500 research outputs found

    Legal analysis of the use of fake news in the political process between 2018 and 2021

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    The objective of this master's thesis is to analyze the influence of fake news on the Brazilian political scene, more specifically in the context of the 2018 elections and the Jair Bolsonaro government between 2019 and 2021 in its management of popularity and its administration of the Covid-19 pandemic. The analysis will be focused on the response of the Brazilian legal system while using the Canadian legal system as a point of comparison. The text also focuses on how fake news works and how it was used in the context of the 2018 elections and later during Jair Messias Bolsonaro's government until August 2021, when this study was completed. In addition to factual analysis, this thesis will present the legal elements that aim to protect the privacy, security, transparency, use and responsibility of private data information, as well as the devices that can be used to combat the use of false news to manipulate the masses. This will be analyzed in the scenario of electoral campaigns, official government announcements and public policies in the Brazilian context and will be compared to the Canadian context. Furthermore, combined approaches from science and literature will be explored to reflect on the normative concerns posed by global challenges and local risks caused by mass manipulation, invasion of privacy, radicalization, use of personal data and data collection. Conclusively, we will verify whether the current instruments are efficient and sufficient to prevent, curb and punish the aforementioned practices. The results will reveal that even if the current instruments are efficient, they are not enough and need to be complemented with more flexible laws that are closer to the digital reality, with public policies and digital education for the population in general.L'objectif de ce mémoire de maîtrise est d'analyser l'influence des fausses nouvelles sur la scène politique brésilienne, plus spécifiquement dans le contexte des élections de 2018 et du gouvernement de Jair Bolsonaro entre 2019 et 2021 dans sa gestion de la popularité et son administration de la pandémie Covid-19. L'analyse sera axée sur la réponse du système juridique brésilien tout en utilisant le système juridique canadien comme élément de comparaison. Le texte se concentre également sur le fonctionnement des fausses nouvelles et la manière dont elles ont été utilisées dans le contexte des élections de 2018 et, plus tard, pendant le gouvernement de Jair Messias Bolsonaro jusqu'en août 2021, date à laquelle cette étude aura été achevée. En plus de l'analyse factuelle, cette thèse présentera les éléments juridiques qui visent à protéger la vie privée, la sécurité, la transparence, l'utilisation et la responsabilité des informations de données privées, ainsi que les dispositifs qui peuvent être utilisés pour lutter contre l'utilisation de fausses nouvelles pour manipuler les masses. Ces éléments seront analysés dans le scénario des campagnes électorales, des annonces officielles du gouvernement et des politiques publiques dans le contexte brésilien et seront comparés au contexte canadien. En outre, des approches combinées de la science et de la littérature seront explorées pour réfléchir aux préoccupations normatives posées par les défis mondiaux et les risques locaux causés par la manipulation de masse, l'invasion de la vie privée, la radicalisation, l'utilisation des données personnelles et la collecte de données. En conclusion, nous vérifierons si les instruments actuels sont efficaces et suffisants pour prévenir, freiner et punir les pratiques susmentionnées. Les résultats révéleront que même si les instruments actuels sont efficaces, ils ne sont pas suffisants et doivent être complétés par des lois plus flexibles et plus proches de la réalité numérique, par des politiques générales et par l'éducation numérique de la population en général

    A trusted infrastructure for symbolic analysis of event-based web APIs

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    JavaScript has been widely adopted for the development of Web applications, being used for both client and server-side code. Client-side JavaScript programs commonly interact with Web APIs, for instance, to capture the user interaction with the Web page via events. The use of such APIs increases the complexity of JavaScript programs. In fact, most errors in these programs are caused by the misuse of Web APIs. There are several approaches for detecting errors in client-side JavaScript programs, but they either assume the use of a single API or do not model APIs faithfully, giving rise to inconsistent behaviour and lack of trust. We address the problem by developing a trustworthy infrastructure for the static analysis of Web APIs. We focus on two aspects of JavaScript programs: event-driven and message-passing programming, as these paradigms are common sources of confusion among developers. We choose to target the DOM event model and the JavaScript Promises and JavaScript async/await, which facilitate event-driven programming. Additionally, we target the message-passing model of the WebMessaging and WebWorkers APIs. We design formal semantics for events and message-passing to capture fundamental operations required by those APIs, and API reference implementations which are trustworthy in that they follow the respective standards and have been thoroughly tested against their official test suites. Using our formal semantics and reference implementations, we develop JaVerT.Click, the first static symbolic execution tool for JavaScript supporting both event-based and message-passing APIs. We evaluated both the reference implementations and the symbolic execution engine of JaVerT.Click. By testing the reference implementations against their official test suites, we found coverage gaps and issues in the test suites, most of which have been since fixed. By testing the symbolic execution engine against three open-source libraries, we established the bounded correctness of functional properties and found real bugs.Open Acces

    A Trusted Infrastructure for Symbolic Analysis of Event-Driven Web Applications (Artifact)

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    This artifact contains the implementation of JaVerT.Click, a symbolic analysis tool for modern event-driven Web applications. The tool extends JaVerT 2.0, a state-of-the-art symbolic execution tool for JavaScript (JS), with JS reference implementations of the DOM Core Level 1, DOM UI Events, JavaScript Promises and the JavaScript async/await APIs, all underpinned by a simple Core Event Semantics which is sufficiently expressive to describe the event models underlying these APIs. Our reference implementations mostly follow the respective standards line-by-line and are all thoroughly tested against the official test suite. We also evaluate JaVerT.Click by performing symbolic analysis on two real-world libraries: cash and p-map, finding three previously unknown bugs

