683 research outputs found

    Skeletal muscle transcriptional coactivator PGC-1alpha mediates mitochondrial, but not metabolic, changes during calorie restriction

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    Calorie restriction (CR) is a dietary intervention that extends lifespan and healthspan in a variety of organisms. CR improves mitochondrial energy production, fuel oxidation, and reactive oxygen species (ROS) scavenging in skeletal muscle and other tissues, and these processes are thought to be critical to the benefits of CR. PGC-1alpha is a transcriptional coactivator that regulates mitochondrial function and is induced by CR. Consequently, many of the mitochondrial and metabolic benefits of CR are attributed to increased PGC-1alpha activity. To test this model, we examined the metabolic and mitochondrial response to CR in mice lacking skeletal muscle PGC-1alpha (MKO). Surprisingly, MKO mice demonstrated a normal improvement in glucose homeostasis in response to CR, indicating that skeletal muscle PGC-1alpha is dispensable for the whole-body benefits of CR. In contrast, gene expression profiling and electron microscopy (EM) demonstrated that PGC-1alpha is required for the full CR-induced increases in mitochondrial gene expression and mitochondrial density in skeletal muscle. These results demonstrate that PGC-1alpha is a major regulator of the mitochondrial response to CR in skeletal muscle, but surprisingly show that neither PGC-1alpha nor mitochondrial biogenesis in skeletal muscle are required for the whole-body metabolic benefits of CR

    Avaliação da depleção linfóide folicular da Bursa de Fabricius: uma metodologia alternativa utilizando análise digital de imagem e redes neurais artificiais

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    Fifty Bursa of Fabricius (BF) were examined by conventional optical microscopy and digital images were acquired and processed using Matlab® 6.5 software. The Artificial Neuronal Network (ANN) was generated using Neuroshell® Classifier software and the optical and digital data were compared. The ANN was able to make a comparable classification of digital and optical scores. The use of ANN was able to classify correctly the majority of the follicles, reaching sensibility and specificity of 89% and 96%, respectively. When the follicles were scored and grouped in a binary fashion the sensibility increased to 90% and obtained the maximum value for the specificity of 92%. These results demonstrate that the use of digital image analysis and ANN is a useful tool for the pathological classification of the BF lymphoid depletion. In addition it provides objective results that allow measuring the dimension of the error in the diagnosis and classification therefore making comparison between databases feasible.Cinquenta Bursa de Fabrícius (BF) foram examinadas através de microscopia óptica convencional e imagens digitais foram obtidas e processadas através do software Matlab® 6.5. Redes Neurais Artificiais (ANN) foram geradas com a utilização do software Neuroshell® Classifier, e os dados das análises óptica e digital foram comparados. A ANN classificou corretamente a maioria dos folículos, atingindo sensibilidade e especificidade de 89% e 96%, respectivamente. Quando os folículos foram agrupados de forma binária houve um aumento da sensibilidade para 90% e obteve-se um valor máximo para a especificidade de 92%. Estes resultados demonstram que o uso da análise digital de imagem associada à ANNé uma ferramenta bastante útil para a classificação patológica da depleção linfóide da BF. Além disso, fornece resultados objetivos que permitem medir a dimensão do erro classificatório, tornando possível a comparação entre distintos bancos de dados

    Validação Da Versão De 36 Itens Do Who Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0 (whodas 2.0) Para A Avaliação De Incapacidade E Funcionalidade Da Mulher Associada à Morbidade Materna

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    Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)To validate the translation and adaptation to Brazilian Portuguese of 36 items from the World Health Organizaton Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0 (WHODAS 2.0), regarding their content and structure (construct), in a female population after pregnancy. Methods This is a validation of an instrument for the evaluation of disability and functioning and an assessment of its psychometric properties, performed in a tertiary maternity and a referral center specialized in high-risk pregnancies in Brazil. A sample of 638 women in different postpartum periods who had either a normal or a complicated pregnancy was included. The structure was evaluated by exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), while the content and relationships among the domains were assessed through Pearson’s correlation coefficient. The sociodemographic characteristics were identified, and the mean scores with their standard deviations for the 36 questions of the WHODAS 2.0 were calculated. The internal consistency was evaluated byCronbach’s α. Results Cronbach’s α was higher than 0.79 for both sets of questons of the questionnaire. The EFA and CFA for the main 32 questions exhibited a total variance of 54.7% (Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin [KMO] measure of sampling adequacy = 0.934; p < 0.001) and 53.47% (KMO = 0.934; p < 0.001) respectively. There was a significant correlation among the 6 domains (r = 0.571–0.876), and a moderate correlation among all domains (r = 0.476–0.694). Conclusion The version of the WHODAS 2.0 instrument adapted to Brazilian Portuguese showed good psychometric properties in this sample, and therefore could be applied to populations of women regarding their reproductive history. © 2017 by Thieme-Revinter Publicações Ltda, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.3924452471142/2011-5, CNPq, Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e TecnológicoConselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Electron localization : band-by-band decomposition, and application to oxides

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    Using a plane wave pseudopotential approach to density functional theory we investigate the electron localization length in various oxides. For this purpose, we first set up a theory of the band-by-band decomposition of this quantity, more complex than the decomposition of the spontaneous polarization (a related concept), because of the interband coupling. We show its interpretation in terms of Wannier functions and clarify the effect of the pseudopotential approximation. We treat the case of different oxides: BaO, α\alpha-PbO, BaTiO3_3 and PbTiO3_3. We also investigate the variation of the localization tensor during the ferroelectric phase transitions of BaTiO3_3 as well as its relationship with the Born effective charges

    Comparisons of Statistical Multifragmentation and Evaporation Models for Heavy Ion Collisions

