852 research outputs found

    Recherches sur l'étiopathogénie et le traitement des endométrites chez les vaches dans la sous-région de Lubumbashi

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    Des recherches ont été faites sur l'étiopathogénie et le traitement des endométrites puerpérales et chroniques dans un élevage de 152 vaches. Nous avons diagnostiqué 23 cas (15,1 p. 100) d'endométrite répartis de la manière suivante: - endométrites puerpérales 5,2 p. 100, - endométrites chroniques, 9,8 p. 100. Parmi les causes les plus fréquentes, les déchirures vestibulo-vaginales consécutives aux accouchements laborieux et non surveillés, les interventions obstétricales non hygiéniques, les dystocies, les avortements et la rétention placentaire ont retenu notre attention. Une flore bactérienne plus marquée et composée surtout de streptocoques, staphylocoques et coliformes a été isolée. Les traitements appliqués avec une gamme variée d'antibiotiques et de produits chimiothérapiques ont donné de bons résultat

    Surgery in postoperator alkaline desease

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    Clinica de Chirurgie Generală şi Esofagiană, Spitalul Clinic “Sfânta Maria” Bucureşti, România, Al XI-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova și cea de-a XXXIII-a Reuniune a Chirurgilor din Moldova „Iacomi-Răzeșu” 27-30 septembrie 2011Introducere: Se analizează retrospectiv experienţa clinicii pe 30 de ani (1981-2010) privind diversia duodenală totală Y-Roux (DDT) în tratamentul bolii alcaline de reflux postoperator(BARP). Materiale şi metodă, rezultate: Din 89 de pacienţi cu gastrojejunostomie Y-Roux după rezecţie gastrică distală cu diverse indicaţii, am selecţionat 29 de pacienţi la care procedeul s-a folosit în tratamentul BARP. Am exclus 9 cazuri cu DDT pentru patologie primară de reflux alcalin. În 20 cazuri DDT a fost practicată ca o modalitate reconstructivă pe “stomac operat”: degastrogastrectomie sau conversie a montajului anastomotic preexistent (la bolnavi cu 1-3 operaţii în antecedente, cu tulburări severe de motilitate). Se constată o scădere a numărului de cazuri în ultimii ani. La 9 pacienţi DDT a fost utilizată ca intenţie curativă antireflux după chirurgia biliară:colecistectomie ± coledocoduodenostomie, constatând creşterea numărului de cazuri în ultima perioadă. Criteriile de indicaţie chirurgicală: clinice, radiologice, endoscopice, histologice au selecţionat pentru intervenţie cazurile severe. Se prezintă particularităţile tehnice ca şi consecinţele morfofuncţionale ale DDT. Rezultatele imediate sunt foarte bune: morbiditate minimă (o reintervenţie precoce pentru ocluzie digestivă înaltă) şi mortalitate postoperatorie zero. Rezultatele la distanţă –evaluate clinic, radiologic, endoscopic şi histologic- arată o ameliorare postoperatorie certă, cu excepţia anumitor forme histologice. Concluzii: Incidenţa BARP după chirurgia gastrică a scăzut, prin scăderea drastică a indicaţiei operatorii pentru boala ulceroasă; în schimb creşte relativ incidenţa acestei entităţi după chirurgia biliară. DDT este o procedură eficientă dar de rezervă, indicată în cazuri bine selecţionate. Se constată o ameliorare postoperatorie certa clinică, endoscopică şi histologică, cu excepţia gastritei atrofice şi a metaplaziei intestinale, care se ameliorează în mică măsură.Introduction. We analyzed the experience of the Clinic on past 30 years (1981-2010) regarding total duodenal diversion (TDD) with Roux- en- Y gastrectomy for postoperator alkaline reflux disease (PARD). Materials and method, results: Among 89 patients presenting Y-Roux gastrojejunostomy after gastric distal resection for various indications, we selected 29 patients in which the procedure was used as treatment of PARD. We excluded 9 patients with TDD for primary alkaline reflux disease. In 20 cases TDD was used as a reconstructive procedure on “operated stomach” : degastrogastrectomy or conversion of the existing anastomotic assembly (at patients with history of 1-3 gastric operations, with severe motility disorders). It is ascertained a decrease in the number of such cases in recent years. At another 9 patients TDD was used as an antireflux cure after biliary surgery: colecistectomy ± choledocoduodenostomy, noting the increase number of such cases lately. The criteria for surgery indication: clinicals, radiologycals, endoscopicals, histologicals selected for intervention severe cases. There are presentated techniques particularities and morfofunctional consequences of TDD. Immediate results were very good: minimal morbidity ( one early reintervention for acute digestive occlusion) and no postoperator mortality. Long time results – clinical, radiological, endoscopic and histological evaluated- showed a certain postoperator improvement, excepting some definite histological forms. Conclusions: PARD incidence after gastric surgery has decreased through drastically decrease of surgical indication for patients with gastroduodenal ulcer; after biliar surgery. TDD is an efficient procedure but as a backup, being indicated only in cases very carefully selected. It is observed a definite clinical, endoscopic and histological postoperator improvement excepting atrophic gastritis which is less improved

