43 research outputs found


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    Dissability issue has become a trending topic which is always interesting to be discussed. Not only in the developing country but also in the developed countries as well. It is so because people with dissability belong to a minority group whose right have not been noticed greatly by the government. Dissability is a concept which has not been realized to be exist in the society although it can be seen clearly in someone’s life. One way to fullfill the people with dissability’s welfare is through a holistic empowerment  where they are involved as the main part but not the object. Therefore, this research are aimed at examining (1) how far is the people with dissability’s involvement in planning and implementing the empowerment programs, and (2) how are the effect of empowerment programs on the welfare of people with dissability sosial group in East Kalimantan. The research result shows that the people with dissability in Kalimantan have not been involved yet in the issue of their welfare. Besides, the empowerment programs created by the government of East Kalimantan have not guarateed the people with dissability’s welfare


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    Penelitian ini dilaksanakan untuk menyelidiki seberapa signifikan peningkatan nilai siswa dalam menulis paragraf deskriptif melalui model pengajaran quantum. Penelitian ini menggunakan kuasi-experimen yang menggunakan dua kelas , satu kelas eksperimen dan satu kelas kontrol. Subjek penelitian ini adalah kelas VIII A yang berjumlah 31 siswa sebagai kelas eksperimen dan kelas VIII B yang berjumlah 32 siswa sebagai kelas kontrol. Data penelitian dikumpulkan melalui pre-test dan post-test dalam bentuk tes tertulis. Data tersebut dianalisa dengan menggunakan rumus tingkat efektifitas (effect size). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan peningkatan nilai kelas eksperimen yang diajar dengan model quantum lebih signifikan dibanding nilai kelas kontrol. Selisih nilai pre-test dan post-test kelas eksperimen adalah 44.24 (dari 27.59 menjadi 71.38) sedangkan kelas kontrol 37.20 (dari 25.32 menjadi 62.52). Kata kunci: Menulis, Paragraf Deskriptif, Model Pengajaran Quantum Abstract: This research was held to investigate the significant of students achievement in descriptive paragraph writing through quantum teaching model. This research applied quasi-experimental which used two classes, one experimental class and one control class. The subject of this research was VIII A consists of 31 students as experimental class and VIII B consists of 32 students as control group. The data were collected by pre-test and post-test in form of written test. The data was analyzed by using formula of effect size. The results indicated that the improvement of experimental class achievement after being taught by quantum teaching was more significant than the control class.The interval pre-test and post-test score of experimental class was 44.24 (from 27.59 became 71.38) whereas the control class was 37.20 (from 25.32 became 62.52). Keywords: Writing, Descriptive Paragraph, Quantum Teaching Mode

    Ekonomi Politik Media Lokal (Framing Pemberitaan Pelanggaran HAM Di Kalimantan Timur)

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    The backdrop of this research is set upon the fact that the media exist in the setting of a growing democracy. Media play strategic roles in responding to events. At the local level, local events result from the repeated process of production and reproductions by the press. One of such local events in East Kalimantan was the findings of the National Committee for Human Rights (KOMNAS HAM) on the human rights abuse related to extractive industries, as mentioned in the 2016 report of the organization and had been stated again in 2019. Thus, local media responded to such findings by producing news about it. The findings of this research are that local media, Times Indonesia (national media network), opted not to mention the abuses due to arguments on internal policy and limited resources available to conduct the journalistic activity. Other media, Samarinda Pos and Kaltim Kece, responded differently to the report. The differences regarding the responses of those media outlets are based on applying Robert N. Entman's framing analysis on problem definition, diagnosis of causes, moral judgment, and treatment recommendation. Moreover, this research also showcases the practice of commodification by the media when they talk about human rights abuses

    Ekonomi Politik Media Lokal (Framing Pemberitaan Pelanggaran HAM Di Kalimantan Timur)

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    The backdrop of this research is set upon the fact that the media exist in the setting of a growing democracy. Media play strategic roles in responding to events. At the local level, local events result from the repeated process of production and reproductions by the press. One of such local events in East Kalimantan was the findings of the National Committee for Human Rights (KOMNAS HAM) on the human rights abuse related to extractive industries, as mentioned in the 2016 report of the organization and had been stated again in 2019. Thus, local media responded to such findings by producing news about it. The findings of this research are that local media, Times Indonesia (national media network), opted not to mention the abuses due to arguments on internal policy and limited resources available to conduct the journalistic activity. Other media, Samarinda Pos and Kaltim Kece, responded differently to the report. The differences regarding the responses of those media outlets are based on applying Robert N. Entman's framing analysis on problem definition, diagnosis of causes, moral judgment, and treatment recommendation. Moreover, this research also showcases the practice of commodification by the media when they talk about human rights abuses

    Implementasi Tari Tradisional Kalimantan Timur Dalam Mengembangkan Kecerdasan Kinestetik dan Kognitif Pada Anak Usia Dini di TK Negeri Samarinda

