1,119 research outputs found


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    Covid19 (Coronavirus) is a life-threatening virus that mainly affects our respiratory system, kidney, and GIT tract. People with a low immune system in their body fall prey to it. This virus (2019-nCoV) spreads easily from one person to another. As there is no treatment to kill the virus, the only way to stop this pandemic is through precautions and reduce the viral load in the body. This review reveals the main types of coronaviruses, history, pathophysiology, current treatment, drawbacks of current treatment, targets for drug development against Covid-19, vaccines discovered for covid-19, side effects of the currently available vaccines, and current status of this situation. The main mechanism of action of the virus easily enters to bind with the Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme 2 (ACE2) in the human body cells. Management of the virus several approaches will be taken mainly isolation of the patients and contacts the contacts, oxygen therapy for respiratory failure patients based on the severity Remdesivir, Lopinavir/ritonavir, Chloroquine, and Hydroxychloroquine, Alpha-interferon and plasma therapy can be used to control the infections. In India, AYUSH is also recommended to enhance the immune system through herbal-based products, Vaccination is also recommended by most of the countries, but many side effects and drug-drug interactions were reported for the above treatments. So that in future a new way of approach should be developed by our health organization as soon as possible

    Analysis and design of algorithm-based fault-tolerant systems

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    An important consideration in the design of high performance multiprocessor systems is to ensure the correctness of the results computed in the presence of transient and intermittent failures. Concurrent error detection and correction have been applied to such systems in order to achieve reliability. Algorithm Based Fault Tolerance (ABFT) was suggested as a cost-effective concurrent error detection scheme. The research was motivated by the complexity involved in the analysis and design of ABFT systems. To that end, a matrix-based model was developed and, based on that, algorithms for both the design and analysis of ABFT systems are formulated. These algorithms are less complex than the existing ones. In order to reduce the complexity further, a hierarchical approach is developed for the analysis of large systems

    On some elastic instabilities in biaxial nematics

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    Within the framework of the continuum elastic theory of biaxial nematic liquid crystals, we have addressed ourselves to the structure, stability and energetics of some singular and non-singular topological defects, and certain director configurations. We find that certain non-singular hybrid disclinations could be energetically favourable relative to certain half-strength disclinations. The interaction between singular hybrids depends strongly on the biaxial elastic anisotropy. We suggest possible defect structures that can exist in spherical droplets of biaxial nematics. Further we find structural instabilities, in confined geometries, arising due to the inherent biaxiality of the system

    Mean first passage times for bond formation for a Brownian particle in linear shear flow above a wall

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    Motivated by cell adhesion in hydrodynamic flow, here we study bond formation between a spherical Brownian particle in linear shear flow carrying receptors for ligands covering the boundary wall. We derive the appropriate Langevin equation which includes multiplicative noise due to position-dependent mobility functions resulting from the Stokes equation. We present a numerical scheme which allows to simulate it with high accuracy for all model parameters, including shear rate and three parameters describing receptor geometry (distance, size and height of the receptor patches). In the case of homogeneous coating, the mean first passage time problem can be solved exactly. In the case of position-resolved receptor-ligand binding, we identify different scaling regimes and discuss their biological relevance.Comment: final version after minor revision

    Effect of culture media and tissue extracts in the mantle explant culture of abalone, Haliotis varia Linnaeus

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    The study is aimed at developing appropriate media for the mantle explant culture of abalone Haliotis varia. The effect of different media viz., L-15, Ham's F12, M199 was studied in combination with 10% Fetal Calf Serum (FCS) and 10% tissue extracts of gonad, mantle and whole body of abalone, H. varia to understand cell behaviour, cell yield and cell adherence in mantle explant culture of H. varia. Cultures with L-15 media gave better cell yield and M199 promoted better cell adherence. Addition of mantle extract to all media enhanced the cell yield to a maximum followed by whole body extract. Addition of whole body extract facilitated in cell adherence followed by the addition of mantle extract

