1,742 research outputs found

    Electrical coupling of neuro-ommatidial photoreceptor cells in the blowfly

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    A new method of microstimulation of the blowfly eye using corneal neutralization was applied to the 6 peripheral photoreceptor cells (R1-R6) connected to one neuro-ommatidium (and thus looking into the same direction), whilst the receptor potential of a dark-adapted photoreceptor cell was recorded by means of an intracellular microelectrode. Stimulation of the photoreceptor cells not impaled elicited responses in the recorded cell of about 20% of the response elicited when stimulating the recorded cell. This is probably caused by gap junctions recently found between the axon terminals of these cells. Stimulation of all 6 cells together yielded responses that were larger and longer than those obtained with stimulation of just the recorded cell, and intensity-response curves that deviated more strongly from linearity. Evidence is presented that the resistance of the axon terminal of the photoreceptor cells quickly drops in response to a light flash, depending on the light intensity. Incorporating the cable properties of the cell body and the axon, the resistance of the gap junctions, and the (adapting) terminal resistance, a theoretical model is presented that explains the measurements well. Finally, it is argued that the gap junctions between the photoreceptor cells may effectively uncouple the synaptic responses of the cells by counteracting the influence of field potentials.

    Theoretical survey of tidal-charged black holes at the LHC

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    We analyse a family of brane-world black holes which solve the effective four-dimensional Einstein equations for a wide range of parameters related to the unknown bulk/brane physics. We first constrain the parameters using known experimental bounds and, for the allowed cases, perform a numerical analysis of their time evolution, which includes accretion through the Earth. The study is aimed at predicting the typical behavior one can expect if such black holes were produced at the LHC. Most notably, we find that, under no circumstances, would the black holes reach the (hazardous) regime of Bondi accretion. Nonetheless, the possibility remains that black holes live long enough to escape from the accelerator (and even from the Earth's gravitational field) and result in missing energy from the detectors.Comment: RevTeX4, 12 pages, 4 figures, 5 tables, minor changes to match the accepted version in JHE

    Chronic fatigue syndrome: identifying zebras amongst the horses

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    There are currently no investigative tools or physical signs that can confirm or refute the presence of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). As a result, clinicians must decide how long to keep looking for alternative explanations for fatigue before settling on a diagnosis of CFS. Too little investigation risks serious or easily treatable causes of fatigue being overlooked, whilst too many increases the risk of iatrogenic harm and reduces the opportunity for early focused treatment. A paper by Jones et al published this month in BMC Medicine may help clinicians in deciding how to undertake such investigations. Their results suggest that if clinicians look for common psychiatric and medical conditions in those complaining of prolonged fatigue, the rate of detection will be higher than previously estimated. The most common co-morbid condition identified was depression, suggesting a simple mental state examination remains the most productive single investigation in any new person presenting with unexplained fatigue. Currently, most diagnostic criteria advice CFS should not be diagnosed when an active medical or psychiatric condition which may explain the fatigue is identified. We discuss a number of recent prospective studies that have provided valuable insights into the aetiology of chronic fatigue and describe a model for understanding chronic fatigue which may be equally relevant regardless of whether or not an apparent medical cause for fatigue can be identified

    An optimized TOPS+ comparison method for enhanced TOPS models

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    This article has been made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund.Background Although methods based on highly abstract descriptions of protein structures, such as VAST and TOPS, can perform very fast protein structure comparison, the results can lack a high degree of biological significance. Previously we have discussed the basic mechanisms of our novel method for structure comparison based on our TOPS+ model (Topological descriptions of Protein Structures Enhanced with Ligand Information). In this paper we show how these results can be significantly improved using parameter optimization, and we call the resulting optimised TOPS+ method as advanced TOPS+ comparison method i.e. advTOPS+. Results We have developed a TOPS+ string model as an improvement to the TOPS [1-3] graph model by considering loops as secondary structure elements (SSEs) in addition to helices and strands, representing ligands as first class objects, and describing interactions between SSEs, and SSEs and ligands, by incoming and outgoing arcs, annotating SSEs with the interaction direction and type. Benchmarking results of an all-against-all pairwise comparison using a large dataset of 2,620 non-redundant structures from the PDB40 dataset [4] demonstrate the biological significance, in terms of SCOP classification at the superfamily level, of our TOPS+ comparison method. Conclusions Our advanced TOPS+ comparison shows better performance on the PDB40 dataset [4] compared to our basic TOPS+ method, giving 90 percent accuracy for SCOP alpha+beta; a 6 percent increase in accuracy compared to the TOPS and basic TOPS+ methods. It also outperforms the TOPS, basic TOPS+ and SSAP comparison methods on the Chew-Kedem dataset [5], achieving 98 percent accuracy. Software Availability: The TOPS+ comparison server is available at http://balabio.dcs.gla.ac.uk/mallika/WebTOPS/.This article is available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fun

    Consequences of converting graded to action potentials upon neural information coding and energy efficiency

