1,331 research outputs found
Biodiversity is one of the components of the environment which plays an important role in shaping the ecosystem that provides life support on Earth. For that reason, the efforts to provide protection is necessary. Islam is very much aware of the important role of biodiversity, therefore Islam have participated in biodiversity protection through Islamic law. The protection of biodiversity in Islamic law demonstrated by the various rules derived from the Quran, hadith and fatwas of the scholars as well as demonstrated by the existence of conservation institution known as Hima and Zone Harim. Indonesia as the country with the second greatest biodiversity in the world and a country with a largest Muslim majority population in the world have an important role to develop and utilize the Islamic legal tradition in the protection of biodiversity in the scope of the provisions of national in order to increase the participation of Muslims globally in protection and preservation activities of the environment, especially biodiversity.Keyword : protection, biodiversity, islamic law, hima, harim zon
Suspension Representation Project, New Advocate TRAINING
Do you want to develop your oral advocacy skills as a 1L? Come join us if you are interested in criminal justice, juvenile justice, access to education, or civil rights?https://larc.cardozo.yu.edu/flyers-2017-2018/1004/thumbnail.jp
Optical fall detection with Asynchronous Temporal-Contrast Vision Sensors for independently living older people
Several studies have presented different issues of an ageing population including the need of enhancing care systems for older people using smart technologies. Falling accidents have a significant impact on healthy life expectancy and are a major problem among independently living older people. This paper presents a solution of the fall detection problem utilizing bio-inspired asynchronous temporal-contrast sensors and neural networks, realizing automated, robust, reliable and unobtrusive fall-detection. A noise reduction scheme suited to the unique nature of the sensor is presented, enabling their use in various applications in addition to fall detection. The process of transforming raw sensor output to a suitable neural network input is also described, along with the neural network creation process, including structure selection, training data assembly, and training algorithm selection for a truly large-scale network
IEC 61850 industrial communication simulator
Práce se zabývá komunikačními protokoly podle standardu IEC 61850. Konkrétně se jedná o protokoly SMV (Sampled Measured Values), GOOSE (Generic Object Oriented Substation Events) a MMS (Manufacturing Message Specification) a jejich využití v systémech SCADA. V práci je navržen simulátor, který na zařízení Raspberry Pi simuluje komunikaci pomocí zmíněných protokolů, dle standardu IEC 61850. Je simulována ochrana přepětí, podpětí, jistič, odpojovač, HMI. Pro ovládání stanice je využit protokol MMS. Simulace je ovlivnitelná uživatelem z konfiguračních textových souborů.This thesis is focused on IEC 61850 communication protocols SMV, GOOSE and MMS and their implementation in SCADA systems. There is a simulator, run on Raspberry Pi, that generates data according to IEC 61850 and transmits the data using protocols in question. The simulation consist of various virtual devices e.g. surge protection, undervoltage protection, circuit breaker, disconnector, HMI. The MMS protocol is used for station control. Simulation can be user-defined from textual configuration file.
Web localization within the process of translation
Tato práce je primárně zaměřena na proces webové lokalizace v rámci překladu. V práci je definován samotný význam lokalizace, její historie, zařazení v rámci studií překladu, rozdíl mezi lokalizací a kulturní adaptací. V praktické části jsou konkrétní příkladů úrovní lokalizace českých webů, podle rozdělení Jiménéze-Crespa.The main subject of this thesis is the process of localization within the process of translation. In the thesis the term of localization is defined, history of localization, localization in translation studies. Specific examples of each localization level, proposed by Jiménez-Crespo, on Czech websites are shown in practical part.
