114,821 research outputs found

    Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Public Management (ICPM 2016) Analysis Of The Factors For The Strengthening Of The Indonesian Traditional Market

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    The traditional market is heavily developed by the Indonesian Government in the last two decades, where as one of the underpinning national economy, it is improved hold many labor, a main container product sales – products of people's economy. As the traditional market of public space has local identity that strengthens national identity, which requires strengthening in order to awake functions and its society role, the region and nation. Some policies have been implemented by the Government, such as revitalizing and coaching. In conjunction relates this strengthening traditional markets necessity so it can grow and optimally beneficial. This research analyzes the strengthening traditional markets factors in Indonesia, with a case study on Pasar Gede in Solo and Panorama market in Bengkulu. The findings that gain factors strengthening the traditional market is the local identity strengthening, strengthening governance, the physical strengthening, the society participation strengthening, as well as local interaction patterns strengthening

    Pembangunan kerangka transferable skills bagi perlaksanaan penyelidikan dalam kalangan pelajar pascasiswazah di Malaysia

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    Malaysia berhasrat menjadi negara maju dan berpendapatan tinggi maka keperluan sumber manusia profesional iaitu graduan pascasiswazah adalah semakin mendesak. Namun demikian, timbul isu tentang tekanan yang dihadapi pelajar dalam menjalankan penyelidikan, seperti putus asa, hilang minat, hilang keyakinan diri, tidak fokus, mengalami tekanan mental, ketandusan idea, tidak mencapai target yang diinginkan, hilang komitmen dan gagal dalam menamatkan pengajian. Terdapat keperluan terhadap peranan transferable skills untuk melakukan pelbagai aktiviti, untuk mencapai sasaran dan menyelesaikan masalah yang timbul sepanjang proses penyelidikan. Oleh itu, kajian ini dilaksanakan untuk membangunkan kerangka transferable skills bagi perlaksanaan penyelidikan dalam kalangan pelajar pascasiswazah di Malaysia. Dalam kajian ini, pengkaji menggunakan reka bentuk penerokaan bercampur berurutan yang melibatkan kajian kualitatif dan kajian kuantitatif. Peserta temu bual iaitu seramai 11 orang pakar dan peserta kajian Fuzzy Delphi iaitu 13 orang pakar, yang telah dipilih menggunakan kaedah persampelan bertujuan. Sampel bagi kajian tinjauan pula iaitu seramai 483 pelajar pascasiswazah dalam bidang sains sosial dan kemanusiaan di universiti awam yang terdapat di Malaysia, telah dipilih menggunakan kaedah pensampelan rawak berlapis mengikut kadar. Dapatan kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa terdapat enam domain transferable skills dan 22 elemen transferable skills. Kajian ini mendapati bahawa pelajar Sarjana dan Doktor Falsafah memberikan tahap persetujuan yang tinggi terhadap enam domain dan 22 elemen transferable skills. Hasil dapatan kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa tidak terdapat perbezaan kesesuaian domain dan elemen transferable skills untuk menjalankan proses penyelidikan berdasarkan pelajar Sarjana dan Doktor Falsafah (PhD). Kajian ini juga mendapati bahawa kerangka transferable skills yang dibangunkan adalah sah dan boleh dipercayai untuk menjadi panduan bagi perlaksanaan penyelidikan dalam kalangan pelajar pascasiswazah di Malaysia. Oleh yang demikian, pengkaji berharap kerangka transferable skills yang dibangunkan melalui kajian ini dapat menjadi panduan bagi pelajar pascasiswazah untuk mencapai target yang diinginkan dan dapat menyelesaikan penyelidikan sebagaimana tempoh yang ditetapkan sehingga berjaya menamatkan pengajian

    Language Functions Used by the Main Character in Sherlock Holmes II: a Game of Shadows Movie

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    This research focused on language functions used by the main character in “Sherlock Holmes” movie. The aims were to find the use of language functions and describe the dominant types of language functions used in “Sherlock Holmes” movie. The data were the dialogue of the main character in “Sherlock Holmes” movie in the first forty minutes of the movie. The research was conducted by using descriptive qualitative research. The findings show that there are six types of language functions used by the main character in “Sherlock Holmes” movie. They are expressive, directive, referential, metalinguistic, phatic, and poetic. The most dominant type of language function is metalinguistic. It means that the main character conveys code analysis by asking questions to the people so that he might invent clue for the sake of his investigation

    The Lateral Torsional Buckling of I Beams with Cross Beams

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    High flexural-rigid cross beams at the joints of a main beam can function as restraining members to prevent rotation during lateral torsional buckling (LTB). With less flexural-rigid members, joint rotation results in a decrease of the main beam’s LTB critical moment. This paper elucidates the cross beam’s minimum flexural rigidity to prevent the main beam’s joint rotation during torsional buckling. It is assumed that material behaves elastically, the beam’s web doesn’t undergo distortions, and shear forces effects are neglected. The cross-beam’s flexural rigidity is represented by a spiral spring. Under buckling, this spring produces a torque moment, proportional to the joint rotation. The torque will disturb the main beam’s LTB equation system. By adjusting the spring constant, the joint rotation is minimized, thus reducing the torque’s disturbing effect within the equation. By neglecting this effect, the LTB equations at all fields of main beam are identical to the general buckling equations for constant moments. For n cross beams, 4 (n+1) integration constants are resulted. By applying the boundary conditions at beam ends and utilizing the geometry and natural boundary conditions at the joints, 4 (n+1) homogeneous equations for the integration constant are obtained. By conducting the trial and error method, the critical moment resulting in a zero determinant for the homogeneous equation coefficient matrix is acquired. Then, the LTB first-mode deformation shape can be drawn. The analysis shows that to achieve the critical moment, a main beam having a cross beam located at mid span needs the most optimum (smallest) flexural rigidity of cross beam than when it is in other locations (L/2). Observing the first-mode shape, for a certain spring constant value, the rotation at the joint will approach zero


