2,471 research outputs found

    ANTIBACTERIAL POTENTIAL TEST IN AGARWOOD (Gyrinops versteegii) STEM EXTRACT TOWARDS Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus.

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    Infection disease is one of the most common health problem in many developing countries, including Indonesia where the contamination of microbe is associated with the cause of the infection. The infection can be caused by various microorganisms such as bacteria, virus, fungus, and protozoa. Fortunately, Indonesia’s medicinal plant varies and one of which is agarwood (Gyrinops versteegii). This study aims at measuring the potential of agarwood (Gyrinops versteegii) stem extract towards Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. In this study, the simplicial of agarwood stem is extracted by applying multilevel maceration method with n-Hexane solvent, ethyl acetate, and methanol. The result of antibacterial activity testing over three extracts reveals that the ethyl acetate extract can inhibit the growth of Escherichia coli dan Staphylococcus aureus. In addition, the result of screening in the ethyl acetate extract discovers that in contains alkaloid, terpenoid, and tannin, where the positive control used is chloramphenicol and the negative control is Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO). The result of Minimum Inhibitory Concentration test in the agarwood stem extract towards Escherichia coli dan Staphylococcus aureus shows that the concentration of 50% is marked with absence of turbidity, whereas 50% in the Lowest Lethal Dose value signifies absence of growth in the bacteria in the Nutrient Agar (NA) media. Additionally, the result of potential test of agarwood stem ethyl acetate extract towards Escerichia coli in concentrations of 25%, 50%, and 100% with an inhibition zone created of 7,85 mm where it includes in medium category, and 10,6 mm and 13,45 mm that include in strong category. In the meantime, the result of potential test of agarwood stem ethyl acetate extract towards Staphylococcus aureus in concentrations of 25%, 50%, and 100% with an inhibition zone created of b,1 mm where it includes in medium category, and 13,2 mm and 16 mm that include in strong category in inhibiting bacteria

    Protein enrichment of Irish potatoes by fermentation process using mutant isolates of Latobacillus bulgaricus

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    The study undertook the mutational selection of lactic acid bacteria used for the fermentation of peeled Solanum tuberosum (Irish Potatoes, Subtrate) in order to isolate mutants that may produce fermented Irishpotatoes product with improved nutritional quality (i.e increase protein content). Lactic acid bacteria were isolated from local yoghurt (“kindirmo” in hausa language) that were morphologically and culturally characterised and found to be predominantly Lactobacillus bulgaricus. Four (4) mutants selected randomly from Lactobacillus bulgaricus subjected to UV-light irradiation at 20 secs , 25 secs, 30 secs and 35 secs periods of exposure. The mutants exhibited similar morphological and cultural characteristics as the wild type strain. Fermentation of peeled Irish potatoes with wild type Lactobacillus bulgaricus gave no significant increase (P>0.05) in crude protein content from 7.37±0.42 g/100 g on the zero day to 8.73±0.43 g/100 g on the 5th day of fermentation, whereas, the mutant isolates gave a significant increase (


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    Latar belakang: Psoriasis merupakan peradangan kulit yang bersifat kronik dengan karakteristik berupa plak eritematosa berbatas tegas, skuama kasar, berlapis, dan berwarna putih keperakan. Data dari WHO (World Health Organization) menunjukkan bahwa prevalensi psoriasis di negara bervariasi antara 0,09% dan 11,4%. Di sebagian besar negara maju, prevalensi adalah antara 1,5 dan 5%. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menelusuri profil usia, jenis kelamin, predileksi, gambaran klinis, faktor risiko, dan pekerjaan pada pasien psoriasis. Metode: Pencarian literatur pada situs Science Direct, PubMed dan google schoolar. Sebanyak 3.672 artikel telah ditinjau. delapan artikel diidentifikasi relevan dengan kriteria penelitian untuk tinjauan sistematis ini. Hasil: Ratarata usia terbanyak adalah diatas usia 40 tahun dengan onset awal (26-35 tahun). tujuh jurnal menjelaskan bahwa jenis kelamin terbanyak diderita oleh laki-laki. Ekstrimitas (atas dan bawah) merupakan lokasi terbanyak lesi psoriasis. Gambaran klinis rata-rata ringan (<10) hingga sedang (10-20). Dari 8 jurnal ditemukan rata rata BMI terbanyak adalah overweight dan obese, komorbiditas terbanyak adalah hipertensi, diabetes mellitus, dan hiperkolesterolemia. Rata-rata presentase pasien psoriasis terbanyak (>50%) adalah mereka yang bekerja part time atau full time. Kesimpulan: Profil pasien psoriasis terbanyak didapatkan faktor usia diatas 40 tahun, berjenis kelamin laki-laki, predileksi lokasi terbanyak pada ekstremitas atas dan bawah, memiliki gambaran klinis (Skor PASI) ringan (<10) hingga sedang (10-20), memiliki faktor risiko terbanyak BMI overweight dan obese dengan komorbid hipertensi, diabetes mellitus, dan hiperkolesterolemia dan rata-rata pasien adalah pekerja part time maupun full time

