631 research outputs found

    Plato’ Ethics: Semantic Premises

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    The article examines some Greek terms in relation to the moral values of ancient Greece. The ethical tradition, generally composed of authors who were not exactly professional philosophers, supplied basic and abundant material for the elaboration of platonic ethics. When dealing with the ancient ethics, it is essential to determine the value and the semantic complexity of the more important values (“competitive” and “collaborative” or “peaceful”) together with the respective implications: the axiologic terms have deeply diverse criteria of application, and the criteria of application of the most important terms reflect beyond doubt and, at the same time, reveal the conception of life of the society in its totality and, therefore, the visions concerning the notion of happiness and good life

    The Gottesgeburtszyklus by Master Eckhart: the fundamental mystic of “birth of God in soul” (Sermons 101 to 104)

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    This work analyses the famous sermons of “the birth of God in soul” (101-104), wrote in Middle High German by Master Eckhart, one of the main themes of his studies about the “fundamental mystic”. In the words of the Rhine master has been an unequivocally mystic and will to be free of psychological horizon of human subjectivity, as an expression to God and to soul’s union with the divinity. Eckhart affirmed in these sermons the intellectual necessity of “internalize itself”, i. e. , the intellect would come back to his “essence”. Thus, it will perform the “birth of God in soul”. How it happens to Eckhart? The coronation of God’s action into the “deep of soul” will resemble to the top of “knowledge unknown”, it means, a condition of “epistemic obscurity” to the intellect. Therefore, the absence of knowledge is the condition for the union with the deity (Gottheit): we can’t see God unless by the blindness. We can’t know him unless by the “unknowledge”. The “return” from the multiply world to the indistinct One means to pass from the condition of know to the unknown; It means yet the transition between the created being to the nonbeing of God until culminate the nonbeing of deity. This is the condition of this “birth”

    O Gottesgeburtszyklus de Meister Eckhart : a mística fundamental do "nascimento de Deus na alma" (Sermões 101 a 104)

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    Entre os temas centrais da "mística fundamental" de Meister Eckhart, o presente artigo trata brevemente do célebre ciclo dos sermões sobre o "nascimento de Deus na alma" (101-104), escritos no médio-alto alemão. Nas obras do Mestre renano há inegavelmente uma vontade mística de libertarse do horizonte psicológico da subjetividade humana, a fim de expressar a Deus e a união da alma com a divindade. Nesses Sermões Eckhart afirma a necessidade do intelecto de "interiorizar-se"; ele deve retornar à sua "essência", realizando-se assim o "nascimento de Deus na alma". Como isto acontece para Eckhart? O coroamento da ação de Deus no "fundo da alma" se assemelharia ao cume do "saber desconhecido"; isto representa para o intelecto um estado de "obscuridade" epistêmica". Neste sentido, a ausência de saber é a condição de união com a Deidade (Gottheit): não podemos ver a Deus senão pela cegueira, não podemos conhecê-lo senão pelo não-conhecimento. "Retornar" do mundo múltiplo ao Uno indistinto significa passar do estado de saber àquele do não-saber, do entre criado ao não-ente de Deus e atingir o não-ser da Deidade. Tal é a condição deste "nascimento".This work analyses the famous sermons of "the birth of God in soul" (101-104), wrote in Middle High German by Master Eckhart, one of the main themes of his studies about the "fundamental mystic". In the words of the Rhine master has been an unequivocally mystic and will to be free of psychological horizon of human subjectivity, as an expression to God and to soul's union with the divinity. Eckhart affirmed in these sermons the intellectual necessity of "internalize itself", i.e., the intellect would come back to his "essence". Thus, it will perform the "birth of God in soul". How it happens to Eckhart? The coronation of God's action into the "deep of soul" will resemble to the top of "knowledge unknown", it means, a condition of "epistemic obscurity" to the intellect. Therefore, the absence of knowledge is the condition for the union with the deity (Gottheit): we can't see God unless by the blindness. We can't know him unless by the "unknowledge". The "return" from the multiply world to the indistinct One means to pass from the condition of know to the unknown; It means yet the transition between the created being to the nonbeing of God until culminate the nonbeing of deity. This is the condition of this "birth"

    Presentación: Arte, Crítica y Mística

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    Nicholas of Cusa (1401-1464) in Dialogue

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    Martin Heidegger e o “Absoluto”. A apropriação fenomenológica dos fragmentos sobre filosofia da religião (1916-1917) de Adolf Reinach

