1,247 research outputs found

    Light-cone-like spreading of correlations in a quantum many-body system

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    How fast can correlations spread in a quantum many-body system? Based on the seminal work by Lieb and Robinson, it has recently been shown that several interacting many-body systems exhibit an effective light cone that bounds the propagation speed of correlations. The existence of such a "speed of light" has profound implications for condensed matter physics and quantum information, but has never been observed experimentally. Here we report on the time-resolved detection of propagating correlations in an interacting quantum many-body system. By quenching a one-dimensional quantum gas in an optical lattice, we reveal how quasiparticle pairs transport correlations with a finite velocity across the system, resulting in an effective light cone for the quantum dynamics. Our results open important perspectives for understanding relaxation of closed quantum systems far from equilibrium as well as for engineering efficient quantum channels necessary for fast quantum computations.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, 2 table

    Succinct Data Structures for Families of Interval Graphs

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    We consider the problem of designing succinct data structures for interval graphs with nn vertices while supporting degree, adjacency, neighborhood and shortest path queries in optimal time in the Θ(logn)\Theta(\log n)-bit word RAM model. The degree query reports the number of incident edges to a given vertex in constant time, the adjacency query returns true if there is an edge between two vertices in constant time, the neighborhood query reports the set of all adjacent vertices in time proportional to the degree of the queried vertex, and the shortest path query returns a shortest path in time proportional to its length, thus the running times of these queries are optimal. Towards showing succinctness, we first show that at least nlogn2nloglognO(n)n\log{n} - 2n\log\log n - O(n) bits are necessary to represent any unlabeled interval graph GG with nn vertices, answering an open problem of Yang and Pippenger [Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 2017]. This is augmented by a data structure of size nlogn+O(n)n\log{n} +O(n) bits while supporting not only the aforementioned queries optimally but also capable of executing various combinatorial algorithms (like proper coloring, maximum independent set etc.) on the input interval graph efficiently. Finally, we extend our ideas to other variants of interval graphs, for example, proper/unit interval graphs, k-proper and k-improper interval graphs, and circular-arc graphs, and design succinct/compact data structures for these graph classes as well along with supporting queries on them efficiently

    Topologically protected localised states in spin chains

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    We consider spin chain families inspired by the Su, Schrieffer and Hegger (SSH) model. We demonstrate explicitly the topologically induced spatial localisation of quantum states in our systems. We present detailed investigations of the effects of random noise, showing that these topologically protected states are very robust against this type of perturbation. Systems with such topological robustness are clearly good candidates for quantum information tasks and we discuss some potential applications. Thus, we present interesting spin chain models which show promising applications for quantum devices

    Quantum Computing Without Wavefunctions: Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory for Universal Quantum Computation

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    We prove that the theorems of TDDFT can be extended to a class of qubit Hamiltonians that are universal for quantum computation. The theorems of TDDFT applied to universal Hamiltonians imply that single-qubit expectation values can be used as the basic variables in quantum computation and information theory, rather than wavefunctions. From a practical standpoint this opens the possibility of approximating observables of interest in quantum computations directly in terms of single-qubit quantities (i.e. as density functionals). Additionally, we also demonstrate that TDDFT provides an exact prescription for simulating universal Hamiltonians with other universal Hamiltonians that have different, and possibly easier-to-realize two-qubit interactions. This establishes the foundations of TDDFT for quantum computation and opens the possibility of developing density functionals for use in quantum algorithms

    U.S. Physicians’ Views on Financing Options to Expand Health Insurance Coverage: A National Survey

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    Background: Physician opinion can influence the prospects for health care reform, yet there are few recent data on physician views on reform proposals or access to medical care in the United States. Objective: To assess physician views on financing options for expanding health care coverage and on access to health care. Design and Participants: Nationally representative mail survey conducted between March 2007 and October 2007 of U.S. physicians engaged in direct patient care. Measurements: Rated support for reform options including financial incentives to induce individuals to purchase health insurance and single-payer national health insurance; rated views of several dimensions of access to care. Main results: 1,675 of 3,300 physicians responded (50.8%). Only 9% of physicians preferred the current employer-based financing system. Forty-nine percent favored either tax incentives or penalties to encourage the purchase of medical insurance, and 42% preferred a government-run, taxpayer-financed single-payer national health insurance program. The majority of respondents believed that all Americans should receive needed medical care regardless of ability to pay (89%); 33% believed that the uninsured currently have access to needed care. Nearly one fifth of respondents (19.3%) believed that even the insured lack access to needed care. Views about access were independently associated with support for single-payer national health insurance. Conclusions: The vast majority of physicians surveyed supported a change in the health care financing system. While a plurality support the use of financial incentives, a substantial proportion support single payer national health insurance. These findings challenge the perception that fundamental restructuring of the U.S. health care financing system receives little acceptance by physicians

