1,547 research outputs found

    Adsorption and Biodegradation of 1-Methyl Naphthalene Using Immobilized Pseudomonas macerans and Bacillus subtilis on Burnt Kaolin

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    This work is aimed at assessing the effect of incorporating Pseudomonas macerans and Bacillus subtilis on burnt kaolin (BK) during the biodegradation of 1-methyl naphthalene. The biodegradation was monitored by determining the concentration of CO2 released. Immobilized Pseudomonas macerans on BK released CO2 in the range of 0.72 - 0.83 mg/L, while this was 0.68 - 0.78 mg/L with Bacillus subtilis; for the degradation alone the range was 0.39 - 0.46 mg/L after 72 h. Generally, the concentration of carbon (IV) oxide released by the immobilized Pseudomonas macerans was more than that by Bacillus subtilis. Therefore, immobilization using BK resulted to better removal of the organic pollutant. The FTIR indicated presence of new peaks within the regions 3272-3265cm-1 and 1647-1640cm-1 attributed to overlapping of hydroxyl (-OH) and carbonyl (C=O) stretching in carboxylic acid. The absorptions within 1114-1088 cm-1, and at 1408cm-1 are due to C-O stretching and O-H in plane bending of carboxylic acid respectively. The use of kaolin for environmental clean-up of organic pollutants will enhance the value chain of solid minerals in Nigeria

    Higher Spins in AdS and Twistorial Holography

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    In this paper we simplify and extend previous work on three-point functions in Vasiliev's higher spin gauge theory in AdS4. We work in a gauge in which the space-time dependence of Vasiliev's master fields is gauged away completely, leaving only the internal twistor-like variables. The correlation functions of boundary operators can be easily computed in this gauge. We find complete agreement of the tree level three point functions of higher spin currents in Vasiliev's theory with the conjectured dual free O(N) vector theory.Comment: 23 pages. v3: minor errors fixed, added comments and reference

    SU(7) Unification of SU(3)_C*SU(4)_W* U(1)_{B-L}

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    We propose the SUSY SU(7) unification of the SU(3)_C* SU(4)_W* U(1)_{B-L} model. Such unification scenario has rich symmetry breaking chains in a five-dimensional orbifold. We study in detail the SUSY SU(7) symmetry breaking into SU(3)_C* SU(4)_W* U(1)_{B-L} by boundary conditions in a Randall-Sundrum background and its AdS/CFT interpretation. We find that successful gauge coupling unification can be achieved in our scenario. Gauge unification favors low left-right and unification scales with tree-level \sin^2\theta_W=0.15. We use the AdS/CFT dual of the conformal supersymmetry breaking scenario to break the remaining N=1 supersymmetry. We employ AdS/CFT to reproduce the NSVZ formula and obtain the structure of the Seiberg duality in the strong coupling region for 3/2N_c<N_F<3N_C. We show that supersymmetry is indeed broken in the conformal supersymmetry breaking scenario with a vanishing singlet vacuum expectation value.Comment: 25 pages, 1 figure

    Identification of a BRCA1-mRNA Splicing Complex Required for Efficient DNA Repair and Maintenance of Genomic Stability

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    Mutations within BRCA1 predispose carriers to a high risk of breast and ovarian cancers. BRCA1 functions to maintain genomic stability through the assembly of multiple protein complexes involved in DNA repair, cell-cycle arrest, and transcriptional regulation. Here, we report the identification of a DNA damage-induced BRCA1 protein complex containing BCLAF1 and other key components of the mRNA-splicing machinery. In response to DNA damage, this complex regulates pre-mRNA splicing of a number of genes involved in DNA damage signaling and repair, thereby promoting the stability of these transcripts/proteins. Further, we show that abrogation of this complex results in sensitivity to DNA damage, defective DNA repair, and genomic instability. Interestingly, mutations in a number of proteins found within this complex have been identified in numerous cancer types. These data suggest that regulation of splicing by the BRCA1-mRNA splicing complex plays an important role in the cellular response to DNA damage

