74 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Kurs Dollar Amerika, Inflasi, dan Harga Ekspor Terhadap Nilai Ekspor Pakaian Jadi di Indonesia

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    Apparel is one of the textile commodities exported by Indonesia. This study aims to determine the analysis of the effect of the US dollar exchange rate, inflation, and export prices on the export value of Indonesian apparel for the 2009-2018 period. The data used in this study are secondary data collected from time to time (time series). The data analysis method used is multiple linear regression analysis with the OLS (Ordinary Least Square) model. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that the export price has a significant effect on the export value of apparel in Indonesia for the 2009-2018 period, while the US dollar exchange rate variable and inflation have no significant effect on the export value of apparel in Indonesia for the 2009-2018 period

    Eurasian-Origin Gene Segments Contribute to the Transmissibility, Aerosol Release, and Morphology of the 2009 Pandemic H1N1 Influenza Virus

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    The epidemiological success of pandemic and epidemic influenza A viruses relies on the ability to transmit efficiently from person-to-person via respiratory droplets. Respiratory droplet (RD) transmission of influenza viruses requires efficient replication and release of infectious influenza particles into the air. The 2009 pandemic H1N1 (pH1N1) virus originated by reassortment of a North American triple reassortant swine (TRS) virus with a Eurasian swine virus that contributed the neuraminidase (NA) and M gene segments. Both the TRS and Eurasian swine viruses caused sporadic infections in humans, but failed to spread from person-to-person, unlike the pH1N1 virus. We evaluated the pH1N1 and its precursor viruses in a ferret model to determine the contribution of different viral gene segments on the release of influenza virus particles into the air and on the transmissibility of the pH1N1 virus. We found that the Eurasian-origin gene segments contributed to efficient RD transmission of the pH1N1 virus likely by modulating the release of influenza viral RNA-containing particles into the air. All viruses replicated well in the upper respiratory tract of infected ferrets, suggesting that factors other than viral replication are important for the release of influenza virus particles and transmission. Our studies demonstrate that the release of influenza viral RNA-containing particles into the air correlates with increased NA activity. Additionally, the pleomorphic phenotype of the pH1N1 virus is dependent upon the Eurasian-origin gene segments, suggesting a link between transmission and virus morphology. We have demonstrated that the viruses are released into exhaled air to varying degrees and a constellation of genes influences the transmissibility of the pH1N1 virus

    Cerebral cortical thickness in chronic pain due to knee osteoarthritis: the effect of pain duration and pain densitization

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    Objective This study investigates associations between cortical thickness and pain duration, and central sensitization as markers of pain progression in painful knee osteoarthritis. Methods Whole brain cortical thickness and pressure pain thresholds were assessed in 70 participants; 40 patients with chronic painful knee osteoarthritis (age = 66.1± 8.5 years, 21 females, mean duration of pain = 8.5 years), and 30 healthy controls (age = 62.7± 7.4, 17 females). Results Cortical thickness negatively correlated with pain duration mainly in fronto-temporal areas outside of classical pain processing areas (p<0.05, age-controlled, FDR corrected). Pain sensitivity was unrelated to cortical thickness. Patients showed lower cortical thickness in the right anterior insula (p<0.001, uncorrected) with no changes surviving multiple test correction. Conclusion With increasing number of years of suffering from chronic arthritis pain we found increasing cortical thinning in extended cerebral cortical regions beyond recognised pain-processing areas. While the mechanisms of cortical thinning remain to be elucidated, we show that pain progression indexed by central sensitization does not play a major role

    Does Speciation between Arabidopsis halleri and Arabidopsis lyrata Coincide with Major Changes in a Molecular Target of Adaptation?

