26,575 research outputs found

    Phase transition for the frog model

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    We study a system of simple random walks on graphs, known as frog model. This model can be described as follows: There are active and sleeping particles living on some graph G. Each active particle performs a simple random walk with discrete time and at each moment it may disappear with probability 1-p. When an active particle hits a sleeping particle, the latter becomes active. Phase transition results and asymptotic values for critical parameters are presented for Z^d and regular trees

    Aggregation in a mixture of Brownian and ballistic wandering particles

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    In this paper, we analyze the scaling properties of a model that has as limiting cases the diffusion-limited aggregation (DLA) and the ballistic aggregation (BA) models. This model allows us to control the radial and angular scaling of the patterns, as well as, their gap distributions. The particles added to the cluster can follow either ballistic trajectories, with probability PbaP_{ba}, or random ones, with probability Prw=1−PbaP_{rw}=1-P_{ba}. The patterns were characterized through several quantities, including those related to the radial and angular scaling. The fractal dimension as a function of PbaP_{ba} continuously increases from df≈1.72d_f\approx 1.72 (DLA dimensionality) for Pba=0P_{ba}=0 to df≈2d_f\approx 2 (BA dimensionality) for Pba=1P_{ba}=1. However, the lacunarity and the active zone width exhibt a distinct behavior: they are convex functions of PbaP_{ba} with a maximum at Pba≈1/2P_{ba}\approx1/2. Through the analysis of the angular correlation function, we found that the difference between the radial and angular exponents decreases continuously with increasing PbaP_{ba} and rapidly vanishes for Pba>1/2P_{ba}>1/2, in agreement with recent results concerning the asymptotic scaling of DLA clusters.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures. accepted for publication on PR

    Is it really possible to grow isotropic on-lattice diffusion-limited aggregates?

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    In a recent paper (Bogoyavlenskiy V A 2002 \JPA \textbf{35} 2533), an algorithm aiming to generate isotropic clusters of the on-lattice diffusion-limited aggregation (DLA) model was proposed. The procedure consists of aggregation probabilities proportional to the squared number of occupied sites (k2k^2). In the present work, we analyzed this algorithm using the noise reduced version of the DLA model and large scale simulations. In the noiseless limit, instead of isotropic patterns, a 45∘45^\circ (30∘30^\circ) rotation in the anisotropy directions of the clusters grown on square (triangular) lattices was observed. A generalized algorithm, in which the aggregation probability is proportional to kνk^\nu, was proposed. The exponent ν\nu has a nonuniversal critical value νc\nu_c, for which the patterns generated in the noiseless limit exhibit the original (axial) anisotropy for ν<νc\nu<\nu_c and the rotated one (diagonal) for ν>νc\nu>\nu_c. The values νc=1.395±0.005\nu_c = 1.395\pm0.005 and νc=0.82±0.01\nu_c = 0.82\pm 0.01 were found for square and triangular lattices, respectively. Moreover, large scale simulations show that there are a nontrivial relation between noise reduction and anisotropy direction. The case ν=2\nu=2 (\bogo's rule) is an example where the patterns exhibit the axial anisotropy for small and the diagonal one for large noise reduction.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    An ALMA study of the Orion Integral Filament : I. Evidence for narrow fibers in a massive cloud

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    © 2018 ESO. Reproduced with permission from Astronomy & Astrophysics. Content in the UH Research Archive is made available for personal research, educational, and non-commercial purposes only. Unless otherwise stated, all content is protected by copyright, and in the absence of an open license, permissions for further re-use should be sought from the publisher, the author, or other copyright holder.Aim. We have investigated the gas organization within the paradigmatic Integral Shape Filament (ISF) in Orion in order to decipher whether or not all filaments are bundles of fibers. Methods. We combined two new ALMA Cycle 3 mosaics with previous IRAM 30m observations to produce a high-dynamic range N 2H + (1-0) emission map of the ISF tracing its high-density material and velocity structure down to scales of 0.009 pc (or ~2000 AU). Results. From the analysis of the gas kinematics, we identify a total of 55 dense fibers in the central region of the ISF. Independently of their location in the cloud, these fibers are characterized by transonic internal motions, lengths of ~0.15 pc, and masses per unit length close to those expected in hydrostatic equilibrium. The ISF fibers are spatially organized forming a dense bundle with multiple hub-like associations likely shaped by the local gravitational potential. Within this complex network, the ISF fibers show a compact radial emission profile with a median FWHM of 0.035 pc systematically narrower than the previously proposed universal 0.1 pc filament width. Conclusions. Our ALMA observations reveal complex bundles of fibers in the ISF, suggesting strong similarities between the internal substructure of this massive filament and previously studied lower-mass objects. The fibers show identical dynamic properties in both low- and high-mass regions, and their widespread detection in nearby clouds suggests a preferred organizational mechanism of gas in which the physical fiber dimensions (width and length) are self-regulated depending on their intrinsic gas density. Combining these results with previous works in Musca, Taurus, and Perseus, we identify a systematic increase of the surface density of fibers as a function of the total mass per-unit-length in filamentary clouds. Based on this empirical correlation, we propose a unified star-formation scenario where the observed differences between low- and high-mass clouds, and the origin of clusters, emerge naturally from the initial concentration of fibers.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    A dynamical model for the dusty ring in the Coalsack

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    Lada et al. recently presented a detailed near-infrared extinction map of Globule G2 in the Coalsack molecular cloud complex, showing that this starless core has a well-defined central extinction minimum. We propose a model for G2 in which a rapid increase in external pressure is driving an approximately symmetric compression wave into the core. The rapid increase in external pressure could arise because the core has recently been assimilated by the Coalsack cloud complex, or because the Coalsack has recently been created by two large-scale converging flows. The resulting compression wave has not yet converged on the centre of the core, so there is a central rarefaction. The compression wave has increased the density in the swept-up gas by about a factor of ten, and accelerated it inwards to speeds of order 0.4kms−10.4 {\rm km} {\rm s}^{-1}. It is shown that even small levels of initial turbulence destroy the ring seen in projection almost completely. In the scenario of strong external compression that we are proposing this implies that the initial turbulent energy in this globule is such that Eturb/Egrav≤2E_{{\rm turb}} / E_{{\rm grav}} \le 2 %. Protostar formation should occur in about 40,000years40,000 {\rm years}.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    Is the New Resonance Spin 0 or 2? Taking a Step Forward in the Higgs Boson Discovery

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    The observation of a new boson of mass \sim 125\gev at the CERN LHC may finally have revealed the existence of a Higgs boson. Now we have the opportunity to scrutinize its properties, determining its quantum numbers and couplings to the standard model particles, in order to confirm or not its discovery. We show that by the end of the 8 TeV run, combining the entire data sets of ATLAS and CMS, it will be possible to discriminate between the following discovery alternatives: a scalar JP=0+J^P=0^+ or a tensor JP=2+J^P=2^+ particle with minimal couplings to photons, at a 5σ5\sigma statistical confidence level at least, using only diphotons events. Our results are based on the calculation of a center-edge asymmetry measure of the reconstructed {\it sPlot} scattering polar angle of the diphotons. The results based on asymmetries are shown to be rather robust against systematic uncertainties with comparable discrimination power to a log likelihood ratio statistic.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, 1 table. References added, minor typos correcte
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