58 research outputs found

    Life history traits and historical comparison of blue whiting (Micromesistius poutassou) growth performance from the western Pomo/Jabuka Pits area (central Adriatic Sea)

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    Although fishing is considered the primary cause of the decline in fish populations, increasing evidence of the significant role of climate change has been provided recently in the Mediterranean Sea, which shows one of the highest warming trends in the world. In this area, the most important environmental driver is represented by the increase in seawater temperature. Though several studies have addressed the effects of sea warming on thermophilic species, little attention has been paid to cold-water species. Among these, blue whiting (Micromesistius poutassou) constitutes one of the most important traditional fisheries resources in the northern part of the basin, particularly in the central Adriatic Sea. This area has experienced intense fishing exploitation by the Italian and Croatian fishing fleets. Since 2015, the Pomo/Jabuka Pits area, the fleets' main fishing ground, has been subject to a series of fishing regulations over time and space. In the present study, we investigated the age structure and growth performance (by means of otoliths) of blue whiting, comparing samples collected during 1985-86 and 2020-21 in the Pomo/Jabuka Pits. Our results show that the 2020-21 blue whiting specimens had a lower length-at-age compared to 1985-86. The asymptotic length estimate decreased from 29 cm TL in 1985-86 to 25 cm TL in 2020-21. The pattern observed might be related to a modification in the cold and dense water formation dynamics in the northern Adriatic Sea, as a consequence of climate change, resulting in higher temperatures and lower nutrient and oxygen exchange, which may have hampered the optimal growth of the species. Moreover, data on the historical trend of landings from the Adriatic Sea reveals a clear decline in catches starting from 2000 onwards. Although the introduction of a fishing ban in the Pomo/Jabuka Pits was an important milestone, the abundance of this species in the area remains at low levels, highlighting a potentially alarming situation for the stock of blue whiting in the central Adriatic Sea

    Aspects of Reproductive Biology of the European Hake (Merluccius merluccius) in the Northern and Central Adriatic Sea (GSA 17-Central Mediterranean Sea)

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    The study focused on the macroscopic, histological, and biometric analysis of European hake females in GSA 17 (Central-North Adriatic Sea). From 2013 to 2015, 976 females were collected and analyzed monthly. Though females in spawning conditions were found during the whole year, the trend of GSI showed a peak of the reproductive season from April to July in 2014 and 2015. HSI and Kn reached the highest values in September, after the spawning peaks. In 2013, the trend of these indices did not highlight an evident peak, probably due to an adverse event that occurred in the previous winter in the Adriatic shelf. The length at first maturity (L50) was estimated by macroscopic and histological approaches, resulting in 30.81 cm for the macroscopical length and 33.73 cm for the histological length; both values are higher than the current catching legal size. For the first time in this area, batch and relative fecundity were estimated. Relative fecundity was similar to the Mediterranean and the Atlantic stocks, whereas batch fecundity values were lower compared to other fishing grounds. Overall, the analysis of reproductive parameters plays a fundamental role in the sustainable management of this resource in an area as overfished as the Central-North Adriatic Sea

    Korištenje povlačne podvodne kamere za procjene škampa, hlapića i morskog pera u Jadranskom moru