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    Planning for East Kalimantan traditional dance learning in developing kinesthetic and cognitive intelligence in early childhood, only in Samarinda 1 Public Kindergarten is carried out sequentially as follows; determine learning objectives, select interesting topics, determine projects, determine time frames, determine assessment criteria, provide materials and resources and provide support and guidance. Implementation of East Kalimantan traditional dance learning in developing kinesthetic and cognitive intelligence in early childhood, Samarinda 1 Public Kindergarten, as follows; the teacher selects projects that are relevant and interesting, provides sufficient resources, provides appropriate guidance, encourages collaboration and communication and evaluates learning outcomes. Whereas in TK Negeri 2 Samarinda and TK Negeri 10 Samarinda the teacher only chose which traditional dance themes were appropriate for early childhood and only selected a few children to teach East Kalimantan traditional dance. Evaluation of East Kalimantan traditional dance learning in developing kinesthetic and cognitive intelligence in early childhood, needs to be done to find out to what extent learning objectives have been achieved and how effective East Kalimantan traditional dance learning is in improving children's kinesthetic and cognitive intelligence

    Pengaruh Substitusi Tepung Kacang Merah terhadap Kualitas Cookies

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    This study aimed to analyze the effect of substituting red bean flour 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% of the quality of shape, color, aroma, taste and texture of cookies. This type of research is true experimental method completely randomized design with three times the number of panelists penggulangan 30 people, data analysis performed by analysis of variance and Duncan followed with further testing if the results significantly. Results of research on the test levels significantly affected (red bean aroma, sweetness and taste of red beans) and no real influential on the test level (forms a neat, uniform shape, color and texture tawny neat) whereas the hedonic test significantly affected (color brownish yellow and brittle texture) and did not significantly affect the hedonic test (form neat, uniform shape and aroma of red beans). Overall the best value found in red bean flour substitution as much as 50% (X2)


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    Infused water is drinking water that has been given additional pieces of fruit so that the water gives a certain sensation of water. Infused water are consumed by the community because the manufacturing process is easy and use local fruits. To determine the vitamin content (A and C), mineral content (K, Ca, Mg) and acceptability of infused water with sample codes (A, B and C). The benefits of this study are to be able to add to the list of healthy and nutritious drinks that are beneficial for health because infused water contains vitamins and minerals. Experiments with Complete Random Design (CRD), Sample code A, B and C in the analysis of vitamin levels, mineral content and acceptability. Acceptance analysis was carried out Friedman test and Wilcoxon test. Vitamin and mineral levels were analyzed by ANOVA and LSD statistics. Infused water contains mineral potassium, calcium and magnesium and contains vitamins A and C, there are significant differences between the sample code A, B and C. Infused water containing minerals, vitamins, and accepted by the community

    Development of chicken egg hatching incubator machine (Natasha-CEHIM)

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    This paper presents a development of egg incubator system for chicken eggs incubation. The chicken egg hatching incubator machine are equipped with DHT22 and PIR sensors that able to automatically regulate and monitor the temperature and humidity in the incubator to create the ideal condition to incubate chicken egg. The entire system will be controlled using Arduino Uno control system as the brain of the system which control and operate the motor and sensors to detect necessary environment condition which then produce output signal for incubate operation. A DHT22 sensor that act as input detects temperature and humidity in the incubator and send it to the Arduino to display the condition of the incubator on the LCD screen display. The function of egg incubator is to be able to hatch chicks from egg while the mother hen can be free to lay more eggs hence increase the production of chicken egg, reduce the manpower, reduce hatching time and give a better efficiency during operation


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    Ministry of Health in the Kirana (2011), showed patients with anaemia in adolescent girls and women amounted to 26.50% (WUS) 26.9%. In Central Java adolescents with relatively high anaemia reached 43.2% (Prov Health Profiles, Central Java, 2010). The number of incident cases of anaemia among students shows that the lack of nutrient consumption of iron (Fe) in adolescent girls. The objective of seeking out the health status of participants of community service after getting HB examination and found cases of anaemia in adolescent girls as a means for sustainable prevention. Benefits Service to the community is that as media early case finding for the management of anaemia in order to not become more severe through preventive measures such as health checks Hb. Community service execution activities conducted at two locations: at the Foundation and Pondok Pesantren Fatimatuzahro and Narun Najah pengabmas haemoglobin results by age group in the foundation and Darun Najah Pesantren is Fatimatuzahro and normal but the haemoglobin level Darun Najah better than difatimatuzahro. The conclusion of this devotion haemoglobin in foster care in both the Foundation and Pondok Pesantren is norma


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    Salah satu kewajiban dosen yang dilaksanakan secara berkala adalah kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat. Kewajiban tersebut merupakan salah satu wujud Tri Darma Perguran Tinggi. Kegiatan pengabdian terlaksana atas kerja sama Universitas Dipa Makassar dengan Pemerintah Kota Makassar, Kecamatan Kepulauan Sangkarrang, Kelurahan Kodingareng dengan tema Digitalisasi Marketing Sebagai Strategi Penguatan UMKM di Kelurahan Kodingareng. Kegiatan ini diikuti oleh 21 orang pengusaha dalam hal ini pemilik UMKM. Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah penguatan UMKM naik kelas dalam meningkatkan daya saing di pasar global. Pengabdian ini menggunakan presentasi serta pelatihan langsung menggunakan mobile android ataupun laptop dalam proses edukasi dan pelatihan. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode pendidikan, pelatihan dan advokasi. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian ini yaitu seluruh peserta yang mengikuti pelatihan dari awal hingga akhir dapat mengetahui dan membuat Nomor Induk Berusaha (NIB) sebagai salah satu dokumen legalitas usaha mikro dan kecil. Selain itu peserta dapat mengetahui strategi penguatan UMKM naik kelas seperti melakukan Social Media Marketing (SMM), Search Engine Optimazation (SEO), Branding dan Content Marketing