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    Ever since Darwin proposed natural selection as the driving force for the origin of species, the role of adaptive processes in speciation has remained controversial. In particular, a largely unsolved issue is whether key divergent ecological adaptations are associated with speciation events or evolve secondarily within sister species after the split. The plant Arabidopsis halleri is one of the few species able to colonize soils highly enriched in zinc and cadmium. Recent advances in the molecular genetics of adaptation show that the physiology of this derived ecological trait involves copy number expansions of the AhHMA4 gene, for which orthologs are found in single copy in the closely related A. lyrata and the outgroup A. thaliana. To gain insight into the speciation process, we ask whether adaptive molecular changes at this candidate gene were contemporary with important stages of the speciation process. We first inferred the scenario and timescale of speciation by comparing patterns of variation across the genomic backgrounds of A. halleri and A. lyrata. Then, we estimated the timing of the first duplication of AhHMA4 in A. halleri. Our analysis suggests that the historical split between the two species closely coincides with major changes in this molecular target of adaptation in the A. halleri lineage. These results clearly indicate that these changes evolved in A. halleri well before industrial activities fostered the spread of Zn- and Cd-polluted areas, and suggest that adaptive processes related to heavy-metal homeostasis played a major role in the speciation process

    A Systems Biology Approach Reveals the Role of a Novel Methyltransferase in Response to Chemical Stress and Lipid Homeostasis

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    Using small molecule probes to understand gene function is an attractive approach that allows functional characterization of genes that are dispensable in standard laboratory conditions and provides insight into the mode of action of these compounds. Using chemogenomic assays we previously identified yeast Crg1, an uncharacterized SAM-dependent methyltransferase, as a novel interactor of the protein phosphatase inhibitor cantharidin. In this study we used a combinatorial approach that exploits contemporary high-throughput techniques available in Saccharomyces cerevisiae combined with rigorous biological follow-up to characterize the interaction of Crg1 with cantharidin. Biochemical analysis of this enzyme followed by a systematic analysis of the interactome and lipidome of CRG1 mutants revealed that Crg1, a stress-responsive SAM-dependent methyltransferase, methylates cantharidin in vitro. Chemogenomic assays uncovered that lipid-related processes are essential for cantharidin resistance in cells sensitized by deletion of the CRG1 gene. Lipidome-wide analysis of mutants further showed that cantharidin induces alterations in glycerophospholipid and sphingolipid abundance in a Crg1-dependent manner. We propose that Crg1 is a small molecule methyltransferase important for maintaining lipid homeostasis in response to drug perturbation. This approach demonstrates the value of combining chemical genomics with other systems-based methods for characterizing proteins and elucidating previously unknown mechanisms of action of small molecule inhibitors

    Valuing Cultural Heritage Assets: Akuntansi Dialogis Untuk Penciptaan Nilai Publik (Participatory Action Research di Lembang Pata’padang Kabupaten Toraja Utara).

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membangun model proses identifikasi cultural heritage assets (CHA) dialogis sebagai aktivitas co-creating public value. Studi kasus pada masyarakat Lembang (Desa) Pata’padang yang sedang menginisiasi destinasi wisata budaya. Model dibangun melalui pendekatan participatory action research (PAR), sebuah pendekatan penelitian sekaligus aksi sosial. Pendekatan ini dicirikan oleh keterlibatan bersama partisipan (peneliti dan partisipan lainnya) dalam keseluruhan siklus penelitian tindakan yakni tahap perencanaan, pelaksanaan tindakan, observasi dan evaluasi, serta refleksi. Partisipan adalah unsur pemerintah lembang, tokoh adat, tokoh masyarakat, akademisi, dan masyarakat Lembang Pata’padang. Para subjek berperan sebagai tim peneliti, focal point, informan, dan atau partisipan aksi. Data diperoleh melalui observasi, percakapan sehari-hari, wawancara, dan forum diskusi kelompok. Data dianalisis dengan analisis tematik dan refleksi. Penelitian menghasilkan model co-creating public value yang berdimensi aktor, instrumen, pembagian tugas, aturan-aturan terkait, output, dan outcome. Proses identifikasi CHA dapat menjadi instrumen proses co-creating public value dengan memperluas cakupan identifikasi nilai CHA pada nilai-nilai non moneter (sosial dan budaya) dan situasi transmisi CHA, serta dengan menerapkan prinsip-prinsip akuntansi dialogis. Ada tiga nilai yang diciptakan dari proses ini yakni : nilai dokumentasi, nilai partisipatif, dan nilai transformatif. Aktivitas bernilai dokumentatif karena menyediakan informasi mengenai proses dan hasil identifikasi ragam, nilai, dan situasi transmisi CHA pada periode penelitian. Informasi ini dapat menjadi masukan bagi kebijakan konservasi warisan budaya serta manajemen pengembangan pariwisata budaya. Aktivitas bermakna partisipatif dengan terciptanya ruang dialog dan aksi bersama yang mempertemukan berbagai perspektif nilai dan kepentingan terkait CHA. Aktivitas bernilai transformatif dengan terbangunnya kesadaran kritis partisipan pada komodifikasi budaya dan kesadaran baru peneliti tentang potensi pendekatan PAR di bidang akuntansi sebagai proses transformasi diri. Hasil penelitian ini mengimplikasikan bahwa proses akuntansi dialogis berdaya menjadi instrumen penciptaan nilai publik sehingga penerapannya di sektor publik perlu didorong oleh akademisi, difasilitasi oleh pemerintah, dan didukung oleh masyarakat

