69 research outputs found
[religion And Drug Use By Adolescents].
Many international studies show that religion is an important dimension modulating the use of alcohol and drugs by adolescents. to determine which religious variables are associated to frequent or heavy use of alcohol, tobacco and drugs among adolescents in intermediate and high schools in Campinas, Brazil. A cross-sectional study using a self-report anonymous questionnaire was administered to 2,287 students from a convenience sample of seven schools: five from central areas (two public and three private schools) and two public schools from the outskirts of the city, in 1998. The study analyzes data regarding the use of alcohol, tobacco, medicines, solvents, marijuana, cocaine and ecstasy. The religious variables included in the regression analysis were: religious affiliation, church attendance, self-assessed religiousness, and religious education in childhood. For the substances, nicotine, alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, ecstasy and abuse of medicines a logistic regression analysis for dicotomic answer was applied. The heavy use of at least one drug during the last month was more frequent among students that did not have a religious education during childhood. The use in the last month of cocaine, ecstasy and (abuse of) medicines was more frequent among those students that had no religion (cocaine and medicines) and that did not have a religious education during childhood (ecstasy and medicines). this study is consistent with previous investigations demonstrating a strong influence of religious variables over the use of drugs among adolescents. Interesting, it was found that no or weaker religious education during childhood was markedly associated with significant more use of drugs during adolescence.2682-9
Microneedling: a review
Introduction: Microneedling, also called percutaneous collagen induction therapy (PCIT), is a technique applied with an equipment called roller. It is suitable for rejuvenation, alopecia, all types of scars, acne, photo rejuvenation, stretch marks, skin flaccidity, melasma, expression wrinkles, and improvement of the general aspect of the skin.
Objective: Perform a literature review to identify the major clinical applications of microneedling.
Methods: The research was done from 2009 to 2018, in electronic databases PubMed and Scielo. The studies recovered were described and analyzed.
Results: We selected 12 articles and two books for their relevant content.
Conclusion: Microneedling is a simple technique, an innovative treatment that has been used for different dermatological pathologies. This method acts by naturally stimulating collagen by responding to the inflammatory process and also by activating the transdermal ingredient access system (TIAS), known as Drug Delivery
Itinerário terapêutico de crianças com necessidades especiais de saúde: análise guiada por sistemas de cuidado
Objetivo: Compreender o itinerário terapêutico percorrido pelas famílias em busca de atenção às necessidades especiais de saúde do filho em um município brasileiro de fronteira.Método: Pesquisa qualitativa fundamentada na hermenêutica dialética e no modelo de Sistemas de Cuidado à Saúde. Foram realizadas entrevistas e Mapas Falantes (Dinâmica de Criatividade e Sensibilidade) com 19 cuidadores de crianças com necessidades especiais, atendidas em instituições assistenciais em Foz do Iguaçu, Paraná, em 2020. Para análise dos dados, utilizou-se análise temática.Resultados: Destacou-se a fragilidade do Sistema de Cuidados à Saúde, permeada por: dificuldades para acesso ao diagnóstico e consultas; sobrecarga para o cuidado; (des)organização do itinerário de cuidado; e desconstrução do vínculo, por falhas na comunicação e acolhimento.Conclusão: A desconstrução do itinerário terapêutico de crianças com necessidades especiais envolveu, sobretudo, o contexto profissional no Sistema de Cuidado à Saúde, levando à busca por atenção em serviços privados e em instituições assistenciais.