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    The results from ten statistical multifragmentation models have been compared with each other using selected experimental observables. Even though details in any single observable may differ, the general trends among models are similar. Thus these models and similar ones are very good in providing important physics insights especially for general properties of the primary fragments and the multifragmentation process. Mean values and ratios of observables are also less sensitive to individual differences in the models. In addition to multifragmentation models, we have compared results from five commonly used evaporation codes. The fluctuations in isotope yield ratios are found to be a good indicator to evaluate the sequential decay implementation in the code. The systems and the observables studied here can be used as benchmarks for the development of statistical multifragmentation models and evaporation codes.Comment: To appear on Euorpean Physics Journal A as part of the Topical Volume "Dynamics and Thermodynamics with Nuclear Degrees of Freedo

    Building The Sugarcane Genome For Biotechnology And Identifying Evolutionary Trends

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    Background: Sugarcane is the source of sugar in all tropical and subtropical countries and is becoming increasingly important for bio-based fuels. However, its large (10 Gb), polyploid, complex genome has hindered genome based breeding efforts. Here we release the largest and most diverse set of sugarcane genome sequences to date, as part of an on-going initiative to provide a sugarcane genomic information resource, with the ultimate goal of producing a gold standard genome.Results: Three hundred and seventeen chiefly euchromatic BACs were sequenced. A reference set of one thousand four hundred manually-annotated protein-coding genes was generated. A small RNA collection and a RNA-seq library were used to explore expression patterns and the sRNA landscape. In the sucrose and starch metabolism pathway, 16 non-redundant enzyme-encoding genes were identified. One of the sucrose pathway genes, sucrose-6-phosphate phosphohydrolase, is duplicated in sugarcane and sorghum, but not in rice and maize. A diversity analysis of the s6pp duplication region revealed haplotype-structured sequence composition. Examination of hom(e)ologous loci indicate both sequence structural and sRNA landscape variation. A synteny analysis shows that the sugarcane genome has expanded relative to the sorghum genome, largely due to the presence of transposable elements and uncharacterized intergenic and intronic sequences.Conclusion: This release of sugarcane genomic sequences will advance our understanding of sugarcane genetics and contribute to the development of molecular tools for breeding purposes and gene discovery. © 2014 de Setta et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.151European Commission: Agriculture and Rural Development: Sugar http://ec.europa.eu/agriculture/sugar/index_en.htmKellogg, E.A., Evolutionary history of the grasses (2001) Plant Physiol, 125, pp. 1198-1205Grivet, L., Arruda, P., Sugarcane genomics: depicting the complex genome of an important tropical crop (2001) Curr Opin Plant Biol, 5, pp. 122-127Piperidis, G., Piperidis, N., D'Hont, A., Molecular cytogenetic investigation of chromosome composition and transmission in sugarcane (2010) Mol Genet Genomics, 284, pp. 65-73D'Hont, A., 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    Valorization of sugarcane bagasse ash (SCBA) with high quartz content as pozzolanic material in portland cement mixtures

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    [EN] Portland cement (OPC) production is one of the most contaminating greenhouse gas producing activities. In order to reduce OPC consumption, several alternatives are being assessed, and the use of pozzolanic material is one of them. This paper presents study on the reactivity of sugarcane bagasse ash (SCBA), a residue from sugarcane industry, as a pozzolanic material. In order to evaluate SCBA reactivity, it was mixed in pastes with hydrated lime and OPC, which were microstructurally characterised. These studies showed that SCBA presents some pozzolanic characteristics. Studies on mortars in which OPC was replaced by SCBA in the range 10¿30% were also carried out. Replacement in the range 15¿20% yielded the best behaviour in terms of compressive strength. Finally, it can be concluded this ash could be valorised despite its relative low pozzolanic reactivity.[ES] Valorización de la ceniza de bagazo de azúcar (SCBA) con alto contenido de cuarzo como material puzolánico en mezclas de cemento Portland. La producción de cemento Portland (OPC) presenta una elevada emisión de CO2. Con el objeto de reducir el consumo de OPC, se están evaluando algunas alternativas, y el uso de materiales puzolánicos es una de ellas. En este trabajo se presenta el estudio de la reactividad de la ceniza de bagazo de caña de azúcar (SCBA) como material puzolánico, un residuo procedente de la industria de la caña de azúcar. Al objeto de evaluar la reactividad de SCBA, se realizaron pastas con cal hidratada y con OPC, las cuales fueron caracterizadas microestructuralmente. Estos estudios mostraron que SCBA presenta una cierta característica puzolánica. Se llevaron a cabo estudios en morteros en los que OPC se sustituyó por SCBA en el intervalo de 10-30%. La sustitución en el intervalo 15-20% produjo el mejor comportamiento en términos de resistencia a compresión. Finalmente, se puede concluir que esta ceniza puede ser valorizada a pesar de su baja reactividad puzolánica.The authors would like to thank the Ministerio de Educacion, Cultura y Deporte of Spain (Cooperacion Interuniversitaria Program with Brazil, Project PHB-2011-0016-PC), CAPES-Brazil (Project CAPES/DGU No. 266/12), CNPq (Project 401724/2013-1) and Electron Microscopy Service of the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia.Pereira, A.; Moraes, J.; Bassan De Moraes, M.; Akasaki, J.; Tashima, M.; Soriano Martinez, L.; Monzó Balbuena, JM.... (2018). Valorization of sugarcane bagasse ash (SCBA) with high quartz content as pozzolanic material in portland cement mixtures. Materiales de Construcción. 68(330):153-163. https://doi.org/10.3989/mc.2018.00617S153163683301. World cement production. 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