    Correlation of body mass index, waist circumference and waist-hip ratio to fasting blood sugar levels in non-diabetics: an observational study

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    Background: Obesity is a serious health problem across the world. Obesity is an independent risk factor for diabetes and cardiac problems. Waist-hip ratio and waist circumference are better predictors of obesity and associated medical risks. The aims and objectives of study are to evaluate overweight and obesity in non-diabetics and assess correlation of BMI, WC and WHR with fasting blood sugar (FBS).Methods: A prospective study was carried out at D.Y. Patil Hospital Nerul, Navi Mumbai between November 2014- December 2014. Subjects attending the medical outpatient department (OPD) were invited to participate in this study. 200 subjects were screened, of whom 100 subjects having fasting sugar levels less than 110 mg/dL were enrolled. The subjects were matched with respect to age, BMI, waist circumference and Hip circumference and W: H ratio. BMI, WC and W:H ratio was correlated with FBS using Pearson’s correlation coefficient. Statistical significance was considered at P value<0.05.Results: It indicated 19.6% males (10/51) and 14.28% females (7/49) were overweight and 47.05% males (24/51) and 42.85% females (21/49) were obese according to BMI. 13.72% males (7/51) and 20.40% females (10/49) were overweight and 66.66% males (34/51) and 38.77% females (19/49) were obese according to WC. 5.88% males (3/51) and 4.08% females (2/49) were overweight and 94.11% males (48/51) and 91.83% females (45/49) were obese according to WHR.Conclusions: It can be concluded from this study that there is a positive correlation between BMI, Waist circumference, Waist: Hip Ratio and are important indicators of obesity to predict obesity

    Shrimp farming by private enterprise- A case study

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    In view of the encouraging results shown by the research organisations of India and other countries in prawn culture on scientific methods, a commercial research and development project on prawn culture was established by the TATA Oil Mills Co. Ltd., at Pulicat. Experiments were conducted in aarthern ponds of size ranging from 0.4 to 1.25 ha- Stocking rates ranging from 6.5 to 15 prawns/mz were attempted and production to the tune of 0.5 to 1.0 tonne/ha/crop was achieved. Survival rate over 80% could be maintained in all the crops. An artificial feed formulated with shrimp meal, trash fish and vitamin mineral mix along with other usual ingredients, with a protein content of 40%, proved to be better than the other conventional feed. Effect of design of a pond, aging of pond, stocking density, stocking size and various hydrobioiogical parameters viz. salinity, dissolved oxygen and pH were also studied. The intensive stocking rate, the successful feed formula and the effective water managements adopted were the important reasons for the successful production of shrimps in this farm. The cost of production of 1 kg of shrimps considering the variable cost, varied from Ks 20.00 to 34.00 and thus a net revenue of Rg. 8000.00 to 20,000.00/ha/crop was achieved