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    Norway lobster, Nephrops norvegicus, is of great commercial importance throughout the NE Atlantic and Mediterranean, where it lives in burrows within muddy sediments. In several European countries it is assessed by means of towed underwater TV techniques. These are particularly suited to N. norvegicus because, for a number of reasons, the application of common fishery-dependent stock-assessment methods is not thorough for this species. The TV-based methodology relies on the fact that a known surface area of seabed is visually assessed and the number of N. norvegicus burrows, whose features are distinct, can be counted and their inhabitants quantified. It follows that, in theory, the same can be done for other organisms or key ecological features which appear on the footage. This study reports the results of the underwater television surveys (2009 and 2010) carried out jointly by Italy and Croatia in the Pomo/Jabuka pits, an area of the Adriatic Sea important for its N. norvegicus fishery and its hake nursery grounds. The obtained footage allowed quantification of the density of N. norvegicus in the area and the acquisition of estimates of the abundances of the squat lobster, Munida rutllanti and the sea pen Funiculina quadrangularis. The concurrent quantification of trawling activity from the footage has allowed us to place our results in the context of an ecosystem approach to fisheries management.Škamp ( Nephrops norvegicus ) je izuzetno važna gospodarska vrsta koja obitava u rupama u muljevitom sedimentu diljem sjeverno-istočnog Atlantika i Mediterana. Obzirom da uobičajene metode procjene bioloških resursa koje se zasnivaju na ribolovu nisu u potpunosti pogodne za ovu vrstu, nekoliko Europskih zemalja procjene populacije škampa obavlja korištenjem povlačne podvodne kamere. Ova metodologija bazira se na činjenici da škamp u sedimentu iskapa rupe karakterističnog izgleda koje se determiniraju i prebrojavaju vizualnim pregledom snimke dobivene povlačenjem podvodne kamere preko određene površine morskog dna. Teoretski, ova metodologija se može primijeniti i za procjene drugih vrsta ili ekoloških parametara koji su zabilježeni na snimkama. Ova studija iznosi rezultate istraživanja podvodnom kamerom (2009. i 2010. godine) koje su zajednički proveli Italija i Hrvatska na području Jabučke kotline u Jadranskom moru. Ovo područje koje se intenzivno gospodarski iskorištava značajno je kao glavno mrijestilište i rastilište većeg broja pridnenih vrsta, posebno škampa i oslića ( Merluccius merluccius ) Na osnovu dobivenih snimki izrađena je procjena brojnosti i biomase škampa, kao i procjena brojnosti hlapića ( Munida rutllanti ) i morskog pera ( Funiculina quadrangularis ). Istodobna procjena tragova koćarenja zabilježenih na snimkama omogućila nam je da ove rezultate stavimo u kontekst ekosustavnog pristupa gospodarenju bioloških resursa mora

    Searching for a stock structure in <i>Sardina pilchardus</i> from the Adriatic and Ionian seas using a microsatellite DNA-based approach

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    En el presente trabajo se ha investigado la variabilidad genética de la sardina europea en el mar Adriático y Jónico con el objetivo de detectar la posible existencia de estructura genética entre y dentro de ambas cuencas. El análisis de la variabilidad genética en ocho loci microsatélites detectó una desviación respecto al equilibrio HW por un exceso de homocigotos en algunas de las muestras estudiadas. La estima del nivel de diferenciación interpoblacional, realizada mediante AMOVA, qST and rRST, y descriptores Bayesianos, resultó no significativa para las muestras analizadas. Estos datos concuerdan con los obtenidos en estudios previos basados en alozimas y marcadores mitocondriales y contradicen la anterior identificación de dos subpoblaciones en el mar Adriático en base a datos morfológicos y reproductivos

    Korištenje povlačne podvodne kamere za procjene škampa, hlapića i morskog pera u Jadranskom moru

