610 research outputs found

    Supersymmetry and the Systematics of T-duality Rotations in Type-II Superstring Theories

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    We describe a systematic method of studying the action of the T-duality group O(d,d) on space-time fermions and R-R field strengths and potentials in type-II string theories, based on space-time supersymmetry. The formalism is then used to show that the couplings of non-Abelian D-brane charges to R-R potentials can be described by an appropriate Clifford multiplication.Comment: 6 pages, LaTeX, uses espcrc2.sty; Contribution to the proceedings of the D. V. Volkov memorial conference on ``Supersymmetry and Quantum Field Theory'', Kharkov, July 25-29, 2000 (to appear in the Nucl. Phys. B Conference Supplements

    T-Duality, Space-time Spinors and R-R Fields in Curved Backgrounds

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    We obtain the T-duality transformations of space-time spinors (the supersymmetry transformation parameters, gravitinos and dilatinos) of type-II theories in curved backgrounds with an isometry. The transformation of the spinor index is shown to be a consequence of the twist that T-duality introduces between the left and right-moving local Lorentz frames. The result is then used to derive the T-duality action on Ramond-Ramond field strengths and potentials in a simple way. We also discuss the massive IIA theory and, using duality, give a short derivation of ``mass''-dependent terms in the Wess-Zumino actions on the D-brane worldvolumes.Comment: 19 pages, LaTeX; (V3): typos corrected and minor comments added (to appear in Nucl. Phys. B

    Proof of Consistency of Nonlinear Massive Gravity in the Stuckelberg Formulation

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    We address some recent concerns about the absence of the Boulware-Deser ghost in the Stuckelberg formulation of nonlinear massive gravity. First we provide general arguments for why any ghost analysis in the Stuckelberg formulation has to agree with existing consistency proofs that have been carried out without using Stuckelberg fields. We then demonstrate the absence of the ghost at the completely nonlinear level in the Stuckelberg formulation of the minimal massive gravity action. The constraint that removes the ghost field and the associated secondary constraint that eliminates its conjugate momentum are computed explicitly, confirming the consistency of the theory in the Stuckelberg formulation.Comment: v1: Latex, 11 pages, v2: a comment adde

    SO(d,d) Transformations of Ramond-Ramond Fields and Space-time Spinors

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    We explicitly construct the SO(d,d) transformations of Ramond-Ramond field strengths and potentials, along with those of the space-time supersymmetry parameters, the gravitinos and the dilatinos in type-II theories. The results include the case when the SO(d,d) transformation involves the time direction. The derivation is based on the compatibility of SO(d,d) transformations with space-time supersymmetry, which automatically guarantees compatibility with the equations of motion. It involves constructing the spinor representation of a twist that an SO(d,d) action induces between the local Lorentz frames associated with the left- and right-moving sectors of the worldsheet theory. The relation to the transformation of R-R potentials as SO(d,d) spinors is also clarified.Comment: 25 pages, LaTeX. V2: Added references, comments, and a new section on the relation to the transformation of R-R potentials as SO(d,d) spinor

    Exact Solution to the "Auxiliary Extra Dimension" Model of Massive Gravity

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    The "Auxiliary Extra Dimension" model was proposed in order to provide a geometrical interpretation to modifications of general relativity, in particular to non-linear massive gravity. In this context, the theory was shown to be ghost free to third order in perturbations, in the decoupling limit. In this work, we exactly solve the equation of motion in the extra dimension, to obtain a purely 4-dimensional theory. Using this solution, it is shown that the ghost appears at the fourth order and beyond. We explore potential modifications to address the ghost issue and find that their consistent implementation requires going beyond the present framework.Comment: v3:8 pages, LaTex, a comment and a reference added, version to appear in PL

