932 research outputs found

    Developing a Plastic Waste Management Program: From River Basins to Urban Beaches (Case Study)

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    Solid waste accumulation in coastal environments has been a growing concern. In the coastal megacity of Recife, Pernambuco state, Brazil, plastic waste issues currently exist both at the ocean scale and river basin scale. The city is known as the 'Brazilian Venice' thanks to the Capibaribe River, which crosses many neighborhoods, running in a west-east direction into the Atlantic Ocean. This paper provides the initial basis to develop a Plastic Waste Management Program proposal for implementation in the city of Recife, given the lack of resolutions that have looked at plastic waste management through integrated water environment scales (from river basin to ocean). The methodology used included articulation and documental collection from four main public agencies from the state/city and stakeholders. The results showed its relevance for better plastic waste management in Recife, considering an integrated water environment on a river basin-to-ocean scale by using the recognized major connected water environments (Capibaribe river and Boa Viagem beach). Similar integrated program proposals could be made for other coastal areas, enabling not only the identification of fragilities but also the exchange of information regarding the theme

    Ethical Aspects Concerning Endodontic Instrument Fracture

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    Aim: The aim of this study was to address several ethical aspects concerning the behavior of endodontists and general dentists regarding endodontic instrument fracture during root canal treatment. Methods: The responses of a group of professionals (endodontists and general dentists) to a questionnaire were reviewed and analyzed statistically by Fisher's Exact and chi-square tests at 5% significance level. Results: Forty-six percent of the interviewees responded that they would try to solve the problem without informing the patient about the accident. Only 28.1% of the participants affirmed that they would let the patient know right at the moment of occurrence. Conclusions: The outcomes of this survey demonstrate that most professionals are afraid of informing their patient about an accidental endodontic instrument breakage during treatment and might be subject to lawsuits.72515351538Leite, V.G., Odontologia legal (1962) Bahia: Era NovaCoehn, S., Burns, R.C., (1980) Caminhos da polpa, , 2.ed. Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara Koogan;Frank, A.L., The dilemma of the fractured instrument (1983) J Endod, 9, pp. 515-516Cohen, S., Endodontic treatment: Avoid these malpractice traps (1988) Dent Manag, 28 (36-38), p. 40Imura, N., Zuolo, M.L., (1988) Procedimentos clínicos em endodontia, , São Paulo: Pancast;Walton, R.E., Torabinejad, M., (1997) Principios e prática em endodontia, , 2.ed. São Paulo: Santos;Itoh, A., Higuchi, N., Minami, G., Yasue, T., Yoshida, T., Maseki, T., A survey of filling methods, intracanal medications, and instruments breakage (1999) J Endod, 25, pp. 823-824Ree, M.H., Timmerman, M.F., Wesselink, P.R., Factors influencing referral for specialist endodontic treatment amongst a group of Dutch general practitioners (2003) Int Endod J, 36, pp. 129-134De Deus, Q.D., (1992) Endodontia, , 5.ed. Rio de Janeiro: Medsi;Leonardo, M.R., Leal, J.M., (1998) Endodontia: Tratamento dos canais radiculares, , 3.ed. São Paulo: Panamericana

    Genetics And Molecular Biology: A Literature Review Of Forensic Dentistry Application