Respiratory physiotherapy in neurology
U velké části neurologických onemocnění se na první místo příčin úmrtí řadí pneumonie. Respirační fyzioterapie patří mezi nefarmakologické možnosti pro podporu hygieny dýchacích cest. Současný stav poznání respirační fyzioterapie u neurologických pacientů však není uspokojivý. Cílem této práce bylo ověření efektivity rezistentního tréninku výdechového svalstva (RTVS) u tří neurologických onemocnění: roztroušené sklerózy (RS), Parkinsonovy nemoci (PN) a multisystémové atrofie (MSA). Výsledky této práce ukazují: 1) u pacientů s RS vedl RTVS k významnému zvýšení síly výdechového svalstva a síly vědomě navozeného kašle. Prokázali jsme tedy, že RTVS představuje efektivní metodu respirační fyzioterapie v podpoře hygieny dýchacích cest u pacientů s RS. 2) U pacientů s PN jsme nejprve v demografické studii zjistili, že současný model fyzioterapeutické péče o tyto pacienty není v České republice optimální, nedochází k dostatečnému využívání technik respirační fyzioterapie, a je tedy zapotřebí jeho reorganizace. 3) Pro potřeby podpory adherence pacientů s PN v domácím RTVS vytvořili a patentovali mobilní aplikaci SpiroGym, která poskytuje vizuální zpětnou vazbu při tréninku a zasílá výsledky tréninku přes zabezpečený server přímo terapeutovi pro telemedicínské potřeby. V pilotní studii jsme ověřili její...Pneumonia is the leading cause of death in a large proportion of neurological diseases. Respiratory physiotherapy serves as a non-pharmacological option for supporting airway hygiene. However, current awareness of respiratory physiotherapy in neurological patients is not satisfactory. The aim of this thesis is to verify the effectiveness of expiratory muscle strength training (EMST) in three neurological diseases: multiple sclerosis (MS), Parkinson's disease (PD) and multiple system atrophy (MSA). The results of this thesis show: 1) EMST led to a significant increase in expiratory muscle strength and voluntary peak cough flow in patients with MS. Therefore, we have shown that EMST is an effective method of respiratory physiotherapy in promoting airway hygiene in patients with MS. 2) We found in a demographic study that the PD healthcare model in Czechia is suboptimal. The utilization of a respiratory physiotherapy is low, and therefore its reorganization is needed. 3) We developed and patented a mobile application SpiroGym which provides visual feedback during training and sends the training results via a secure server directly to the therapist for telemedicine needs. In a pilot study, we verified its feasibility in patients with PD. The study results indicate that EMST coupled with the SpiroGym...Department of Neurology First Faculty of Medicine Charles University and General University Hospital in PragueNeurologická klinika 1. LF UK a VFN1. lékařská fakultaFirst Faculty of Medicin
Field plate optimization in low-power high-gain source-gated transistors
Source-gated transistors (SGTs) have potentially very high output impedance and low saturation voltages, which make them ideal as building blocks for high-performance analog circuits fabricated in thin-film technologies. The quality of saturation is greatly influenced by the design of the field-relief structure incorporated into the source electrode. Starting from measurements on self-aligned polysilicon structures, we show through numerical simulations how the field plate (FP) design can be improved. A simple source FP around 1 μm long situated several tens of nanometers above the semiconductor can increase the low-voltage intrinsic gain by more than two orders of magnitude and offers adequate tolerance to process variations in a moderately scaled thin-film SGT. © 2012 IEEE
Solution processable multi-channel ZnO nanowire field-effect transistors with organic gate dielectric
The present work focuses on nanowire (NW) applications as semiconducting elements in solution processable field-effect transistors (FETs) targeting large-area low-cost electronics. We address one of the main challenges related to NW deposition and alignment by using dielectrophoresis (DEP) to select multiple ZnO nanowires with the correct length, and to attract, orientate and position them in predefined substrate locations. High-performance top-gate ZnO NW FETs are demonstrated on glass substrates with organic gate dielectric layers and surround source–drain contacts. Such devices are hybrids, in which inorganic multiple single-crystal ZnO NWs and organic gate dielectric are synergic in a single system. Current–voltage (I–V) measurements of a representative hybrid device demonstrate excellent device performance with high on/off ratio of ~107, steep subthreshold swing (s-s) of ~400 mV/dec and high electron mobility of ~35 cm2 V−1 s−1 in N2 ambient. Stable device operation is demonstrated after 3 months of air exposure, where similar device parameters are extracted including on/off ratio of ~4 × 106, s-s ~500 mV/dec and field-effect mobility of ~28 cm2 V−1 s−1. These results demonstrate that DEP can be used to assemble multiples of NWs from solvent formulations to enable low-temperature hybrid transistor fabrication for large-area inexpensive electronics
Incorporating intraspecific trait variation into functional diversity: Impacts of selective logging on birds in Borneo
1. As conservation increasingly recognises the importance of species’ functional roles in ecosystem processes, studies are shifting away from measuring species richness towards measures that account for the functional differences between species in a community. These functional diversity (FD) indices have received much recent attention and refinement, but their greatest limitation remains their inability to incorporate information about intraspecific trait variation (ITV). 2. We use an individual-based model to account for ITV when calculating the functional diversity of two avian communities in Borneo; one in primary (unlogged) forest and one in selectively logged forest. We deal with the scarcity of trait data for individual species by developing a simulation approach, taking data from the literature where necessary. Using a bootstrapping procedure, we produce a range of ecologically feasible FD values taking account of ITV for five commonly-used FD indices, and we quantify the confidence that can be placed in these values using a newly-developed bootstrapping method: btFD. 3. We found that incorporating ITV significantly altered the FD values of all indices used in our models. The rank order of FD for the two communities, indicating whether diversity was higher in primary or selectively logged forest, was largely unchanged by the inclusion of ITV. However, by accounting for ITV, we were able to reveal previously unrecognized impacts of selective logging on avian functional diversity through a narrower dispersion of individuals in functional trait space in logged forest. 4. Our results highlight the importance of incorporating ITV into measures of functional diversity, whilst our simulation approach addresses the frequently encountered difficulty of working with sparse trait data and quantifies the confidence that should be placed in such findings
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