    On Partially Massless Bimetric Gravity

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    We extend the notion of the Higuchi bound and partial masslessness to ghost-free nonlinear bimetric theories. This can be achieved in a simple way by first considering linear massive spin-2 perturbations around maximally symmetric background solutions, for which the linear gauge symmetry at the Higuchi bound is easily identified. Then, requiring consistency between an appropriate subset of these transformations and the dynamical nature of the backgrounds, fixes all but one parameter in the bimetric interaction potential. This specifies the theory up to the value of the Fierz-Pauli mass and leads to the unique candidate for nonlinear partially massless bimetric theory.Comment: Latex, 11 pages; references added, discussion extended; matches published versio

    Growth Histories in Bimetric Massive Gravity

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    We perform cosmological perturbation theory in Hassan-Rosen bimetric gravity for general homogeneous and isotropic backgrounds. In the de Sitter approximation, we obtain decoupled sets of massless and massive scalar gravitational fluctuations. Matter perturbations then evolve like in Einstein gravity. We perturb the future de Sitter regime by the ratio of matter to dark energy, producing quasi-de Sitter space. In this more general setting the massive and massless fluctuations mix. We argue that in the quasi-de Sitter regime, the growth of structure in bimetric gravity differs from that of Einstein gravity.Comment: 28 pages + appendix, 11 figure

    O(d,d;R) Deformations of Complex Structures and Extended Worldsheet Supersymmetry

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    It is shown that the O(d,d;R) deformations of the superstring vacua and the O(d,d+16;R) deformations of the heterotic string vacua preserve extended worldsheet supersymmetry and, hence, generate superconformal deformations. The transformations of the complex structures are given explicitly and the action of the discrete duality subgroup is discussed. The results are valid when the complex structures are independent of the d coordinates which appear in the transformations. It is shown that generic deformations do not preserve the known superfield formulations of (2,2) extended supersymmetry. The analysis is performed by decomposing the transformations in terms of the metric vielbein and by introducing space-time connections induced due to the non-linear action of the O(d,d;R) and O(d,d+16;R) deformations on the background fields.Comment: 19 pages, Latex, very minor changes (version to appear in Nuclear Physics B

    Isoeugenol is a selective potentiator of camptothecin cytotoxicity in vertebrate cells lacking TDP1

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    Camptothecin (CPT), a topoisomerase I (TOP1) inhibitor, exhibits anti-tumor activity against a wide range of tumors. Redundancy of TOP1-mediated repair mechanisms is a major challenge facing the efficiency of TOP1-targetting therapies. This study aims to uncover new TOP1 targeting approaches utilising a selection of natural compounds in the presence or absence of tyrosyl DNA phosphodiesterase I (TDP1); a key TOP1-mediated protein-linked DNA break (PDB) repair enzyme. We identify, isoeugenol, a phenolic ether found in plant essential oils, as a potentiator of CPT cytotoxicity in Tdp1 deficient but not proficient cells. Consistent with our cellular data, isoeugenol did not inhibit Tdp1 enzymatic activity in vitro nor it sensitized cells to the PARP1 inhibitor olaparib. However, biochemical analyses suggest that isoeugenol inhibits TDP2 catalytic activity; a pathway that can compensate for the absence of TDP1. Consistent with this, isoeugenol exacerbated etoposide-induced cytotoxicity, which generates TOP2-mediated PDBs for which TDP2 is required for processing. Together, these findings identify isoeugenol as a potential lead compound for developing TDP2 inhibitors and encourage structure-activity relationship studies to shed more light on its utility in drug discovery programs

    Kappa-symmetry for coincident D-branes

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    A kappa-symmetric action for coincident D-branes is presented. It is valid in the approximation that the additional fermionic variables, used to incorporate the non-abelian degrees of freedom, are treated classically. The action is written as a Bernstein-Leites integral on the supermanifold obtained from the bosonic worldvolume by adjoining the extra fermions. The integrand is a very simple extension of the usual Green-Schwarz action for a single brane; all symmetries, except for kappa, are manifest, and the proof of kappa-symmetry is very similar to the abelian case.Comment: 18 pages. References adde