14 research outputs found

    Improved full one-loop corrections to A^0 -> \sf_1 \sf_2 and \sf_2 -> \sf_1 A^0

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    We calculate the full electroweak one-loop corrections to the decay of the CP-odd Higgs boson A^0 into scalar fermions in the minimal supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model. For this purpose many parameters of the MSSM have to be properly renormalized in the on-shell renormalization scheme. We have also included the SUSY-QCD corrections. For the decay into bottom squarks and tau sleptons, especially for large \tan\b, the corrections can be very large making the perturbation expansion unreliable. We solve this problem by an appropriate definition of the tree-level coupling in terms of running fermion masses and running trilinear couplings A_f. We also discuss the decay of heavy scalar fermions into light scalar fermions and A^0. We find that the corrections can be sizeable and therefore cannot be neglected.Comment: 42 pages, 20 figures (23 eps-files

    Standard Model Higgs-Boson Branching Ratios with Uncertainties

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    We present an update of the branching ratios for Higgs-boson decays in the Standard Model. We list results for all relevant branching ratios together with corresponding uncertainties resulting from input parameters and missing higher-order corrections. As sources of parametric uncertainties we include the masses of the charm, bottom, and top quarks as well as the QCD coupling constant. We compare our results with other predictions in the literature.Comment: 32 pages, 4 figures, contribution to LHC Higgs Cross Section Working Group https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/LHCPhysics/CrossSections, theoretical uncertainties for H->\mu\mu{} added, version to appear in European Physical Journal

    Electroweak Radiative Corrections to Neutral-Current Drell-Yan Processes at Hadron Colliders

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    We calculate the complete electroweak O(alpha) corrections to pp, pbar p -> l+l- X (l=e, mu) in the Standard Model of electroweak interactions. They comprise weak and photonic virtual one-loop corrections as well as real photon radiation to the parton-level processes q bar q -> gamma,Z -> l+l-. We study in detail the effect of the radiative corrections on the l+l- invariant mass distribution, the cross section in the Z boson resonance region, and on the forward-backward asymmetry, A_FB, at the Fermilab Tevatron and the CERN Large Hadron Collider. The weak corrections are found to increase the Z boson cross section by about 1%, but have little effect on the forward-backward asymmetry in the Z peak region. Threshold effects of the W box diagrams lead to pronounced effects in A_FB at m(l+l-) approx 160 GeV which, however, will be difficult to observe experimentally. At high di-lepton invariant masses, the non-factorizable weak corrections are found to become large.Comment: Revtex3 file, 39 pages, 2 tables, 12 figure

    Novel Approach to Confront Electroweak Data and Theory

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    A novel approach to study electroweak physics at one-loop level in generic SU(2)L×U(1)Y{\rm SU(2)_L \times U(1)_Y} theories is introduced. It separates the 1-loop corrections into two pieces: process specific ones from vertex and box contributions, and universal ones from contributions to the gauge boson propagators. The latter are parametrized in terms of four effective form factors eˉ2(q2)\bar{e}^2(q^2), sˉ2(q2)\bar{s}^2(q^2), gˉZ2(q2)\bar{g}_Z^2(q^2) and gˉW2(q2)\bar{g}_W^2 (q^2) corresponding to the γγ\gamma\gamma, γZ\gamma Z, ZZZZ and WWWW propagators. Under the assumption that only the Standard Model contributes to the process specific corrections, the magnitudes of the four form factors are determined at q2=0q^2=0 and at q^2=\mmz by fitting to all available precision experiments. These values are then compared systematically with predictions of SU(2)L×U(1)Y{\rm SU(2)_L \times U(1)_Y} theories. In all fits \alpha_s(\mz) and \bar{\alpha}(\mmz) are treated as external parameters in order to keep the interpretation as flexible as possible. The treatment of the electroweak data is presented in detail together with the relevant theoretical formulae used to interpret the data. No deviation from the Standard Model has been identified. Ranges of the top quark and Higgs boson masses are derived as functions of \alpha_s(\mz) and \bar{\alpha}(\mmz). Also discussed are consequences of the recent precision measurement of the left-right asymmetry at SLC as well as the impact of a top quark mass and an improved WW mass measurement.Comment: 123 pages, LaTeX (33 figures available via anonymous ftp), KEK-TH-375, KEK preprint 93-159, KANAZAWA-94-19, DESY 94-002, YUMS 94-22, SNUTP 94-82, to be published in Z.Phys.

    Two-loop O(GF2MH4){\rm O}\left(G_F^2M_H^4\right) corrections to the fermionic decay rates of the Higgs boson

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    We calculate the dominant O(GF2MH4){\rm O}\left(G_F^2M_H^4\right) two-loop electroweak corrections to the fermi\-onic decay widths of a heavy Higgs boson in the Standard Model. Use of the Goldstone-boson equivalence theorem reduces the problem to one involving only the physical Higgs boson HH and the Goldstone bosons w±w^\pm and zz of the unbroken theory. The two-loop corrections are opposite in sign to the one-loop electroweak corrections, exceed the one-loop corrections in magnitude for MH>1114 GeVM_H>1114\ {\rm GeV}, and increase in relative magnitude as MH2M_H^2 for larger values of MHM_H. We conclude that the perturbation expansion in powers of GFMH2G_FM_H^2 breaks down for MH1100 GeVM_H\approx 1100\ {\rm GeV}. We discuss briefly the QCD and the complete one-loop electroweak corrections to Hbbˉ,ttˉH\rightarrow b\bar{b}, \,t\bar{t}, and comment on the validity of the equivalence theorem. Finally we note how a very heavy Higgs boson could be described in a phenomenological manner.Comment: 24 pages, RevTeX file, 4 figures in a separate compressed uuencoded Postscript file or available by mail on request. Fig. 1 not included see Figs. 1, 2 in Phys. Rev. D 48, 1061 (1993

    Search for Lorentz and CPT violation using sidereal time dependence of neutrino flavor transitions over a short baseline

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    A class of extensions of the Standard Model allows Lorentz and CPT violations, which can be identified by the observation of sidereal modulations in the neutrino interaction rate. A search for such modulations was performed using the T2K on-axis near detector. Two complementary methods were used in this study, both of which resulted in no evidence of a signal. Limits on associated Lorentz and CPT-violating terms from the Standard Model extension have been derived by taking into account their correlations in this model for the first time. These results imply such symmetry violations are suppressed by a factor of more than 10 20 at the GeV scale

    Measurement of coherent π+π^{+} production in low energy neutrino-Carbon scattering

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    We report the first measurement of the flux-averaged cross section for charged current coherent π+\pi^{+} production on carbon for neutrino energies less than 1.5 GeV to a restricted final state phase space region in the T2K near detector, ND280. Comparisons are made with predictions from the Rein-Sehgal coherent production model and the model by Alvarez-Ruso {\it et al.}, the latter representing the first implementation of an instance of the new class of microscopic coherent models in a neutrino interaction Monte Carlo event generator. This results contradicts the null results reported by K2K and SciBooNE in a similar neutrino energy region