47 research outputs found

    Pengujian Feromon Seks pada Lalat Hijau Lucilia Sericata Meigen (Diptera: Calliphoridae)

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    Isolasi feromon sex dari lalat hijau (Lucilia sericata) telah dilaksanakan untuk diteliti pengaruhnya terhadap pengurangan populasinya. Feromon sex diperoleh dengan cara memotong ujung abdominal lalat hijau kemudian diuji dengan menggunakan olfactometer. Parameter yang diamati adalah perilaku lalat hijau dan daya tarik terhadap feromon sex. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa waktu yang tepat untuk panggilan adalah jam 10.00 pagi dan dapat menarik lalat hijau 56%

    Histological study of SlNPV infection on body weight and peritrophic membrane damage of Spodoptera litura larvae

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    Sanjaya, Machmudin D, Kurniawati ND. 2010. Kajian histologis infeksi SlNPV terhadap berat badan dan kerusakan membran peritrofik larva Spodoptera litura. Nusantara Bioscience 2: 135-140. Pengaruh infeksi SlNPV pada berat badan dan kerusakan membran peritrofik larva Spodoptera litura Fab. telah dilakukan. Metode yang digunakan adalah analisis probit, dan berdasarkan LD 50 virus yang terinfeksi untuk mengetahui berat badan dan kerusakan pasca infeksi. Kerusakan struktur histologi yang disebabkan oleh infeksi SlNPV (0, 315, 390, 465, 540 dan 615 PIB/mL) diamati setelah 0, 12, 24, 72 dan 96 jam pasca infeksi. Preparasi histologis dibuat dengan metode parafin setelah fiksasi dengan larutan Bouin, kemudian diiris setebal 7 um dan diwarnai dengan Hematoxilin- Eosin. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa paparan SlNPV menyebabkan penurunan konsumsi pangan terutama pada 540 PIB/mL dengan rata-rata 0.1675 mg. Pengamatan deskriptif pada struktur histologi membran peritrophic yang terkena infeksi SlNPV menunjukkan kecenderungan kerusakan, sementara pada kontrol tidak ada kerusakan sama sekali. Semakin lama paparan virion di dalam lumen midgut maka semakin tinggi terjadinya kerusakan membran peritrofik. Kerusakan paling parah terjadi 96 jam setelah infeksi. Hasilnya membuktikan bahwa virion haNPV dapat menghancurkan struktur histologi midgut. Kata kunci: SlNPV, Spodoptera litura, LD50, tingkat konsumsi, membran peritrophic

    Pengujian Efektivitas Starter Jamur Beauveria Bassiana Terhadap Mortalitas Hypothenemus Hampei : Study The Efectivity Of Beauveria Bassiana Starter Toward The Mortality Of Hypothenemus Hampei

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    Abstract: An experiment concerning to the production of B. bassiana starter had been conducted to facilitate its use to the farmers. The production ofstarter was conducted by using maize rice mill as the growing medium of B. bassiana. To examine the effectiveness of the starterit tested to H. hampei in vitro. The result showed that isolate of B. bassianafivm Garut applied at 50 g/ml was the most effective to cause mortality of H hampei. The percentage H. hampei mortality caused by this trial attained to 76 %. Keyword: B. Bassiana, starter, H. hampe


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    The low ability of students to solve problems is in line with the low mastery of science concepts. In this study, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) integrated Project Oriented Problem Based Learning (POPBL) learning models were implemented to improve the mastery of science concepts of junior high school students, especially on the topic of Environmental Pollution. The method used was a mixed-method. The STEM integrated STB learning model design framework consists of 3 stages: Onset Stage, Execution Stage, and Closure Stage. The concept of students is emphasized at the onset stage in the case study dissemination phase. In this phase, students analyze problems based on articles provided by the teacher. The more understanding the material, the more critical students will explore existing issues and find logical solutions to those problems. The results showed that there was a difference between the average pretest and posttest learning outcomes (t=-5,660; df = 53; Sig. (2-tailed) = 0,000). This indicates an increase in junior high school students' science concepts mastery after using the STEM integrated POPBL Learning Model. Improving students' mastery of concepts using a STEM integrated POPBL learning model is still in the low category with n-gain = 0.17. Although still in the low category, the POPBL learning model with the STEM approach can be optimized to improve students' mastery of concepts and skills on other science topics

    Analisis Penggunaan Media Pembelajaran dan Implementasi ESD yang Digunakan Guru Biologi SMA/MA: (Analysis Of The Use Of Learning Media And The Implementation Of Esd By Biology Teachers In Senior High School)