    Do knowledge infrastructure facilities support Evidence-Based Practice in occupational health? An exploratory study across countries among occupational physicians enrolled on Evidence-Based Medicine courses

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM) is an important method used by occupational physicians (OPs) to deliver high quality health care. The presence and quality of a knowledge infrastructure is thought to influence the practice of EBM in occupational health care. This study explores the facilities in the knowledge infrastructure being used by OPs in different countries, and their perceived importance for EBM practice.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Thirty-six OPs from ten countries, planning to attend an EBM course and to a large extent recruited via the European Association of Schools of Occupational Medicine (EASOM), participated in a cross-sectional study.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Research and development institutes, and knowledge products and tools are used by respectively more than 72% and more than 80% of the OPs and they are rated as being important for EBM practice (more than 65 points (range 0–100)). Conventional knowledge access facilities, like traditional libraries, are used often (69%) but are rated as less important (46.8 points (range 0–100)) compared to the use of more novel facilities, like question-and-answer facilities (25%) that are rated as more important (48.9 points (range 0–100)). To solve cases, OPs mostly use non evidence-based sources. However, they regard the evidence-based sources that are not often used, e.g. the Cochrane library, as important enablers for practising EBM. The main barriers are lack of time, payment for full-text articles, language barrier (most texts are in English), and lack of skills and support.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This first exploratory study shows that OPs use many knowledge infrastructure facilities and rate them as being important for their EBM practice. However, they are not used to use evidence-based sources in their practice and face many barriers that are comparable to the barriers physicians face in primary health care.</p

    The search for transient astrophysical neutrino emission with IceCube-DeepCore

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    We present the results of a search for astrophysical sources of brief transient neutrino emission using IceCube and DeepCore data acquired between 2012 May 15 and 2013 April 30. While the search methods employed in this analysis are similar to those used in previous IceCube point source searches, the data set being examined consists of a sample of predominantly sub-TeV muon-neutrinos from the Northern Sky (-5 degrees < delta < 90 degrees) obtained through a novel event selection method. This search represents a first attempt by IceCube to identify astrophysical neutrino sources in this relatively unexplored energy range. The reconstructed direction and time of arrival of neutrino events are used to search for any significant self-correlation in the data set. The data revealed no significant source of transient neutrino emission. This result has been used to construct limits at timescales ranging from roughly 1 s to 10 days for generic soft-spectra transients. We also present limits on a specific model of neutrino emission from soft jets in core-collapse supernovae


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    One hundred and five generic types of Pleosporales are described and illustrated. A brief introduction and detailed history with short notes on morphology, molecular phylogeny as well as a general conclusion of each genus are provided. For those genera where the type or a representative specimen is unavailable, a brief note is given. Altogether 174 genera of Pleosporales are treated. Phaeotrichaceae as well as Kriegeriella, Zeuctomorpha and Muroia are excluded from Pleosporales. Based on the multigene phylogenetic analysis, the suborder Massarineae is emended to accommodate five families, viz. Lentitheciaceae, Massarinaceae, Montagnulaceae, Morosphaeriaceae and Trematosphaeriaceae

    Ratio of the Isolated Photon Cross Sections at \sqrt{s} = 630 and 1800 GeV

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    The inclusive cross section for production of isolated photons has been measured in \pbarp collisions at s=630\sqrt{s} = 630 GeV with the \D0 detector at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider. The photons span a transverse energy (ETE_T) range from 7-49 GeV and have pseudorapidity η<2.5|\eta| < 2.5. This measurement is combined with to previous \D0 result at s=1800\sqrt{s} = 1800 GeV to form a ratio of the cross sections. Comparison of next-to-leading order QCD with the measured cross section at 630 GeV and ratio of cross sections show satisfactory agreement in most of the ETE_T range.Comment: 7 pages. Published in Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 251805, (2001

    Search for Gravitational Waves from Primordial Black Hole Binary Coalescences in the Galactic Halo

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    We use data from the second science run of the LIGO gravitational-wave detectors to search for the gravitational waves from primordial black hole (PBH) binary coalescence with component masses in the range 0.2--1.0M1.0 M_\odot. The analysis requires a signal to be found in the data from both LIGO observatories, according to a set of coincidence criteria. No inspiral signals were found. Assuming a spherical halo with core radius 5 kpc extending to 50 kpc containing non-spinning black holes with masses in the range 0.2--1.0M1.0 M_\odot, we place an observational upper limit on the rate of PBH coalescence of 63 per year per Milky Way halo (MWH) with 90% confidence.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, to be submitted to Phys. Rev.