Palavras-chave: Saúde da criança. Cuidado da criança. Saúde na fronteira. Acesso aos serviços de saúde. Criança com deficiência
Objetivo: descrever a influência de fatores epidemiológicos para o seguimento puerperal e para o aparecimento de problemas de saúde em região coberta pela Rede Mãe Paranaense. Método: pesquisa descritiva, quantitativa, com 280 puérperas de municípios da nona Regional de Saúde do Paraná, realizada no segundo semestre de 2017 e primeiro de 2018, organizada em duas etapas: no alojamento conjunto de maternidades e nos domicílios, após seis meses do parto. Resultados: a consulta na primeira semana após o parto foi realizada por 51,1% das puérperas, e com 42 dias 76,8%. Baixa idade e escolaridade foram associadas a não realização das consultas. Identificou-se 20,7% de puérperas com problemas clínicos, 53,2% com sintomas emocionais, e aproximadamente 10% com sintomas depressivos e pensamentos suicidas. Conclusão: fatores epidemiológicos têm influência para a adesão insatisfatória de consultas puerperais, mas não para o aparecimento de problemas de saúde no puerpério.Descritores: Período Pós-parto. Fatores Epidemiológicos. Saúde da Mulher. Cuidados de Enfermagem
Cuidados com o recém-nascido em ambiente hospitalar: oportunidades de apoio e orientações
Objetivo: Analisar as orientações e o apoio profissional para o cuidado do recémnascido em ambiente hospitalar em três regionais de saúde do estado do Paraná. Método: Estudo analítico, transversal, desenvolvido em 2017 e 2018, em três Regionais de Saúde do Paraná, por meio de inquérito com 1.270 puérperas no alojamento conjunto. Para análise realizou-se teste t de Student com 95% de confiabilidade e teste exato de Fisher (
Cardiovascular control in women with fibromyalgia syndrome: Do causal methods provide nonredundant information compared with more traditional approaches?
The cardiovascular autonomic control and the baroreflex sensitivity (BRS) have been widely studied in FMS patients through the computation of linear indices of spontaneous heart period (HP) and systolic arterial pressure (SAP) variabilities. However, there are many methodological difficulties regarding the quantification of BRS by the traditional indices especially in relation to the issue of causality. This difficulty has been directly tackled via a model-based approach describing the closed loop HP-SAP interactions and the exogenous influences of respiration. Therefore, we aimed to assess if the BRS assessed by the model-based causal closed-loop approach during supine and active standing in patients with FMS could provide complementary information to those obtained by traditional indices based on time and frequency domains. The findings of this study revealed that, although the traditional methods to quantify BRS did not show any significant differences between groups, the causality analysis applied to the HP, SAP and respiratory series, through the model based closed loop approach, detected lower BRS in supine position as well as a blunted response to the orthostatic stimulus in patients with FMS compared to healthy control subjects. Also, the strength of the causal relation from SAP to HP (i.e., along the cardiac baroreflex) increased during the active standing only in the control subjects. The model-based closed-loop approach proved to provide important complementary information about the cardiovascular autonomic control in patients with FMS
RESUMO Objetivo: compreender as ações de cuidado do enfermeiro a partir do Programa Rede Mãe Paranaense (PRMP). Métodos: estudo qualitativo alicerçado na fenomenologia social de Alfred Schütz. Participaram oito enfermeiros dos municípios da 10ª Regional de Saúde do Paraná. Realizouse entrevista semiestruturada de agosto a dezembro de 2014. Resultados: identificaram-se três categorias: conhecimento sobre o PRMP; ações de cuidado do enfermeiro no PRMP; e expectativas quanto ao PRMP. O enfermeiro conhece os objetivos, os compromissos e os indicadores do PRMP. Desenvolve ações de captação precoce; estratificação de risco habitual, intermediário e alto risco e encaminhamentos conforme o risco. Proporciona cuidado qualificado à gestante, à parturiente, à puérpera e à criança. A partir das ações de cuidado, vislumbram qualificar ainda mais as ações de cuidado a essa população. Conclusão: as ações da equipe multidisciplinar poderão contribuir de forma eficaz na redução da morbimortalidade materna e infantil. Faz-se necessário mais investimento nos programas de saúde para o alcance da excelência nas ações de cuidado
Cateterismo urinário: conhecimento e adesão ao controle de infecção pelos profissionais de enfermagem
A infecção urinária é freqüente nas internações hospitalares e normalmente estão associadas à instrumentação e manuseio do trato urinário. Objetivamos identificar o conhecimento e a adoção das medidas recomendadas para prevenção e controle de infecção no manuseio e instrumentação do trato urinário associado a cateter vesical pelos profissionais de enfermagem e verificar a existência de rotina escrita e capacitação em serviço. Estudo descritivo, realizado em seis hospitais de ensino do município de Goiânia-GO, no ano de 2003. Os dados foram obtidos mediante entrevistas e 216 horas de observação direta. Participaram 67 profissionais da equipe de enfermagem. Medidas relevantes para o controle de infecção como a higienização das mãos são negligenciadas. Há dicotomia entre o conhecimento e a prática dos auxiliares/técnicos de enfermagem com relação às medidas de prevenção e controle de infecção referente ao manuseio do cateter e sistema de drenagem. A maioria dos enfermeiros conhece e observa as medidas fundamentais para o controle de infecção na execução do cateterismo de demora e de alívio. A capacitação acontece de forma assistemática. A maioria dos serviços possui protocolo com a padronização das técnicas. Há necessidade de um investimento na educação continuada para que medidas eficazes do controle de infecção urinária sejam adotadas.
