals was started in Hungary only in the 1550's by turks