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    Compentencies that student should have in the 21st century are critical thinking, creative thinking, and higher order thinking, problem solving, collaboration, communication, creating and update skills, technological literacy skills, and contextual learning skills. Education for Sustainbale Development (ESD) is seen as transformative learing approach, an adaptive process that not only equips students with new knowledge but also promotes new ways of thinking. One of the things that must be considered by a teacher in achieving learing objectives is the selection of learing media.interactive learning media can increase students’ interest in learning and critical thinking skills. This research is a descriptive qualitative research to see the use of learning media and the implementation of ESD in Senior Hight School. Key words: analysis, learning media, interactive, ESD   ABSTRAK Kompetensi yang harus dimiliki di abad ke-21 yaitu berpikir kritis, berpikir kreatif, dan berpikir tingkat tinggi, memecahkan masalah, kolaborasi, komunikasi, keterampilan mencipta dan mebaharui, keterampilan literasi teknologi, dan keterampilan belajar kontekstual. Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) dilihat sebagai pendekatan pembelajaran transformatif, proses adaptif yang tidak hanya melengkapi peserta didik dengan pengetahuan baru tetapi juga mempromosikan cara berpikir yang baru. Salah satu hal yang harus diperhatikan oleh seorang guru dalam mencapai tujuan pembelajaran adalah pemilihan media pembelajaran. Dengan media pembelajaran yang menarik dan interaktif dapat meningkatkan minat belajar dan kemampuan berpikir kritis peserta didik. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif yang melihat bagaimana penggunaan media pembelajaran dan implementasi ESD yang ada di SMA/MA. Kata kunci: Analisis, Media Pembelajaran, Interaktif, ES

    Identification Skills Fish Diversity and Potential Use of Genome Data

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    Identification skills are essential for students to increase awareness of will importance of diversity and active protection. Grouping species based on information genome is well considered in effort conservation. Research objectives to describe courses diversity and classification vertebrates (KKV) in identifying fish morphology, genome, and perception student about identification diversity through genome data in one LPTK in Bogor. This research uses qualitative with 27 students in The Biology Education Study Program in one LPTK in Bogor in the odd semester 2022/2023. Data collection about results interviews, documentation, and responses implementation of the pre-college program. Analysis of research data done qualitatively. Research results describe that ongoing study. This does not yet give optimal knowledge in fish diversity in a manner morphology until genome. Findings this give description will need students to identify species in a manner morphology until genome and needed databases that can identify diversity in detail and available essential internal identification feature application

    Role-Play Simulation for Assessing Students’ Creative Skill and Concept Mastery

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    This study treats students by role-play simulation for learning the human circulatory system. Creative skill and concept mastery to be assessed aspects at the end of learning. The method used in this research is the quasi-experimental method. The sample was taken by cluster random sampling technique with the population of students in 8th grade at one of Junior High School in Bandung. The samples in the experimental class n=24 and control class n= 24.the data obtained using the rubric of creative skill consist of process and product. For treatment in experiment class, implemented the role play while for the control class conducted the group discussion. This study aims to examine the effect of role-playing on students’ concept mastery and creative skills. The data result of students’ concept mastery was taken by pretest and posttest. The result of students’ concept mastery was indicated by mean of posttest score in the experimental class, which is implemented the role play is higher than the control class, 79.50 64.00, respectively. Creative skills in the process that will be seen during the implementation of the role play and creative skills in product measured by the scenario of the role play. This research indicated that role play could be implemented in the teaching-learning process. The research findings show that there is a significant effect of role-playing on students’ concept mastery and lead students to be skillfully creative

    The Reflective Thinking Skills of Prospective Teacher on Invertebrate Zoology Course

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    The purpose of this study was to explore the reflective thinking skills of students as prospective teachers in the invertebrate zoology course through an analysis of the learning process of the literature provided during lectures. The research method used was the case study of the invertebrate zoology lecturing process. The instruments in this study were observation sheets, task analysis used in lectures, and a questionnaire about students' perceptions of lecture activities. The results showed that the Invertebrate Zoology lectures only focused on concepts or theories and did not provide reflective thinking skills. Therefore, Zoology lectures have not shown a balanced mastery of concepts and reflective thinking skills.ABSTRAK: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menggali kemampuan berpikir reflektif mahasiswa calon guru pada mata kuliah zoologi invertebrata melalui analisis proses pembelajaran hingga analisis literatur yang diberikan selama perkuliahan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi kasus terhadap proses perkuliahan zoologi invertebrata. Instrumen dalam penelitian ini adalah lembar observasi, analisis tugas yang digunakan dalam perkuliahan, angket tentang respon mahasiswa terhadap kegiatan perkuliahan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perkuliahan zoologi Invertebrata yang di berikan hanya fokus pada konsep atau teori dan tidak memberikan keterampilan berpikir reflektif. Artinya, perkuliahan zoologi belum menunjukkan bekal penguasaan konsep dan kemampuan berpikir reflektif yang seimbang