812 research outputs found

    Revision of the Chiapan deer mouse, Peromyscus zarhynchus, with the description of a new species

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    We analyzed morphometric and molecular variation among 8 populations of Peromyscus zarhynchus grouped into 5 pooled samples representing separate physiographic regions across the range of this species in Chiapas, Mexico, and western Guatemala. Mitochondrial sequence data identify 2 well-supported and reciprocally monophyletic clades, separating all Chiapas specimens from those in Guatemala. These 2 clades group as a strongly supported monophyletic lineage aligned with other members of the Peromyscus mexicanus species group. The Chiapas clade is further subdivided into 4 subclades: 1) samples from the western part of the state, 2) specimens from a single locality in Northern Chiapas, 3) all central localities, and 4) those from a single locality in Eastern Chiapas. The molecular distance in the mitochondrial cytochrome-b gene (Cytb) between the 2 major clades is relatively low (mean p-distance = 3.66%); those between the 4 Chiapas subclades are even less (mean p-distance 2.73%). Multivariate analyses of external and craniodental morphometric variables also distinguish 2 major groups, separating Guatemalan from Chiapas samples but with the latter also divided into 2 subgroups, one that segregates the Northern Chiapas sample from those distributed elsewhere in that state. The Guatemalan and Chiapas samples differ in both cranial size and shape variables. The second-level separation of samples from within Chiapas (northern versus all others) is interpreted to result from the combination of local adaptation to distinct physiographic regions and geographic isolation generated by patches of suitable habitat. We describe the Guatemalan samples as a distinct species based on their molecular and morphological uniqueness, and argue that P. zarhynchus itself is divided into definable subspecies, with the nominotypical form P. z. zarhynchus, restricted to the vicinity of its type locality (TumbalĂĄ) in Northern Chiapas, and P. z. cristobalensis with type locality of San Cristobal, over the remainder of the species range in the state

    Distributional extensions of Carollia castanea and Micronycteris minuta from Guatemala, Central America

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    Field expeditions in 2011 that inventoried the terrestrial vertebrate fauna of two wildlife protected areas in the tropical Caribbean of Guatemala have produced the first confirmed records of two bats for the country: the white-bellied big-eared bat, Micronycteris (Schizonycteris) minuta (Gervais 1856) and the Chesnut short-tailed bat Carollia castanea H. Allen, 1890, both of neotropical distribution and with their current northern limit at Lancetilla, Honduras. The record of M. minuta at Sierra de Caral, Guatemala extends the range of this species 137 km to the west, and the record of C. castanea at Cerro San Gil extends its range 147 km to the west

    Variable order Mittag-Leffler fractional operators on isolated time scales and application to the calculus of variations

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    We introduce new fractional operators of variable order on isolated time scales with Mittag-Leffler kernels. This allows a general formulation of a class of fractional variational problems involving variable-order difference operators. Main results give fractional integration by parts formulas and necessary optimality conditions of Euler-Lagrange type.Comment: This is a preprint of a paper whose final and definite form is with Springe

    On multi-scale asymptotic structure of eigenfunctions in a boundary value problem with concentrated masses near the boundary

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    We construct two-term asymptotics ?? k = ?m?2(M + ??k + O(?3/2)) of eigenvalues of a mixed boundary-value problem in ? R2 with many heavy (m > 2) concentrated masses near a straight part of the boundary ? . ? is a small positive parameter related to size and periodicity of the masses; k ? N. The main term M > 0 is common for all eigenvalues but the correction terms ?k , which are eigenvalues of a limit problem with the spectral Steklov boundary conditions on , exhibit the effect of asymptotic splitting in the eigenvalue sequence enabling the detection of asymptotic forms of eigenfunctions. The justification scheme implies isolating and purifying singularities of eigenfunctions and leads to a new spectral problem in weighed spaces with a "strongly" singular weight.This research work has been partially supported by Spanish MINECO, MTM2013-44883-P. Also, the research work of the first author has been partially supported by Russian Foundation of Basic research (project 15–01–02175)

    Constructing living buildings: a review of relevant technologies for a novel application of biohybrid robotics

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    Biohybrid robotics takes an engineering approach to the expansion and exploitation of biological behaviours for application to automated tasks. Here, we identify the construction of living buildings and infrastructure as a high-potential application domain for biohybrid robotics, and review technological advances relevant to its future development. Construction, civil infrastructure maintenance and building occupancy in the last decades have comprised a major portion of economic production, energy consumption and carbon emissions. Integrating biological organisms into automated construction tasks and permanent building components therefore has high potential for impact. Live materials can provide several advantages over standard synthetic construction materials, including self-repair of damage, increase rather than degradation of structural performance over time, resilience to corrosive environments, support of biodiversity, and mitigation of urban heat islands. Here, we review relevant technologies, which are currently disparate. They span robotics, self-organizing systems, artificial life, construction automation, structural engineering, architecture, bioengineering, biomaterials, and molecular and cellular biology. In these disciplines, developments relevant to biohybrid construction and living buildings are in the early stages, and typically are not exchanged between disciplines. We, therefore, consider this review useful to the future development of biohybrid engineering for this highly interdisciplinary application.publishe

