166 research outputs found

    Spiritualitas Muhammadiyah: Kontekstualisasi Gagasan Sufisme Ahmad Dahlan dalam Masyarakat Postmodern

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    Kiai Dahlan sebagai hoofdBestuur Muhammadiyah adalah tipe ulama purifikatif dan rasional dalam beragama. Ia menekankan pentingnya aksi dari pada berteori, pentingnya akal dari pada takhayul. Dalam praktik keberagamaannya terdapat potret-potret kehidupan sufistik yang merupakan bagian dari wilayah tasawuf. Kiai Dahlan mengajarkan tentang tazkiyat al-nafs, dhikr al-mawt yang merupakan bagian dari tema kesufian. Modernisme dikembangkan atas pelbagai postulat pemikiran rasionalisme, empirisme dan positivisme, sengaja mengabaikan dimensi kehidupan yang sangat mendasar, sedangkan postmodernisme cenderung lebih konstruktif, karena berupaya menawarkan pelbagai visi alternatif mengenai kebenaran. Dus, bukan sekedar dekonstruksi terus-menerus tanpa henti, tetapi juga rekonstruksi yang bersifat positif. Gagasan spiritualime yang dipancarkan oleh kiai Dahlan berpendar dari dimensi esoteris jiwanya, atau lebih nyaman disebut dengan sufi akan tetapi tidak terikat pada tarekat. Sebab, sufi ala kiai Dahlan adalah sufisme makrifat, ketundukkan totalitas pada Tuhan melalui syariat-Nya, kedalaman ilmu, kesabaran amal dan kebijaksanaan dalam penghayatan

    Psikologi Humanis; Mengurai Relasi Teoritik antara Psikologi dan Agama

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    Psychological discourse can be traced through the thoughts of Muslim philosophers such as Al-Kindi, Al-Farabi, Ibn Sina, and Al-Ghazali about the concept of the nafs. Its abstract but real structure forms the human psyche, received a warm welcome from Western thinkers such as Wilhelm Wundt and Ivan Pavlov so that psychology was born. Islamic teachings about psychology and psychology are not two different things but mutually support each other and complement each other, because in the development of psychology there are ups and downs in the relationship between psychology and religion. Through a multidisciplinary study of Islamic religious education, this article describes the terminology of Islamic psychology; human psychological elements; and the human driving force. At the end of this article, the author tries to find an estuary between western psychology and Islamic teachings on psychology which leads to humanist psychology. Humanist psychology is the latest period of the ebb and flow of the relationship between psychology and religion.Psychological discourse can be traced through the thoughts of Muslim philosophers such as Al-Kindi, Al-Farabi, Ibn Sina, and Al-Ghazali about the concept of the nafs. Its abstract but real structure forms the human psyche, received a warm welcome from Western thinkers such as Wilhelm Wundt and Ivan Pavlov so that psychology was born. Islamic teachings about psychology and psychology are not two different things but mutually support each other and complement each other, because in the development of psychology there are ups and downs in the relationship between psychology and religion. Through a multidisciplinary study of Islamic religious education, this article describes the terminology of Islamic psychology; human psychological elements; and the human driving force. At the end of this article, the author tries to find an estuary between western psychology and Islamic teachings on psychology which leads to humanist psychology. Humanist psychology is the latest period of the ebb and flow of the relationship between psychology and religion. Humanist psychology is able to become the new mainstream in understanding humans not only related to their psychology but also the driving motivation and side of human spirituality that experimental psychology cannot reach

    A qualidade de vida é muito comprometida em pacientes adultos com dermatite atópica no Brasil, especialmente devido a fatores emocionais

