972 research outputs found

    Antileukemic Activity and Molecular Docking Study of a Polyphenolic Extract from Coriander Seeds

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    Leukemia is a group of hematological neoplastic disorders linked to high mortality rates worldwide, but increasing resistance has led to the therapeutic failure of conventional chemotherapy. This study aimed to evaluate in vitro the antileukemic activity and potential mechanism of action of a polyphenolic extract obtained from the seeds of Coriandrum sativum L. (CSP). A methylthiazoletetrazolium assay was performed to assess the CSP cytotoxicity on chronic (K562) and acute (HL60) myeloid leukemia cell lines and on normal Vero cell line. CSP toxicity was also evaluated in vivo using the OECD 423 acute toxicity model on Swiss albino mice. The results demonstrated a remarkable antitumoral activity against K562 and HL60 cell lines (IC50 = 16.86 µM and 11.75 µM, respectively) although no cytotoxicity was observed for the Vero cells or mice. A silico study was performed on the following receptors that are highly implicated in the development of leukemia: ABL kinase, ABL1, BCL2, and FLT3. The molecular docking demonstrated a high affinity interaction between the principal CSP components and the receptors. Our findings demonstrated that CSP extract has remarkable antileukemic activity, which is mainly mediated by the flavonoids, catechins, and rutin, all of which showed the highest binding affinity for the targeted receptors. This study revealed a promising active compound alternative research-oriented biopharmacists to explore

    Restorative justice as a mechanism for horizontalization of penal conflicts and recognition of victims as subjects of rights.

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    Este artigo discute a necessidade de supera??o do modelo processual penal fundamentado na neutraliza??o da v?tima e consequente expropria??o do conflito pelo Estado, como f?rmula ?nica para solu??o do caso penal. Com foco nesse modelo processual, questiona-se se a sua l?gica de fato atende ?s necessidades das v?timas, respeitando seus direitos e garantias fundamentais. Em seguida, indaga-se sobre a necessidade de se discutir, ainda que de forma coadjuvante ao modelo vigente, um novo modelo de solu??o consensual de conflitos penais, marcado pela constru??o de procedimentos dial?gicos e horizontais como forma de resposta ao delito. Para tanto, o presente artigo possui como marco a no??o de justi?a horizontalizada, apontada por Nils Christie, que trabalha a import?ncia de se construir uma justi?a que se atenha ?s especificidades dos personagens centrais do conflito penal ? ofensores e v?timas ? para uma constru??o participada na decis?o do caso penal. Por fim, analisa-se se a Justi?a Restaurativa tem potencial suficiente para conferir a autonomia necess?ria ?s v?timas para que sejam, efetivamente, compreendidas como sujeitos de direitos.This article discusses the need to overcome the criminal procedural model based on the neutralization of the victim and the consequent expropriation of the conflict by the State, as the only formula for solving the criminal case. Focusing on this procedural model, it is questioned whether its logic actually meets the needs of victims, respecting their fundamental rights and guarantees. The next question is about the urge to discuss, even in a way that is compatible with the current model, a new model of consensual solution of criminal conflicts, marked by the construction of dialogical and horizontal procedures as a response to crime. This article is based on the notion of horizontal justice, pointed out by Nils Christie, which demonstrates the importance to build a justice that fits the specificities of the central characters of the criminal conflict ? offenders and victims ? to a participative decision of the criminal case. Finally, it is analyzed if the Restorative Justice has sufficient potential to confer the necessary autonomy to the victims so that they are effectively understood as subject of rights


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    Este trabalho tem a finalidade de analisar o discurso de trechos do livro de Ruth Rocha, titulado de O que os olhos não vêem, com base nos conceitos de cena de enunciação e construção do ethos da Análise do Discurso de Linha Francesa, explorando a criticidade dessa literatura que fala sobre rei, governo e povo de maneira metafórica e leva a todos os leitores a refletirem sobre a contemporaneidade da obra. Partindo do perfil crítico da escritora, a obra em questão realiza uma espécie de denúncia à sociedade de forma geral, de situações políticas enfrentadas no Brasil durante o período da Ditadura Militar, criando um ambiente interdiscursivo entre o passado e o presente. Ao fim, evidencia-se que, apesar de escrita durante os anos 80, a obra de Ruth Rocha mostra atual em relação ao contexto social brasileiro

    Atividade antitumoral in vitro de lactonas sesquiterpenicas de Lychnophora.

