143 research outputs found

    Applied of image processing technique on semi-auto count of skin spot

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    Skin is the biggest organ in the human body and works to separate the inner body part from outer environment. In the skin, there are sebaceous glands found inside the pores of the skin. They are at all over the body except for the palms of the hands and the feet soles. There are more sebaceous glands on the face and scalp than elsewhere. Sebaceous gland secretes an oily protective skin surface, sebum, which is against pathogens and also help to slow down the skin ageing process [1]. They can help to maintain the moisture of the skin. However, the sebaceous glands become overactive sometimes, thus, producing too much sebum and the pores can get clogged together with dead skin [2][3]. This will results in having blackheads along with other factors. Blackhead is one of an acne vulgaris type [4]. It is a small dark spots on the skin that sometimes hard to be seen under a naked eye. If the clogged pores infect the glands, the accumulated sebum may form a sac and slowly increase in size. Lack of sebum production can also provide unsatisfied result that could cause dry skin, which makes the skin, looks rough and dull

    Design & Modeling of a Single Machine Flow Rack As/rs

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    In this paper, we aim to introduce a new variation of the flow rack automated storage and retrieval system (AS/RS) using a single machine for storage and retrieval operations instead of two machines. Also, analytical expressions are derived for expected single and dual cycle times of the storage and retrieval machine. For that, randomized storage assignment, and Tchebychev travel are assumed. Two dwell point positions are investigated and compared to determine the best one. Finally an experimental validation using simulation is conducted to verify the quality of the developed

    An Analysis of Single-command Operations in a Mobile Rack (as/rs) Served by a Single Order Picker

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    A Mobile rack Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems (MAS/ RS) are picker-to-stock retrieval model which are a variation of the multi aisles AS/RS. This mobile storage system is composed of racks moving laterally on rails so that one can open an aisle between any two adjacent racks, the input/output system, the storage and retrieval (S/R) machine and the computer management system or the control system. Evaluating an AS/RS could be done using several performance indicators, the two most important ones are: The utilization rate of the S/R machine and the average time necessary to serve storage or retrieval requests (the travel time). The S/R machine could operate either in single command or in dual command. In a single command, the S/R machine executes either a storage or retrieval operation by cycle. The time necessary to execute a single command is said single cycle time. While in a dual command, the S/R machine executes a storage operation followed by a retrieval operation in the same cycle. The time needed to execute a dual command is said dual cycle time. In this paper our interest is concerned with the mathematical modeling of single-command operations in a Mobile rack (AS/RS) system. We developed a closed form analytical expression allowing an approximate calculation of the travel time of Mobile Racks-AS/RS. This expression was compared with an exact discrete expression developed earlier by one of the authors. The models developed in this work are used by Kouloughli et al to determine optimal dimensions of the mobile rack AS/RS that minimize expected travel times


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    Colloque avec actes et comité de lecture. internationale.International audience"The job-shop scheduling problem is an NP-hard optimization problem. It is generally solved using either predictive methods such as discrete optimization which try to find a solution that fits constraints and that optimizes one or more objectives or usingreactive methods such real-time control methods which try to build incrementally in real-time a solution of the problem. Predictive-reactive methods try to combine both advantages of predictive and reactive methods (i.e., good performances andreactivity). The group sequencing method is one of the most studied predictive-reactive methods. The goal of this method is to have a sequential flexibility during the execution of the schedule and to guarantee a minimal quality corresponding to theworst-case.The best-case quality has also been successfully addressed by [Pinot2008] using a branch and bound procedure. It has been established for every regular objective. In this paper we propose two new branching processes to compute the best-case for the makespan which is one of the most studied regular objective. The experiments made on very well-known instances of the job-shop problem show the benefits of these new branching procedures.}

    Current Asset Tunneling and Firm Performance in an Emerging Market

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    This study examines the effect of current asset tunneling on firm performance from the emerging market perspective. Although tunneling activities is a common practices by businesses especially in Indonesia, there exist obstacles in the measurement of tunneling activity because it is difficult to proof the existence of such practices. In this study, we measure tunneling by using accounts receivables and develop tunneling detection criteria. In addition, this study examines the effect of tunneling on firm performance and market reaction during the announcement of the related party transaction. The study finds that from the perspective of the being-tunneled companies, receivables to related parties negatively affect the company's profit margin. Companies which announce related party transaction indicating tunneling obtain negative abnormal return during the announcement of the related party transaction.Keywords: current asset tunneling, related party transaction, firm performance, emerging market---Penelitian ini menguji pengaruh tunneling aset lancar pada kinerja Perusahaan pada perspektif negara berkembang. Meskipun aktivitas tunneling terjadi dalam praktik bisnis di Indonesia, tetapi terdapat kesulitan untuk mengukurnya karena aktivitas tunneling sulit dibuktikan. Penelitian ini membangun kriteria deteksi tunneling. Penelitian ini juga menguji pengaruh tunneling pada kinerja Perusahaan dan reaksi pasar modal pada saat pengumuman transaksi pihak berelasi. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa dari perspektif Perusahaan yang di-tunnel, piutang kepada pihak berelasi berpengaruh negatif terhadap kinerja Perusahaan. Perusahaan yang mengumumkan transaksi pihak berelasi yang terindikasi tunneling mendapatkan return negatif