    WNT/beta-catenin and p27/FOXL2 differentially regulate supporting cell proliferation in the developing ovary

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    Sexual development is initiated through differentiation of testicular Sertoli cells or ovarian granulosa cells. Although these supporting cells are considered to develop from common bipotential precursors, recent evidence suggests that distinct supporting cell populations are present in the ovary, with one providing granulosa cells of the medullary follicles and the other providing granulosa cells of the cortical follicles, the latter of which support lifelong fertility. Here, we demonstrate that XX fetal gonads contain GATA4 expressing supporting cells that either enter mitotic arrest, or remain proliferative. Blocking WNT signalling reduces XX supporting cell proliferation, while stabilising β-catenin signalling promotes proliferation, indicating that the renewal of pre-granulosa cells is dependent on WNT/β-catenin signalling in the proliferative supporting cell population. In contrast, XX supporting cells express p27 and FOXL2 and are maintained in mitotic arrest. Although FOXL2 is required for maintaining high levels of p27 expression, it is dispensable for entry and maintenance of mitotic arrest in XX supporting cells. Combined our data suggest that both medullary and cortical precursors arise from a common GATA4 expressing cell type. In addition, this work indicates that a balance between supporting cell self-renewal and differentiation is maintained in the developing ovary by relative WNT/β-catenin and p27/FOXL2 activities. This study provides significant new insights into the origin and formation of ovarian follicles and evidence supporting a common fetal origin of medullary and cortical granulosa cells

    WNT/beta-catenin and p27/FOXL2 differentially regulate supporting cell proliferation in the developing ovary

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    Sexual development is initiated through differentiation of testicular Sertoli cells or ovarian granulosa cells. Although these supporting cells are considered to develop from common bipotential precursors, recent evidence suggests that distinct supporting cell populations are present in the ovary, with one providing granulosa cells of the medullary follicles and the other providing granulosa cells of the cortical follicles, the latter of which support lifelong fertility. Here, we demonstrate that XX fetal gonads contain GATA4 expressing supporting cells that either enter mitotic arrest, or remain proliferative. Blocking WNT signalling reduces XX supporting cell proliferation, while stabilising β-catenin signalling promotes proliferation, indicating that the renewal of pre-granulosa cells is dependent on WNT/β-catenin signalling in the proliferative supporting cell population. In contrast, XX supporting cells express p27 and FOXL2 and are maintained in mitotic arrest. Although FOXL2 is required for maintaining high levels of p27 expression, it is dispensable for entry and maintenance of mitotic arrest in XX supporting cells. Combined our data suggest that both medullary and cortical precursors arise from a common GATA4 expressing cell type. In addition, this work indicates that a balance between supporting cell self-renewal and differentiation is maintained in the developing ovary by relative WNT/β-catenin and p27/FOXL2 activities. This study provides significant new insights into the origin and formation of ovarian follicles and evidence supporting a common fetal origin of medullary and cortical granulosa cells