    Local perception of indoor air pollution with use of biofuel in rural communities of Uchalli Wetlands complex, salt range Pakistan

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    More than 2.4 billion people around the world in the rural community depend on biomass fuel (wood, charcoal animal dung, and crop residue). Incomplete combustion of this fuel has led to increased amounts of indoor pollution and raise in global warming; this has further led to the increase in the incidence of diseases. Therefore, interventions to reduce biomass fuel related emission by alternative fuels and improved combustion efficiency can improve health, add to socioeconomic development. The area selected for sampling was the Uchalli Wetlands Complex which in the Northwest of Khushab district in Pakistan which houses three saline lakes surrounded by forest and villages. A questionnaire was designed with questions regarding the household fuel use and techniques to improve livelihood and to create awareness and locals from the age of 19-95 were interviewed with a majority of males, houses in the area were mainly of stone blocks and majority males in the area worked in the city. Combined family system was prevalent in the area (80%) with about 42% of the population having no formal education. A wide variety of stoves were observed in the area with wives having a major decision (69%) in fuel choice which mainly depended on the cheapness and availability of the fuel. The cooking being mostly done (79.8%) outside in summers and indoors in winters. Majority of the respondents (94.7%) were aware that liquid petroleum gas and natural gas are better ways of reducing pollution and decreasing the incidence of diseases which included using dry wood, proper ventilation and many others

    Development and Evaluation of a Novel Four-Electrode Device System for Monitoring Skin Impedance

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    Qi, meridians, and acupoints are important issues in Chinese medicine. One of the theories claims that acupuncture points and meridians have unique electrical properties. The associations between acupuncture points or meridians and special electrical properties are still under debate. In the current study, we introduced and explained a device for this kind of research and evaluated the reliability of this device as well as effects of pressure, cleaning the skin by alcohol and exfoliation on electrical skin measurements. Fifteen subjects (10 female, 5 male) were recruited to participate in the study. An impedance meter based on the four-electrode technique was designed and fabricated specifically for this study. The effects of pressure, cleaning of the skin by alcohol, and exfoliation on electrical skin impedance were evaluated separately. The device repeatability was also evaluated 30 times in a 30 minutes period. Scale weight up to 200 grams, cleaning the skin with alcohol, and exfoliation didn't affect the performance of this device. The device performance didn&#8217;t change significantly during the 30 minutes measurement either. The new system we evaluated can be a reliable tool for researches on electrical skin impedance in acupuncture, as its performance is fairly stable even in the presence of various confounding factors such as various pressures on the probe, cleaning the skin with alcohol and exfoliation

    Resilience of local communities to climate change around a ramsar site in Pakistan

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    The Taunsa Barrage controls water flow in the River Indus for irrigation and flood control purposes. The river ecology is sensitive to climate change due to the high portion of its flow derived glacial melt. To assess the socio-economic status of the rural communities living within the Taunsa Barrage Wildlife sanctuary, a questionnaire was developed based on the perception of local communities about their resilience capacity and climate change. Temperature and rainfall data over the period 1951 – 2010 were analysed and used as an indicator of climate change. 85 of the respondents (n =100) reported that there had been an increase extreme climatic events over the past 60 years. These communities have proved to be resilient (94% n = 100) to it by changing occupations and lifestyles. However at the same time they have increased the pressure on natural resource use and this is causing a serious problem in the management of the protected area

    Prospects for alleviating poverty and protecting the Taunsa barrage wildlife sanctuary, Indus river, Pakistan, through cultural and eco-tourism

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    The common assumption about protected areas is that they aggravate poverty amongst local residents by excluding them from livelihood activities such as fishing, agriculture, tourism and logging. It has been increasingly recognized that protected areas should instead contribute to sustaining the resident communities of surrounding areas. Eco-tourism could be an alternative form of income generation and has a substantial potential to boost and develop a relationship between people and nature. At the Taunsa Barrage Wildlife Sanctuary (TBWS), on the Indus River, Pakistan, local communities rely on local ecosystem services for up to 90% of their daily needs. To determine the potential for eco-tourism growth a SWOT analysis (Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) was designed based on discussion with stake holders (including community representative, non-governmental and governmental agencies)and personal observation during 2010. It is proposed as an approach for communities to utilize otherwise marginal cultural or ecological assets.Sustainability and involvement are both fundamental for the enduring future of this form of tourism. This study indicates that the prospects of eco-tourism as an instrument for empowerment and poverty alleviation at the TBWS are good.Eco-cultural tourism can offers ways to achieve sustainable resource and to engage with wider society. It could also act as a model for how cultural- and eco-tourism could empower local people in comparable settings in Pakistan

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