712 research outputs found

    The second precise levelling network of Peninsular Malaysia

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    The measurement of Second Precise Levelling Network (PLN) for the Peninsular Malaysia which was completed in 2000 by Department of Surveying and Mapping Malaysia (DSMM) is set to replace the First Order Levelling Network of 1967. The new network consists of 113 levelling lines with more than 5000 bench marks and covers a total distance of over 5000 km. Precise levelling technique is used to establish the network where the allowable misclosure between fore and back levelling is less than 3 mm per root kilometre of length along a line. Its configuration is predominantly dictated by the land transportation pattern. The mean sea level (MSL) at Port Kelang, based upon a 10-year tidal observation (1984-93), was later being adopted as the new Peninsular Malaysia Geodetic Vertical Datum (PMGVD). A consistent and accurate set of adjusted heights of benchmarks has been achieved in the adjustment of the Precise Levelling Network of Peninsular Malaysia on the datum defined by MSL height at Port Klang. These adjusted heights are based on the Helmert orthometric height system. By fixing Port Kelang, the precision of the PLN can be expressed as 1.14 mmvkm. This implies that for any of the 5,295 first-order levelling bench mark across the nation, a height precision of better than 3 cm can be expected

    Enhancement of height system for Malaysia using space technology: the study of the datum bias inconsistencies in Peninsular Malaysia

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    The algorithm for orthometric height transfer using GPS has been widely presented. Its practical limitations are mostly due to datum bias inconsistencies and lack of precise geoid. In most applications, datum biases are assumed to be systematic over short baselines and therefore could be eliminated by differential heighting techniques. In this study, optimal algorithms were investigated to model biases between local vertical datum in Peninsular Malaysia and the datums implied by by EGM96, OSU91A and the regional Gravimetric Geoid in South_East Asia. The study has indicated that local vertical datum is not physically parallel to the datums implied by the above geoids. The shift parameters between the datums implied by the GPS/leveling data, and the EGM96, OSU91A and the gravimetric datums are about – 41cm, -54 cm and – 8 cm respectively. Also the maximum tilts of the planes fitting the residual geoids above these datums relative to GPS/Leveling datum are of the order of 36, 51 and 33 centimeters per degree. It is therefore necessary to take into account the effect of inconsistent datum bias particularly for baseline height transfer. The level of accuracy achieved by the bias corrected relative orthometric height differences of the EGM96, OSU91A and the gravimetric geoid models combined with GPS/leveling data for baseline lengths up to 36 km, is sufficient to replace the conventional tedious, time consuming ordinary leveling technique for rapid height transfer for land surveying and engineering applications

    En què s'ha convertit el mapa escolar?

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    Acceptance towards Goods and Services Tax (GST) among local business communities / Shahariah Asmuni, Sabariah Yusoff and Nur Syuhadah Mohd Ses.

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    The Goods and Services Tax (GST) has been introduced in Malaysia to replace the Sales and Services Tax (SST) to improve the efficiency of indirect tax collection. However, its implementation has not been fully understood by business people. This research aims to examine the key factors that have contributed to the level of acceptance towards GST among business communities in a local city, Johor Bharu. In this study, three variables were selected namely awareness, understanding and attitude. Using questionnaire as a research instrument, 100 sets of questionnaires were distributed. Multiple regression analysis was used to test the relationship among awareness, understanding and attitude with the level of acceptance among business communities towards GST. The results revealed that the mean score for all independent variables is moderate. Awareness and attitude were found to have significant impact on the level of acceptance among business community towards GST, while understanding is not significant. The business community in Johor Bahru shows a moderate or positive level of acceptance and attitude towards GST


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    Learning is an urgent matters in the world of education, because it is something that is important and urgent that require immediate decisions and actions. This action research was conducted to obtain answers on issues related to learning affixation by using Discovery on the class of fifth grade students of SD Negeri 01 Ujan Mas Kepahiang District Bengkulu. The series of activities classroom action research was conducted in two cycles and sitiap cycle consists of: (l) action plan (2) action, (3) observation, and (4) reflection. Application of discovery learning methods in learning affixation ber-kan and ber - an in Class V SD Negeri 01 Ujan Mas can improve and enhance the activity of the learning process students having mastered the learning material showed an increase. This can be shown by the average result of the acquisition of 57 in the first cycle increased to 77 in the second cycle, from the observation of increased activity of students in the first cycle obtain the average - average 57% increased to 77%. Interviews conducted entirely student said he was happy and liked the discovery learning method. Based on the above results we can conclude that the working hypothesis that the author interchanges that if the affixation ber-kan and ber - an implemented by the method of discovery will require students to learn science with satisfactory results.Keywords: language skills, learning affixation, methods of discovery