Palavras chave: Cateterismo urinário; Infecção; Cuidados de enfermagem
Filling Material Bond Strength to Dentin Is Positively Influenced by the Agitation of Endodontic Final Irrigating Solutions
Introduction: The final step of irrigation has been considered to of increase the bonding strength of filling material to dentin. This study investigated the impact of three final-step irrigation methods on the endodontic sealer bond strength to dentin by using a micro push-out test. Materials and Methods: Palatal roots of human maxillary molars were cleaned and shaped and randomly divided in six groups (n=15) according to the final-step irrigation method and the type of root canal sealer used. The solutions used for the final-step irrigation were 17% ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid and 2.5% sodium hypochlorite, which underwent three methods: 1) syringe-needle irrigation/conventional, 2) passive ultrasonic irrigation, and 3) XP-endo Finisher agitation. The root canal sealers used were: EndoSequence BC Sealer, and AH-Plus sealer. Roots were obturated with the single cone technique and then, cross-sectioned in 2-mm-thick slices (3 slices from each root). Push-out test was performed on the sliced specimens (cervical, middle, and apical thirds) with a universal testing machine. Bond strength values were recorded in megapascal (MPa). Subsequently, each specimen was longitudinally split to verify the type of failure. Data analysis was performed using Johnson transformation, three-way analysis of variance, Tukey’s post-hoc tests, and the partial Eta squared test. Results: There were significant differences in bond strength between the sealers [AH: 4.46±2.24 and BC: 3.47±2.19 MPa (P<0.001)]; between final-step irrigation methods [passive ultrasonic irrigation: 4.52±2.25, XP-endo Finisher: 3.93±3.93 and syringe-needle irrigation/conventional: 3.37±2.51 MPa (P<0.001)], and between the root canal thirds represented by the sliced specimens [cervical: 5.45±2.39, middle: 4.14±1.99 and apical: 2.30±1.30 MPa (P<0.001)]. The interaction between the variables had no significance (P>0.05). Conclusion: Agitation of the final irrigating solution may improve the bonding of the sealer to canal walls. AH-Plus sealer had the highest bond strength. The bond strength reduced significantly towards the apical third
Justification of suicide terrorism and the gendered interpretation. Case study: Al-Qaeda & ISIS
Terrorism has been a controversial and focal point for discussion with many perspectives on the subject.The objective of this thesis is to present the justifications of suicide terrorism, focusing on Al-Qaeda and ISIS in Iraq with a comparative analysis. The gendered interpretation is also taken into account to present how this contradicts female participation in terrorism. The purpose of this thesis is to engage in terrorism studies from a different perspective and stress the inclusion of the role of women as this is often underestimated and hence used strategically by terrorist groups. In terms of justifications, this thesis investigates the strategic, social and individual logics set out by Pape (2005) in order to analyse the different reasons behind suicide terrorism and how terrorist organizations can justify their acts in relation to the broader goal. The gendered interpretation concept refers to the existence of masculine and feminine ideals that are connected to specific roles and activities in society. In this sense, prejudice based on gender is often the result and women’s capabilities to perform an attack are underestimated. The similarities and differences of Al-Qaeda and ISIS are teased out in terms of deployment of women and logics of suicide terrorism. The findings show that foreign presence in Iraq tend to drive both terrorist groups to their acts to free the territories. By connecting the Islamic ideology to the organizations, recruitment and support among the communities are facilitated. Individual motivations to participate in terrorism are mostly related to identity and religious attachments. By referring to terrorism as a masculine activity, women’s capabilities are underestimated based on their image and traditional feminine ideals. Hence, the dangers of a gendered interpretation are presented as this strategy can be used by terrorist organizations to conduct deadly attacks with many casualties by deploying women suicide bombers
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