258 research outputs found

    Parameters of the eigenellipsoid for separated sector cyclotron

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    http://accelconf.web.cern.ch/AccelConf/c89/papers/g1-09.pdfInternational audienc

    Six-dimensional beam matching for axial injection into a cyclotron

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    http://accelconf.web.cern.ch/AccelConf/c89/papers/g1-01.pdfInternational audienc

    Evaluación mediante simulación de nuevos sistemas para mantener la separación de a bordo en vuelo de crucero en forma automática o asistida

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    Para no comprometer la seguridad operacional, son importantes los sistemas con corrección automáticos de vigilancia embarcados, minimizando riesgos en el “control de tráfico aéreo”, facilitando así a las tripulaciones, información actualizada, permanente con correcciones automáticas en tiempo real. Este trabajo presenta el modelo, el simulador y los estudios realizados para evaluar la adaptabilidad de las tripulaciones ante un sistema totalmente automatizado, mediante el “piloto automático”, realizando las maniobras requeridas evitando conflictos con los tráficos circundantes y mantener la separación en vuelo crucero.To avoid compromising safety, on board automatic correction systems are important, minimizing risks in air traffic control, providing crews with updated information, permanent with real-time automatic corrections. This paper presents the model, the simulator and studies to evaluate the adaptability of the crews to a fully automated system, using the "automatic pilot", performing the required maneuvers avoiding conflicts with surrounding traffic and maintaining separation in cruising flight.Grupo de Transporte Aéreo - Grupo de Ingeniería Aplicada a la Industri

    Estudio de la adaptabilidad de tripulaciones a un nuevo sistema automático inteligente para mantener separación de a bordo, en vuelo crucero, mediante el uso de simulacion

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    En la seguridad operacional son importantes los sistemas embarcados para la vigilancia y resolución de conflictos, con correcciones automáticas para mantener la separación de a bordo minimizando los riesgos en el “control de tráfico aéreo”, brindando a las tripulaciones información en tiempo real. OACI (Organización Internacional de Aviación Civil), definió el ASAS (sistema de asistencia de separación de a bordo), como: un sistema de aeronave para la vigilancia de a bordo, asistiendo a la tripulación en vuelo para mantener la separación de su aeronave con respecto a otras del entorno; permitiendo vigilancia de a bordo, sustentada por la ADS-B (automatic dependent surveillancebroadcast.), la TIS-B (traffic information services-broadcast), y el TCAS (sistema anticolisión de alerta de tráfico). Esta vigilancia es realizada por un nuevo sistema automatizado, denominado “Sim CDTI” (simulator CDTI). El A/P (autopilot), realiza las maniobras para mantener la separación horizontal y vertical, evitando predictivamente conflictos. Se presentan las evaluaciones de adaptabilidad de las tripulaciones ante un sistema automatizado, donde el A/P ejecuta maniobras adecuadas para mantener la separación y evitar conflictos. Se evalúa que la seguridad operacional no es infringida con este sistema, presentándose el desarrollo de un simulador para tal fin.Facultad de Ingenierí

    Estudio de la adaptabilidad de tripulaciones a un nuevo sistema automático inteligente para mantener separación de a bordo, en vuelo crucero, mediante el uso de simulacion

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    En la seguridad operacional son importantes los sistemas embarcados para la vigilancia y resolución de conflictos, con correcciones automáticas para mantener la separación de a bordo minimizando los riesgos en el “control de tráfico aéreo”, brindando a las tripulaciones información en tiempo real. OACI (Organización Internacional de Aviación Civil), definió el ASAS (sistema de asistencia de separación de a bordo), como: un sistema de aeronave para la vigilancia de a bordo, asistiendo a la tripulación en vuelo para mantener la separación de su aeronave con respecto a otras del entorno; permitiendo vigilancia de a bordo, sustentada por la ADS-B (automatic dependent surveillancebroadcast.), la TIS-B (traffic information services-broadcast), y el TCAS (sistema anticolisión de alerta de tráfico). Esta vigilancia es realizada por un nuevo sistema automatizado, denominado “Sim CDTI” (simulator CDTI). El A/P (autopilot), realiza las maniobras para mantener la separación horizontal y vertical, evitando predictivamente conflictos. Se presentan las evaluaciones de adaptabilidad de las tripulaciones ante un sistema automatizado, donde el A/P ejecuta maniobras adecuadas para mantener la separación y evitar conflictos. Se evalúa que la seguridad operacional no es infringida con este sistema, presentándose el desarrollo de un simulador para tal fin.Facultad de Ingenierí

    A linear CO chemistry parameterization in a chemistry-transport model: evaluation and application to data assimilation

