62 research outputs found

    Quantitative analysis of performance on a progressive-ratio schedule: effects of reinforcer type, food deprivation and acute treatment with Δ⁹-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)

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    Rats’ performance on a progressive-ratio schedule maintained by sucrose (0.6 M, 50 μl) and corn oil (100%, 25 μl) reinforcers was assessed using a model derived from Killeen’s (1994) theory of scheduled-controlled behaviour, ‘Mathematical Principles of Reinforcement’. When the rats were maintained at 80% of their free-feeding body weights, the parameter expressing incentive value, a, was greater for the corn oil than for the sucrose reinforcer; the response-time parameter, δ, did not differ between the reinforcer types, but a parameter derived from the linear waiting principle (Tₒ), indicated that the minimum post-reinforcement pause was longer for corn oil than for sucrose. When the rats were maintained under free-feeding conditions, a was reduced, indicating a reduction of incentive value, but δ was unaltered. Under the food-deprived condition, the CB1 cannabinoid receptor agonist Δ⁹-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC: 0.3, 1 and 3 mg kg-1) increased the value of sucrose; none of the other parameters was affected by THC. The results provide new information about the sensitivity of the model’s parameters to deprivation and reinforcer quality, and suggest that THC selectively enhances the incentive value of sucrose

    Alterações na temperatura do ar mediante telas nas laterais de ambientes protegidos cultivados com tomateiro Changes in air temperature due to side screens of greenhouses cultivated with tomato

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    Este trabalho avaliou a influência do uso de telas anti-insetos nas laterais de ambientes protegidos sobre a temperatura do ar de um cultivo de tomate. O experimento foi realizado em Itajaí, SC (27º 34' S; 48º 30' W), no período de 17/03 a 25/07/2003, onde foram instalados quatro ambientes cobertos com filme plástico de PEBD, sendo que um deles não possuía revestimento lateral e três estavam revestidos lateralmente, cada um com um tipo de tela anti-insetos. As telas anti-insetos utilizadas foram: clarite (5 fios por cm), citros (10 fios por cm) e antiafídeo (20 fios por cm). O ambiente revestido com tela antiafídeo nas laterais apresentou maiores valores de temperatura máxima do ar durante o outono-inverno, o que ocasionou aumento médio de 2,0 °C na temperatura média diária, quando comparado com o ambiente sem tela nas laterais. A variação da temperatura do ar nos ambientes com tela citros e clarite foi semelhante, apresentando ganho térmico diário de 0,4 °C em relação ao ambiente sem tela anti-insetos e possibilitou condições mais estáveis entre as temperaturas noturna e diurna para o cultivo do tomateiro nessa época do ano.<br>This study aims to assess the influence of insect-proof screens installed in plastic greenhouses cultivated with tomato on the air temperature and crop yield. The experiment was conducted in Itajaí, SC, Brazil (27º 34' S; 48º 30' W), from 17/03 to 25/07/2003. Four greenhouses cultivated with tomato and all covered with polyethylene of low density (PEBD) in the superior part were used. Three of these environments were covered laterally, each one with a different kind of screen: clarite insect-proof screens (12 meshes per cm), citros insect-proof screens (25 meshes per cm) and afideo insect-proof screens (50 meshes per cm). The fourth environment did not receive any side coverage. The covered environment with afideo insect-proof screens on sides presented the highest maximum air temperatures during the autumn-winter period, causing a mean increase of 2.0 °C, in the daily mean temperature, compared with the environment without insect-proof screens. Variations of the air temperature in protected environments with citros insect-proof and clarite afideo insect-proof screens were similar, and showed 0.4 °C thermal gains in comparison with the without insect-proof screens, so promoting more regular thermal conditions during nights and days for cultivation of tomato during the autumn-winter period