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    Norway lobster, Nephrops norvegicus, is of great commercial importance throughout the NE Atlantic and Mediterranean, where it lives in burrows within muddy sediments. In several European countries it is assessed by means of towed underwater TV techniques. These are particularly suited to N. norvegicus because, for a number of reasons, the application of common fishery-dependent stock-assessment methods is not thorough for this species. The TV-based methodology relies on the fact that a known surface area of seabed is visually assessed and the number of N. norvegicus burrows, whose features are distinct, can be counted and their inhabitants quantified. It follows that, in theory, the same can be done for other organisms or key ecological features which appear on the footage. This study reports the results of the underwater television surveys (2009 and 2010) carried out jointly by Italy and Croatia in the Pomo/Jabuka pits, an area of the Adriatic Sea important for its N. norvegicus fishery and its hake nursery grounds. The obtained footage allowed quantification of the density of N. norvegicus in the area and the acquisition of estimates of the abundances of the squat lobster, Munida rutllanti and the sea pen Funiculina quadrangularis. The concurrent quantification of trawling activity from the footage has allowed us to place our results in the context of an ecosystem approach to fisheries management.Škamp ( Nephrops norvegicus ) je izuzetno važna gospodarska vrsta koja obitava u rupama u muljevitom sedimentu diljem sjeverno-istočnog Atlantika i Mediterana. Obzirom da uobičajene metode procjene bioloških resursa koje se zasnivaju na ribolovu nisu u potpunosti pogodne za ovu vrstu, nekoliko Europskih zemalja procjene populacije škampa obavlja korištenjem povlačne podvodne kamere. Ova metodologija bazira se na činjenici da škamp u sedimentu iskapa rupe karakterističnog izgleda koje se determiniraju i prebrojavaju vizualnim pregledom snimke dobivene povlačenjem podvodne kamere preko određene površine morskog dna. Teoretski, ova metodologija se može primijeniti i za procjene drugih vrsta ili ekoloških parametara koji su zabilježeni na snimkama. Ova studija iznosi rezultate istraživanja podvodnom kamerom (2009. i 2010. godine) koje su zajednički proveli Italija i Hrvatska na području Jabučke kotline u Jadranskom moru. Ovo područje koje se intenzivno gospodarski iskorištava značajno je kao glavno mrijestilište i rastilište većeg broja pridnenih vrsta, posebno škampa i oslića ( Merluccius merluccius ) Na osnovu dobivenih snimki izrađena je procjena brojnosti i biomase škampa, kao i procjena brojnosti hlapića ( Munida rutllanti ) i morskog pera ( Funiculina quadrangularis ). Istodobna procjena tragova koćarenja zabilježenih na snimkama omogućila nam je da ove rezultate stavimo u kontekst ekosustavnog pristupa gospodarenju bioloških resursa mora

    Evaluación conjunta de la población de la anchoa del Mar Adriático septentrional y central: comparación entre dos métodos de dinámica poblacional

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    Anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus, L.) is one of the most important commercial species of the northern and central Adriatic Sea, as well as one of the most productive fisheries in the whole Mediterranean. In the Adriatic Sea the stock of anchovy is shared between Italy, Croatia and Slovenia. A joint stock assessment was carried out using catch data from all the fleets for the time interval 1975-2009. Analyses were performed using estimates of natural mortality at age obtained by means of two different methods and two population dynamics methods based on the analysis of catch-at-age data: Laurec-Sheperd virtual population analysis (VPA) and integrated catch-at-age (ICA), both tuned to acoustic estimates of abundance. Gislason’s estimates for natural mortality appeared to be more realistic and were thus preferred for short-lived species. The general trend of biomass and fishing mortality is similar for the two models, highlighting the major collapse of the stock in 1987. Nevertheless, ICA has enough flexibility to combine all the data available without adding too much complexity in comparison with a VPA approach and seems to perform better in terms of the spawning stock biomass/recruitment relationship and diagnostics (i.e. the retrospective pattern). For the stock status, the exploitation rate from ICA is higher than the suggested threshold of 0.4 proposed by Patterson for small pelagic species.La anchoa (Engraulis encrasicolus, L.) es una de las especies comerciales más importantes del mar Adriático central y septentrional, a la vez que es una de las actividades pesqueras más productivas en todo el Mediterráneo. La población de anchoa en el mar Adriático es compartida por Croacia, Italia y Eslovenia: una evaluación conjunta de la población fue realizada usando los datos de captura de todas las flotas para el periodo 1975-2009. Se efectuaron análisis usando estimaciones de la mortalidad natural por edad obtenidos mediante dos métodos diferentes y dos métodos de dinámica poblacional basados en el análisis de datos de captura por edad: Análisis de Población Virtual (VPA) de Laurec-Sheperd y Análisis de Captura Integrada por Edad (ICA), ambos acordados en las estimaciones acústicas de la abundancia. Las estimaciones de mortalidad natural de Gislason aparentaban ser más realísticas y por lo tanto daba preferencia a especies de vida corta. La tendencia general de la biomasa y de la mortalidad por pesca es similar en los dos modelos, destacando la fuerte disminución de la población en 1987. Sin embargo, ICA permite una flexibilidad suficiente para combinar todos los datos disponibles sin agregar excesivas complejidades con respecto al enfoque VPA y aparenta un mejor desempeño en términos de relación de SSB-R y en términos of diagnósticos (por ejemplo: el patrón retrospectivo). En relación al estado de la población, la tasa de explotación del ICA es más alta que el umbral sugerido de 0.4 propuesto por Patterson para las especies de pequeños pelágicos