    Peer-mentoring in a pandemic: an evaluation of a series of new departmental peer-mentor schemes created to support student belonging and transition during COVID-19

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    The rapid move to predominately online learning engendered by the COVID-19 crisis created an urgent need to rethink support mechanisms central to student engagement and transition, namely community-building and identity within the institution. One important support mechanism, practised and widely researched in a variety of pre-pandemic contexts (e.g. Hall and Jaugietis, 2011), is peer mentoring. This article describes the establishment of student peer mentor schemes in several departments of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Health at Durham University in academic year 2020-21 and assesses their nature and effectiveness. Whilst the shift to online delivery of teaching was anxiety provoking, it also catalysed ongoing engagement efforts. Staff were conscious that peer mentor schemes could be vital in supporting new students - particularly those from marginalised backgrounds - whilst also offering continuing students another connection to the university by volunteering as mentors. This article has several significant dimensions. We explored and integrated perspectives of staff and students (acting as mentors and mentees). In so doing, we conducted this research with student participants who were integral to the development of departmental mentoring schemes. Relatedly, our research emphasis was on identifying elements of the schemes that may not have worked well, with the practical aim of devising improvements. In order to do this, we chose a sequential mixed methods approach, combining quantitative questionnaire data with qualitative focus group insights, something which has surprisingly been under-utilised in this research field. A set of guiding principles to support mentoring in other contexts, was then co-created with students from the focus group. Furthermore, this research relates to an unprecedentedly challenging context for staff and students alike in the higher education (HE) sector, engendered by the COVID-19 crisis and thus contributes to a newly developing area of research. We develop these points in the literature review that follows. The third section of this paper considers research context, the fourth covers research design and our findings are reported in the fifth section. In the spirit of action research, the sixth section offers our guiding principles, developed in light of our findings, for those wishing to develop departmental peer mentor schemes (McAteer, 2013; McNiff, 2013; Elliott, 1991)

    High speed imaging and Fourier analysis of the melt plume during close coupled gas atomisation

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    A high speed digital analysis technique has been used to study the atomisation plume of a superheated sample of Ni–Al in a close coupled gas atomiser. The atomisation, incorporating a generic melt nozzle and die design was captured using a Kodak high speed digital analyser at a frame rate of 18 k frames per second. The resulting 65 536 frames were then analysed using a specially designed routine, which calculates values of optical brightness and position of the intensity maximum for all frames and performs Fourier analysis on the sequence. The data produced from this analysis show that the plume, pulses at low frequencies (<25 Hz) and precesses at higher frequencies (∼360 Hz) around the atomiser's centreline. To aid investigation into the origins of this precession and other phenomena it was decided to conduct further experiments using an analogue system. The analogue atomiser reproduces the important features of the full atomiser but instead of atomising molten metal, the analogue system atomises water, providing a quick and easy way of testing the effects of changing parameters. Using this system it was found that the precession of the melt plume is independent of the atomiser's gas inlet pressure but strongly dependent on both the die and melt nozzle's geometry