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    Based on the cancelled notes of a Vorlesung (1918-1919) of Martin Heidegger entitled "The Philosophical Foundations of Medieval Mysticism" (GA 60, 301-337), the article discusses key aspects of the note “Das Absolute "(June 1918) dedicated to the phenomenologist Adolf Reinach. The Aufzeichnungen (Notes) on phenomenology of the religion (1916-1917) of Reinach inspired the phenomenology of the young Heidegger at the beginning of his teaching career in Freiburg (1919-1923). Considering the fragmented nature of both texts (the notes of Reinach and notes of Heidegger), my analysis focuses on phenomenological appropriation of Heidegger's fragment of the philosophy of religion “The Absolute" (GA 60, 324-327).   By highlighting the convergences and the critiques to Reinach´s thoughts, my analysis is also based in the broader context of Heideggerian lectures given at the University of Freiburg.Com base nas notas de uma Vorlesung (1918-1919) cancelada de Martin Heidegger, intitulada “Os Fundamentos Filosóficos da Mística Medieval” (GA [= Gesamtausgabe] 60, 301-337), o artigo aborda aspectos centrais da nota “Das Absolute” (junho de 1918), dedicada ao fenomenólogo Adolf Reinach. Os Aufzeichnungen (Apontamentos) sobre fenomenologia da religião (1916-1917) de Reinach inspiraram a fenomenologia do jovem Heidegger no início de sua carreira docente em Freiburg (1919-1923). Considerando o caráter fragmentário de ambos os textos (os apontamentos de Reinach e as notas de Heidegger), minha análise privilegia a apropriação fenomenológica de Heidegger do fragmento de filosofia da religião “O Absoluto” (GA 60, 324-327). Ao destacar as convergências e as críticas ao pensamento de Reinach, minha análise também se baseia no contexto mais amplo das preleções heideggerianas ministradas em Freiburg

    Martin Heidegger and the "Absolute". The phenomenological appropriation of the fragments on philosophy of religion (1916-1917) by Adolf Reinach

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    Based on the cancelled notes of a Vorlesung (1918-1919) of Martin Heidegger entitled "The Philosophical Foundations of Medieval Mysticism" (GA 60, 301-337), the article discusses key aspects of the note “Das Absolute "(June 1918) dedicated to the phenomenologist Adolf Reinach. The Aufzeichnungen (Notes) on phenomenology of the religion (1916-1917) of Reinach inspired the phenomenology of the young Heidegger at the beginning of his teaching career in Freiburg (1919-1923). Considering the fragmented nature of both texts (the notes of Reinach and notes of Heidegger), my analysis focuses on phenomenological appropriation of Heidegger's fragment of the philosophy of religion “The Absolute" (GA 60, 324-327).   By highlighting the convergences and the critiques to Reinach´s thoughts, my analysis is also based in the broader context of Heideggerian lectures given at the University of Freiburg

    Agostinho e Wittgenstein em torno da linguagem : o problema da significação

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    A influência do pensamento de Santo Agostinho (354-430) sobre temas da filosofia contemporânea é de fato grandiosa. Dentre os principais temas influenciados por Agostinho, um destaca-se notoriamente na contemporaneidade filosófica, a saber, o tema referente à linguagem. Não é por acaso que Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951), um dos principais filósofos do século XX, manteve uma relação teórica oscilante com a teoria da linguagem agostiniana. Nesse sentido, tendo como base as obras Confissões e De Magistro de Agostinho, bem como as obras Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus e Investigações Filosóficas, de Wittgenstein, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a relação teórica entre Agostinho e Wittgenstein no que se refere aos signos lingüísticos. Com a pretendida aproximação entre os dois filósofos, almeja-se apresentar uma discussão sobre a relação mantida entre os signos lingüísticos e os objetos referenciados, com o objetivo de aprofundar o debate sobre o tema do conteúdo referencial das palavras, tema importante para a metafísica da linguagem e para a filosofia da linguagem contemporâneas.The influence of Saint Augustine (354-430) on the contemporary philosophy themes is in fact great. Inside these themes, one stands out in the contemporary philosophy: the theme of language. It is no accident that Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951), one of the great philosophers of language of XX century, kept a swinging correlation with the Augustine theory. In this sense, with support in the Augustine's works Confessiones and De magistro, and with support in the Wittgenstein's Tractacus-Logico Philosophicus (1921) and Philosophical Investigations (1953), this article aims analyze the theoric connection between Augustine and Wittgenstein on the linguistics signals. With this connection, aims presents a scrutiny about the link between linguistic signals and referencials objects, with function of explore the discussion about the referencial words conteudistics topic, an important topic in the language's metaphysics and for the philosophy of language