383 research outputs found

    Feedback of patient-reported outcomes to healthcare professionals for comparing health service performance: a scoping review

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    Objective: Patient-reported outcomes (PROs) provide self-reported patient assessments of their quality of life, daily functioning, and symptom severity after experiencing an illness and having contact with the health system. Feeding back summarised PROs data, aggregated at the health-service level, to healthcare professionals may inform clinical practice and quality improvement efforts. However, little is known about the best methods for providing these summarised data in a way that is meaningful for this audience. Therefore, the aim of this scoping review was to summarise the emerging approaches to PROs data for &lsquo;service-level&rsquo; feedback to healthcare professionals. Setting: Healthcare professionals receiving PROs data feedback at the health-service level. Data sources: Databases selected for the search were Embase, Ovid Medline, Scopus, Web of Science and targeted web searching. The main search terms included: &lsquo;patient-reported outcome measures&rsquo;, &lsquo;patient-reported outcomes&rsquo;, &lsquo;patient-centred care&rsquo;, &lsquo;value-based care&rsquo;, &lsquo;quality improvement&rsquo; and &lsquo;feedback&rsquo;. Studies included were those that were published in English between January 2009 and June 2019. Primary and secondary outcome measures: Data were extracted on the feedback methods of PROs to patients or healthcare providers. A standardised template was used to extract information from included documents and academic publications. Risk of bias was assessed using Joanna Briggs Institute Levels of Evidence for Effectiveness. Results: Overall, 3480 articles were identified after de-duplication. Of these, 19 academic publications and 22 documents from the grey literature were included in the final review. Guiding principles for data display methods and graphical formats were identified. Seven major factors that may influence PRO data interpretation and use by healthcare professionals were also identified. Conclusion: While a single best format or approach to feedback PROs data to healthcare professionals was not identified, numerous guiding principles emerged to inform the field.</jats:sec

    The 6-GHz multibeam maser survey III: comparison between the MMB and HOPS

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    We have compared the occurrence of 6.7-GHz and 12.2-GHz methanol masers with 22-GHz water masers and 6035-MHz excited-state OH masers in the 100 square degree region of the southern Galactic plane common to the Methanol Multibeam (MMB) and H2O southern Galactic Plane surveys (HOPS). We find the most populous star formation species to be 6.7-GHz methanol, followed by water, then 12.2-GHz and, finally, excited-state OH masers. We present association statistics, flux density (and luminosity where appropriate) and velocity range distributions across the largest, fully surveyed portion of the Galactic plane for four of the most common types of masers found in the vicinity of star formation regions. Comparison of the occurrence of the four maser types with far-infrared dust temperatures shows that sources exhibiting excited-state OH maser emission are warmer than sources showing any of the other three maser types. We further find that sources exhibiting both 6.7-GHz and 12.2-GHz methanol masers are warmer than sources exhibiting just 6.7-GHz methanol maser emission. These findings are consistent with previously made suggestions that both OH and 12.2-GHz methanol masers generally trace a later stage of star formation compared to other common maser types

    Tinjauan Hukum Islam Terhadap implementasi kafa'ah nasab dalam pernikahan para Pedagang etnis Arab di Wisata Ampel Kota Surabaya

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    Skripsi yang berjudul Tinjauan Hukum Islam Terhadap Implementasi kafa’ah nasab dalam pernikahan para pedagang etnis Arab di Wisata Ampel Kota Surabaya merupakan hasil penelitian lapangan yang bertujuan untuk menjawab beberapa pertanyaan berikut: pertama, Bagaimana Implementasi Kafa’ah Nasab dalam Pernikahan Para Pedagang Etnis Arab di Wisata Ampel Kota Surabaya? Kedua, Bagaimana Tinjauan Hukum Islam Terhadap Implementasi Kafa’ah Nasab dalam Pernikahan Para Pedagang Etnis Arab di Wisata Ampel Kota Surabaya? Data penelitian dihimpun melalui wawancara dan dokumentasi kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan teknik deskriptif analisis dengan pola pikir deduktif. Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa para pedagang etnis Arab di Wisata Ampel Kota Surabaya yang terbagi menjadi dua golongan atau fame : pertama golongan Alawiyin dan kedua golongan Qabili, kedua golongan tersebut sangat menekankan kafa’ah nasab dalam pernikahan, golongan Alawiyin mempertahankan kafa’ah nasab dalam pernikahan karena meyakini hal tersebut sebagai doktrin sehingga percaya bahwa menjaga garis keturunan Rasulullah merupakan sebuah keniscayaan, adapun golongan Qabili mempertahankan kafa’ah nasab memiliki alasan yang sama dengan golongan atau fame Alawiyin yaitu mempertahankan garis keturunan yang membedakan adalah fame / golongan Qabili tidak meyakini hal tersebut sebagai sebuah doktrin namun hanya sebatas menjaga budaya Patrilineal yaitu suatu adat masyarakat yang mengatur alur keturunan berasal dari pihak ayah. Dalam hukum Islam Implementasi kafa’ah nasab dalam pernikahan telah dijelaskan secara lugas oleh para ulama meskipun diantara mereka terjadi perbedaan pendapat karena secara eksplisit tidak disebutkan dalam al-Quran dan as-Sunnah. Pada dasarnya Islam mengajarkan bahwa manusia itu sama, antara yang kaya dan yang miskin, orang Arab dan orang ajam, memilih pasangan dalam Islam menganjurkan untuk memilih dan mengutamakan ketakwaan dan akhlak bagi calon pasangannya karena orang yang paling mulia disisi Allah adalah orang yang paling bertakwa Akan tetapi, dalam rangka membentuk keluarga yang sakinah, mawwadah, dan rahmah ketentuan kafa’ah nasab juga diperlukan dan dihukumi sebagai sesuatu yang mubah/ diperbolehkan dalam agama. Disarankan bagi para orangtua dan para pemuda-pemudi yang akan melaksanakan pernikahan, hendaknya mempertimbangkan agama sebagai tolak ukur utama adapun menjadikan nasab sebagai tolak ukur maka hal tersebut merupakan tidak tercela dalam agama karena dihukumi sebagai sesuatu yang mubah/ diperbolehkan dalam agama kemudian untuk golongan atau fame Alawiyin semoga lebih bijak lagi dalam menyikapi kafa’ah nasab sehingga ada keterbukaan dan tidak ada lagi sekat pemisah antara manusia satu dengan manusia yang lain