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    Learning is an urgent matters in the world of education, because it is something that is important and urgent that require immediate decisions and actions. This action research was conducted to obtain answers on issues related to learning affixation by using Discovery on the class of fifth grade students of SD Negeri 01 Ujan Mas Kepahiang District Bengkulu. The series of activities classroom action research was conducted in two cycles and sitiap cycle consists of: (l) action plan (2) action, (3) observation, and (4) reflection. Application of discovery learning methods in learning affixation ber-kan and ber - an in Class V SD Negeri 01 Ujan Mas can improve and enhance the activity of the learning process students having mastered the learning material showed an increase. This can be shown by the average result of the acquisition of 57 in the first cycle increased to 77 in the second cycle, from the observation of increased activity of students in the first cycle obtain the average - average 57% increased to 77%. Interviews conducted entirely student said he was happy and liked the discovery learning method. Based on the above results we can conclude that the working hypothesis that the author interchanges that if the affixation ber-kan and ber - an implemented by the method of discovery will require students to learn science with satisfactory results.Keywords: language skills, learning affixation, methods of discovery

    The Effect Of Heating Temperature On The Hardness, Microstructure And V-Bending Spring Back Results On Commercial Steel Plate

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    oai:ojs2.journal.yrpipku.com:article/10The need for low carbon steel plate sheets with relatively thin thickness measurements in Indonesia is currently quite high, especially in supporting the automotive industry, the electronics industry, the food industry, beverages, and household appliances. To fulfill this, raw materials for low carbon steel plate sheets that have high formability and are not easily cracked in critical areas of the desired model are required. For this reason, research on the effect of temperature variations in heat treatment on hardness, microstructure and spring back of V-bending results on steel plates with a plate thickness of 0.8 mm. The research method used was a laboratory experimental method. The heat treatment is carried out with temperature variations of 710, 820 and 9300C with a holding time of 60 minutes. Tests carried out on specimens are hardness testing, microstructure testing, and spring back V-bending results on steel plates. The results of this study indicate a decrease in the spring back angle where the smallest spring back angle in the bending process is on the 9300C plate which is 1,040. The value of the hardness results from V-bending has increased significantly. The increase in the value of hardness because the plate has an atom shift or dislocation by shear stress (slip) due to plastic deformation on the plate. The highest hardness value is on the 7100C plate which is 154.67 HV or has an increase of 14,291% of the pre-bending plate. The lowest hardness value is on the 9300C plate which is 125.33 HV, its hardness increases 4.4% against the pre-bending plate. Heat treatment also causes changes in the microstructure of the plates from the process of regulation and reshaping of crystals to the growth of new grains which have implications for changes in mechanical properties and formability of the workpiece

    Modeling of the communication link for data correction in network-rtk

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    The current communication in several network-RTK systems is frame relay technology that applied packet switching network (leased line) based on IPVPN which services data transmission between reference stations to control station. The most significant shortcoming of frame relay technology is depend on cabling networks and bandwidth limitation that is not effective for the rural or suburban area. In other hand the channel speed of frame relay is relative small for data transmission. This limitation has an effect on bandwidth, cost and time delay of the data transmission. In this paper we propose the system model of the 3G technology that is capable to overcome cabling dependency due to complicated installation, cost and time delay due to low data rate that will be applied for Network-RTK system in Metro-Area of Iskandar Malaysia. 3G technologies offer users a wider range of more advanced services while achieving greater network capacity through improved spectral efficiency. Services include widearea wireless voice telephony, video calls, and broadband wireless data, all in a mobile environment. It can be expected by applying of 3G technology in network-RTK, the performance system of real time data transmission are improved in bandwidth capacity, channel speed and diminish the expenditure of cablinginstallation

    Spatial Distribution of Chemical and Organic Compounds in the Water of Oligotrophic Peatland of Tomsk Region (Western Siberia)

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    In the central part of Western Siberia a study of the chemical and organic compounds spatial distribution in the water of oligotrophic peatland has been carried out. It was shown that marsh water generally contains exceptionally low total dissolved salinity (TDS), low pH value, high content of organic matter and NH4, increased content of Fe. The composition of organic matter is characterized by pronounced predominance of organic compounds and the presence of hydrocarbon and oxygen-containing compounds. Features of ionic and organic distribution in water and its ground were investigated


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui seberapa besar Pengaruh Komunikasi Pemasaran Terhadap Pembiayaan Murabahah Pada Bank Syariah Mandiri Cabang Jambi. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kuantitatif. Pengumpulan data yang dilakukan adalah dengan cara angket (kuisioner), dokumentasi dan wawancara. Sampel yang diambil dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 30 orang. Teknis analisis data yang digunakan adalah Uji Validitas, Uji reliabilitas, Uji Normalitas, Uji Heterokedastisitas, Uji Regresi Linier Sederhana, Uji T, dan Uji Determinasi. Penelitian yang dilakukan dengan persamaan persamaan regresi linier sederhana untuk Pengaruh Komunikasi pemasaran berpengaruh signifikan terhadap pembiayaan murabahah yang dilakukan oleh Bank Syariah Mandiri Cabang Jambi, dimana yang ditunjukan oleh nilai pada taraf signifikan 0,000 atau sama dengan 5%