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    Forensic expertise methodology normally used in different criminal investigation and forensic medicine field such as blood type, anthropologic analysis and forensic, dentistry (dental records, X-rays, bite marks, among others) solved and will continue solving many crimes. Those methods will continue estimating age of several people. Nevertheless, since the development of genetics and molecular bioloy there were an increase in number and quality of solved case. The present work points out the importance to associate certain forensic biology areas to traditional investigation methods in human identification, especially with forensic dentistry. It also show that in some situations, teeth are an important source to genetic analysis and molecular studies. After a scientific literature review it was concluded that it is mandatory that those in forensic investigations acquire knowledge in forensic genetics in order to apply with traditional investigation techniques, this fact would produce an increase of information to Justice.62012541259Ramos, D.I.A., Daruge, E., Daruge Júnior, E., Antunes, F.C.M., Melendez, B.V.C., Francesquini Júnior, L., Transposición dental y sus implicaciones eticas y legais (2005) Rev ADM, 62, pp. 185-190Gonçalves, A.C.S., Travassos, D.V., Silva, M., Campo de atuação do odontolegista (1999) RPG Rev Pos-Grad, 6, pp. 60-65Figini, A.R.L., Silva, J.R.L., Jobim, L.F., Silva, M., Tratado de perícias criminalísticas - identificação humana (2003) Campinas: Millenium Editora, , 2.edSilva, R.F., Cruz, B.V.M., Daruge Júnior, E., Daruge, E., Francesquini Júnior, L., La importância de la documentación odontológica en la identificación humana (2005) Acta Odontol Venez, 43, pp. 67-74Jeffreys, A.J., Wilson, V., Thein, S.L., Hypervariable minisatellite regions in human DNA (1985) Nature, 314, pp. 67-73Alonso, L.G., Genofre, G.C., Genética molecular e odontologia forense (1999) Rev Odontol Univ St Amaro, 4, pp. 30-33Homo Brasilis, P.S.D.J., Aspectos genéticos, lingüísticos, históricos e sócio-antropológicos da formação do povo brasileiro (2002) Ribeirão Preto: Editora FunpecSmith, B.C., Introduction to DNA analysis (2001) Dent Clin North Am, 45, pp. 229-235Jobim, L.F., Costa, L.R.S., Silva, M., Tratado de perícias criminalísticas - identificação humana (2006) Campinas: Millenium Editora, 2Edwards A, Civitello A, Hammond HA, Caskey CT. DNA Typing and Genetic Mapping with Trimeric and Tetrameric Tandem Repeats. Am J Hum Genet. 199149: 746-56Shriver, M.D., Mei, R., Parra, E.J., Sonpar, V., Halder, J., Tishkoff, A.S., Large-scale SNP analysis reveals clustered and continuous patterns of human genetic variation (2005) Hum Genomics, 2, pp. 81-89Slavkin, H.C., Sex, enamel and forensic dentistry: A search for identity (1997) J Am Dent Assoc, 128, pp. 1021-1025Santos, M.C.L.G., Line, S.R.P., The epigenetics of enamel formation (2006) Braz J Oral Sci, 17, pp. 991-995Meyer, E., Wiese, M., Bruchhaus, H., Claussen, M., Klein, A., Extraction and amplification of authentic DNA from ancient human remains (2000) Forensic Sci Int, 113, pp. 87-90Faerman, M., Filon, D., Kahila, G., Greenblatt, C.L., Smith, P., Oppenheim, A., Sex identification of archaeological human remains based on amplification of the X and Y amelogenin alleles (1995) Gene, 167, pp. 327-332Liversidge, H.M., Lyons, F., Hector, M.P., The accuracy of three methods of age estimation using radiographic measurements of developing teeth (2003) Forensic Sci Int, 131, pp. 22-29Mesotten, K., Gunst, K., Carbonez, A., Willems, G., (2003) J Forensic Odontostomatol, 21, pp. 31-35Gustafson, G., Dental identification (1966) Forensic odontology, , London: Staples Press;Yamamoto, K., Molecular biological studies on teeth, and inquests (1996) Forensic Sci Int, 80, pp. 79-87Othani, S., Estimation of age from dentin by utilizing the racernization of aspartic acid: Influence of pH (1995) Forensic Sci Int, 75, pp. 181-187Ohtani, S., Yamada, Y., Yamamoto, I., Age estimation from racemization rate using heated teeth (1997) J Forensic Odontostomatol, 15, pp. 9-12Arany, S., Ohtani, S., Yoshioka, N., Gonmori, K., Age estimation from aspartic acid racemization of root dentin by internal standard method (2004) Forensic Sci Int, 141, pp. 127-130Sajdok, J., Pilin, A., Pudil, F., Zidková, J., Kás, J., A new method of age estimation based on the changes in human non-collagenous proteins from dentin (2006) Forensic Sci Int, 156, pp. 245-249Martín-de las Heras, S., Valenzuela, A., Overall, C.M., Gelatinase A in human dentin as a new biochemical marker for age estimation (2000) J Forensic Sci, 45, pp. 807-811Trevilatto, P.C., Line, S.R.P., Use of buccal epithelial cells for PCR amplification of large DNA fragments (2000) J Forensic Odontostomatol, 18, pp. 6-9Iwamura, E.S.M., Soares-Vieira, J.A., Muñoz, D.R., Human identification and analysis of DNA in bones (2004) Rev Hosp Clin Fac Med Sao Paulo, 59, pp. 