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    This paper presents an evaluation of a new linear parameterization valid for the troposphere and the stratosphere, based on a first order approximation of the carbon monoxide (CO) continuity equation. This linear scheme (hereinafter noted LINCO) has been implemented in the 3-D Chemical Transport Model (CTM) MOCAGE (MOdèle de Chimie Atmospherique Grande Echelle). First, a one and a half years of LINCO simulation has been compared to output obtained from a detailed chemical scheme output. The mean differences between both schemes are about ±25 ppbv (part per billion by volume) or 15% in the troposphere and ±10 ppbv or 100% in the stratosphere. Second, LINCO has been compared to diverse observations from satellite instruments covering the troposphere (Measurements Of Pollution In The Troposphere: MOPITT) and the stratosphere (Microwave Limb Sounder: MLS) and also from aircraft (Measurements of ozone and water vapour by Airbus in-service aircraft: MOZAIC programme) mostly flying in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (UTLS). In the troposphere, the LINCO seasonal variations as well as the vertical and horizontal distributions are quite close to MOPITT CO observations. However, a bias of ~−40 ppbv is observed at 700 Pa between LINCO and MOPITT. In the stratosphere, MLS and LINCO present similar large-scale patterns, except over the poles where the CO concentration is underestimated by the model. In the UTLS, LINCO presents small biases less than 2% compared to independent MOZAIC profiles. Third, we assimilated MOPITT CO using a variational 3D-FGAT (First Guess at Appropriate Time) method in conjunction with MOCAGE for a long run of one and a half years. The data assimilation greatly improves the vertical CO distribution in the troposphere from 700 to 350 hPa compared to independent MOZAIC profiles. At 146 hPa, the assimilated CO distribution is also improved compared to MLS observations by reducing the bias up to a factor of 2 in the tropics. This study confirms that the linear scheme is able to simulate reasonably well the CO distribution in the troposphere and in the lower stratosphere. Therefore, the low computing cost of the linear scheme opens new perspectives to make free runs and CO data assimilation runs at high resolution and over periods of several years

    Preliminary design of a new high intensity injection system for GANIL.

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    http://accelconf.web.cern.ch/AccelConf/c89/papers/f6-12.pdfInternational audienc

    Midlatitude stratosphere - troposphere exchange as diagnosed by MLS O3 and MOPITT CO assimilated fields

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    International audienceThis paper presents a comprehensive characterization of a very deep stratospheric intrusion which occurred over the British Isles on 15 August 2007. The signature of this event is diagnosed using ozonesonde measurements over Lerwick, UK (60.14 N, 1.19 W) and is also well characterized using meteorological analyses from the global operational weather prediction model of Météo-France, ARPEGE. Modelled as well as assimilated fields of both ozone (O3) and carbon monoxide (CO) have been used in order to better document this event. O3 and CO from Aura/MLS and Terra/MOPITT instruments, respectively, are assimilated into the three-dimensional chemical transport model MOCAGE of Météo-France using a variational 3-DFGAT (First Guess at Appropriate Time) method. The validation of O3 and CO assimilated fields is done using selfconsistency diagnostics and by comparison with independent observations such as MOZAIC (O3 and CO), AIRS (CO) and OMI (O3). It particularly shows in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere region that the assimilated fields are closer to MOZAIC than the free model run. The O3 bias between MOZAIC and the analyses is −11.5 ppbv with a RMS of 22.4 ppbv and a correlation coefficient of 0.93, whereas between MOZAIC and the free model run, the corresponding values are 33 ppbv, 38.5 ppbv and 0.83, respectively. In the same way, for CO, the bias, RMS and correlation coefficient between MOZAIC and the analyses are −3.16 ppbv, 13 ppbv and 0.79, respectively, whereas between MOZAIC and the free model run, the corresponding values are 33 ppbv, 38.5 ppbv and 0.83, respectively. In the same way, for CO, the bias, RMS and correlation coefficient between MOZAIC and the analyses are −3.16 ppbv, 13 ppbv and 0.79, respectively, whereas between MOZAIC and the free model they are 6.3 ppbv, 16.6 ppbv and 0.71, respectively. The paper also presents a demonstration of the capability of O3 and CO assimilated fields to better describe a stratosphere-troposphere exchange (STE) event in comparison with the free run modelled O3 and CO fields. Although the assimilation of MLS data improves the distribution of O3 above the tropopause compared to the free model run, it is not sufficient to reproduce the STE event well. Assimilated MOPITT CO allows a better qualitative description of the stratospheric intrusion event. The MOPITT CO analyses appear more promising than the MLS O3 analyses in terms of their ability to capture a deep STE event. Therefore, the results of this study open the perspectives for using MOPITT CO in the STE studies

    Regression and the Maternal in the History of Psychoanalysis, 1900-1957

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    This paper examines the history of the concept of ‘regression’ as it was perceived by Sandor Ferenczi and some of his followers in the first half of the twentieth century. The first part provides a short history of the notion of ‘regression’ from the late nineteenth century to Ferenczi's work in the 1920s and 1930s. The second and third parts of the paper focus on two other thinkers on regression, who worked in Britain, under the influence of the Ferenczian paradigm – the interwar Scottish psychiatrist, Ian D. Suttie; and the British-Hungarian psychoanalyst, and Ferenczi's most important pupil, Michael Balint. Rather than a descriptive term which comes to designate a pathological mental stage, Ferenczi understood ‘regression’ as a much more literal phenomenon. For him, the mental desire to go backwards in time is a universal one, and a consequence of an inevitable traumatic separation from the mother in early childhood, which has some deep personal and cultural implications. The paper aims to show some close affinities between the preoccupation of some psychoanalysts with ‘regression’, and the growing interest in social and cultural aspects of ‘motherhood’ and ‘the maternal role’ in mid-twentieth-century British society