230 research outputs found

    Quantitative Kinetic Energy Estimated from Disdrometer Signal

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    The kinetic energy of the rain drops was predicted in a relation between the rain rate and rain quantity, derived directly from the rain drop size distribution (DSD), which had been measured by a disdrometer located in the eastern state of Alagoas-Brazil. The equation in the form of exponential form suppressed the effects of large drops at low rainfall intensity observed at the beginning and end of the rainfall. The kinetic energy of the raindrop was underestimated in almost rain intensity ranges and was considered acceptable by the performance indicators such as coefficient of determination, average absolute error, percent relative error, mean absolute error, root mean square error, Willmott's concordance index and confidence index

    Dispersion and uncertainty in multislit matter wave diffraction

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    We show that single and multislit experiments involving matter waves may be constructed to assess correlations between the position and momentum of a single free particle. These correlations give rise to position dependent phases which develop dynamically and may play an important role in the interference patterns. For large enough transverse coherence lenght such interference patterns are noticeably different from those of a classical dispersion free wave.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, revised manuscrip

    Persistent currents in n-fold twisted Moebius strips

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    We investigate the influence of the topology on generic features of the persistent current in n-fold twisted Moebius strips formed of quasi one--dimensional mesoscopic rings, both for free electrons and in the weakly disordered regime. We find that there is no generic difference between the persistent current for untwisted rings and for Moebius strips with an arbitrary number of twists.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    Systematization of Basic Divergent Integrals in Perturbation Theory and Renormalization Group Functions

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    We show that to n loop order the divergent content of a Feynman amplitude is spanned by a set of basic (logarithmically divergent) integrals which need not be evaluated. Only the coefficients of the basic divergent integrals are necessary to determine renormalization group functions. Relations between these coefficients of different loop orders are derived.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Arbitrary parameters in implicit regularization and democracy within perturbative description of 2-dimensional gravitational anomalies

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    We show that the Implicit Regularization Technique is useful to display quantum symmetry breaking in a complete regularization independent fashion. Arbitrary parameters are expressed by finite differences between integrals of the same superficial degree of divergence whose value is fixed on physical grounds (symmetry requirements or phenomenology). We study Weyl fermions on a classical gravitational background in two dimensions and show that, assuming Lorentz symmetry, the Weyl and Einstein Ward identities reduce to a set of algebraic equations for the arbitrary parameters which allows us to study the Ward identities on equal footing. We conclude in a renormalization independent way that the axial part of the Einstein Ward identity is always violated. Moreover whereas we can preserve the pure tensor part of the Einstein Ward identity at the expense of violating the Weyl Ward identities we may as well violate the former and preserve the latter.Comment: 8 pages, no figure

    Influência da qualidade dos materiais de reprodução na reflorestação com sobreiro

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    O sobreiro ocupa em Portugal cerca de 721000 ha o que corresponde a 21,5 % da área fl orestal nacional e 33% da área mundial (APCOR, 2005). A sua distribuição no território nacional traduz não só a sua adaptação a determinadas condições edafo-climaticas, mas tem sido condicionada por várias circunstancias, como o arroteamento, o fogo, o abuso do pastoreio, a exploração agrícola intensiva e as plantações fl orestais que contrariaram ou favoreceram a sua existência nesses locais (Natividade, 1950). A distribuição desta espécie é particularmente signifi cativa em zonas onde têm ocorrido acontecimentos climáticos graves e onde os níveis de desertifi cação humana são críticos. A fi leira da cortiça salienta-se por Portugal ocupar o primeiro lugar entre os países produtores, transformadores e exportadores de cortiça, correspondendo-lhe mais de metade da produção mundial desta matéria-prima. O nosso País é a origem de aproximadamente 60% das transacções de cortiça a nível mundial, valor que sobe para 80% quando nos referimos a transacções de produtos transformados. A nível nacional, o valor das exportações de cortiça representam aproximadamente 0,7% do PIB, 2,24% das exportações e correspondem a mais de 33% do conjunto das exportações de produtos fl orestais (APCOR, 2005). Para além da importância económica do sector corticeiro a nível nacional, o aumento da consciência e do interesse da sociedade nas questões ambientais, faz com que o montado de sobro seja reconhecido cada vez mais como um espaço fl orestal, de elevada biodiversidade, paisagísticamente único, que potencia micro-economias locais baseadas numa agricultura e pastorícia extensivas, interessante para outras actividades como o turismo rural e a caça. O sobreiro tem sido a espécie fl orestal que mais tem benefi ciado dos meios fi nanceiros disponibilizados aos proprietários fl orestais para a refl orestação no âmbito da aplicação das medidas de reforma da Política Agrícola Comum da UE, na arborização das terras agrícolas. Contudo, têm-se registado com frequência elevadas taxas de insucesso na arborização sendo a qualidade dos materiais florestais de reprodução (MFR) apontada como uma das causas. Neste trabalho abordaremos a a qualidade dos materiais de reprodução, considerando-a do ponto de vista genético e fisiológicoN/

    On the equivalence between Implicit Regularization and Constrained Differential Renormalization

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    Constrained Differential Renormalization (CDR) and the constrained version of Implicit Regularization (IR) are two regularization independent techniques that do not rely on dimensional continuation of the space-time. These two methods which have rather distinct basis have been successfully applied to several calculations which show that they can be trusted as practical, symmetry invariant frameworks (gauge and supersymmetry included) in perturbative computations even beyond one-loop order. In this paper, we show the equivalence between these two methods at one-loop order. We show that the configuration space rules of CDR can be mapped into the momentum space procedures of Implicit Regularization, the major principle behind this equivalence being the extension of the properties of regular distributions to the regularized ones.Comment: 16 page

    Spatial and seasonal variations in the stable carbon isotopic composition of methane in stream sediments of eastern Amazonia

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    The stable carbon isotopic composition of methane (δ13 C-CH4) gas bubbles formed in the sediments of three Amazonian streams was determined over a 5-yr period. The study sites were two ' 'várzea' floodplain (Açu and Maicá) and one 'terra-firme' (Jamaraquá) streams. The δ 13C of sedimentary organic matter (SOM) from the surrounding vegetation and bottom sediments were also determined. The mean δ13C value of SOM was lower in the terra-firme (-29.6‰) than in the várzea stream (-23.8‰) as a result of less C4 plant deposition in the former. The δ 13C-CH4 values varied systematically both seasonally and spatially among the sites during all 5 yr of the study, in association with changes during hydrologic cycle. Overall, the variation in values of δ 13C-CH4 during the high water phase covered a narrower range of values, -63 to -56‰. Contrastively, during the low water phase the δ 13C-CH4 values for várzea and terra-firme streams are different and are in direct opposition. At this phase, the δ13C-CH4 at terra-firme stream is at least 20‰ depleted of 13C compared to várzea streams. Changes in organic matter sources, water levels and associated microbial degradation processes control the observed seasonal and spatial variations in net stable carbon isotopic composition of methane