2,450 research outputs found

    Some of the terrestrial effects of AR 5395

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    Active Region 5395 was extraordinary for both its flare production for a complete disk transit and for one of the largest geomagnetic storms on record. Some of the more dramatic terrestrial effects resulting from the flare activity are briefly discussed

    A pilot study to measure dynamic elasticity of the bladder during urodynamics

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    AIMS: Previous studies using isolated strips of human detrusor muscle identified adjustable preload tension, a novel mechanism that acutely regulates detrusor wall tension. The purpose of this investigation was to develop a method to identify a correlate measure of adjustable preload tension during urodynamics. METHODS: Patients reporting urgency most or all of the time based on ICIq-OAB survey scores were prospectively enrolled in an extended repeat fill-and-empty urodynamics study designed to identify a correlate of adjustable preload tension which we now call dynamic elasticity. Cystometric capacity was determined during initial fill. Repeat fills to defined percentages of capacity with passive emptying (via syringe aspiration) were performed to strain soften the bladder. A complete fill with active voiding was included to determine whether human bladder exhibits reversible strain softening. RESULTS: Five patients completed the extended urodynamics study. Intravesical pressure (p(ves)) decreased with subsequent fills and was significantly lower during Fill 3 compared to Fill 1 (P=0.008), demonstrating strain softening. Active voiding after Fill 3 caused strain softening reversal, with p(ves) in Fill 4 returning to the baseline measured during Fill 1 (P=0.29). Dynamic elasticity, the urodynamic correlate of adjustable preload tension, was calculated as the amount of strain softening (or its reversal) per %capacity (average p(ves) between fills/%capacity). Dynamic elasticity was lost via repeat passive filling and emptying (strain softening) and regained after active voiding regulated the process (strain softening reversal). CONCLUSIONS: Improved understanding of dynamic elasticity in the human bladder could lead to both improved sub-typing and novel treatments of overactive bladder

    Dyspnoe: Objektivierung des Subjektiven oder die Quadratur des Zirkels

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    Zusammenfassung: Die Dyspnoe wird definiert als "subjektiv unangenehme Wahrnehmung des Atmens, die sich aus qualitativ umschriebenen Empfindungen von unterschiedlicher Intensität zusammensetzt". Dyspnoe ist wohl eines der häufigsten und gleichzeitig eines der schwierigsten sowie am wenigsten verstandenen klinischen Symptome. Erst seit Kurzem wird die Atemnot - analog den schon vor Jahrzehnten erarbeiteten Konzepten bezüglich des Symptoms Schmerz - in differenzierter Art und Weise betrachtet. Die Modalitäten umfassen neben der Intensität auch den Grad des Missempfindens und die emotionale Reaktion, d.h. sensorische und affektive Dimensionen. Dazu kommen Angst, Depression und andere psychologische Faktoren, ausgelöst nicht nur durch die Symptome der Dyspnoe sondern auch durch die vielfältigen Aspekte der zugrunde liegenden Krankheit. Diese multidimensionalen Aspekte sollten heute unbedingt mit krankheitsspezifischen Lebensqualitätsfragebögen erfasst werde

    SchlĂĽssel zur Diagnostik in der Pneumologie: Anamnese und klinische Untersuchung

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    Zusammenfassung: Im Zeitalter der hoch technisierten Medizin werden Anamnese und klinische Untersuchung zunehmend in den Hintergrund gedrängt. Es ist aber eine Tatsache, dass damit auch heute noch 80% aller Diagnosen gestellt werden können. Falls überhaupt notwendig, dienen weitere, zumeist apparative Tests nur noch der Bestätigung der Diagnose. Eine kompetente Anamnese und klinische Untersuchung machen nicht selten teure und/oder zeitaufwendige Explorationen unnötig. Vor allem gilt es zu betonen, dass die aufgrund des klinischen Eindrucks gewonnene subjektive Einschätzung der Vortest-Wahrscheinlichkeit für das Vorliegen einer Krankheit eine unabdingbare Voraussetzung für die Bewertung weiterer Testresultate is

    Ankylosing spondylitis and sarcoidosis — Coincidence or association?

