2,858 research outputs found

    Polybrominated diphenyl ethers and metabolites – an analytical review on seafood occurrence

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    Environmental health is systematically compromised by persistent toxic substances, which may have serious implications in terms of food safety issues and, thus, in general public health. In this context, polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and their biologically active metabolites have been increasingly assessed in seafood, the main route of human exposure. As a consequence, a multiplicity of solvent-assisted analytical approaches is now available to accurately determine tiny amounts of these contaminants in complex matrices, like seafood. However, the majority of analytical procedures lead to high organic solvent consumption, thereby also contributing to the deterioration of environmental health. The current review provides up-to-date information and critical discussion regarding the most common methodologies applied in the determination of PBDEs and their metabolites in seafood (2006–2016), from sample preparation to instrumental analysis. The ultimate goals of this comprehensive survey are to sensitize field researchers to work under the principles of green chemistry and to improve the global consciousness on the potential necessity of their regulation in foodstuffs.Rebeca Cruz, Sara C. Cunha and Susana Casal thanks REQUIMTE, FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia) and FEDER through the project UID/QUI/50006/2013 e POCI/01/0145/FEDER/007265 with financial support from FCT/MEC through national funds and co-financed by FEDER, under the Partnership Agreement PT2020. R. Cruz also thanks to REQUIMTE FCT for the PhD grant e FRH/BD/ 101945/2014. Antonio Marques and Sara C. Cunha acknowledge FCT for the IF2014 and IF/01616/2015 contracts, respectively

    Widening Access to Bayesian Problem Solving

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    Bayesian reasoning and decision making is widely considered normative because it minimizes prediction error in a coherent way. However, it is often difficult to apply Bayesian principles to complex real world problems, which typically have many unknowns and interconnected variables. Bayesian network modeling techniques make it possible to model such problems and obtain precise predictions about the causal impact that changing the value of one variable may have on the values of other variables connected to it. But Bayesian modeling is itself complex, and has until now remained largely inaccessible to lay people. In a large scale lab experiment, we provide proof of principle that a Bayesian network modeling tool, adapted to provide basic training and guidance on the modeling process to beginners without requiring knowledge of the mathematical machinery working behind the scenes, significantly helps lay people find normative Bayesian solutions to complex problems, compared to generic training on probabilistic reasoning. We discuss the implications of this finding for the use of Bayesian network software tools in applied contexts such as security, medical, forensic, economic or environmental decision making

    Sclerosing peritonitis associated with luteinized thecoma and elevated serum CA 125 levels: case report

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    CONTEXT. Thecomas are benign tumors that account for less than 1% of all ovarian neoplasms. The association of ovarian thecoma with sclerosing peritonitis is rare. CASE REPORT: We report the case of a 33-year-old woman, with a two-month history of increasing abdominal volume. Ultrasound showed a complex pelvic lesion and laboratory analysis detected elevated serum CA 125 levels. The patient underwent total abdominal hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy and peritoneal biopsy. Histopathological analysis revealed the presence of luteinized thecoma of both ovaries associated with sclerosing peritonitis.126212312

    Genome sequences of the zoonotic pathogens Chlamydia psittaci 6BC and Cal10

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    Chlamydia psittaci is a highly prevalent avian pathogen and the cause of a potentially lethal zoonosis, causing life-threatening pneumonia in humans. We report the genome sequences of C. psittaci 6BC, the prototype strain of the species, and C. psittaci Cal10, a widely used laboratory strain. © 2011, American Society for Microbiology

    Stem cell differentiation increases membrane-actin adhesion regulating cell blebability, migration and mechanics

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    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article’s Creative Commons license, unless indicated otherwise in the credit line; if the material is not included under the Creative Commons license, users will need to obtain permission from the license holder in order to reproduce the material. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/K. S. is funded by an EPSRC PhD studentship. S.T. is funded by an EU Marie Curie Intra European Fellowship (GENOMICDIFF)