    The Mediterranean Sea Regime Shift at the End of the 1980s, and Intriguing Parallelisms with Other European Basins

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    Background: Regime shifts are abrupt changes encompassing a multitude of physical properties and ecosystem variables, which lead to new regime conditions. Recent investigations focus on the changes in ecosystem diversity and functioning associated to such shifts. Of particular interest, because of the implication on climate drivers, are shifts that occur synchronously in separated basins. Principal Findings: In this work we analyze and review long-term records of Mediterranean ecological and hydro-climate variables and find that all point to a synchronous change in the late 1980s. A quantitative synthesis of the literature (including observed oceanic data, models and satellite analyses) shows that these years mark a major change in Mediterranean hydrographic properties, surface circulation, and deep water convection (the Eastern Mediterranean Transient). We provide novel analyses that link local, regional and basin scale hydrological properties with two major indicators of large scale climate, the North Atlantic Oscillation index and the Northern Hemisphere Temperature index, suggesting that the Mediterranean shift is part of a large scale change in the Northern Hemisphere. We provide a simplified scheme of the different effects of climate vs. temperature on pelagic ecosystems. Conclusions: Our results show that the Mediterranean Sea underwent a major change at the end of the 1980s that encompassed atmospheric, hydrological, and ecological systems, for which it can be considered a regime shift. We further provide evidence that the local hydrography is linked to the larger scale, northern hemisphere climate. These results suggest that the shifts that affected the North, Baltic, Black and Mediterranean (this work) Seas at the end of the 1980s, that have been so far only partly associated, are likely linked as part a northern hemisphere change. These findings bear wide implications for the development of climate change scenarios, as synchronous shifts may provide the key for distinguishing local (i.e., basin) anthropogenic drivers, such as eutrophication or fishing, from larger scale (hemispheric) climate drivers

    Food-web changes in the Adriatic Sea over the last three decades

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    21 pages, 9 figures, 5 tablesWe used a process-oriented model (Ecosim) to characterize changes in marine resources in the north-central (NC) Adriatic Sea (Mediterranean) from 1975 to 2002, and to explore the extent to which these changes were driven by trophic interactions, environment and fishing. Fishing efforts and fishing mortalities were used to drive the ecosystem model, and available biomass and catch data were compared to the model predictions. We calibrated and assessed the fit of the model using the sum of the squared deviations of the observed and predicted biomass values. Trophodynamic indicators were then calculated and used to analyse changes to the ecosystem. Trophic interactions, fishing, and environmental conditions were important driving factors of the ecosystem. Predictions from the model adequately matched observed biomass and catch data for each year. Observed trends and predicted data for biomasses decreased with time for several species, including Norway lobster, hake, red mullets, flatfish, and anchovy. The environmental functions resulting from the fitting procedure predicted that primary production and nutrients increased beyond the baseline from 1975 level, and then showed a decrease. They were negatively correlated with mean sea surface temperature and positively correlated with the Mediterranean Oscillation Index. Our results suggested that the NC Adriatic ecosystem became more degraded over time due to expanding fishing effort, bottom-up effects, and climatic anomalies. Possible mechanisms involved are discussed. Comparing our findings with descriptions of the south Catalan Sea ecosystem showed certain similarities between these 2 Mediterranean ecosystems and revealed unique features of the Adriatic SeaThis work was made possible by a bilateral co-operative-agreement between the Istituto di Scienze Marine (CNR), Italy, and the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Ciencia e Investigación (CSIC), Spain. The integrated project ’Site Effect Assessment Using Ambient Excitations’ (SESAME) contract no. 036949-2, supported by the European Commission’s Sixth Framework Programme, Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystems, which allowed the continuation of this work, is greatly acknowledged. During part of the work, M.C. was supported financially by doctoral and postdoctoral fellowships from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Education and Science, and by Dalhousie University (Canada)Peer reviewe

