25 research outputs found

    Evaluación del riesgo de inundación a múltiples componentes en la costa del Maresme

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    The coast is one of the areas most affected by natural hazards, with floods being the most frequent and significant of these in terms of their induced impacts, so any management scheme requires their evaluation. In coastal areas, flooding is a hazard associated with different processes acting at different scales: coastal storms, flash floods and sea level rise (SLR). To address the problem as a whole, this study presents a methodology to undertake a preliminary integrated risk assessment of the magnitude of each flood component, taking into account their scope (extension of the affected area) and their temporal scale. The risk is quantified using specific indicators to assess the hazard magnitude (for each component) and the consequences. This allows for a robust comparison of the spatial risk distribution along the coast in order to identify both the most at-risk areas and the most influential risk components. This methodology is applied to a stretch of coastline (Maresme, Catalonia) representative of the Spanish Mediterranean coast. The results obtained characterise this coastline as an area with a relatively low overall risk, although some hotspots are identified as having high-risk values. Resumen: La costa es una de las zonas más sometidas a riesgos naturales, siendo la inundación uno de los más frecuentes e importantes en términos de daños inducidos, por lo que cualquier esquema de gestión requiere evaluación. La inundación en zonas costeras es una amenaza natural asociada a diferentes procesos que actúan a distintas escalas: tormentas costeras, riadas y subida del nivel del mar (SNM). Para abarcar la totalidad del problema, este trabajo propone una metodología para la evaluación preliminar del riesgo integrado de inundación costera a una escala regional que permite evaluar la magnitud de cada componente teniendo en cuenta su alcance (extensión de la zona afectada) y su escala temporal. El riesgo se cuantifica en función de unos indicadores específicos que valoran la magnitud de la amenaza para cada componente y las consecuencias. Esto permite comparar robustamente la distribución espacial del riesgo a lo largo de la costa, para identificar tanto zonas de mayor riesgo como las componentes que más contribuyen al mismo. Aplicamos esta metodología a un tramo de costa característica del Mediterráneo español (Maresme, Cataluña). Los resultados permiten caracterizar esta costa como un área con un riesgo global relativamente bajo, pero algunos puntos singulares con riesgo alto

    Temporal shoreline series analysis using GNSS

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    In recent decades, Boa Viagem beach located in the city of Recife-PE and Piedade in Jaboatão dos Guararapes-PE (Brazil) has seen urbanization near the coastline causing changes in social, economic and morphological aspects, where coastal erosion problems are observed. This study uses GNSS (global navigation satellite system) shoreline monitoring approach, which is quicker, and provides continuously updatable data at cm-level accuracy to analyze and determine temporal positional shifts of the shoreline as well as annual average rates through EPR (end point rate). To achieve this, kinematic GNSS survey data for the years 2007, 2009, 2010 and 2012 were used. The results show sectorial trends over the years, with the highest annual retreat rate of 8.16 m /year occurring during the period 2007-2009. Variety of different patterns over the shoreline were also observed. These findings could be essential for decision making in coastal environments

    A multi-component flood risk assessment in the Maresme coast (NW Mediterranean)

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    Coastal regions are the areas most threatened by natural hazards, with floods being the most frequent and significant threat in terms of their induced impacts, and therefore, any management scheme requires their evaluation. In coastal areas, flooding is a hazard associated with various processes acting at different scales: coastal storms, flash floods, and sea level rise (SLR). In order to address the problem as a whole, this study presents a methodology to undertake a preliminary integrated risk assessment that determines the magnitude of the different flood processes (flash flood, marine storm, SLR) and their associated consequences, taking into account their temporal and spatial scales. The risk is quantified using specific indicators to assess the magnitude of the hazard (for each component) and the consequences in a common scale. This allows for a robust comparison of the spatial risk distribution along the coast in order to identify both the areas at greatest risk and the risk components that have the greatest impact. This methodology is applied on the Maresme coast (NW Mediterranean, Spain), which can be considered representative of developed areas of the Spanish Mediterranean coast. The results obtained characterise this coastline as an area of relatively low overall risk, although some hot spots have been identified with high-risk values, with flash flooding being the principal risk process

    The global flood protection savings provided by coral reefs

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    Coral reefs can provide significant coastal protection benefits to people and property. Here we show that the annual expected damages from flooding would double, and costs from frequent storms would triple without reefs. For 100-year storm events, flood damages would increase by 91% to US272billionwithoutreefs.ThecountrieswiththemosttogainfromreefmanagementareIndonesia,Philippines,Malaysia,Mexico,andCuba;annualexpectedfloodsavingsexceedUS 272 billion without reefs. The countries with the most to gain from reef management are Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia, Mexico, and Cuba; annual expected flood savings exceed 400?M for each of these nations. Sea-level rise will increase flood risk, but substantial impacts could happen from reef loss alone without better near-term management. We provide a global, process-based valuation of an ecosystem service across an entire marine biome at (sub)national levels. These spatially explicit benefits inform critical risk and environmental management decisions, and the expected benefits can be directly considered by governments (e.g., national accounts, recovery plans) and businesses (e.g., insurance).We gratefully acknowledge support from the World Bank Wealth Accounting and Valuation of Ecosystems (WAVES) Program, the Lyda Hill Foundation, Science for Nature and People Partnership, Lloyd’s Tercentenary Research Foundation, a Pew Fellowship in Marine Conservation to MWB, the German International Climate Initiative (IKI) of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) and the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Innovation (BIA2014-59718- R)