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    Information is encoded in neural circuits using both graded and action potentials, converting between them within single neurons and successive processing layers. This conversion is accompanied by information loss and a drop in energy efficiency. We investigate the biophysical causes of this loss of information and efficiency by comparing spiking neuron models, containing stochastic voltage-gated Na+ and K+ channels, with generator potential and graded potential models lacking voltage-gated Na+ channels. We identify three causes of information loss in the generator potential that are the by-product of action potential generation: (1) the voltage-gated Na+ channels necessary for action potential generation increase intrinsic noise and (2) introduce non-linearities, and (3) the finite duration of the action potential creates a ‘footprint’ in the generator potential that obscures incoming signals. These three processes reduce information rates by ~50% in generator potentials, to ~3 times that of spike trains. Both generator potentials and graded potentials consume almost an order of magnitude less energy per second than spike trains. Because of the lower information rates of generator potentials they are substantially less energy efficient than graded potentials. However, both are an order of magnitude more efficient than spike trains due to the higher energy costs and low information content of spikes, emphasizing that there is a two-fold cost of converting analogue to digital; information loss and cost inflation

    Noncommutative geometry inspired black holes in higher dimensions at the LHC

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    When embedding models of noncommutative geometry inspired black holes into the peridium of large extra dimensions, it is natural to relate the noncommutativity scale to the higher-dimensional Planck scale. If the Planck scale is of the order of a TeV, noncommutative geometry inspired black holes could become accessible to experiments. In this paper, we present a detailed phenomenological study of the production and decay of these black holes at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Noncommutative inspired black holes are relatively cold and can be well described by the microcanonical ensemble during their entire decay. One of the main consequences of the model is the existence of a black hole remnant. The mass of the black hole remnant increases with decreasing mass scale associated with noncommutative and decreasing number of dimensions. The experimental signatures could be quite different from previous studies of black holes and remnants at the LHC since the mass of the remnant could be well above the Planck scale. Although the black hole remnant can be very heavy, and perhaps even charged, it could result in very little activity in the central detectors of the LHC experiments, when compared to the usual anticipated black hole signatures. If this type of noncommutative inspired black hole can be produced and detected, it would result in an additional mass threshold above the Planck scale at which new physics occurs.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figure

    Gastric Marginal Zone B Cell Lymphoma of the Duodenum

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    Small bowel lymphomas of the extranodal type occur in the young and are characteristically associated with malabsorption syndrome. We present the case of an elderly in whom there was no malabsorption and the duodenal tumor was a gastric type marginal zone B cell lymphoma also known as gastric mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) lymphoma. A 73-year-old woman presented to the emergency room with 2 weeks of general weakness, recurrent vomiting containing food particles and abdominal distension. She had been diagnosed with diabetic gastroparesis 4 years prior. CT of the abdomen and pelvis was suggestive of gastric outlet obstruction but no evidence of pancreatic or duodenal mass. Endoscopy and biopsy of the tumor obstructing the distal first part of the duodenum confirmed a gastric marginal MALT lymphoma. The patient's symptoms improved with radiotherapy. Gastric MALT lymphoma, an extranodal lymphoma primarily described in the stomach, can also present in the small bowel and is not associated with malabsorption

    Critical Trapped Surfaces Formation in the Collision of Ultrarelativistic Charges in (A)dS

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    We study the formation of marginally trapped surfaces in the head-on collision of two ultrarelativistic charges in (A)dS(A)dS space-time. The metric of ultrarelativistic charged particles in (A)dS(A)dS is obtained by boosting Reissner-Nordstr\"om (A)dS(A)dS space-time to the speed of light. We show that formation of trapped surfaces on the past light cone is only possible when charge is below certain critical - situation similar to the collision of two ultrarelativistic charges in Minkowski space-time. This critical value depends on the energy of colliding particles and the value of a cosmological constant. There is richer structure of critical domains in dSdS case. In this case already for chargeless particles there is a critical value of the cosmological constant only below which trapped surfaces formation is possible. Appearance of arbitrary small nonzero charge significantly changes the physical picture. Critical effect which has been observed in the neutral case does not take place more. If the value of the charge is not very large solution to the equation on trapped surface exists for any values of cosmological radius and energy density of shock waves. Increasing of the charge leads to decrease of the trapped surface area, and at some critical point the formation of trapped surfaces of the type mentioned above becomes impossible.Comment: 30 pages, Latex, 7 figures, Refs. added and typos correcte

    Classical kinetic energy, quantum fluctuation terms and kinetic-energy functionals

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    We employ a recently formulated dequantization procedure to obtain an exact expression for the kinetic energy which is applicable to all kinetic-energy functionals. We express the kinetic energy of an N-electron system as the sum of an N-electron classical kinetic energy and an N-electron purely quantum kinetic energy arising from the quantum fluctuations that turn the classical momentum into the quantum momentum. This leads to an interesting analogy with Nelson's stochastic approach to quantum mechanics, which we use to conceptually clarify the physical nature of part of the kinetic-energy functional in terms of statistical fluctuations and in direct correspondence with Fisher Information Theory. We show that the N-electron purely quantum kinetic energy can be written as the sum of the (one-electron) Weizsacker term and an (N-1)-electron kinetic correlation term. We further show that the Weizsacker term results from local fluctuations while the kinetic correlation term results from the nonlocal fluctuations. For one-electron orbitals (where kinetic correlation is neglected) we obtain an exact (albeit impractical) expression for the noninteracting kinetic energy as the sum of the classical kinetic energy and the Weizsacker term. The classical kinetic energy is seen to be explicitly dependent on the electron phase and this has implications for the development of accurate orbital-free kinetic-energy functionals. Also, there is a direct connection between the classical kinetic energy and the angular momentum and, across a row of the periodic table, the classical kinetic energy component of the noninteracting kinetic energy generally increases as Z increases.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure. To appear in Theor Chem Ac