164 research outputs found

    Molecular methods in nature conservation

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    Molekulare Methoden spielen in der Ornithologie eine zunehmend wichtigere Rolle. WĂ€hrend bisher vor allem systematische Fragen und Vaterschaftsanalysen im Fokus standen, steht heute hĂ€ufig die Anwendung genetischer Methoden im angewandten Naturschutz im Mittelpunkt. Dazu wurde innerhalb der letzten Jahre eine Reihe von Verfahren entwickelt, die es erlauben nicht nur aus Blutproben, sondern auch aus Materialien wie Mauserfedern, Kotproben oder auch Eischalen genetisches Material zu gewinnen. Damit ist es möglich auch von bedrohten und scheuen Arten ohne direkten Fang Informationen zu erhalten, die fĂŒr den Schutz der Art relevant sind. So lassen sich Populationen identifizieren die eines besonderen Schutzstatus bedĂŒrfen oder erkennen, ob Populationen miteinander im Austausch stehen oder bereits voneinander isoliert sind. Damit lassen sich dann konkrete ManagementplĂ€ne erstellen.Molecular tools are getting more and more important in the conservation of species. I here present an overview of source materials that can be used to obtain genetic material in bird studies. I further demonstrate how genetic studies can help us to address key questions in conservation. Using grouse as a model species I show how conservation units can be identified and that genetic tools can help us to infer barriers to dispersal. Identifying gene flow among areas and monitoring the number of individuals gives us the necessary knowledge to create the best corridors and develop specific management and action plans

    Pronounced genetic structure and low genetic diversity in European red-billed chough (Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax) populations

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    Conservation Genetics August 2015, Volume 16, Issue 4, pp 1011–1012 Erratum to: Pronounced genetic structure and low genetic diversity in European red-billed chough (Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax) populations Erratum to: Conserv Genet (2012) 13:1213–1230 DOI 10.1007/s10592-012-0366-6 In the original publication, Tables 3 and 6 were published with incorrect estimates of population heterozygosities. All other diversity statistics were correct as originally presented. Updated versions of Tables 3 and 6 with corrected heterozygosity estimates confirmed using Arlequin 3.5 (Excoffier and Lischer 2010) as in Dávila et al. (2014) are provided in this erratum. Discrepancies were minor for populations on the British Isles. The correct estimates for Spain are slightly larger than those reported for La Palma by Dávila et al. (2014), but this does not necessarily affect their interpretation that choughs on La Palma may have originated from multiple migration events. The original conclusion that chough populations on the British Isles have low genetic diversity compared to continental European populations remains and is now, in fact, strengthened.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Saproxylic beetles respond to habitat variables at different spatial scales depending on variable type and species’ mobility: the need for multi-scale forest structure management

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    The response of species to the environment is scale-dependent and the spatial scale at which this relationships are measured may affect conservation recommendations. Saproxylic beetles depend on decaying- and deadwood which occur in lower quantities in managed compared to natural forests. Most studies have investigated the habitat selection of saproxylic beetles at the stand scale, however depending on the species mobility, the amounts and distribution of forest attributes across the landscape may be equally important, and thus crucial to frame quantitative conservation targets. To address this gap, we evaluated the influence of environmental variables, derived from remote sensing across multiple spatial scales (50, 100, 250, 500 and 1000 m radius), on saproxylic beetles habitat selection. Focusing on four mobile and four flightless species, we hypothesized that mobile species respond to habitat variables at broader scales compared to flightless species, and that variables describing forest structure explain species presence better at smaller scales than variables describing other landscape features. Forest structure variables explained around 40% of the habitat selection, followed by variables describing forest type, topography and climate. Contrary to our expectations, mobile species responded to variables at smaller scales than flightless species. Saproxylic beetle species therefore respond to the availability of habitat features at spatial scales that are inversely related to their dispersal capacities, suggesting that less mobile species require larger areas with suitable habitat characteristics while mobile species can also make use of small, distributed patches with locally concentrated habitat features