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    We report a 25-year-old woman presenting with sarcoidosis and bilateral sacroiliitis. Her sarcoidosis related symptoms (malaise, cough and dyspnoea) improved dramatically under treatment with steroids but severe back pain persisted. Only seven similar cases have been described over the last 40 years and the question of a possible association between the two diseases has been raised. However, prevalence data from the literature and the apparent lack of genetic links are better arguments for coincidence than for association

    Mountains Made in Switzerland: Facts and Concerns in Nineteenth-Century Cartography

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    Cultural history has investigated the appropriation of mountain wilderness in considerable detail, without however systematically including the contributions of science and technology in the process. This paper suggests a way of filling this gap. It argues that cartography was instrumental in giving mountains their modern shape. In the course of the nineteenth century, mountains arguably gained a new factual existence at the intersection of new aesthetic, scientific, economic, and political concerns with landscape. Taking the case of Swiss cartography, the paper shows how mapmakers strived to represent this matter of concern in ever more perfect ways, culminating in the three-dimensional rendering of mountains as plaster reliefs. The paper concludes with the observation that this transformation is to a certain extent irreversible. The mountains made in Switzerland in the nineteenth century are probably here to sta

    Relationship between perceived and actual quality of data checking

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    Data quality is critical to reaching correct research conclusions. Researchers attempt to ensure that they have accurate data by checking the data after it has been entered. Previous research has demonstrated that some methods of data checking are better than others, but not all researchers use the best methods. Perhaps researchers continue to use less optimal data checking methods because they mistakenly believe that they are highly accurate. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between perceived data quality and actual data quality. A total of 29 participants completed this study. Participants checked that letters and numbers had been entered correctly into the computer using one of three randomly assigned data checking methods. Afterwards, they rated the quality of their data checking method. The sample correlations between perceived and actual data quality were small to moderate and confidence intervals for the population correlations did not include high values. We conclude that the relationship between actual and perceived data quality is not high

    Activity of oxantel pamoate monotherapy and combination chemotherapy against Trichuris muris and hookworms : revival of an old drug

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    BACKGROUND: It is widely recognized that only a handful of drugs are available against soil-transmitted helminthiasis, all of which are characterized by a low efficacy against Trichuris trichiura, when administered as single doses. The re-evaluation of old, forgotten drugs is a promising strategy to identify alternative anthelminthic drug candidates or drug combinations. METHODOLOGY: We studied the activity of the veterinary drug oxantel pamoate against Trichuris muris, Ancylostoma ceylanicum and Necator americanus in vitro and in vivo. In addition, the dose-effect of oxantel pamoate combined with albendazole, mebendazole, levamisole, pyrantel pamoate and ivermectin was studied against T. muris in vitro and additive or synergistic combinations were followed up in vivo. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We calculated an ED50 of 4.7 mg/kg for oxantel pamoate against T. muris in mice. Combinations of oxantel pamoate with pyrantel pamoate behaved antagonistically in vitro (combination index (CI) = 2.53). Oxantel pamoate combined with levamisole, albendazole or ivermectin using ratios based on their ED50s revealed antagonistic effects in vivo (CI = 1.27, 1.90 and 1.27, respectively). A highly synergistic effect (CI = 0.15) was observed when oxantel pamoate-mebendazole was administered to T. muris-infected mice. Oxantel pamoate (10 mg/kg) lacked activity against Ancylostoma ceylanicum and Necator americanus in vivo. CONCLUSIONSIGNIFICANCE: Our study confirms the excellent trichuricidal properties of oxantel pamoate. Since the drug lacks activity against hookworms it is necessary to combine oxantel pamoate with a partner drug with anti-hookworm properties. Synergistic effects were observed for oxantel pamoate-mebendazole, hence this combination should be studied in more detail. Since, of the standard drugs, albendazole has the highest efficacy against hookworms, additional investigations on the combination effect of oxantel pamoate-albendazole should be launche
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