    Prototype Sampah Otomatis untuk menunjang Pola Hidup Sehat di era New Normal

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    Pada masa pandemi kebersihan dan kesahatan menjadi kunci utama kehidupan. Untuk menunjang kehidupan yang bersih dan sehat, tempat sampah menjadi salah satu hal yang sangat dibutuhkan keberadaannya. Klasifikasi tempat sampah yang ada, sudah cukup bagus untuk memudahkan teknologi daur ulang sebagai penunjang perbaikan lingkungan. Dengan adanya klasifikasi, sampah yang basah dan kering tidak akan tercampur. Sampah daur ulang juga langsung bisa ditangani tanpa harus memililah-milah terlebih dahulu. Selain klasifikasi sampah, Model sampah saat ini juga harus menjadi perhatian. Model sampah yang tidak efektif menjadi cukup beresiko untuk menularkan penyakit, terlebih virus covid-19 yang menjadi pandemi saat ini mampu bertahan pada permukaan plastik dalam jangka waktu yang cukup lama. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, sekaligus menunjang kebersihan agar semakin terjaga maka dirancang sebuah penelitian terkait dengan Prototype Sederhana sampah Otomatis yang ramah lingkungan. Dari hasil penelitian didaptkan bahwa prototype sampah ini dapat menunjang kebersihan sekaligus kesehatan masyarakat secara efektif. Karena masyarakat tidak harus lagi membuka dan menutup sampah ketika hendak mebuang sampah, sehingga diharapkan masyarkat tidak malas untuk membuang sampah pada tempatnya

    Efektivitas Role Play, Penayangan VCD dan Modul dalam Meningkatkan Keterampilan Komunikasi Terapeutik Mahasiswa STIKES Jenderal Ahmad Yani YOGYAKARTA

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    Background: Previous research found that 75% of one\u27s life was used for communication. Communication gives the meaning of life. More than half of the surgery clients was not satisfied with the preserved information. Client needs effective communication and social contact which was useful to obtained information. There was a lack of communication between nursing staff and client. Nurses communication style was focused on their duty. Their conversation tend to be short and could not exploitate client\u27s believe and anxiety. There was a research inhealth behavior trough education especially in therapeutic communication.Objective: This research was aimed to measure the effectiveness of role play, video compact disc (VCD) playing and module in improving therapeutic communication skill of nursing student of STIKES Jenderal Ahmad Yani Yogyakarta.Method: This was a quasi experimental research that used non-equivalent control group design with pretest-posttest. The subject of the research was nursing student of STIKES Jenderal Ahmad Yani and Surya Global Yogyakarta. The intervention group was 42 students while control group was 51 students. The sample was taken with purposive sampling. The instrument being used was questionaire, check list of observation, (VCD), module and role play scenario with a case example. The data collection was conducted by having structured interview and observation. The data was analyzed with independent t-test to measure the difference on knowledge, attitude and skill with significance level of p = 0.05 and paired t test.Result: This research showed that there was a significant influence on the therapeutic communication education toward improvement on knowledge with t = 9.463 and p = 0.000 (p 0.05).Conclusion: Role play, VCD playing and module were effective in improving knowledge, attitude and skill on therapeutic communication after given education and improving skill after 1 month and yet there was a decreasing on the average of skill value after 1 month compared with after given education


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    This research aims to determine the process and implementation of religious guidance on women inmates in the Women's Correctional Institution class II A Palembang City. This study uses qualitative descriptive methods. This study uses several methods in the data collection: observation, interview, and documentation methods. Data analysis techniques used are data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. The research results showed that religious guidance on female inmates in Palembang city correctional institution is carried out intensively every day and continuously, such as prayer dhuhr congregation. The methods used are situation-based coaching methods, individual treatment methods, classical treatment methods, learning and experience methods (experimental learning), and autosuggestion. Supporting factors in spiritual development are a) LPP Palembang in collaboration with institutions related to spiritual development, b) musholla facilities in blocks, c) providing prayer equipment, and d) providing learning and teaching equipment. As for the factors that hinder religious coaching: a) the background of female inmates are not the same, b) differences in sentencing period and un concurrent entry, c) the interest of female inmates following religious coaching is lacking, d) the ability of inmates in digesting materials delivered is not the same, and e) the absence of a particular curriculum