383-388Andelinovic, S., Sutlovic, D., Ivkosic, I.E., Skaro, V., Ivkosic, A., Paic, F., Twelve-year experience in-identification of skeletal remains from mass graves (2005) Croat Med J, 46, pp. 530-539Lleonart, R., Riego, E., Suárez, R.R., Ruiz, R.T., Fuente, J., Analyses of DNA from ancient bones of a pre-columbian Cuban woman and a child (1999) Genet Mol Biol, 22, pp. 285-289Vernesi, C., Benedetto, G., Caramelli, D., Secchieri, E., Simoni, L., Katti, E., Genetic characterization of the body attributed to the evangelist Luke (2001) Proc Natl Acad Sci, 98, pp. 13460-13463Melki, J.A.D., Martin, C.C.S., Simões, A.L., Procedimentos em exumações para investigação de vínculo genético em ossos (2001) J Public Health, 35, pp. 368-374Ogata, M., Mattern, R., Schneider, P.M., Schacker, U., Kaufmann, T., Rittner, C., Quantitative and qualitative analysis of DNA extracted from postmortem muscle tissues (1990) Z Rechtsmed, 103, pp. 397-406Wurmb-Schwark, N., Harbeck, M., Wiesbrock, U., Schroeder, I., Ritz-Timme, S., Oehmichen, M., Extraction and amplification of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA from ancient and artificially aged bones (2003) Leg Med, 5, pp. S169-S172Bender, K., Farfán, M.J., Schneider, P.M., Preparation of degraded human DNA under controlled conditions (2004) Forensic Sci Int, 139, pp. 135-140Pretty, I.A., Sweet, D., A look at forensic dentistry. Part I: The role of teeth in the determination of human identity (2001) Br Dent J, 190, pp. 359-366Gaytmenn, R., Sweet, D., Quantification of forensic DNA from various regions of human teeth (2003) J Forensic Sci, 48, pp. 622-625Malaver, P.C., Yunis, J.J., Different dental tissues as source of DNA for human identification in forensic cases (2003) Croat Med J, 44, pp. 306-309Pfeiffer, H., Hühne, J., Seitz, B., Brinkmann, B., Influence of soil storage and exposure period on DNA recovery from teeth (1999) Int J Legal Med, 112, pp. 142-144Lessig, R., Edelmann, J., Individualisation of dental tissue - an aid for odontological identification? (1995) J Forensic Odontostomatol, 13, pp. 1-3Murakami, H., Yamamoto, Y., Yoshitome, K., Ono, T., Okamoto, O., Shigeta, Y., Forensic study of sex determination using PCR on teeth samples (2000) Acta Med Okayama, 54, pp. 21-32Sweet, D., Hildebrand, D., Redovery of DNA from human teeth by cryogenic grinding (1998) J Forensic Sci, 43, pp. 1199-1202Trivedi, R., Chattopadhyay, P., Kaghyap, K., A new improved method for extraction of DNA from teeth for the analysis of hypervariavel loci (2002) Am J Forensic Med Pathol, 23, pp. 191-196Kemp, B.M., Smith, D.G., Use of bleach to eliminate contaminating DNA from the surface of bones and teeths (2005) Forensic Sci Int, 154, pp. 53-61Schulz, M.M., Reichert, W., Archived or directly swabbed latent fingerprints as a DNA source for STR typing (2002) Forensic Sci Int, 127, pp. 128-130Goes, A.C.S., Silva, D.A., Domingues, C.S., Sobrinho, J.M., Carvalho, E.F., Identification of a criminal by DNA typing in a rape case in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (2002) Sao Paulo Med J, 120, pp. 77-80Silva, D.A., Goes, A.C.S., Carvalho, J.J., Carvalho, E.F., DNA typing from vaginal smear slides in suspected rape cases (2004) Sao Paulo Med J, 122, pp. 70-72Silva, R.F., Pereira, S.D.R., Daruge Júnior, E., Daruge, E., Francesquini Júnior, L., A confiabilidade do exame odontolegal na identificação humana (2004) ROBRAC, 35, pp. 46-50Atsü SS, Gökdemir K, Kedici PS, Ikyaz YY. Bitemarks in forensic odontology. J Forensic Odontostomatol. 1998.16: 30-4McKenna CJ, Haron MI, Brown KA, Jones DAJ. Bitemarks in chocolate: a case report. J Forensic Odontostomatol. 200018: 10-4Sweet, D., Lorente, M., Lorente, J.A., Valenzuela, A., Villanueva, E., An improved method to recover saliva from human skin: The double swab technique (1997) J Forensic Sci, 42, pp. 320-322Bowers, C.M., (2004) Forensic dental evidence - An investigator's handbook, , San Diego: Elsevier;Borgula, L.M., Robinson, F.G., Rahimi, M., Chew, K.E., Birchmeier, K.R., Owens, S.Q., Isolation and genotypic comparison of oral streptococci from experimental bitemarks (2003) J Forensic Odontostomatol, 21, pp. 23-30Bilge, Y., Kedici, P.S., Alakoç, Y.D., Ûlküer, K., Ilkyaz, Y.Y., The identification of a dismembered human body: A multidisciplinary approach (2003) Forensic Sci Int, 137, pp. 141-146Sweet, D., Hidelbrand, D., Phillips, D., Identification of a skeleton using DNA from teeth and PAP smear (1999) J Forensic Sci, 44, pp. 630-633Soares-Vieira, J.A., Billerbeck, A.E.C., Iwamura, E.S.M., Cardoso, L.A., Muñoz, D.R., Post-mortem forensic identity testing: Application of PCR to the identification of fire victim (2000) Sao Paulo Med J, 118, pp. 75-77Sweet, D., Sweet, C.H.W., DNA analysis of dental pulp to link incinerated remains of homicide victim to crime scene (1995) J Forensic Sci, 40, pp. 310-314Yamada, Y., Ohira, H., Iwase, H., Takatori, T., Nagao, M., Ohtani, S., Sequencing mitochondrial DNA from a tooth and application to forensic odontology (1997) J Forensic Odontostmatol, 15, pp. 13-1

