8,295 research outputs found

    Vaginal yeasts in the era of "over the counter" antifungals

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    OBJECTIVE: To establish whether there has been any rise in the prevalence of non-albicans Candida species isolated from vaginal swabs since the introduction of “over the counter” antifungal treatments. METHOD: A retrospective review looking at all positive vaginal yeast isolates collected from women attending one genitourinary medicine clinic during the 6 year period from 1993 to 1998 inclusive. All positive vaginal yeast isolates were included, regardless of whether or not the patients were symptomatic. Isolates from HIV positive women were excluded from the analysis. RESULT: No increase in non-albicans vaginal yeast isolates was shown during the period studied. The proportion of non-albicans yeasts remained constant at approximately 5% of the total yeasts isolated. The most common non-albicans yeast isolated was C glabrata. CONCLUSION: There is no evidence from this study to suggest that the increasing use of “over the counter” antifungal treatment has selected for atypical, possibly inherently azole resistant, strains of vaginal yeasts in HIV seronegative women

    Generative migration of agents

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    Diagnosing students' difficulties in learning mathematics

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    This study considers the results of a diagnostic test of student difficulty and contrasts the difference in performance between the lower attaining quartile and the higher quartile. It illustrates a difference in qualitative thinking between those who succeed and those who fail in mathematics, illustrating a theory that those who fail are performing a more difficult type of mathematics (coordinating procedures) than those who succeed (manipulating concepts). Students who have to coordinate or reverse processes in time will encounter far greater difficulty than those who can manipulate symbols in a flexible way. The consequences of such a dichotomy and implications for remediation are then considered

    Mean exit times from submanifolds with bounded mean curvature

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    We show that submanifolds with infinite mean exit time can not be isometrically and minimally immersed into cylinders, horocylinders, cones, and wedges of some product spaces. Our approach is not based on the weak maximum principle at infinity, and thus it permits us to generalize previous results concerning non-immersibility of stochastically complete submanifolds. We also produce estimates for the complete tower of moments for submanifolds with small mean curvature immersed into cylinders.Comment: We fixed one misprint in Remark 2.

    NASA Glenn Icing Research Tunnel: 2012 Cloud Calibration Procedure and Results

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    In 2011, NASA Glenn s Icing Research Tunnel underwent a major modification to it s refrigeration plant and heat exchanger. This paper presents the results of the subsequent full cloud calibration. Details of the calibration procedure and results are presented herein. The steps include developing a nozzle transfer map, establishing a uniform cloud, conducting a drop sizing calibration and finally a liquid water content calibration. The goal of the calibration is to develop a uniform cloud, and to build a transfer map from the inputs of air speed, spray bar atomizing air pressure and water pressure to the output of median volumetric droplet diameter and liquid water content

    An Assessment of the SEA Multi-Element Sensor for Liquid Water Content Calibration of the NASA GRC Icing Research Tunnel

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    The NASA Glenn Icing Research tunnel has been using an Icing Blade technique to measure cloud liquid water content (LWC) since 1980. The IRT conducted tests with SEA Multi-Element sensors from 2009 to 2011 to assess their performance in measuring LWC. These tests revealed that the Multi-Element sensors showed some significant advantages over the Icing Blade, particularly at higher water contents, higher impingement rates, and large drop sizes. Results of these and other tests are presented here

    Measuring and Interpreting Nuclear Transport in Neurodegenerative Disease-The Example of C9orf72 ALS

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    Transport from and into the nucleus is essential to all eukaryotic life and occurs through the nuclear pore complex (NPC). There are a multitude of data supporting a role for nuclear transport in neurodegenerative diseases, but actual transport assays in disease models have provided diverse outcomes. In this review, we summarize how nuclear transport works, which transport assays are available, and what matters complicate the interpretation of their results. Taking a specific type of ALS caused by mutations in C9orf72 as an example, we illustrate these complications, and discuss how the current data do not firmly answer whether the kinetics of nucleocytoplasmic transport are altered. Answering this open question has far-reaching implications, because a positive answer would imply that widespread mislocalization of proteins occurs, far beyond the reported mislocalization of transport reporters, and specific proteins such as FUS, or TDP43, and thus presents a challenge for future research