141 research outputs found

    Practice of formation of cognitive competence of a future manager

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    The article justifies a necessity of introduction of a cognitive component, which creates prerequisites of mastering technologies of generation of new knowledge by a graduate with the use of own original schemes and skills, into the system of competences that are formed by the higher school. The article shows the process of formation of the graduate’s cognitive competence in the form of a succession of such its getting more complicated variants as educational, educational and cognitive, intellectual and cognitive, research, and scientific and research. The article provides such elements as the goal, result, assessment criteria and the nature of pedagogical accompaniment in each variant of the structural and logic model of cognitive activity. It provides real examples of results of formation of educational competence taken from the disciplines of the curriculum of training managers. It identifies the final goal of the new technology of the educational process – formation of ability of a student on the basis of analysis of publications and practical experience to detect a new problem, draw up a gnoseological and ontological picture of the world that facilitate development of a constructive mechanism of its collective study, formulate hypotheses, find and realise methods of their examination and identify novelty of the obtained results

    The process of regionalization of the state-territorial structure in modern european countries : constitutional and legal forms

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    Purpose: The paper attempts to identify the constitutional and legal forms of the regionalization process on the example of individual European countries. Design / Methodology / Approach: The authors put forward a hypothesis according to which each type of regionalization of the state-territorial structure ends with the adoption of the relevant normative legal act of constitutional significance. Findings: As a result of the study, the authors concluded that each type of regionalization process is accompanied by the adoption of an appropriate regulatory legal act. Given the fact that regionalization is inextricably linked with the state structure, it as an internal process of changing the constitutional and legal status of territorial units. Practical implications: Authors' development could be applied to improve the legal framework of Russia and European countries. Originality/Value: The contribution of the article is the authors' comprehensive approach in studying the regionalization concept, applying the historical, legislative and territorial background.peer-reviewe

    Strategizing the Development of the Socio-Economic Potential of Enterprise: Problems and Prospects

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    The article is aimed at analyzing the theoretical-methodical prerequisites of constructive strategizing in the development of socio-economic potential of enterprise, on the results of which the basis for substantiation of the whole paradigm of this process can be created. According to the results of generalization of a considerable number of scientific works, the main directions of development of researches on the topic are defined. Among them is updating of the terminological support for this scientific direction; formation of reliable technologies of information support and quantitative-qualitative technologies of measurement and modeling of development of the socio-economic potential of enterprise; increasing attention to social aspects of strategizing the development of the socio-economic potential of enterprises. Using the interdisciplinary approach, the essence and content of the concepts of «socio-economic potential of enterprise», «strategic management», «strategizing», «strategy» and «stratagem» have been clarified. Prospect for further researches in this direction is substantiation of a picture of the world together with educational-professional support of construction of practical methods for strategizing the development of the socio-economic potential of enterprise, usage of culturodigmatic ideas and the case-study method to research unique situations

    Речевой экстремизм в бытовой межличностной коммуникации

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    The extremist statements are diverse and can be classified in a range of aspects: semantic, pragmatic and rhetorical. Analysis of expert practice enables to distinguish two semantic classes: statements about national/religious group and statements about nationalist ideology. In terms of pragmatism the statements are divided into the following types: calls for action against a group; statements about actions against a group and negative attitude to it; humiliation of group members; threat to group members. Apart from that constative statements are divided into two subgroups depending on their rhetorical structure: evaluative statements and statements containing justification for negative judgments. The content and pragmatic signs of “extremist” contexts can be found in various combinations limited by the features of a communicative situation. The article summarises expert practice on the study of extremist statements uttered primarily during interpersonal domestic disputes. It is shown that the variety of statements can be reduced to a finite list of features which are a special subject of the research.Высказывания экстремистской направленности многообразны и могут быть классифицированы в нескольких аспектах: семантическом, прагматическом и риторическом. Анализ экспертной практики позволяет выделить два семантических класса: высказывания о национальной/ религиозной группе и высказывания о националистическом течении. С точки зрения прагматики высказывания делятся на следующие виды: побуждения к действиям против группы; утверждения о действиях против группы, негативном отношении к ней; унижение представителей группы; угроза представителям группы. При этом высказывания-констативы подразделяются на две подгруппы в зависимости от их риторической структуры: сугубо оценочные высказывания и высказывания, содержащие обоснование негативных суждений. Содержание и прагматические признаки «экстремистских» контекстов встречаются в разных комбинациях, многообразие которых ограничено особенностями коммуникативной ситуации. В работе обобщена экспертная практика по исследованию высказываний экстремистской направленности, произнесенных преимущественно в ходе межличностных бытовых конфликтов. Показано, что многообразие высказываний может быть сведено к конечному перечню признаков, являющихся специальным предметом исследования

    The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Regional Labor Markets in Ukraine

