935 research outputs found

    Sharp ellipticity conditions for ballistic behavior of random walks in random environment

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    We sharpen ellipticity criteria for random walks in i.i.d. random environments introduced by Campos and Ram\'{\i}rez which ensure ballistic behavior. Furthermore, we construct new examples of random environments for which the walk satisfies the polynomial ballisticity criteria of Berger, Drewitz and Ram\'{\i}rez. As a corollary, we can exhibit a new range of values for the parameters of Dirichlet random environments in dimension d=2d=2 under which the corresponding random walk is ballistic.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.3150/14-BEJ683 in the Bernoulli (http://isi.cbs.nl/bernoulli/) by the International Statistical Institute/Bernoulli Society (http://isi.cbs.nl/BS/bshome.htm

    Random walks in random Dirichlet environment are transient in dimension d≥3d\ge 3

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    We consider random walks in random Dirichlet environment (RWDE) which is a special type of random walks in random environment where the exit probabilities at each site are i.i.d. Dirichlet random variables. On Zd\Z^d, RWDE are parameterized by a 2d2d-uplet of positive reals. We prove that for all values of the parameters, RWDE are transient in dimension d≥3d\ge 3. We also prove that the Green function has some finite moments and we characterize the finite moments. Our result is more general and applies for example to finitely generated symmetric transient Cayley graphs. In terms of reinforced random walks it implies that directed edge reinforced random walks are transient for d≥3d\ge 3.Comment: New version published at PTRF with an analytic proof of lemma

    Sharp ellipticity conditions for ballistic behavior of random walks in random environment

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    We sharpen the ellipticity criteria for random walks in i.i.d. random environments introduced by Campos and Ramírez which ensure ballistic behavior. Furthermore, we construct new examples of random environments for which the walk satisfies the polynomial ballisticity criteria of Berger, Drewitz and Ramírez. As a corollary we can exhibit a new range of values for the parameters of Dirichlet random environments in dimension d=2d=2 under which the corresponding random walk is ballistic

    Comparison between measured and predicted turbulence frequency spectra in ITG and TEM regimes

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    The observation of distinct peaks in tokamak core reflectometry measurements - named quasi-coherent-modes (QCMs) - are identified as a signature of Trapped-Electron-Mode (TEM) turbulence [H. Arnichand et al. 2016 Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 58 014037]. This phenomenon is investigated with detailed linear and nonlinear gyrokinetic simulations using the \gene code. A Tore-Supra density scan is studied, which traverses through a Linear (LOC) to Saturated (SOC) Ohmic Confinement transition. The LOC and SOC phases are both simulated separately. In the LOC phase, where QCMs are observed, TEMs are robustly predicted unstable in linear studies. In the later SOC phase, where QCMs are no longer observed, ITG modes are identified. In nonlinear simulations, in the ITG (SOC) phase, a broadband spectrum is seen. In the TEM (LOC) phase, a clear emergence of a peak at the TEM frequencies is seen. This is due to reduced nonlinear frequency broadening of the underlying linear modes in the TEM regime compared with the ITG regime. A synthetic diagnostic of the nonlinearly simulated frequency spectra reproduces the features observed in the reflectometry measurements. These results support the identification of core QCMs as an experimental marker for TEM turbulenc

    On non-zero space average density perturbation effects in tokamak plasma reflectometer signals

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    12th International Congress on Plasma Physics, 25-29 October 2004, Nice (France)The effects of the non-zero average density perturbation on phase and amplitude measured by reflectometry are presented. The non-zero average density perturbation on the phase variation can be seen as an index effect as soon as the shape of the density perturbation does not introduce spectral effects. Amplitude modulation in time follows generally the properties of the cut-off layer seen as a mirror but some specific situations produce a time modulation two times higher than the input time variation of the density perturbation as observed in Tore Supra. The introduction of secondary cut-off can exhibit this effect as shown in 2D simulations

    Low-pass shotgun sequencing of the barley genome facilitates rapid identification of genes, conserved non-coding sequences and novel repeats