    Development of Space-Flight Compatible Room-Temperature Electronics for the Lynx X-Ray Microcalorimeter

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    We are studying the development of space-flight compatible room-temperature electronics for the Lynx x-ray microcalorimeter (LXM) of the Lynx mission. The baseline readout technique for the LXM is microwave SQUID multiplexing. The key modules at room temperature are the RF electronics module and the digital electronics and event processor (DEEP). The RF module functions as frequency converters and mainly consists of local oscillators and I/Q mixers. The DEEP performs demultiplexing and event processing, and mainly consists of field-programmable gate arrays, ADCs, and DACs. We designed the RF electronics and DEEP to be flight ready, and estimated the power, size, and mass of those modules. There are two boxes each for the RF electronics and DEEP for segmentation, and the sizes of the boxes are 13 in: 13 in: 9 in: for the RF electronics and 15.5 in: 11.5 in: 9.5 in: for the DEEP. The estimated masses are 25.1 kgbox for the RF electronics box and 24.1 kgbox for the DEEP box. The maximum operating power for the RF electronics is 141 W or 70.5 Wbox, and for the DEEP box is 615 W or 308 Wbox. The overall power for those modules is 756 W. We describe the detail of the designs as well as the approaches to the estimation of resources, sizes, masses, and powers

    Molecular-beam epitaxy of p-type m-plane GaN

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    We report on the plasma-assisted molecular-beam epitaxy of Mg-doped (10 (1) over bar0) GaN on (10 (1) over bar0) 6H-SiC. Secondary ion mass spectroscopy measurements show the incorporation of Mg into the GaN films with an enhanced Mg incorporation under N-rich conditions relative to Ga-rich growth. Transport measurements of Mg-doped layers grown under Ga-rich conditions show hole concentrations in the range of p=1x10(18) to p=7x10(18) cm(-3) and a dependence between hole concentration and Mg beam equivalent pressure. An anisotropy in in-plane hole mobilities was observed, with the hole mobility parallel to [11 (2) over bar0] being higher than that parallel to [0001] for the same hole concentration. Mobilities parallel to [11 (2) over bar0] were as high as similar to 11.5 cm(2)/Vs (at p similar to 1.8 x 10(18) cm(-3)). (c) 2005 American Institute of Physics

    Pulmonary stretch receptor activity during partial liquid ventilation in cats with healthy lungs

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    Aim: To study whether pulmonary stretch receptor (PSR) activity in mechanically ventilated young cats with healthy lungs during partial liquid ventilation (PLV) is different from that during gas ventilation (GV). Methods: In 10 young cats (4.4 +/- 0.4 months, 2.3 +/- 0.3 kg; mean B SD), PSR instantaneous impulse frequency (PSR f(imp)) was recorded from single fibres in the vagal nerve during GV and PLV with perfluorocarbon (30 ml/kg) at increasing positive inspiratory pressures (PIP; 1.2, 1.8, 2.2 and 2.7 kPa), and at a positive end-expiratory pressure of 0.5 kPa. Results: All PSRs studied during GV maintained their phasic character with increased impulse frequency during inspiration during PLV. Peak PSR fimp was lower at PIP 1.2 kPa (p < 0.05) and at PIP 2.7 kPa (p = 0.10) during PLV than during GV, giving a lower number of PSR impulses at these two settings during PLV (p < 0.05). Conclusion: The phasic character of PSR activity is similar during GV and PLV. PSR activity is not higher during PLV than during GV in cats with healthy lungs, indicating no extensive stretching of the lung during PLV. Copyright (C) 2004 S. Karger AG, Basel