    Nutrition education, hemoglobin levels, and nutrition knowledge of adolescent girls in Banyumas district

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    ABSTRAKLatar belakang: anemia merupakan masalah gizi utama yang ditemukan pada remaja putri. Jejak prevalensinya semakin meningkat. Anemia pada remaja putri yang tidak tertangani akan berlanjut hingga masa kehamilan dan berakibat pada tingginya ibu hamil anemia. Suplementasi tablet besi cukup efektif dalam penanganan masalah anemia namun kurangnya pengetahuan terhadap anemia menurunkan tingkat kepatuhan konsumsi tablet besi sehingga pengetahuan dan sikap remaja memegang peranan penting dalam keberhasilan menurunkan prevalensi anemia.Tujuan: menganalisis efektifitas edukasi gizi terhadap kadar hemoglobin dan skor pengetahuan dalam upaya penanganan anemia gizi remaja putri.Metode: Penelitian menggunakan desain True experimental dengan randomized pretest-posttest control group  design. Intervensi menggunakan edukasi gizi di laksanakan sebanyak enam kali selama 1,5 bulan dengan satu kali pertemuan setiap minggu. Jumlah subjek sebanyak 70 orang terdiri dari 31 orang kelompok perlakuan dan 39 orang kelompok kontrol. Uji T berpasangan digunakan untuk menganalisis perbedaan kadar hemoglobin dan skor pengetahuan sebelum dan sesudah pemberian edukasi gizi.Hasil : Hasil analisis statistik menunjukan terdapat perbedaan rerata kadar hemoglobin pada kelompok perlakuan antara sebelum dan sesudah edukasi gizi dari 12.17 g/dL meningkat menjadi 12.68 g/dL (p= 0,001). Skor pengetahuan subjek meningkat dari 16.03±2.30 menjadi 20.09±2.21 (p= 0,000).Kesimpulan: Pemberian edukasi gizi efektif meningkatkan kadar hemoglobin dan skor pengetahuan remaja putri. KATA KUNCI: Remaja putri; kadar hemoglobin; skor pengetahuan; pendidikan gizi  ABSTRACTBackground: Anemia is a major nutritional problem found in adolescent girls. The prevalence trend is increasing. Anemia in untreated adolescent girls will continue until pregnancy and result in anemia of anemic pregnant women. Iron supplementation is quite effective in handling anemia problem but lack of knowledge to anemia decrease compliance level of iron tablet consumption so that knowledge and attitude of adolescent plays an important role in the success of decreasing prevalence of anemia.Objectives: to analyze the effectiveness of nutritional education on hemoglobin level and knowledge score in the effort of anemia treatment in adolescent girls.Methods: This research used true experimental with randomized pretest-posttest control group  design. Intervention using nutritional education was conducted in six sessions for 1.5 months once every week. Total participants of this study were 70 people consisted of 31 treatment groups and 39 controls. Paired T test is used to analyze the difference of hemoglobin level and score of knowledge before and after nutrition education.Results:The statistical test showed that there was a difference of mean hemoglobin level in treatment group between before and after nutrient education from 12.17 g / dL increased to 12.68 g / dL (p = 0,001). The subject knowledge score increased from 16.03 ± 2.30 to 20.09 ± 2.21 (p = 0,000). Conclusion: Effective nutrition education raises the hemoglobin level and the girls' knowledge score. KEYWORDS: adolescent girls; hemoglobin levels; knowledge scores; nutrition  education

    Experimental Validation of Travel Time Models for Shuttle-based Automated Storage and Retrieval System

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    In this paper, we aim to validate travel time models for single and dual command cycle displacements of lifts and shuttles in a shuttle-based automated storage and retrieval system (SBS/RS) by using experimental computer simulation. The models under consideration take into account acceleration and deceleration delays. We use ARENA 12 software for the simulation modeling. By simulation, we emulate the real functioning of the system. Therefore, we assume that the results from the ARENA simulation are equivalent to the onsite experimentation. Simulation results are very close to those obtained by analytical travel time models. This shows the high precision of these models to predict operations of SBS/RS.These models can be used at design or operation phases to calculate throughput of the system, to compare between different topologies of SBS/RS or with other types of AS/RS to help decision makers to choose among different alternatives of automated storage systems