    Carbon-modified titanium oxide materials for photocatalytic water and air decontamination

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    Titanium oxide-based materials with different physical and chemical features were synthetized aiming at removing organic pollutants from both water and air media. The materials were produced employing two different heating methodologies (thermal, T and hydrothermal, H) at distinct temperatures resulting in porous materials. These materials were also modified with either graphene oxide (GO) or carbon nanotubes (CNT), using an in-situ approach. All materials were tested as photocatalysts using ultra-violet (UV), visible (Vis) and solar radiation. Rhodamine B (RhB) and benzene were used as representative pollutants in water and air, respectively. The addition of carbon to the catalysts improved the removal of both pollutants. In the case of the photocatalytic degradation of rhodamine B, under both UV and Vis light, it was found that, the materials containing carbon nanostructures allowed the highest degradation degree, while the photosensitisation phenomenon became negligible. The best catalyst is the one containing CNT (2.98 wt% of C) and thermally treated at 300 °C (T300_CNT). This material showed higher degradation ability than the commercial TiO2 nanopowder Degussa P25 (P25) under Vis light. Regarding benzene removal, the samples thermally treated at 300 °C and modified with CNT and GO (T300_CNT and T300_GO, respectively) outperformed Degussa P25. The former material was successfully reused in the photocatalytic degradation of benzene over 6 consecutive cycles.publishe

    New cathepsin V inhibitor from stems of Bowdichia virgilioides

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    Bioassay-guided fractionation of Bowdichia virgilioides Kunth, Fabaceae, extracts has led to the isolation of cathepsin V inhibitors. The investigation of the hexane and ethyl acetate extracts allowed the characterization of eleven compounds: lupeol, lupenone, β-sitosterol and stigmasterol in mixture, trans p-coumaric acid ester derivative, syringaresinol, bowdenol, 8-methoxycoumestrol, 3,4-hydroxy-7-methoxyisoflavone, 7,3′-dihydroxy-4′-methoxyisoflavone, and 5,4′-dihydroxy-7′-methoxyisoflavone. Structures of compounds were stablished by 1D and 2D NMR, and MS experiments. Among the isolated compounds, trans p-coumaric acid ester derivative and 8-methoxycoumestrol showed significant inhibition on cathepsin V, which is up to now unexplored. Keywords: Cathepsin, Cysteine peptidases, Inhibitors, Cerrado biom

