241 research outputs found

    Rolle des Nationalrates im politischen System Österreichs am Beispiel der parlamentarischen Mitwirkungsrechte bei der Getaltung der EU-Politik

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    Die Arbeit untersuchte die verfassungsbedingten Strukturen, innerhalb denen der Nationalrat allgemein und in EU-Angelegenheiten tätig wird. Die Parteienstaatlichkeit führt dazu, dass die Mehrheitsverhältnisse im Nationalrat die Regierungszusammensetzung bestimmen und die Regierungsmehrheit das parlamentarische Geschehen dominiert. Die weitreichenden Mitwirkungsmöglichkeiten an der von Regierungsseite dominierten EU-Politik ermöglichen dem Nationalrat Einfluss auf die EU-Organe Europäischer Rat und Rat zu nehmen. Der Vertrag von Lissabon erweitert dabei die Mitwirkungsmöglichkeiten im Gesetzgebungsprozess. Untersuchungen zeigten, dass EU-Angelegenheiten nur einen geringen Anteil am gesamten Sitzungsausmaß des Nationalrates ausmachen, dadurch der Nationalrat nur in einem geringen Ausmaß in EU-Angelegenheiten tätig wird und insgesamt nur bedingt Regierungskontrolle in EU-Angelegenheiten möglich ist.The thesis investigated the constitutional structures in which the Nationalrat acts in gernerall and in EU-affaires. As a consequence of party-dominance the majority in the Nationalrat decides about the composition of the government and dominates also the parliamentary activities. The far reaching opportunities of involvement in EU-affaires allows the Nationalrat to influence the EU-organs, European Council and Council. The treaty of Lissabon widens the opportunities of involvement in the lawmaking process. Investigations worked out, that only a small part of the session activities of the Nationalrat concerns EU-affaires, therefore only to a small degree the Nationalrat acts in EU-affaires and altogether government controll in EU-affaires is only partly possible

    Polaritonic modes in a dense cloud of atoms

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    We analyze resonant light scattering by an atomic cloud in a regime where near-field interactions between scatterers cannot be neglected. We first use a microscopic approach and calculate numerically the eigenmodes of the cloud for many different realizations. It is found that there always exists a small number of polaritonic modes that are spatially coherent and superradiant. We show that scattering is always dominated by these modes. We then use a macroscopic approach by introducing an effective permittivity so that the atomic cloud is equivalent to a dielectric particle. We show that there is a one-to-one correspondence between the microscopic polaritonic modes and the modes of a homogeneous particle with an effective permittivity

    Получение и свойства керамических материалов на основе системы Al[2]O[3]-MgO

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    It is known that aluminum oxide is the most generally used ceramic material applied as structural, functional and biomaterial. Meanwhile, it is used not only in a high state and but also in a highporous state. To obtain the required functional properties it is alloyed by various oxides such as FeO, SiO[2], Y[2]O[3], MgO and others. What most interested us is the magnasium oxide (MgO), as it is well known that the MgO presence in the ceramics materials causes biological processes activation at the boundary "implant - bone". However, the introduction of MgO into sintered mixture may change technological regimes of ceramics production and as a result to the structure and properties of the material can be changed as well. The aim of this work is to study the influence of the concentration of the injected mixture into the sintered MgO in the amount up to 10 wt. %. onto porosity, shrinkage characteristics of the microstructure and mechanical properties of the sintered material

    Chronic rhinosinusitis:a qualitative study of patient views and experiences of current management in primary and secondary care

