59 research outputs found

    The behaviour of inositol 1,3,4,5,6-pentakisphosphate in the presence of the major biological metal cations

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    The inositol phosphates are ubiquitous metabolites in eukaryotes, of which the most abundant are inositol hexakisphosphate (InsP6) and inositol 1,3,4,5,6-pentakisphosphate [Ins(1,3,4,5,6)P5)]. These two compounds, poorly understood functionally, have complicated complexation and solid formation behaviours with multivalent cations. For InsP6, we have previously described this chemistry and its biological implications (Veiga et al. in J Inorg Biochem 100:1800, 2006; Torres et al. in J Inorg Biochem 99:828, 2005). We now cover similar ground for Ins(1,3,4,5,6)P5, describing its interactions in solution with Na+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Cu2+, Fe2+ and Fe3+, and its solid-formation equilibria with Ca2+ and Mg2+. Ins(1,3,4,5,6)P5 forms soluble complexes of 1:1 stoichiometry with all multivalent cations studied. The affinity for Fe3+ is similar to that of InsP6 and inositol 1,2,3-trisphosphate, indicating that the 1,2,3-trisphosphate motif, which Ins(1,3,4,5,6)P5 lacks, is not absolutely necessary for high-affinity Fe3+ complexation by inositol phosphates, even if it is necessary for their prevention of the Fenton reaction. With excess Ca2+ and Mg2+, Ins(1,3,4,5,6)P5 also forms the polymetallic complexes [M4(H2L)] [where L is fully deprotonated Ins(1,3,4,5,6)P5]. However, unlike InsP6, Ins(1,3,4,5,6)P5 is predicted not to be fully associated with Mg2+ under simulated cytosolic/nuclear conditions. The neutral Mg2+ and Ca2+ complexes have significant windows of solubility, but they precipitate as [Mg4(H2L)]·23H2O or [Ca4(H2L)]·16H2O whenever they exceed 135 and 56 μM in concentration, respectively. Nonetheless, the low stability of the [M4(H2L)] complexes means that the 1:1 species contribute to the overall solubility of Ins(1,3,4,5,6)P5 even under significant Mg2+ or Ca2+ excesses. We summarize the solubility behaviour of Ins(1,3,4,5,6)P5 in straightforward plots

    Phylogenetic Patterns of Colonization and Extinction in Experimentally Assembled Plant Communities

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    Evolutionary history has provided insights into the assembly and functioning of plant communities, yet patterns of phylogenetic community structure have largely been based on non-dynamic observations of natural communities. We examined phylogenetic patterns of natural colonization, extinction and biomass production in experimentally assembled communities.We used plant community phylogenetic patterns two years after experimental diversity treatments (1, 2, 4, 8 or 32 species) were discontinued. We constructed a 5-gene molecular phylogeny and statistically compared relatedness of species that colonized or went extinct to remaining community members and patterns of aboveground productivity. Phylogenetic relatedness converged as species-poor plots were colonized and speciose plots experienced extinctions, but plots maintained more differences in composition than in phylogenetic diversity. Successful colonists tended to either be closely or distantly related to community residents. Extinctions did not exhibit any strong relatedness patterns. Finally, plots that increased in phylogenetic diversity also increased in community productivity, though this effect was inseparable from legume colonization, since these colonists tended to be phylogenetically distantly related.We found that successful non-legume colonists were typically found where close relatives already existed in the sown community; in contrast, successful legume colonists (on their own long branch in the phylogeny) resulted in plots that were colonized by distant relatives. While extinctions exhibited no pattern with respect to relatedness to sown plotmates, extinction plus colonization resulted in communities that converged to similar phylogenetic diversity values, while maintaining differences in species composition

    Carbon-focused conservation may fail to protect the most biodiverse tropical forests

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    As one of Earth’s most carbon-dense regions, tropical forests are central to climate change mitigation efforts. Their unparalleled species richness also makes them vital for safeguarding biodiversity. However, because research has not been conducted at management-relevant scales and has often not accounted for forest disturbance, the biodiversity implications of carbon conservation strategies remain poorly understood. We investigated tropical carbon–biodiversity relationships and trade-offs along a forest-disturbance gradient, using detailed and extensive carbon and biodiversity datasets. Biodiversity was positively associated with carbon in secondary and highly disturbed primary forests. Positive carbon–biodiversity relationships dissipated at around 100 MgC ha–1, meaning that in less disturbed forests more carbon did not equal more biodiversity. Simulated carbon conservation schemes therefore failed to protect many species in the most species-rich forests. These biodiversity shortfalls were sensitive to opportunity costs and could be decreased for small carbon penalties. To ensure that the most ecologically valuable forests are protected, biodiversity needs to be incorporated into carbon conservation planning

    Mixed-forest species establishment in a monodominant forest in Central Africa: Implications for tropical forest invasibility

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    Background: Traits of non-dominant mixed-forest tree species and their synergies for successful co-occurrence in monodominant Gilbertiodendron dewevrei forest have not yet been investigated. Here we compared the tree species diversity of the monodominant forest with its adjacent mixed forest and then determined which fitness proxies and life history traits of the mixed-forest tree species were most associated with successful co-existence in the monodominant forest. Methodology/Principal Findings: We sampled all trees (diameter in breast height [dbh]≥10 cm) within 6x1 ha topographically homogenous areas of intact central African forest in SE Cameroon, three independent patches of G. dewevrei-dominated forest and three adjacent areas (450-800 m apart). Monodominant G. dewevrei forest had lower sample-controlled species richness, species density and population density than its adjacent mixed forest in terms of stems with dbh≥10 cm. Analysis of a suite of population-level characteristics, such as relative abundance and geographical distribution, and traits such as wood density, height, diameter at breast height, fruit/seed dispersal mechanism and light requirement-revealed after controlling for phylogeny, species that co-occur with G. dewevrei tend to have higher abundance in adjacent mixed forest, higher wood density and a lower light requirement. Conclusions/Significance: Our results suggest that certain traits (wood density and light requirement) and population-level characteristics (relative abundance) may increase the invasibility of a tree species into a tropical closed-canopy system. Such knowledge may assist in the pre-emptive identification of invasive tree species. © 2014 Peh et al

    Global dominance of lianas over trees is driven by forest disturbance, climate and topography

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    \ua9 2024 The Authors. Global Change Biology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.Growing evidence suggests that liana competition with trees is threatening the global carbon sink by slowing the recovery of forests following disturbance. A recent theory based on local and regional evidence further proposes that the competitive success of lianas over trees is driven by interactions between forest disturbance and climate. We present the first global assessment of liana–tree relative performance in response to forest disturbance and climate drivers. Using an unprecedented dataset, we analysed 651 vegetation samples representing 26,538 lianas and 82,802 trees from 556 unique locations worldwide, derived from 83 publications. Results show that lianas perform better relative to trees (increasing liana-to-tree ratio) when forests are disturbed, under warmer temperatures and lower precipitation and towards the tropical lowlands. We also found that lianas can be a critical factor hindering forest recovery in disturbed forests experiencing liana-favourable climates, as chronosequence data show that high competitive success of lianas over trees can persist for decades following disturbances, especially when the annual mean temperature exceeds 27.8\ub0C, precipitation is less than 1614 mm and climatic water deficit is more than 829 mm. These findings reveal that degraded tropical forests with environmental conditions favouring lianas are disproportionately more vulnerable to liana dominance and thus can potentially stall succession, with important implications for the global carbon sink, and hence should be the highest priority to consider for restoration management
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