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan meningkatkan kompetensi pedagogi dan kompetensi vokasional mahasiswa peserta mata kuliah Sistem Video. Sehingga mahasiswa lebih siap dalam menempuh pengajaran mikro dan berhasil dalam Pelaksanaan Praktek Lapangan di sekolah. Penelitian dilatar belakangi adanya beberapa mahasiswa yang gagal dalam menempuh mata kuliah Pelaksanaan Praktek Lapangan (PPL) dan pengajaran mikro. Penelitian menggunakan desain tindakan kelas yang dilakukan pada semester ganjil tahun ajaran 2009/2010 dengan jumlah mahasiswa 34 orang. Pada awal tindakan peneliti membekali mahasiswa tentang penyusunan RPP, pengajaran mikro. Mereka difasilitasi modul pembelajaran dalam bentuk soft copy hardcopy, link dengan informasi terkait dalam BESMART, konsultasi dilayani melalui email, chating. Membentuk kelompok ahli masing-masing terdiri dari 4-5 anggota mereka meyusun RPP, melengkapi materi, evaluasi hasil belajar dan media pembelajaran. Kemudian membentuk kelompok baru sejumlah 4-5 orang sesuai jumlah topik yang dibahas. Setiap mahasiswa bertindak sebagai guru menyampaikan materi kepada anggotanya yang berasal dari tim ahli yang berbeda serta mengevaluasi pemahaman mereka. Sedangkan mahasiswa yang berperan sebagai siswa menilai cara mengajar temannya yang berlaku sebagai guru. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan observasi, kuesioner dam tes hasil belajar kemudian dianalisis deskriptip. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan penerapan model pembelajaran pendekatan kooperatif Jigsaw dengan peer teaching dari siklus ke siklus : 1) meningkatkan kompetensi pedagogi meliputi peningkatan kemampuan membuat persiapan pembelajaran, pelaksanaan pembelajaran, evaluasi pembelajaran. 2) meningkatkan kompetensi vokasional 3) mendapat respon positip dari mahasiwa karena pembelajaran lebih bermakna dan merasa dilatih untuk mengajar serta lebih memahami gambaran tugas guru


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    This study is aimed at describing the speech plannings employed by the fourth semester students of English Department, Dian Nuswantoro University in making conversation with their friends. The data was collected by recording the students’ conversation. The conversation lasted for about 30 minutes. The data, then, was transcribed into the written form. In analyzing the data, the writer used the framework proposed by Faerch and Kasper (1983:214). The result showed that the speech plannings the students usually attempted in making conversation are: temporal variables such as pause (filled), drawls ; hesitation phenomena such as filled pause, repetition, and correction; and other phenomena like slip, switch, uptake signal, and interjection. From the kinds of speech plannings mentioned above it can be said that pauses (filled) were the most attempted by the students so they could gain time for execution. In general, the speech plannings attempted by the students indicate that the students’ speaking readiness is low. In other words, they often find problems in their conversation


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    A research on policy nationalism guidance through in traditional markets management in the province of Central Java is implemented in “Pasar Gede Solo” with qualitative methods. The reason for selecting “Pasar Gede Solo” because of Solo City has a lot of cultural heritages that are still held strong until today. The cultural heritage is the local identity. The Local identity can develop into the province identity, then to be the national identity. A strong national identity shows high Nationalism which reflected from loyalty, passion and pride of the nation itself. The number of local identities in “Pasar Gede Solo” is likely to evolve into national identity should be encouraged to preserve the Government's policy to strengthen Indonesia Nationalism


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    This paper is intended to expose the importance of cross-cultural competenc to improve English oral communication effectively. The background of this paper is due to my teaching experience in English Department of School of Bumiayu Islamic Teacher Training. (CCU)course is offered to the students in the sixth semester. To know the students’ knowledge about cross-culture, in the begining of semester session, before they got the materials, the writer instructed them to make a group of two or three, then practiced communicating in English. The number of the students in a class is thirty five, so there are about twelve groups. Each group was then extended one topic to perform in the role play. The writer took several topics from the guidance book entitled ‘Business Across Culture: Effective Communication Straegies’. Based on practicing to communicate in English with foreigners through role plays, most students still performed/showed Javanese or moslem attitude in which are not appropriate with foreign’s culture. Meanwhile, the cultural competence will affect practically some aspect of language use. It can influence the foreigners’ respond whether or not they accept the communicator’s attitude. Negative or inappropriate impression of English learners of course can inhibit the effective communication


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    Language varies not only according to the social characteristics of the speaker ( such as his social class, ethnic group, age ,and sex ) but also according to the social context in which he finds himself. The same speaker uses different linguistic varieties in different situations and for different purposes. This study is aimed at describing the language varieties maintained in several social contexts in Semarang city such as market, police office, university, etc. The data were collected by using observation and note taking on some conversations occurred on those contexts, then, they were analyzed based on the theories of language varieties proposed by Trudgill (1984). The result showed that the social contexts or social situations that can come into play in controlling language varieties in Semarang city are : relationship between participants such as the degree of intimacy, the degree of social status, and power and solidarity; occupational situation, and degree of formality. In the degree of intimacy and the degree of social status, the lower the degree the higher style the language used. Power is a relationship between at least two persons, and it is non- reciprocal in the sense that both cannot have power in the same area of behaviour. Occupational situation was usually characterized solely by vocabulary differences and was simply a rather special case of a particular kind of language being produced by social situation. Degree of formality was usually characterized by the situation in which the conversation took place