    Avaliação da atividade fenilalanina amônia liásica em folhas de bananeira inoculadas com o fungo Mycosphaerella fijiensis.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os atributos bioquímicos envolvidos na defesa da bananeira ao ataque do fungo M. fijiensis, notadamente avaliar o papel da enzima fenilalanina amônia liase nesta resposta, nas variedades Caprichosa, Garantida, FHIA-18, Prata Ken, Prata Anã, Maçã e Grande Naine, nos tempos: 0, 6h, 24h, 48h, 72h dias após a inoculação. Após a coleta, as folhas foram pesadas e obtidos os extratos totais por meio de maceração das folhas com tampão acetato de sódio 50 mM, pH 5,2, os quais foram utilizados nas determinações de proteínas e atividade enzimática

    Crystal structures and Hirshfeld surface analyses of (E)-N′-benzylidene-2-oxo-2H-chromene-3-carbohydrazide and the disordered hemi-DMSO solvate of (E)-2-oxo-N′-(3,4,5-trimethoxybenzylidene)-2H-chromene-3-carbohydrazide: lattice energy and intermolecular interaction energy calculations for the former

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    The crystal structures of the disordered hemi-DMSO solvate of (E)-2-oxo-N'-(3,4,5-tri-meth-oxy-benzyl-idene)-2H-chromene-3-carbohydrazide, C20H18N2O6·0.5C2H6OS, and (E)-N'-benzyl-idene-2-oxo-2H-chromene-3-carbohydrazide, C17H12N2O3 (4: R = C6H5), are discussed. The non-hydrogen atoms in compound [4: R = (3,4,5-MeO)3C6H2)] exhibit a distinct curvature, while those in compound, (4: R = C6H5), are essential coplanar. In (4: R = C6H5), C-H⋯O and π-π intra-molecular inter-actions combine to form a three-dimensional array. A three-dimensional array is also found for the hemi-DMSO solvate of [4: R = (3,4,5-MeO)3C6H2], in which the mol-ecules of coumarin are linked by C-H⋯O and C-H⋯π inter-actions, and form tubes into which the DMSO mol-ecules are cocooned. Hirshfeld surface analyses of both compounds are reported, as are the lattice energy and inter-molecular inter-action energy calculations of compound (4: R = C6H5).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Experimental evaluation of prefiltering for 56 Gbaud DP-QPSK signal transmission in 75 GHz WDM grid

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    We investigate optical prefiltering for 56Gbaud (224Gbit/s) electrical time-division multiplexed (ETDM) dual polarization (DP) quaternary phase shift keying (QPSK) transmission. Different transmitter-side optical filter shapes are tested and their bandwidths are varied. Comparison of studied filter shapes shows an advantage of a pre-emphasis filter. Subsequently, we perform a fiber transmission of the 56Gbaud DP QPSK signal filtered with the 65GHz pre-emphasis filter to fit the 75GHz transmission grid. Bit error rate (BER) of the signal remains below forward error correction (FEC) limit after 300km of fiber propagation

    ER stress activation in the intestinal mucosa but not in mesenteric adipose tissue is associated with inflammation in Crohn’s disease patients

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    Chronic/abnormal activation of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress is linked to the exacerbation of the inflammatory process and has been recently linked to Crohn’s disease (CD) pathophysiology. We investigated the intestinal mucosa and the mesenteric adipose tissue (MAT) collected from CD patients with active disease (CD group) and from non-IBD patients (CTR group) to study ER stress activation and to address tissue-specific modulation in CD. The intestinal mucosa of CD patients showed an upregulation in the expression of ER stress related genes, including ATF3, DNAJC3, STC2, DDIT3, CALR, HSPA5 and HSP90B1. Results showed that EIF2AK3 gene was upregulated, along with increased protein expression of p-eIF2α and p-eIF2α/eIF2α ratio. Additionally, ERN1 gene expression was upregulated, along with an increased spliced/activated form sXBP1 protein. Despite the upregulation of ATF6 gene expression in the intestinal mucosa of CD patients, no differences were found in ATF6 protein expression. Lastly, the analysis of MAT revealed unchanged levels of ER stress markers along with no differences in the activation of UPR. However, chaperone gene expression was modulated in the MAT of CD patients. To conclude, our results address tissue-specific differences in UPR activation in CD and point the ER stress as an important pro-inflammatory mechanism in CD, specifically in the intestinal mucosa149CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQCOORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESP401270/2016-502-P-28707/20122016/01638-