    Fishing management scenarios to rebuild exploited resources and ecosystems of the Northern-Central Adriatic (Mediterranean Sea)

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    13 pages, 6 figures, 6 tablesWe examined various fishing management options to recover exploited marine resources and ecosystems of the Northern-Central Adriatic Sea. Dynamic simulations were based on a spatial ecological model previously calibrated with time series of data. Scenarios regarding spatial management were evaluated with the establishment of two marine protected areas, respectively, in the Pomo pit and the northern region. In addition, three temporal simulations of temporary closures and overall reduction of fishing effort of demersal and pelagic fleets (bottom, mid-water trawls and purse seines) were also considered. Simulations were run for 45 years (1975–2020), including the calibration period (1975–2002), and changes in biomass and catch of marine resources were analyzed. Our results confirm that current fishing management in the Adriatic Sea does not have clear beneficial impacts for the recovery of exploited resources, which will remain depleted in 2020 if “business as usual” continues. Simulations of alternative management suggest that both protected areas could be beneficial for fish population recovery predicting an increase in the biomass of commercial fish and predatory organisms. Simulations of temporary closures and overall reduction of fishing effort also show significant benefits for several commercial resources. We argue that both management measures may be effective tools to recover exploited ecosystems of the Northern-Central Adriatic Sea and halt the decline of marine resourcesDuring the work, N.F. was supported financially by a fellowship from the International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic studies (CIHEAM). M.C. was supported financially by postdoctoral fellowships from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology and by the European Community Marie-Curie OIF Post-doctoral Fellowship to the ECOFUN project. This work was developed within the context of the SESAME project—EC Contract No. GOCE-036949, funded by the Sixth Framework ProgrammePeer reviewe

    Ecosystem assessment of the North-Central Adriatic Sea: towards a multivariate reference framework

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    We analyzed data from catch statistics, scientific surveys and results from ecosystem models to assess main changes in marine resources of the North-Central Adriatic Sea (Central Mediterranean) from the mid 1970s to the early 2000s. We then quantified food-web changes using these datasets and trophodynamic indicators. We applied time series trends and a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to reduce the number of multivariate dimensions and to define ecosystem reference directions. To assess the correlation between ecological indicators and abiotic (human or environmental) factors, we used the non-parametric BIO-ENV procedure. Results illustrated a general decrease in the biomass and catch of target species with time, with a first phase of increasing catch and biomass of some organisms from the 1970s to the 1980s, a 'fishing down the food web' process during the 1980s, and a clear trend towards biomass and catch reductions during the late 1990s and early 2000s. These changes occurred in parallel with an increase in fishing effort and human development in the basin and changes in environmental factors such as an increase in the average annual sea water temperature, a decrease in the inflow of highly saline Mediterranean water into the Adriatic Sea, and changes in the atmospheric pressure at sea level. We found a high and significant correlation between ecological indicators and abiotic factors (in particular with human factors: fishing effort and the human development index). Results from the PCA summarized main ecosystem trends and could be used as a reference framework. These results complement traditional single-species fisheries assessments and inform on past trajectories and present ecological status of the North-Central Adriatic SeaThis work was made possible by a bilateral Cooperative-Agreement between the CNR (Italy) and the CSIC (Spain). The EU project SESAME contract no. 036949-2 that allowed the continuation of this work is greatly acknowledged. M.C. was supported financially by a postdoctoral fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology, and by the European Community Marie-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship through the International Outgoing Fellowships (Call: FP7-PEOPLE-2007-4-1-IOF) to ECOFUNPeer Reviewe