    Stromal Cell-Derived Factor 1 Polymorphism in Retinal Vein Occlusion

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    BACKGROUND: Stromal cell-derived factor 1 (SDF1) has crucial role in the regulation of angiogenesis and ocular neovascularisation (NV). The purpose of this study was to evaluate the association between SDF1-3'G(801)A polymorphism and NV complications of retinal vein occlusion (RVO). METHODS: 130 patients with RVO (median age: 69.0, range 35-93 years; male/female- 58/72; 55 patients had central RVO, 75 patients had branch RVO) were enrolled in this study. In the RVO group, 40 (30.8%) patients were diagnosed with NV complications of RVO and 90 (69.2%) patients without NVs. The median follow up period was 40.3 months (range: 18-57 months). The SDF1-3'G(801)A polymorphism was detected by PCR-RFLP. Allelic prevalence was related to reference values obtained in the control group consisted of 125 randomly selected, age and gender matched, unrelated volunteers (median age: 68.0, range 36-95 years; male/female- 53/72). Statistical analysis of the allele and genotype differences between groups (RVO patients vs controls; RVO patients with NV vs RVO patients without NV) was determined by chi-squared test. P value of <0.05 was considered statistically significant. RESULTS: Hardy-Weinberg criteria was fulfilled in all groups. The SDF1-3'G(801)A allele and genotype frequencies of RVO patients were similar to controls (SDF1-3'A allele: 22.3% vs 20.8%; SDF1-3'(801)AA: 5.4% vs 4.8%, SDF1-3'(801)GG: 60.8% vs 63.2%). The frequency of SDF1-3'(801)AA and SDF1-3'(801)GA genotypes, as well as the SDF1-3'(801)A allele frequency were higher in RVO patients with NV versus in patients without NV complication (SDF1-3'(801)AA+AG genotypes: 57.5% vs 31.1%, p = 0.008; SDF1-3'(801)A allele: 35.0% vs 16.7%, p = 0.002) or versus controls (SDF1-3'(801)AA+AG genotypes 57.5% vs 36.8%, p = 0.021; SDF1-3'(801)A allele: 35.0% vs 20.8% p = 0.01). Carrying of SDF1-3'(801)A allele increased the risk of neovascularisation complications of RVO by 2.69 (OR, 95% CI = 1.47-4.93). CONCLUSION: These findings suggest that carrying SDF1-3'(801)A allele plays a role in the development of neovascular complications in retinal vein occlusion

    Superconformal Flavor Simplified

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    A simple explanation of the flavor hierarchies can arise if matter fields interact with a conformal sector and different generations have different anomalous dimensions under the CFT. However, in the original study by Nelson and Strassler many supersymmetric models of this type were considered to be 'incalculable' because the R-charges were not sufficiently constrained by the superpotential. We point out that nearly all such models are calculable with the use of a-maximization. Utilizing this, we construct the simplest vector-like flavor models and discuss their viability. A significant constraint on these models comes from requiring that the visible gauge couplings remain perturbative throughout the conformal window needed to generate the hierarchies. However, we find that there is a small class of simple flavor models that can evade this bound.Comment: 43 pages, 1 figure; V3: small corrections and clarifications, references adde

    Developing and paying for medicines for orphan indications in oncology: utilitarian regulation vs equitable care?

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    Despite ‘orphan drug' legislation, bringing new medicines for rare diseases to market and securing funding for their provision is sometimes both costly and problematic, even in the case of medicines for very rare ‘ultra orphan' oncological indications. In this paper difficulties surrounding the introduction of a new treatment for osteosarcoma exemplify the challenges that innovators can face. The implications of current policy debate on ‘value-based' medicines pricing in Europe, North America and elsewhere are also explored in the context of sustaining research into and facilitating cancer patient access to medicines for low-prevalence indications. Tensions exist between utilitarian strategies aimed at optimising the welfare of the majority in the society and minority-interest-focused approaches to equitable care provision. Current regulatory and pricing strategies should be revisited with the objective of facilitating fair and timely drug supply to patients without sacrificing safety or overall affordability. Failures effectively to tackle the problems considered here could undermine public interests in developing better therapies for cancer patients

    Intrinsic gain modulation and adaptive neural coding

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    In many cases, the computation of a neural system can be reduced to a receptive field, or a set of linear filters, and a thresholding function, or gain curve, which determines the firing probability; this is known as a linear/nonlinear model. In some forms of sensory adaptation, these linear filters and gain curve adjust very rapidly to changes in the variance of a randomly varying driving input. An apparently similar but previously unrelated issue is the observation of gain control by background noise in cortical neurons: the slope of the firing rate vs current (f-I) curve changes with the variance of background random input. Here, we show a direct correspondence between these two observations by relating variance-dependent changes in the gain of f-I curves to characteristics of the changing empirical linear/nonlinear model obtained by sampling. In the case that the underlying system is fixed, we derive relationships relating the change of the gain with respect to both mean and variance with the receptive fields derived from reverse correlation on a white noise stimulus. Using two conductance-based model neurons that display distinct gain modulation properties through a simple change in parameters, we show that coding properties of both these models quantitatively satisfy the predicted relationships. Our results describe how both variance-dependent gain modulation and adaptive neural computation result from intrinsic nonlinearity.Comment: 24 pages, 4 figures, 1 supporting informatio