    Utilization of a mobile medical van for delivering pediatric care in the bateys of the Dominican Republic

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    Background Bateys are impoverished areas of housing for migrant Haitian sugar cane workers in the Dominican Republic (DR). In these regions, preventative health care is almost non-existent, public service accessibility is limited, and geographic isolation prevents utilization of care even by those families with resources. Consequently, the development of a viable mobile system is vital to the delivery of acute and preventative health care in this region. Aims This study evaluated an existing mobile medical system. The primary goal was to describe the population served, diseases treated, and resources utilized. A secondary goal was to determine qualitatively an optimal infrastructure for sustainable health care delivery within the bateys. Methods Information on basic demographic data, diagnosis, chronicity of disease, and medications dispensed was collected on all pediatric patients seen in conjunction with an existing mobile medical system over a 3-month period in the DR. Health statistics for the region were collected and interviews were conducted with health care workers (HCWs) and community members on existing and optimal health care infrastructure. Results Five hundred eighty-four pediatric patients were evaluated and treated. Median age was 5 years (range 2 weeks to 20 years), and 53.7% of patients seen were 5 years of age or younger. The mean number of complaints per patient was 2.8 (range 0 to 6). Thirty-six percent (373) of all diagnoses were for acute complaints, and 64% (657) were chronic medical problems. The most common pediatric illnesses diagnosed clinically were gastrointestinal parasitic infection (56.6%), skin/fungal infection (46.2%), upper respiratory tract infections (URIs) (22.8%), previously undiagnosed asthma and allergies (8.2%), and symptomatic anemia (7.2%). Thirty HCWs and community members were interviewed, and all cited the need for similar resources: a community clinic and hospital referral site, health promoters within each community, and the initiation of pediatric training for community HCWs. Conclusion A mobile medical system is a sustainable, efficient mechanism for delivering acute and preventive care in the Haitian bateys of the Dominican Republic. The majority of patients served were 8 years of age or younger with multiple presenting symptoms. A pediatric protocol for identifying the most appropriate drugs and supplies for mobile units in the DR can be created based upon diseases evaluated. Qualitative data from HCWs and community members identified the need for an integrative health care delivery infrastructure and community health promoters versed in pediatric care who can aid in education of batey members and monitor chronic and acute illnesses. We are planning follow-up visits to implement these programs

    Determinants of the exclusive breastfeeding abandonment: psychosocial factors

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    OBJECTIVE To assess the determinants of exclusive breastfeeding abandonment. METHODS Longitudinal study based on a birth cohort in Viçosa, MG, Southeastern Brazil. In 2011/2012, 168 new mothers accessing the public health network were followed. Three interviews, at 30, 60, and 120 days postpartum, with the new mothers were conducted. Exclusive breastfeeding abandonment was analyzed in the first, second, and fourth months after childbirth. The Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale was applied to identify depressive symptoms in the first and second meetings, with a score of ≥ 12 considered as the cutoff point. Socioeconomic, demographic, and obstetric variables were investigated, along with emotional conditions and the new mothers’ social network during pregnancy and the postpartum period. RESULTS The prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding abandonment at 30, 60, and 120 days postpartum was 53.6% (n = 90), 47.6% (n = 80), and 69.6% (n = 117), respectively, and its incidence in the fourth month compared with the first was 48.7%. Depressive symptoms and traumatic delivery were associated with exclusive breastfeeding abandonment in the second month after childbirth. In the fourth month, the following variables were significant: lower maternal education levels, lack of homeownership, returning to work, not receiving guidance on breastfeeding in the postpartum period, mother’s negative reaction to the news of pregnancy, and not receiving assistance from their partners for infant care. CONCLUSIONS Psychosocial and sociodemographic factors were strong predictors of early exclusive breastfeeding abandonment. Therefore, it is necessary to identify and provide early treatment to nursing mothers with depressive symptoms, decreasing the associated morbidity and promoting greater duration of exclusive breastfeeding. Support from health professionals, as well as that received at home and at work, can assist in this process
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