    Study of Coronal Alignment of Knee after Total Knee Replacement

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    INTRODUCTION: The surgeon performing a total knee arthroplasty is not only concerned with the early pain relief to the arthritic patient but should also provide the patient with stable functional knee with the maximum implant survival. Survivorship for cemented total knee arthroplasty ranges between 91% and 99% at ten years and between 91% and 96% at 15 years. Several studies have concluded that durability of the total knee replacement is dependent on the postoperative axial alignment of the lower extremity. If replacement of the knee leaves the extremity in varus or valgus mal-alignment, loosening and instability occurs at a greater rate than if the limb is well aligned by arthroplasty. Mal-alignment leads to overload of the bone and ligaments, leading to asymmetric bone loss, prosthetic wear and fracture and ligamentous instability. Preoperative axial alignment of the lower extremity is essential to assess the bony cuts to be taken during surgery as well as the ligamentous balancing to be performed intra operatively. Hence assessment of axial alignment before and after surgery is imperative in any patient undergoing a knee replacement surgery. AIM: The aim of the study is to compare the axial alignment of the lower extremity before and after surgery in patients undergoing total knee replacement by assessing the mechanical axis in the full length weight bearing radiograph taken preoperatively and post operatively. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In our hospital total knee arthroplasty is being done for various indications. This includes varus as well as valgus knees. The period of study is from June 2004 and August 2006. During the study period 18 knees were replaced in12 patients. Of them two patients with three knees lost follow-up. All patients who underwent total knee arthroplasty in our hospital during the period of June 2004 to August 2006 with regular follow-up are included in this study. This includes 10 patients with 15 knees. The patients who did not turn for follow-up were excluded from the study. This included two patients with three knees. RESULTS: The age of the patients who underwent total knee replacement in our series ranged from 42 to 76 years; average was 58.53 years. The standard deviation was 9.7823 and 53% of our patient belonged to the sixth decade. The range in our series was from 150cms to 165cms. The mean was 155.86cms and the SD was 4.9503. The range was from 48kgs to 80kgs. The average weight was 58.73kgs and the SD was 8.2415. CONCLUSION: The level of awareness among the public about the disease process, its natural course and the available treatment modalities including replacement surgery should be brought up. Valgus angle must be assessed in individual patients by taking full length radiographs pre-operatively to get axial alignment corrected. Post-operative study of mechanical axis in full length weight bearing x-ray is a must to assess the restoration of mechanical axis back to normal. Knee scores and functional scores have improved significantly in those groups of patients where there was restoration of mechanical axis. In the rest where the mechanical axis had not been restored the scores have not improved significantly

    Few-layer graphene as an ‘active’ conductive additive for flexible aqueous supercapacitor electrodes

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    We demonstrate that few layer graphene (FLG), formed by high-shear exfoliation into an aqueous suspension, can be successfully employed as an ‘active’ conductive additive in flexible activated carbon-based aqueous electric double layer capacitor (supercapacitor) electrodes if introduced by a novel ‘vacuum infiltration’ technique. The effectiveness of the FLG can be optimised by tailoring its size distribution and loading. It is found that best performance is achieved using FLG with the broadest size distribution and, moreover, that the larger size distribution is effective over the broadest range of loading. With optimum size distribution and loading, FLG is shown to outperform a commercial carbon black conductive additive (Timcal C65). Electrodes containing 8 wt% infiltrated FLG have an equivalent series resistance (ESR) of 1 . 3 ± 0 . 4 Ω , and a specific capacitance of 142 . 3 ± 0 . 1 F g−1 over a voltage window of 1.2 V, compared with an ESR of 3 ± 1 Ω and a specific capacitance of 96 . 81 ± 0 . 02 F g−1 for equivalent electrodes produced with an optimal loading of carbon black additive. As a result, the specific energy density of electric double layer capacitors (EDLCs) produced with a vacuum infused FLG additive is demonstrated to be an average of 47 ± 3 % superior to those containing carbon black measured at similar power densities. In contrast to vacuum infusion, direct mixing of FLG suspension into the electrodes is found to be ineffective, resulting in limited improvement relative to electrodes without conductive additive, the reasons for which are discussed

    On the influence of spatial heterogeneity on an internal boundary layer at a short fetch

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    Surface layer meteorological data collected at a coastal site, at Vasco-Da-Gama (15°21′N, 73°51′E, 58.5m MSL) (13–18 July, 2002) with prevailing southwesterly surface winds are analyzed to study the characteristics of internal boundary layer at a short fetch using an instrumented tower (9 m). The spectral and turbulence characteristics of wind are compared with earlier measurements made at a comparatively homogeneous terrain and the standards available in literature. The study show the smaller eddies in the vertical velocity spectrum attains equilibrium with the underlying surface at a short fetch itself and follows spectral similarity. However, this is not followed by longitudinal and transverse velocity spectra under unstable as well as stable condition