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    As lactonas sesquiterp?nicas licnofolida e eremantolida C foram isoladas de Lychnophora trichocarpha Spreng. (Asteraceae), esp?cie vegetal nativa do cerrado brasileiro e popularmente conhecida por arnica brasileira. As lactonas sesquiterp?nicas s?o conhecidas por apresentarem variadas atividades biol?gicas, incluindo atividade antitumoral. O presente artigo relata a avalia??o da atividade antitumoral in vitro de licnofolida e eremantolida C frente a um painel de 52 linhagens de c?lulas tumorais, provenientes de tumores humanos referentes a nove principais tipos de c?ncer. Os testes foram conduzidos no National Cancer Institute, USA (NCI, USA). Licnofolida apresentou atividade significativa frente a 30 linhagens de c?lulas tumorais referentes a sete tipos de c?ncer, com valores de CI100 (concentra??o que inibe 100% do crescimento celular) entre 0,41 ?M e 2,82 ?M. Eremantolida C mostrou atividade significativa frente a 30 linhagens de c?lulas tumorais referentes a oito tipos de c?ncer, com valores de CI100 entre 21,40 ?M e 53,70 ?M. Licnofolida apresentou valores de concentra??o letal 50 % (CL50) para 30 linhagens de c?lulas tumorais humanas entre 0,72 e 10,00 ?M, enquanto eremantolida C mostrou valores de CL50 para 21 linhagens entre 52,50 e 91,20 ?M. Licnofolida apresentou um interessante perfil de atividade antitumoral. A presen?a na estrutura qu?mica da licnofolida de uma ?-metileno-?-lactona, al?m de dois grupos ?steres ?,?-insaturados, podem ser respons?veis pela melhor atividade e maior citotoxicidade desta subst?ncia em rela??o ? eremantolida C.The sesquiterpene lactones lychnopholide and eremantholide C were isolated from Lychnophora trichocarpha Spreng. (Asteraceae), which is a plant species native to the Brazilian Savannah or Cerrado and popularly known as arnica. Sesquiterpene lactones are known to present a variety of biological activities including antitumor activity. The present paper reports on the evaluation of the in vitro antitumor activity of lychnopholide and eremantholide C, in the National Cancer Institute, USA (NCI, USA), against a panel of 52 human tumor cell lines of major human tumors derived from nine cancer types. Lychnopholide disclosed significant activity against 30 cell lines of seven cancer types with IC100 (total growth concentration inhibition) values between 0.41 ?M and 2.82 ?M. Eremantholide C showed significant activity against 30 cell lines of eight cancer types with IC100 values between 21.40 ?M and 53.70 ?M. Lychnopholide showed values of lethal concentration 50 % (LC50) for 30 human tumor cell lines between 0.72 and 10.00 ?M, whereas eremantholide C presented values of LC50 for 21 human tumor cell lines between 52.50 and 91.20 ?M. Lychnopholide showed an interesting profile of antitumor activity. The ?-methylene-?-lactone present in the structure of lychnopholide, besides two ?,?- unsaturated carbonyl groups, might be responsible for the better activity and higher cytotoxicity of this compound in relation to eremantholide C

    Antileukemic, Antioxidant, Anti-Inflammatory and Healing Activities Induced by a Polyphenol-Enriched Fraction Extracted from Leaves of Myrtus communis L.

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    Natural products have offered a number of exciting approaches in cancer treatment over the years. In this study, we investigated the prophylactic and therapeutic effects of the polyphenol-enriched fraction extracted from Myrtus communis (PEMC) on acute and chronic leukemia. According to the UHPLC-MSn, the fraction is rich in flavonoids. Protective activity of the PEMC was assessed by evaluating the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, and hemolysis potential in a series of in vivo and in vitro assays, while the therapeutic approach consisted of the evaluation of cytotoxic activity of the PEMC against HL60 and K562 leukemia cell lines. Safety of the fraction was also evaluated on a non-cancerous Vero cell line and by an acute toxicity test performed in mice. The PEMC demonstrated a significant anti-inflammatory and healing potential. The activities found at the dose of 100 mg/kg were better than those observed using a reference drug. The PEMC demonstrated a significant antioxidant effect and a specific cytotoxicity towards HL60 (IC50 = 19.87 µM) and K562 (IC50 = 29.64 µM) cell lines being non-toxic to the Vero cell line. No hemolytic activity was observed in vitro and no toxicity effect was found in mice. Thus, the PEMC has a pharmacological potential as both preventive and therapeutic agent. However, further research is necessary to propose its mechanism of action

    Atividade física e hábitos alimentares de participantes e não participantes do programa atleta do futuro (PAF)