    Wave run-up on embayed beaches. Study case: Itapocorói Bay, Southern Brazil

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    This paper presents a new approach for estimating run-up on embayed beaches based on a study of the microtidal coast of Itapocorói Bay, Southern Brazil using the surf similarity parameter and wave height at break location. The four step methodology involved: 1) direct wave measurement (34 days), wave run-up measurement (19 days at 7 points within the bay), measurement of bathymetry and beach topography in the entire bay; 2) tests on available formulae to calculate wave run-up; 3) use of the SWAN spectral wave model to simulate wave parameters at breaking at each wave run-up measurement point and; 4) development of a new formula/approach to assess wave run-up on embayed beaches (in both exposed and protected areas). During the experiments the significant wave height varied from 0.5 m to 3.01 m, the mean wave period from 2.79 s to 7.76 s (the peak period varied between 2.95 s and 17.18 s), the mean wave direction from 72.5° to 141.9° (the peak direction varied from 39.2° to 169.8°) and the beach slope (tan β) from 0.041 to 0.201. The proposed formula is in good agreement with measured data for different wave conditions and varying degrees of protection. The analysis demonstrates that although R² varies from 0.52 to 0.75, the wave run-up distribution over the measurements agreed well with the proposed model, as shown by quantile-quantile analysis (R²=0.98 to 0.99). The errors observed in individual cases may be related to errors of measurements, modeling and to non-linear processes in the swash zone, such as infragavity waves.Griffith Sciences, Griffith Centre for Coastal ManagementFull Tex

    Beach Slopes From Satellite‐Derived Shorelines

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    Effect of Hurricane Ivan on Coastal Dunes of Santa Rosa Barrier Island, Florida: Characterized on the Basis of Pre- and Poststorm LIDAR Surveys

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    Santa Rosa Island, situated along the northwestern Florida coast facing the Gulf of Mexico, is an 85-km-long wave-dominated low-lying barrier island with well-developed incipient and established dunes. In this paper, we examine the regional-scale effect on coastal dunes by a strong category 3 hurricane, Ivan, through comparison of pre- and poststorm airborne LIDAR (light detecting and ranging) surveys. On the basis of pre-Ivan LIDAR survey data, the elevation of the berm and back beach is typically 2.0 m above MSL (mean sea level). Incipient dunes range from 2.5 to 10 m above MSL, or 0.5 to 8.0 m above the surrounding beach. The hummocky dunes that developed over relic washover platforms are typically less than 4.0 m above MSL. The densely vegetated, established dune fields are composed of dunes less than 7.0 m high and intradune wetlands lying at less than 1.0 m above MSL. The entire island was severely affected by Ivan, which made landfall about 45 km to the west in September 2004. The landscape was substantially changed by Ivan. Over 70% of the incipient and hummocky dunes were destroyed, and a large portion of the low-lying wetlands was covered by washover. The degree of storm-induced morphology change depends not only on the intensity and duration of the storm but also on the antecedent morphological characteristics of the barrier island. Comparison of pre- and post-Ivan cross-island LIDAR profiles indicates that at most locations, more sand was eroded from the subaerial portion of the barrier island (e.g., beach and dune) than was deposited as washover terraces and lobes. This suggests a net sand loss to the offshore region. Evidence of sand moving alongshore related to the oblique orientation of the dunes was also identified. Under inundation regime, the subaerial sediment deficit could be accounted for by subaqueous sedimentation into the back-barrier bay

    Spatio-temporal analysis of decadal-scale patterns in barrier island response to storms: Perdido Key, NW Florida

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    The ability to accurately quantify shoreline variability is essential in order to establish aggressive mitigation strategies, based on recent global climate change projections. This investigation employed a suite of coastal data (topographic maps, aerial photography, satellite imagery and lidar) to establish decadal trends of shoreline movement along Perdido Key, a sandy barrier island off Florida’s northwest coast. The technique used to detect morphologic change with time was a recently developed tool, Analyzing Moving Boundaries Using R. This innovative methodology improves our understanding of the evolution of coastal systems by modeling shoreline variance using a method that is sensitive to shoreline shape. Results show that the barrier shoreline is a highly dynamic feature with distinct zones of erosion and accretion that are pervasive over time. In general, the island is displaying a mechanism of rotational instability with the eastern half retreating, and the western portion advancing. The inflection point, around which this rotational shifting is taking place, lies at the center of a Pleistocene headland located along the island’s midpoint. The results of this study suggest that coastal evolution along the island may be meta-stable, with trends in shoreline variance corresponding mainly to discrete storm events in time