    Gauging DNA degradation among common insect trap preservatives

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    Genetic methods for species identification are becoming increasingly popular and can accelerate insect monitoring. However, obtaining good DNA quality and quantity from insect traps remains a challenge for field studies. Ethylene glycol, propylene glycol, and Renner solution have been previously suggested as suitable preservatives for the collection of genetic material, but a systematic overview of their performance under compromising field conditions is lacking. Here we experimentally test whether and how different preservatives affect DNA quality under different conditions and evaluate how choice of preservative may affect metabarcoding and more demanding downstream applications (e.g., RADseq). For this, we used the house cricket, Acheta domesticus (L.) (Orthoptera: Gryllidae), and tested propylene glycol, ethylene glycol, and Renner solution for their ability to preserve DNA over 27 days in various dilutions and temperatures. DNA quality was measured as DNA fragmentation and success rates in PCR amplifying a COI fragment of 658, 313, or 157 bp. Undiluted propylene glycol and ethylene glycol always retained high molecular weight DNA at room temperature. No high molecular weight DNA was preserved at 37 °C or in any dilution. Nevertheless, the COI sequence could be amplified from samples at every condition. Renner solution did not preserve high molecular weight DNA and fragmentation increased over time at 37 °C until amplification was impossible. The results suggest that propylene glycol and ethylene glycol are suitable preservatives for collecting both genetic and morphological material, but dilution or high temperatures compromise their ability to preserve high molecular weight DNA. For genomic approaches requiring high DNA quality, additional preservatives may need to be tested

    'Intentional genetic manipulation' as a conservation threat

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    Wildlife ranching including the hunting, collection, sales and husbandry of wild animals in captivity, is practised worldwide and is advocated as an approach towards the conservation of wild species. While many authors have explored the biological impacts of intensive wild population management, primarily with respect to disease transmission (especially in ungulates and fish), the evolutionary and demographic effects of wildlife ranching have been examined less intensively. We discuss this issue through the case of intensive wildlife management in southern Africa. The genetic consequences of this global practice, with an emphasis on Africa, were addressed by a motion passed at the 2016 IUCN World Congress- ‘Management and regulation of intensive breeding and genetic manipulation of large mammals for commercial purposes’. Here, we highlight concerns regarding intensive breeding programs used to discover, enhance and propagate unusual physical traits, hereafter referred to as ‘Intentional Genetic Manipulation’. We highlight how ‘Intentional Genetic Manipulation’ potentially threatens the viability of native species and ecosystems, via genetic erosion, inbreeding, hybridisation and unregulated translocation. Finally, we discuss the need for better policies in southern Africa and globally, regarding ‘Intentional Genetic Manipulation’, and the identification of key knowledge gaps

    The evolutionary history and genomics of European blackcap migration

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    Seasonal migration is a taxonomically widespread behaviour that integrates across many traits. The European blackcap exhibits enormous variation in migration and is renowned for research on its evolution and genetic basis. We assembled a reference genome for blackcaps and obtained whole genome resequencing data from individuals across its breeding range. Analyses of population structure and demography suggested divergence began ~30,000 ya, with evidence for one admixture event between migrant and resident continent birds ~5000 ya. The propensity to migrate, orientation and distance of migration all map to a small number of genomic regions that do not overlap with results from other species, suggesting that there are multiple ways to generate variation in migration. Strongly associated single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were located in regulatory regions of candidate genes that may serve as major regulators of the migratory syndrome. Evidence for selection on shared variation was documented, providing a mechanism by which rapid changes may evolve

    The high Andes, gene flow and a stable hybrid zone shape the genetic structure of a wide-ranging South American parrot

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>While the gene flow in some organisms is strongly affected by physical barriers and geographical distance, other highly mobile species are able to overcome such constraints. In southern South America, the Andes (here up to 6,900 m) may constitute a formidable barrier to dispersal. In addition, this region was affected by cycles of intercalating arid/moist periods during the Upper/Late Pleistocene and Holocene. These factors may have been crucial in driving the phylogeographic structure of the vertebrate fauna of the region. Here we test these hypotheses in the burrowing parrot <it>Cyanoliseus patagonus </it>(Aves, Psittaciformes) across its wide distributional range in Chile and Argentina.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Our data show a Chilean origin for this species, with a single migration event across the Andes during the Upper/Late Pleistocene, which gave rise to all extant Argentinean mitochondrial lineages. Analyses suggest a complex population structure for burrowing parrots in Argentina, which includes a hybrid zone that has remained stable for several thousand years. Within this zone, introgression by expanding haplotypes has resulted in the evolution of an intermediate phenotype. Multivariate regressions show that present day climatic variables have a strong influence on the distribution of genetic heterogeneity, accounting for almost half of the variation in the data.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Here we show how huge barriers like the Andes and the regional environmental conditions imposed constraints on the ability of a parrot species to colonise new habitats, affecting the way in which populations diverged and thus, genetic structure. When contact between divergent populations was re-established, a stable hybrid zone was formed, functioning as a channel for genetic exchange between populations.</p