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    In March 2019, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced the global outbreak of COVID-19 to be a pandemic. The probable source of the virus was Wuhan (China), from where it quickly spread all over the world. Experts say that from the start of the pandemic in Ukraine and to the second quarter of 2022, 5.04 million cases of infection were recorded. The fraction of people who have received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine is 36.4%, making Ukraine the least vaccinated country in Europe. High morbidity rate made it necessary to introduce quarantine measures that have negatively affected the socio-economic development of Ukraine as a whole, and regional labor markets, in particular. The article is aimed at assessing the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on regional labor markets in Ukraine. To achieve this aim, the following tasks were solved: a) to analyze the COVID-19 dynamics as for Ukraine’s regions, taking into account the aggravation of the humanitarian crisis; b) to identify the situation in regional labor markets by economic activity indicators; c) to analyze state regulation as for its compliance with the state social guarantees in labor relations. It has been determined that the most negative situation with the COVID-19 epidemic is present in the regions with the largest cities of the country (which are home to a population of 1,029,049 to 2,611,327 people). It proves that a particularly negative impact of the pandemic was made on the regional labor markets with high economic activity and strong economic potential. It is established that the pandemic has led to employment reduction in all the regions, which went hand in hand with the increase in informal employment of economically active population. Rising unemployment and wage arrears are also signs of the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Ukraine’s regional labor markets. It can be concluded that the key problems requiring managerial decisions are those connected with inclusive economic recovery after COVID-19 and the fulfillment of state social guarantees in the labor market in almost every region in Ukraine, given the impact of the ongoing military conflict and the need for economic recovery after it

    The relationship of parental education and the severity of fears

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    Research on the psychological characteristics of fears at different age stages of childhood is relevant, because it is fears that justify a number of psychological problems of preschoolers, including developmental disorders. The study of the features of the emotional sphere and its correction are unattainable without a clear understanding of the role of the family in the formation of the negative state of the child. The article analyzes the results of the study of the features of the dominant fears and their level indicators in children of older preschool age who are brought up in families with different types of parental education. The study tested the hypothesis that the degree of severity of fears in older preschoolers is determined by the type of family education, namely: unfavorable characteristics of education increase the severity of fears of older preschoolers, and favorable ones reduce. The sample of subjects includes 66 children aged 6 to 6.5 years. Of these, 35 are boys and 31 are girls. The adult sample consisted of 84 parents aged 25 to 35 years. The following methods were used as research tools: “Fears in houses” by A. I. Zakharov and M. A. Panfilova to identify and clarify the prevailing types of fears; “Strategies for family education” by S. S. Stepanov, modified by I. I. Mahonina, aimed at analyzing the prevailing styles of education in the family. As a result, of the study, statistically significant differences were found in the indicators of the severity of types of fears in preschool children of different sexes, as well as in the types of parental education. The results of the study can be useful in the practice of family counseling, for the development of correctional and developmental programs aimed at overcoming fears in children and correcting the style of parenting.Исследования психологических особенностей страхов на разных возрастных этапах детского возраста актуальны, поскольку именно страхи обосновывают целый ряд психологических проблем дошкольников, включая нарушения развития. Изучение особенностей эмоциональной сферы и ее коррекция недостижимы без ясного понимания роли семьи в формировании негативного состояния ребенка. В статье анализируются результаты исследования особенностей проявления доминирующих страхов у детей старшего дошкольного возраста, воспитывающихся в семьях с разными типами родительского воспитания. В исследовании проверялась гипотеза о том, что у детей старшего дошкольного возраста выраженность страхов определяется типом семейного воспитания. Выборка испытуемых включает 46 детей в возрасте от 6 до 6,5 лет. Из них 35 мальчиков и 31 девочка. Взрослую выборку составили 84 родителя в возрасте от 25 до 35 лет. В качестве исследовательского инструментария использовались методики: «Страхи в домиках» А. И. Захарова и М. А. Панфиловой для выявления и уточнения преобладающих видов страхов; «Стратегии семейного воспитания» С. С. Степанова в модификации И. И. Махониной, направленная на анализ преобладающих стилей воспитания в семье. В результате проведенного исследования были обнаружены статистически значимые различия в показателях выраженности видов страхов у дошкольников разного пола, а также в типах родительского воспитания. Результаты исследования могут быть полезны в практике семейного консультирования, для разработки коррекционно-развивающих программ, направленных на преодоление страхов у детей и коррекцию стиля родительского воспитания

    Air-guided photonic-crystal-fiber pulse-compression delivery of multimegawatt femtosecond laser output for nonlinear-optical imaging and neurosurgery

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.Large-core hollow photonic- crystal fibers (PCFs) are shown to enable a fiber-format air-guided delivery of ultrashort infrared laser pulses for neurosurgery and nonlinear-optical imaging. With an appropriate dispersion precompensation, an anomalously dispersive 15-mu m-core hollow PCF compresses 510-fs, 1070-nm light pulses to a pulse width of about 110 fs, providing a peak power in excess of 5 MW. The compressed PCF output is employed to induce a local photodisruption of corpus callosum tissues in mouse brain and is used to generate the third harmonic in brain tissues, which is captured by the PCF and delivered to a detector through the PCF cladding. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics

    The influence of styles of family education on emotional-volitional sphere of the senior preschool children

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    The article discusses the style of family education as its most important characteristic, the most inherent ways of attitude of parents to a child, using certain means and methods of pedagogical influence, which are expressed in a peculiar manner of verbal circulation and interactio


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    The article presents a clinical case of successful surgical treatment of phlegmon in the case of diabetic neuroosteoarthropathy (Charcot foot). This observation illustrates the clinical features, diagnostic algorithm and potential of modern complex treatment of the most  rare form of diabetic foot syndrome which is diabetic neuroosteoarthropathy.В статье приводится клинический случай успешного хирургического лечения флегмоны стопы на фоне диабетической нейроостеоартропатии (стопа Шарко). Данное наблюдение иллюстрирует особенности клинического течения, диагностического алгоритма и возможности современного комплексного лечения наиболее редко встречающейся формы синдрома диабетической стопы, какой является диабетическая нейроостеоартропатия