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    PURPOSE: to measure the quality of life (QoL), either by a specific dermatology or generic self applied questionnaire, in Atopic dermatitis adult Brazilian patients, looking for selected affected groups. METHODS: We studied the quality of life of 75 Brazilian ambulatory adults with atopic dermatitis using two types of self-answered instruments: a quality of life generic questionnaire (SF-36) and a 10-item Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI) questionnaire. All patients had been treated for at least 6 months, and their disease status was determined by Eczema Area and Severity Index scores. RESULTS: Quality of life and disease control were found to be related but with low scores both in DLQI (r²=0.26) and in SF-36 (r²=0.20), but with greater correlation for SF-36 mental components. Using the 75% percentile distribution of SF36 mean score and the 75% value of disease severity score, we sorted patients into four groups: I, referring good QoL and mild atopic disease (14/75), II, referring bad QoL and with mild atopic disease (19/75), III referring good QoL despite severe atopic disease (5/75) and IV referring bad QoL and severe atopic disease (37/75); all groups presented similar age, education, family income and time of disease progression. There was a higher frequency of women in group II, but without sleep disturbance or increased pruritus, which was present in group IV, with intense itching and sleep disturbances. Analyzing the physical or mental components of the SF36 generic test, discrepant groups II and III presented higher differences related to the mental components of the test, which was also related to DLQI scores, with a similar distribution for the 2 groups and a higher relation to the mental component of the generic test. CONCLUSION: The quality of life is affected in adult atopic patients, both related to disease severity and also to mental components, but with diverse effects in patient subgroups. Our data show some components that may mask the exact relationship between QoL results and disease severity.OBJETIVOS: Medir a qualidade de vida (QoL), por questionários tanto genéricos como dermatológicos específicos, em pacientes adultos brasileiros com dermatite atópica, procurando por grupos afetados selecionados. MÉTODOS: Nós estudamos a qualidade de vida em 75 pacientes brasileiros adultos em tratamento ambulatorial de dermatite atópica, usando dois tipos de questionários de auto-resposta, previamente padronizados: um questionário genérico de qualidade de vida de 36 questões (SF-36) e um questionário de 10 questões para determinação do índice dermatológico de qualidade de vida (DLQI). Todos os pacientes estavam em tratamento por pelo menos seis meses e o seu estágio de doença clinico definido quantitativamente pelo índice padronizado de gravidade e áreas de eczema (EASI). RESULTADOS: A QoL e o controle da doença estavam relacionados mas com baixa relação tanto avaliados pelo DLQI (r²=0.26) ou pelo SF-36 (r²=0.20), mas com maiores relações com os componentes emocionais do SF-36. Usando a distribuição do percentil 75% para o SF36 e os valores de 75% do escore de gravidade clínica EASI, os pacientes foram distribuídos em quatro grupos: I que referia boa QoL e doença atópica leve (14/75), II referindo má QoL e doença atópica leve (19/75), III referindo boa QoL apesar de doença atópica mais grave (5/75) e IV concordando uma má QoL referida e uma doença atópica mais grave (37/75); todos os grupos apresentavam mesma distribuição etária, educação e nível social, renda familiar e tempo de doença. Havia uma maior freqüência de mulheres no grupo II, mas sem distúrbios de sono ou prurido intenso, fatores presentes intensamente no grupo IV. Dissecando os componentes físicos e emocionais do SF36, os grupos discrepantes II e II apresentavam maior diferença relativa aos componentes emocionais do teste, que também estavam relacionados aos valores do teste DLQI, o qual apresentava uma distribuição similar entre os grupos e maior relação aos componentes emocionais do teste genérico. CONCLUSÕES: A qualidade de vida é afetada em pacientes adultos com dermatite atópica, relacionada tanto com a gravidade da doença clinica como com os componentes emocionais, que são diferentes em subgrupos de pacientes. Estes dados mostram componentes que podem mascarar o exato impacto da severidade da doença sobre a qualidade de vida destes pacientes

    The Assistance of Santri in Processing Snack Plastic Waste into Colleges and Photo Sketches in Female Pesantren

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    Starting from the negative stigma of society about pesantren as a slum place and a lot of garbage scattered, this assistance was carried out warding off that stigma. Santri as assisted subjects were chosen as agents of change to initiate and process waste into more useful things. The assistance to santri is carried out to process plastic waste into two products that are worth selling, namely collages and photo sketches. Through the ABCD (Asset-Based Community Development) mentoring approach using three steps of mentoring, namely pre, process, and post-assistance, this resulted in findings of a positive impact on the pesantren environment to deal with scattered piles of garbage

    Dampak Pendekatan Saintifik terhadap Sikap Spiritual Siswa dalam Pembelajaran PAI di SMA di Sidoarjo