    Is It Time for Synthetic Biodiversity Conservation?

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    Evidence indicates that, despite some critical successes, current conservation approaches are not slowing the overall rate of biodiversity loss. The field of synthetic biology, which is capable of altering natural genomes with extremely precise editing, might offer the potential to resolve some intractable conservation problems (e.g., invasive species or pathogens). However, it is our opinion that there has been insufficient engagement by the conservation community with practitioners of synthetic biology. We contend that rapid, large-scale engagement of these two communities is urgently needed to avoid unintended and deleterious ecological consequences. To this point we describe case studies where synthetic biology is currently being applied to conservation, and we highlight the benefits to conservation biologists from engaging with this emerging technology

    Charting a course for genetic diversity in the UN Decade of Ocean Science

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    The health of the world's oceans is intrinsically linked to the biodiversity of the ecosystems they sustain. The importance of protecting and maintaining ocean biodiversity has been affirmed through the setting of the UN Sustainable Development Goal 14 to conserve and sustainably use the ocean for society's continuing needs. The decade beginning 2021-2030 has additionally been declared as the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development. This program aims to maximize the benefits of ocean science to the management, conservation, and sustainable development of the marine environment by facilitating communication and cooperation at the science-policy interface. A central principle of the program is the conservation of species and ecosystem components of biodiversity. However, a significant omission from the draft version of the Decade of Ocean Science Implementation Plan is the acknowledgment of the importance of monitoring and maintaining genetic biodiversity within species. In this paper, we emphasize the importance of genetic diversity to adaptive capacity, evolutionary potential, community function, and resilience within populations, as well as highlighting some of the major threats to genetic diversity in the marine environment from direct human impacts and the effects of global climate change. We then highlight the significance of ocean genetic diversity to a diverse range of socioeconomic factors in the marine environment, including marine industries, welfare and leisure pursuits, coastal communities, and wider society. Genetic biodiversity in the ocean, and its monitoring and maintenance, is then discussed with respect to its integral role in the successful realization of the 2030 vision for the Decade of Ocean Science. Finally, we suggest how ocean genetic diversity might be better integrated into biodiversity management practices through the continued interaction between environmental managers and scientists, as well as through key leverage points in industry requirements for Blue Capital financing and social responsibility.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Genomic erosion in the assessment of species extinction risk and recovery potential

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    Many species are facing unprecedented population size declines and deterioration of their environment. This exposes species to genomic erosion, which we define here as the damage inflicted to a species’ genome or gene pool due to a loss of genetic diversity, an increase in expressed genetic load, maladaptation, and/or genetic introgression. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) bases its extinction risk assessments on direct threats to population size and habitat. However, it does not assess the long-term impacts of genomic erosion, and hence, it is likely to underestimate the extinction risk of many species. High-quality whole genome sequence data that is currently being generated could help improve extinction risk assessments. Genomic data contains information about a species’ past demography, its genome-wide genetic diversity, the incidence of genetic introgression, as well as the genetic load of deleterious mutations. Computer modelling of these data enables forecasting of population trajectories under different management scenarios. In this Perspective, we discuss the threats posed by genomic erosion. Using evolutionary genomic simulations, we argue that whole genome sequence data provides critical information for assessing the extinction risk and recovery potential of species. Genomics-informed assessments of the extinction risk complement the IUCN Red List, and such genomics-informed conservation is invaluable in guiding species recovery programs in the UN’s Decade on Ecosystem Restoration and beyond