    A Trusted Infrastructure for Symbolic Analysis of Event-Driven Web Applications

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    We introduce a trusted infrastructure for the symbolic analysis of modern event-driven Web applications. This infrastructure consists of reference implementations of the DOM Core Level 1, DOM UI Events, JavaScript Promises and the JavaScript async/await APIs, all underpinned by a simple Core Event Semantics which is sufficiently expressive to describe the event models underlying these APIs. Our reference implementations are trustworthy in that three follow the appropriate standards line-by-line and all are thoroughly tested against the official test-suites, passing all the applicable tests. Using the Core Event Semantics and the reference implementations, we develop JaVerT.Click, a symbolic execution tool for JavaScript that, for the first time, supports reasoning about JavaScript programs that use multiple event-related APIs. We demonstrate the viability of JaVerT.Click by proving both the presence and absence of bugs in real-world JavaScript code

    Integrated OHS management systems: is it the final frontier regarding OHS?

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    Undoubtedly, we are living in an age of a superb technological potential not even foreseen by the most daring science fiction writers. Organizations embraced furiously this technological overdose aiming to improve their internal and external communicational performance and processes control. In this pseudofuturistic environment, managers have been challenged to achieve excellence in organizational issues. In the late eighties of the past century, the first organizations were ISO 9001 (Quality Management System) certified. A few years later environmental (ISO 14001) and Occupational Health and Safety (OHSAS 18001) certifications were achieved by organizations founding themselves with several management sub-systems implemented. Time proved that co-existing management sub-systems with no strings attached between them was a poor path aiming newly developing concepts, namely, globalization, sustainability and stakeholderability. So, management systems integration emerged has the subsequent apparent logical step on organizational development. The lack of an international standard ruling the implementation of an integrated management system (IMS) challenge responsible proceeding on their own experiences awakening academic curiosity. In fact, currently, management systems integration is a promising and developing open issue among academic community. In this paper it is intended to report the partial results of an ongoing project aiming the development of a maturity and efficiency assessment tool focusing integrated management systems. Based on a survey, the Portuguese context regarding organizations with an integrated management system will be unveiled. Some conclusions, based on available results, relate with the role-play by OHS management systems in an integrated environment.Delphi, Bosch Car Multimedia Systems Corporation

    Modelagem Black-Box de Transformadores de Potência em Altas Frequências

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    Para estudos de transitórios eletromagnéticos faz-se necessário um modelo do transformador de potência em altas frequências. Modelou-se o transformador por sua impedância vista do terminal de alta tensão. Trata-se de um transformador de potência monofásico de 200 MVA, 500/√3 / 138/√3 / 13,8 kV instalado em uma subestação. Foi utilizada a metodologia black-box através de medições em campo de impedância terminal na frequência de 20 Hz a 10 MHz por meio do acesso a terminais externos do transformador. Identificaram-se três modelos do transformador de potência e realizou-se uma análise comparativa entre eles: modelo baseado na análise da impedância terminal relacionando os pontos ressonantes através do fator de qualidade, modelo aproximado através do Vector Fitting e modelo Saturable Transformer associado a impedâncias complementares. Os modelos Impedância Terminal e Saturable Transformer baseiam-se nos pontos ressonantes da curva de impedância terminal na frequência. Já o Vector Fitting gera uma função, através da realocação de polos, que se aproxima da curva medida. Simularam-se as manobras de chaves seccionadoras através do ATPDraw / ATP – Alternative Transients Program – e realizou-se a validação dos modelos na faixa de frequência de 20 kHz a 10 MHz, com maior precisão até 2,5 MHz, através da medição em campo de transitórios de tensão

    Entre jongos, jilós e piruetas do pensamento científico

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    Review of:Agostini, Camilla, Entre lugares. Rio de Janeiro: Paisagens Híbridas, 2022. (Coleção Memórias de Paisagens). 102 p.Resenha de:Agostini, Camilla, Entre lugares. Rio de Janeiro: Paisagens Híbridas, 2022. (Coleção Memórias de Paisagens). 102 p

    Entre jongos, jilós e piruetas do pensamento científico

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    Resenha de: Agostini, Camilla, Entre lugares. Rio de Janeiro: Paisagens Híbridas, 2022. (Coleção Memórias de Paisagens). 102 p

    Organizational Factors that Affect the University-Industry Technology Transfer Processes of a Private University

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    This case study researched organizational factors that affect the university-industry technology transfer (UITT) processes of a private university, chosen by its success and uniqueness in the Brazilian context. Stood out as factors: innovation among pillars of management; valuing of research and intellectual property; qualified students, teachers and managers; multidisciplinary research groups; stability of governing body; performance of the TTO, Technology Management Agency and Technology Park. Difficulties highlighted were: reconciliation of time between activities of professors-researchers, bureaucracy and centralization of administrative and legal support; valuation of research results; approach and negotiation with companies. Among suggestions are: granting greater independence to the structures in charge of UITT and making them self-sustainable; training agents in technology marketing, sale, and negotiation skills

    Risk Return Optimization Using the Knapsack Problem in The Formation of a Stocks Portfolio. Case Study of a Brazilian Investment Site.

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    In this work, the composition of a portfolio was proposed by using the Knapsack problem and verified its effectiveness in comparison to a portfolio of shares on an investment website. The programming variables were based on the Markowitz risk theory of variance and following collaborators for their studies. And from the chosen portfolio, the efficient frontier was elaborated analyzing the performance of the investment site portfolio during 30 days. The portfolio obtained exceeded the percentage performance obtained from the investment site in the same period when considering the maximum possible return, the minimum global variance and also in the naive distribution