
Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Public Management (ICPM 2016) Analysis Of The Factors For The Strengthening Of The Indonesian Traditional Market


The traditional market is heavily developed by the Indonesian Government in the last two decades, where as one of the underpinning national economy, it is improved hold many labor, a main container product sales – products of people's economy. As the traditional market of public space has local identity that strengthens national identity, which requires strengthening in order to awake functions and its society role, the region and nation. Some policies have been implemented by the Government, such as revitalizing and coaching. In conjunction relates this strengthening traditional markets necessity so it can grow and optimally beneficial. This research analyzes the strengthening traditional markets factors in Indonesia, with a case study on Pasar Gede in Solo and Panorama market in Bengkulu. The findings that gain factors strengthening the traditional market is the local identity strengthening, strengthening governance, the physical strengthening, the society participation strengthening, as well as local interaction patterns strengthening

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