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    OBJECTIVES: To explore patient views and perspectives of current management of chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) in primary and secondary care. DESIGN: Semistructured qualitative telephone interviews as part of the MACRO programme (Defining best Management for Adults with Chronic RhinOsinusitis). SETTING: Primary care and secondary care ear, nose and throat outpatient clinics in the UK. PARTICIPANTS: Twenty-five patients consented to in-depth telephone interviews. Transcribed recordings were managed using NVivo software and analysed using inductive thematic analysis. RESULTS: CRS has a significant impact on patients' quality of life, affecting their ability to work effectively, their social interactions and daily living. Patients seek help when symptoms become unmanageable, but can become frustrated with the primary care system with difficulties obtaining an appointment, and lack of continuity of care. Patients perceive that general practitioners can be dismissive of CRS symptoms, and patients often prioritise other concerns when they consult. Health system barriers and poor communication can result in delays in accessing appropriate treatment and referral. Adherence to intranasal steroids is a problem and patients are uncertain about correct technique. Nasal irrigation can be time-consuming and difficult for patients to use. Secondary care consultations can appear rushed, and patients would like specialists to take a more 'holistic' approach to their management. Surgery is often considered a temporary solution, appropriate when medical options have been explored. CONCLUSIONS: Patients are frustrated with the management of their CRS, and poor communication can result in delays in receiving appropriate treatment and timely referral. Patients seek better understanding of their condition and guidance to support treatments decisions in light of uncertainties around the different medical and surgical options. Better coordinated care between general practice and specialist settings and consistency of advice has the potential to increase patient satisfaction and improve outcomes

    Antibiotic prescribing in patients with self-reported sore throat.

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    Objectives: To investigate the predictors of general practitioner (GP) consultation and antibiotic use in those developing sore throat. Methods: We conducted a prospective population-based cohort study on 4461 participants in two rounds (2010-11) from 1897 households. Results: Participants reported 2193 sore throat illnesses, giving a community sore throat incidence of 1.57/ person-year. 13% of sore throat illnesses led to a GP consultation and 56% of these consultations led to antibiotic use. Participants most likely to have sore throats included women and children (e.g. school compared with retirement age); adjusted incidence rate ratio (aIRR) of 1.33 and 1.52, respectively. Participants with sore throat were more likely to consult their GP if they were preschool compared with retirement age [adjusted OR (aOR) 3.22], had more days of sore throat (aOR 1.11), reported more severe pain (aOR 4.24) or reported fever (aOR 3.82). Antibiotics were more often used by chronically ill individuals (aOR 1.78), those reporting severe pain (aOR 4.14), those reporting fever (aOR 2.58) or children with earache (aOR 1.85). Among those who consulted, males and adults who reported feeling anxious were more likely to use antibiotics; aOR 1.87 and 5.36, respectively. Conclusions: Only 1 in 10 people who have a sore throat see a doctor and more than half of those attending get antibiotics. Further efforts to curb antibiotic use should focus on reducing initial GP consultations through public information promoting safe self-management, targeted at groups identified above as most likely to attend with sore throats

    The Recursion Scheme from the Cofree Recursive Comonad

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    AbstractWe instantiate the general comonad-based construction of recursion schemes for the initial algebra of a functor F to the cofree recursive comonad on F. Differently from the scheme based on the cofree comonad on F in a similar fashion, this scheme allows not only recursive calls on elements structurally smaller than the given argument, but also subsidiary recursions. We develop a Mendler formulation of the scheme via a generalized Yoneda lemma for initial algebras involving strong dinaturality and hint a relation to circular proofs à la Cockett, Santocanale

    Addressing resistance to antibiotics in systematic reviews of antibiotic interventions

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    Antibiotics are among the most important interventions in healthcare. Resistance of bacteria to antibiotics threatens the effectiveness of treatment. Systematic reviews of antibiotic treatments often do not address resistance to antibiotics even when data are available in the original studies. This omission creates a skewed view, which emphasizes short-term efficacy and ignores the long-term consequences to the patient and other people. We offer a framework for addressing antibiotic resistance in systematic reviews. We suggest that the data on background resistance in the original trials should be reported and taken into account when interpreting results. Data on emergence of resistance (whether in the body reservoirs or in the bacteria causing infection) are important outcomes. Emergence of resistance should be taken into account when interpreting the evidence on antibiotic treatment in randomized controlled trials or systematic reviews