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    This study aims to describe the impact of a scientific approach on students' spiritual attitudes. Through the constructivism paradigm combined with a phenomenological approach, this study involved 19 students. In-depth interviews are used as the main data collection technique while observation and documentation as secondary techniques as well as data validation. The analysis phase is carried out with four stages namely description of the phenomenon, horizonalization, cluster of meaning, essence description. This study reveals that a scientific approach can provide three impacts on students' spiritual attitudes, namely the impact on cognitive, affective, and psychomotor spiritual attitudes. Spiritual attitudes found in the research act as driving forces for human behavior. The findings of this study develop the interaction of character components. The components of a spiritual attitude are interactions not determinants. This means that the components of spiritual attitude only correlate with each other and these components will not be able to validly predict behavior.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dampak pendekatan saintifik pada sikap spiritual siswa. Melalui paradigma konstruktivisme dipadu dengan pendekatan fenomenologi, penelitian ini melibatkan partisipan sejumlah 19 siswa.  In-depth interview digunakan sebagai teknik pengumpulan data utama sedangkan observasi dan dokumentasi sebagai teknik sekunder sekaligus validasi data. Tahap analisis dilakukan dengan empat etape yakni deskripsi fenomena, horizonalization, cluster of meaning, deskripsi esensi. Penelitian ini mengungkap bahwa pendekatan saintifik dapat memberikan tiga dampak terhadap sikap spiritual siswa, yakni dampak terhadap sikap spiritual kognitif, afektif dan psikomotor. Sikap-sikap spiritual yang ditemukan dalam penelitian berperan sebagai tenaga pendorong perilaku manusia. Temuan penelitian ini mengembangkan interaksi komponen karakter. Komponen-komponen sikap spiritual bersifat interaksi bukan determinan. Artinya komponen-komponen sikap spiritual hanya berkorelasi satu sama lain dan komponen-komponen tersebut tidak akan bisa memprediksikan perilaku dengan valid


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    Brown planthopper (BPH), Nilaparvata lugens Stal is one of the most serious rice pests in Sri Lanka. The study evaluated the nature of BPH resistance in seventeen O. nivara (WRAC 01, 02, 04, 07, 11, 12, 14, 19, 21, 22, 24, 25, 35, 41, 46, 62, and 9864) accessions collected from different locations in Sri Lanka using standard seed box screening test. Ptb 33(resistant), Bg 379/2, Bg 300(moderately resistant) and Bg 380 (susceptible) were used as check varieties. BPH culture maintained at the Rice Research and Development Institute, Batalagoda on Bg 380 was used for the test. BPH damage was scored (0-to-9 scale) according to the standard evaluation system for rice, developed by International Rice Research Institute. According to the results WRAC 04, 41, 25 and Ptb 33 recorded as resistant (score 0-3), WRAC 46, 35, 24, 22, 21, 14, 7, 2,1, 9864 and Bg 379/2 as resistant to moderately resistant (score 3.1-4.0), WRAC 11, 12 and Bg 300 as moderately resistant (score 4.1-5.0), WRAC 19 and 62 as moderately resistant to moderately susceptible (score 5.1-6.0), while no checked accessions were recorded as susceptible to the BPH indicating potential of using  Oryza nivara as a source of BPH resistance

    The Analysis of SIIR Mathematical Model Time Delay as The Solution of Tuberculosis Transmission in South Sulawesi

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    This study discusses the numerical solution of the Susceptible-Infected-Recovered (SIIR) transmission model for Tuberculosis (TB) transmission in South Sulawesi. The data used is secondary data from the number of Tuberculosis (TB) sufferers in South Sulawesi from the South Sulawesi Provincial Health Office. The discussion begins with a study of the SIIR model, then builds a time delay SIIR model on the spread of tuberculosis. Next, simulate the delay time SIIR model to find out the number of tuberculosis cases in South Sulawesi. Determining the parameters, simulation and analysis of the results in this study obtained a graph of the movement of the SIIR model of time delay of the spread of tuberculosis with real data. After analyzing the numerical simulation, it is seen that there is a tendency for the spread of Tuberculosis (TB) in South Sulawesi. The SIIR model is a four-dimensional non-linear differential equation. The results of the modeling are simulated using MatLab software to predict the number of TB cases so that early prevention measures are the government’s attention to prevent the spread of Tuberculosis (TB) in South Sulawesi
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