    Discovery of six new class II methanol maser transitions, including the unambiguous detection of three torsionally excited lines toward G 358.931-0.030

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    We present the unambiguous discovery of six new class II methanol maser transitions, three of which are torsionally excited (vt = 1). The newly discovered 6.18 GHz 17−2 → 18−3 E (vt = 1), 7.68 GHz 124 → 133 A− (vt = 0), 7.83 GHz 124 → 133 A+ (vt = 0), 20.9 GHz 101 → 112 A+ (vt = 1), 44.9 GHz 20 → 31 E (vt = 1), and 45.8 GHz 93 → 102 E (vt = 0) methanol masers were detected toward G 358.931-0.030, where the known 6.68 GHz maser has recently been reported to be undergoing a period flaring. The detection of the vt = 1 torsionally excited lines corroborates one of the missing puzzle pieces in class II maser pumping, but the intensity of the detected emission provides an additional challenge, especially in the case of the very highly excited 6.18 GHz line. Together with the newly detected vt = 0 lines, these observations provide significant new information that can be utilized to improve class II methanol maser modeling. We additionally present detections of 6.68, 19.9, 23.1, and 37.7 GHz class II masers, as well as 36.2 and 44.1 GHz class I methanol masers, and provide upper limits for the 38.3 and 38.5 GHz class II lines. Near simultaneous Australia Telescope Compact Array observations confirm that all 10 of the class II methanol maser detections are co-spatial to ∼0.2 arcsec, which is within the uncertainty of the observations. We find significant levels of linearly polarized emission in the 6.18, 6.67, 7.68, 7.83, 20.9, 37.7, 44.9, and 45.8 GHz transitions, and low levels of circular polarization in the 6.68, 37.7, and 45.8 GHz transitions

    Detection of 36GHz Class I methanol maser emission toward NGC 4945

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    We have searched for emission from the 36.2 GHz (4-1 → 30E) methanol transition toward NGC 4945, using the Australia Telescope Compact Array. 36.2 GHz methanol emission was detected offset southeast from the Galactic nucleus. The methanol emission is narrow, with a line width −1 and a luminosity five orders of magnitude higher than Galactic class I masers from the same transition. These characteristics combined the with physical separation from the strong central thermal emission suggests that the methanol emission is a maser. This emission is a factor of ∼90 more luminous than the widespread emission detected from the Milky Way central molecular zone. This is the fourth detection of extragalactic class I emission and the third detection of extragalactic 36.2 GHz maser emission. These extragalactic class I methanol masers do not appear to be simply highly luminous variants of Galactic class I emission and instead appear to trace large-scale regions of low-velocity shocks in molecular gas, which may precede, or be associated with, the early stages of large-scale star formation

    ATLASGAL - physical parameters of dust clumps associated with 6.7 GHz methanol masers

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    We have constructed the largest sample of dust-associated class II 6.7 GHz methanol masers yet obtained. New measurements from the Methanol Multibeam (MMB) survey were combined with the 870 μm APEX Telescope Large Area Survey of the Galaxy (ATLASGAL) and the 850 μm JCMT Plane Survey (JPS). Together with two previous studies we have now identified the host clumps for 958 methanol masers across the Galactic Plane, covering approximately 99 per cent of the MMB catalogue and increasing the known sample of dust-associated masers by over 30 per cent. We investigate correlations between the physical properties of the clumps and masers using distances and luminosities drawn from the literature. Clumps hosting methanol masers are significantly more compact and have higher volume densities than the general population of clumps. We determine a minimum volume density threshold of n(H2) ≥ 104 cm−3 for the efficient formation of intermediate- and high-mass stars. We find 6.7 GHz methanol masers are associated with a distinct part of the evolutionary process (Lbol/Mfwhm ratios of between 100.6 and 102.2) and have well-defined turning on and termination points. We estimate the lower limit for the mass of embedded objects to be ≥6 M⊙ and the statistical lifetime of the methanol maser stage to be ∼3.3 × 104 yr. This suggests that methanol masers are indeed reliable tracers of high-mass star formation, and indicates that the evolutionary period traced by this marker is relatively rapid