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    BACKGROUND: Barley has one of the largest and most complex genomes of all economically important food crops. The rise of new short read sequencing technologies such as Illumina/Solexa permits such large genomes to be effectively sampled at relatively low cost. Based on the corresponding sequence reads a Mathematically Defined Repeat (MDR) index can be generated to map repetitive regions in genomic sequences. RESULTS: We have generated 574 Mbp of Illumina/Solexa sequences from barley total genomic DNA, representing about 10% of a genome equivalent. From these sequences we generated an MDR index which was then used to identify and mark repetitive regions in the barley genome. Comparison of the MDR plots with expert repeat annotation drawing on the information already available for known repetitive elements revealed a significant correspondence between the two methods. MDR-based annotation allowed for the identification of dozens of novel repeat sequences, though, which were not recognised by hand-annotation. The MDR data was also used to identify gene-containing regions by masking of repetitive sequences in eight de-novo sequenced bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones. For half of the identified candidate gene islands indeed gene sequences could be identified. MDR data were only of limited use, when mapped on genomic sequences from the closely related species Triticum monococcum as only a fraction of the repetitive sequences was recognised. CONCLUSION: An MDR index for barley, which was obtained by whole-genome Illumina/Solexa sequencing, proved as efficient in repeat identification as manual expert annotation. Circumventing the labour-intensive step of producing a specific repeat library for expert annotation, an MDR index provides an elegant and efficient resource for the identification of repetitive and low-copy (i.e. potentially gene-containing sequences) regions in uncharacterised genomic sequences. The restriction that a particular MDR index can not be used across species is outweighed by the low costs of Illumina/Solexa sequencing which makes any chosen genome accessible for whole-genome sequence sampling

    Caractérisation phénotypique et génétique du riz africain (Oryza glaberrima Steud) phenotypic and genetic characterization of african rice (oryza glaberrima steud)

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    The agronomic interest of African rice and the morphological similarities with other species, arouse the necessity to characterize African rice for recovery and conservation. The present study aims primarily to characterize phenotypically and genetically African rice for better exploitation in aid of rice producers and consumers. Indeed, the phenotypic characteristics of the rice accessions examined have been determined in two agronomics systems (upland and irrigated) carried out about 235 accessions of African rice; and afterwards, genetic characterization using a specific marker has been carried. At the end of the analyzes, with regard to the phenotypic characters, 22 O.sativa or interspecific accessions differing morphologically on several descriptors were identified. Genetically, out of 19 profiles revealed on a 935-bp band, 14 confirmed the phenotypic results. This study shows that 221 out of 235 accessions are O. glaberrima rice. These results show that the accessions of different species analyzed were confused during the collection. They also seems to validate the possibility of hybridization between the two rice species in peasant environment. The accessions characterized strengthen the conservation effort of African rice. This collection can be used for future studies, particularly with perspective to selection and running African rice with the possibility to establish a genetic model to facilitate the transfer of useful genes from O.glaberrima to O.sativa, while controlling the reproductive barrier. Thus, it will be easy to better exploit the genetic diversity of the African species of cultivated rice

    Modelling dependency networks to inform data structures in BIM and smart cities

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    The pervasive deployment of "smart city" and "smart building" projects in cities world-wide is driving innovation on many fronts including; technology, telematics, engineering and entrepreneurship. This paper focuses on the technical and engineering perspectives of BIM and smart cities, by extending building and urban morphology studies as to respond to the challenges posed by Big Data, and smart infrastructure. The proposed framework incorporates theoretical and modelling descriptions to verify how network-based models can act as the backbone skeletal representation of both building and urban complexity, and yet relate to environmental performance and smart infrastructure. The paper provides some empirical basis to support data information models through building dependency networks as to represent the relationships between different existing and smart infrastructure components. These dependency networks are thought to inform decisions on how to represent building and urban data sets in response to different social and environmental performance requirements, feeding that into void and solid descriptions of data maturity models. It is concluded that network-based models are fundamental to comprehend and represent the complexity of cities and inform urban design and public policy practices, in the design and operation phases of infrastructure projects
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