2,171 research outputs found

    Development of decision support tools for implementing mitigation strategies of Medfly populations

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    Tese de Doutoramento, Ciências Agrárias, especialidade de Proteção de Plantas, 12 de julho de 2016, Universidade dos Açores.A Mosca-do-Mediterrâneo (Ceratitis capitata Wiedemann) é uma das principais ameaças para o comércio de frutas frescas por todo o mundo devido ao impacto económico negativo na qualidade dos frutos e à capacidade de adaptação desta a uma ampla variedade de condições geográficas e climáticas. Considerando-se todos os trabalhos já realizados nos Açores, principalmente na Ilha Terceira sobre esta problemática, com a perspetiva de resolver problemas operacionais que normalmente surgem nos programas de controlo integrado da mosca-do-Mediterrâneo, nomeadamente os relacionados com a agregação desta praga e sua distribuição espacial, que os principais objetivos do presente trabalho foram: analisar a dinâmica populacional da Mosca-do-Mediterrâneo nas Ilhas Terceira e São Jorge (Açores); avaliar o impacto de estações esterilizadoras de longa duração (1 ano) contra as suas populações adultas; avaliar se existia qualquer relação significativa entre a abundância de adultos selvagens de mosca-do-Mediterrâneo e as características espaciais de um determinado local a tratar; e avaliar a eficiência de três métodos de análise geomática para estimar valores de moscas por armadilha, por dia, para áreas não fora do âmbito de amostragem e para as condições da Ilha Terceira e da ilha de S. Jorge. Os estudos de dinâmica populacional revelaram, na Ilha de São Jorge, uma proporção sexual dos machos / fêmeas significativamente menor do que o observado na Ilha Terceira e em termos de dinâmica populacional revelou também que as dinâmicas populacionais nas duas Ilhas estudadas estão geralmente relacionadas com a disponibilidade e abundância de frutos nos seus hospedeiros. No entanto, o número de picos populacionais ou registos de capturas poderão não ser uma base fidedigna para a tomada de decisão por parte do produtor. Na Ilha Terceira, em determinadas condições, foram observadas infestações de mosca-do-Mediterrâneo em alguns frutos (por exemplo, frutos Solanum mauritianum), enquanto, em simultâneo neste hospedeiro não houve quaisquer registos de adultos. [...].ABSTRACT: The Medfly Ceratitis capitata Wiedemann is one of the most important threats to the trade of fresh fruits in the world due to its high potential damage to fruits and ability to survive in a wide range of geographic and climatic conditions. Considering all the research already done in the Azores, mainly in Terceira Island, about the Medfly, it is with the perspective of addressing area-wide control program problems, related to Medfly aggregation and spatial distribution, that the main goals of the present work are to analyse the population dynamics of Medfly in Terceira and São Jorge Islands (Azores archipelago); evaluate the impact of long term attractive baits (1 year) against populations of Medfly; evaluate if there is any significant relation between the abundance of wild adults of Medfly and the spatial characteristics of a target location; and evaluate the efficiency of three geospatial methods to estimate flies trapped per day (FTD) values for non-sampled areas in Terceira Island. The population dynamics studies revealed a sex ratio of males/females in São Jorge Island significantly lower than observed on Terceira Island and also revealed population dynamics are generally linked with host fruit availability and abundance. But the scale of population peaks or trap records are not reliable. In Terceira Island, under certain conditions, there was Medfly infestations in some fruits (e.g. Tobacco Weed fruit) while there were no trap captures at the same time. [...]

    An economic appraisal of the wealth-health gradient

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    In this study we aim to investigate the health discrepancies arising from unequal economic status, known as the “wealth-health gradient”. Our sample comprises 47,163 individuals from 14 European countries in the SHARE Wave 4 (2011), representing the population aged 50 and older. Through a cross-sectional OLS regression model, we have tested the impact of country-level indicators to infer their effect on personal health and on the magnitude of the gradient. The results find that private expenditure yields, on average, a higher, but fast decreasing, health benefit than public expenditure; and that income inequality is irrelevant for reducing health inequalities

    Maximum entropy: a stochastic frontier approach for electricity distribution regulation

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    The literature on incentive-based regulation in the electricity sector indicates that the size of this sector in a country constrains the choice of frontier methods as well as the model specification itself to measure economic efficiency of regulated firms. The aim of this study is to propose a stochastic frontier approach with maximum entropy estimation, which is designed to extract information from limited and noisy data with minimal statements on the data generation process. Stochastic frontier analysis with generalized maximum entropy and data envelopment analysis – the latter one has been widely used by national regulators – are applied to a cross-section data on thirteen European electricity distribution companies. Technical efficiency scores and rankings of the distribution companies generated by both approaches are sensitive to model specification. Nevertheless, the stochastic frontier analysis with generalized maximum entropy results indicate that technical efficiency scores have similar distributional properties and these scores as well as the rankings of the companies are not very sensitive to the prior information. In general, the same electricity distribution companies are found to be in the highest and lowest efficient groups, reflecting weak sensitivity to the prior information considered in the estimation procedure.publishe

    Literatura: Da crítica brasileira

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    Criação de Chrysoperla externa para o controle biológico de pragas do algodoeiro.

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    Paisagem, modelos urbanísticos e as áreas habitacionais de primeira e segunda residência

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    Objetiva introduzir uma reflexão sobre os padrões de loteamento existentes em áreas turísticas, tendo-se como ênfase as áreas costeiras e os resultados paisagísticos resultantesThis paper focuses the relationship between the traditional urban pattern of green neighbourhoods and the ocupation of the coastal zone by residential touristics areas and this efects over the primitive landscap