    Astrobiological Complexity with Probabilistic Cellular Automata

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    Search for extraterrestrial life and intelligence constitutes one of the major endeavors in science, but has yet been quantitatively modeled only rarely and in a cursory and superficial fashion. We argue that probabilistic cellular automata (PCA) represent the best quantitative framework for modeling astrobiological history of the Milky Way and its Galactic Habitable Zone. The relevant astrobiological parameters are to be modeled as the elements of the input probability matrix for the PCA kernel. With the underlying simplicity of the cellular automata constructs, this approach enables a quick analysis of large and ambiguous input parameters' space. We perform a simple clustering analysis of typical astrobiological histories and discuss the relevant boundary conditions of practical importance for planning and guiding actual empirical astrobiological and SETI projects. In addition to showing how the present framework is adaptable to more complex situations and updated observational databases from current and near-future space missions, we demonstrate how numerical results could offer a cautious rationale for continuation of practical SETI searches.Comment: 37 pages, 11 figures, 2 tables; added journal reference belo

    Potential of gene drives with genome editing to increase genetic gain in livestock breeding programs

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    Abstract Background This paper uses simulation to explore how gene drives can increase genetic gain in livestock breeding programs. Gene drives are naturally occurring phenomena that cause a mutation on one chromosome to copy itself onto its homologous chromosome. Methods We simulated nine different breeding and editing scenarios with a common overall structure. Each scenario began with 21 generations of selection, followed by 20 generations of selection based on true breeding values where the breeder used selection alone, selection in combination with genome editing, or selection with genome editing and gene drives. In the scenarios that used gene drives, we varied the probability of successfully incorporating the gene drive. For each scenario, we evaluated genetic gain, genetic variance ( \u3c3 A 2 ) , rate of change in inbreeding ( \u394 F ), number of distinct quantitative trait nucleotides (QTN) edited, rate of increase in favourable allele frequencies of edited QTN and the time to fix favourable alleles. Results Gene drives enhanced the benefits of genome editing in seven ways: (1) they amplified the increase in genetic gain brought about by genome editing; (2) they amplified the rate of increase in the frequency of favourable alleles and reduced the time it took to fix them; (3) they enabled more rapid targeting of QTN with lesser effect for genome editing; (4) they distributed fixed editing resources across a larger number of distinct QTN across generations; (5) they focussed editing on a smaller number of QTN within a given generation; (6) they reduced the level of inbreeding when editing a subset of the sires; and (7) they increased the efficiency of converting genetic variation into genetic gain. Conclusions Genome editing in livestock breeding results in short-, medium- and long-term increases in genetic gain. The increase in genetic gain occurs because editing increases the frequency of favourable alleles in the population. Gene drives accelerate the increase in allele frequency caused by editing, which results in even higher genetic gain over a shorter period of time with no impact on inbreeding

    Genotypic classification of patients with Wolfram syndrome: insights into the natural history of the disease and correlation with phenotype

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    Purpose: Wolfram syndrome is a degenerative, recessive rare disease with an onset in childhood. It is caused by mutations in WFS1 or CISD2 genes. More than 200 different variations in WFS1 have been described in patients with Wolfram syndrome, which complicates the establishment of clear genotype-phenotype correlation. The purpose of this study was to elucidate the role of WFS1 mutations and update the natural history of the disease. Methods: This study analyzed clinical and genetic data of 412 patients with Wolfram syndrome published in the last 15 years. Results: (i) 15% of published patients do not fulfill the current ­inclusion criterion; (ii) genotypic prevalence differences may exist among countries; (iii) diabetes mellitus and optic atrophy might not be the first two clinical features in some patients; (iv) mutations are nonuniformly distributed in WFS1; (v) age at onset of diabetes mellitus, hearing defects, and diabetes insipidus may depend on the patient"s genotypic class; and (vi) disease progression rate might depend on genotypic class. Conclusion: New genotype-phenotype correlations were established, disease progression rate for the general population and for the genotypic classes has been calculated, and new diagnostic criteria have been proposed. The conclusions raised could be important for patient management and counseling as well as for the development of treatments for Wolfram syndrome

    Optomechanical Crystals

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    Structured, periodic optical materials can be used to form photonic crystals capable of dispersing, routing, and trapping light. A similar phenomena in periodic elastic structures can be used to manipulate mechanical vibrations. Here we present the design and experimental realization of strongly coupled optical and mechanical modes in a planar, periodic nanostructure on a silicon chip. 200-Terahertz photons are co-localized with mechanical modes of Gigahertz frequency and 100-femtogram mass. The effective coupling length, which describes the strength of the photon-phonon interaction, is as small as 2.9 microns, which, together with minute oscillator mass, allows all-optical actuation and transduction of nanomechanical motion with near quantum-limited sensitivity. Optomechanical crystals have many potential applications, from RF-over-optical communication to the study of quantum effects in mesoscopic mechanical systems.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figure