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    O estudo objetivou investigar os hábitos de atividade física (AF) e o consumo alimentar de participantes e não participantes do programa Atleta do Futuro do SESI-PAF. Materiais e métodos: Participaram 494 escolares, sendo 246 do PAF (129 meninos e 117 meninas) e 248 não participantes do PAF (112 meninos e 136 meninas), com média de idade de 8 anos. Utilizou-se um questionário auto respondido dividido em informações gerais, estrato econômico, hábitos alimentares e AF. Para a comparação das informações gerais e estrato econômico entre os grupos utilizou-se o teste Qui quadrado. Comparação do nível de AF, consumo diário e gosto alimentar utilizou-se o teste U-Mann Whitney, com o nível de significância estatística de 95%. Resultados e discussão: A maioria dos responsáveis pelos escolares possui ensino médio e pertence ao estrato econômico B. A maioria dos participantes do PAF pratica atividades moderadas (58,5%) enquanto que as não participantes atividades leves (51,6%). Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre os grupos quanto ao consumo alimentar (ingesta de feijão, cereais, lacticínios, frutas e verduras, proteínas, e batata frita/pizza). Ambos os grupos gostam muito de frutas e sucos, refrigerantes, cereais e verduras, embora não consumam com frequência refrigerantes e guloseimas. Conclusão: Os participantes do PAF tendem a realizar AF de maior intensidade quando comparados aos não participantes. Além disso, o consumo alimentar dos participantes é semelhante nos dois grupos. Ressalta-se que o consumo inadequado de alimentos e a baixa intensidade da AF contribuem para o sobrepeso e a obesidade. ABSTRACT Physical activity and eating habits of participants and non-participants of the athlete of the future-PAFThis study aims to analyze the physical activity (PA) habits and the food intake of participants and non-participants of the program SESI Atleta do Futuro-PAF. 494 schoolchildren participated, being 246 of PAF (129 boys and 117 girls) and 248 non-participants of PAF (112 boys and 136 girls) with average 8 years of age. The instrument used in the study was an auto answered questionnaire composed of: General information, socioeconomic status, eating habits and PA. For comparison, the general information and socioeconomic among the groups the test used chi square and for comparison the level of physical activity, daily food consumption and like food the test used U-Mann Whitney, with level of statistical significance of 95%. Results and discussion: Most of the school children’s parents attended secondary school and belong to socioeconomic stratum B. The assessment of PA indicated that the participants of PAF practiced moderate-intensity activities (58,5%) and the non-participants performed light-intensity activities (51,6%). No found differences significant among the groups in food consumption (intake bean, grain products, dairy products, fruit and vegetables, protein and French fries/pizza. Both groups really like fruit and juice, soft drink, grain products and vegetables, although do not consume soft drink and candies. Conclusion: Although the absence difference significant, the participants PAF tend to be done PA of higher intensity when compared to non-participants. Furthermore, the habits food intake of participants it is similar in both groups. It is noteworthy that the inadequate food intake and low intensity of PA contribute to overweight and obesity

    Resolving the Sources of Plasma Glucose Excursions following a Glucose Tolerance Test in the Rat with Deuterated Water and [U-13C]Glucose

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    Sources of plasma glucose excursions (PGE) following a glucose tolerance test enriched with [U-13C]glucose and deuterated water were directly resolved by 13C and 2H Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy analysis of plasma glucose and water enrichments in rat. Plasma water 2H-enrichment attained isotopic steady-state within 2–4 minutes following the load. The fraction of PGE derived from endogenous sources was determined from the ratio of plasma glucose position 2 and plasma water 2H-enrichments. The fractional gluconeogenic contributions to PGE were obtained from plasma glucose positions 2 and 5 2H-positional enrichment ratios and load contributions were estimated from plasma [U-13C]glucose enrichments. At 15 minutes, the load contributed 26±5% of PGE while 14±2% originated from gluconeogenesis in healthy control rats. Between 15 and 120 minutes, the load contribution fell whereas the gluconeogenic contribution remained constant. High-fat fed animals had significant higher 120-minute blood glucose (173±6 mg/dL vs. 139±10 mg/dL, p<0.05) and gluconeogenic contributions to PGE (59±5 mg/dL vs. 38±3 mg/dL, p<0.01) relative to standard chow-fed controls. In summary, the endogenous and load components of PGE can be resolved during a glucose tolerance test and these measurements revealed that plasma glucose synthesis via gluconeogenesis remained active during the period immediately following a glucose load. In rats that were placed on high-fat diet, the development of glucose intolerance was associated with a significantly higher gluconeogenic contribution to plasma glucose levels after the load

    Assessment of Ergonomic Aspects in Dental Clinic Rooms

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    This study aimed to describe how to evaluate and quantify the ergonomic satisfaction level of dental clinics rooms. Requirements for design, production and selection of dental equipment as described in ISO/TC-106/SC-6-N-411, support more comprehensive studies for an ergonomic evaluation and ergo design of the dental workstations. It was created a checklist of ergonomics requirements which is supported by Standards ISO/FDI and acquired by mean of a literature review. According to information exposed at the document of the Ergonomics Society of Dental Ergonomics - ESDE we can consider that the elaboration of an ergonomic evaluation protocol regard to the dental workstation is an important demand for the ergonomics, particularly in relation to the performance of the ergonomic design which presents qualified to assist to dental equipment manufactures. By this means, the identification of the evaluation factors pointed in ISO/TC 106/SC 6 N 411 offers the basic information to the process of elaboration of this protocol addressed by the described general guidelines.4116103610