339 research outputs found

    Optimizacija vremena zamjene vatrostalne obloge na segmentnim pećima

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    The goal of the study is to establish the influence of temporal wearing of refractory lining on energy losses of the furnaces by conducting heat through the furnaces walls. Object of the study were sectional furnaces, type SELAS, situated in the seam tubes production line in Željezara Sisak, Croatia. In order to reduce production costs, it was attempted to define the timely replacement of refractory lining by the criteria of comparing the costs resulted by heat loss through the furnace lining with the costs of refractory lining replacement. Data for the calculation of heat losses was obtained by use of the infrared camera.Rad je izrađen s ciljem da se utvrdi utjecaj vremenskog trošenja vatrostalne obloge na energetske gubitke provođenjem topline kroz ziđe peći. Kao objekt istraživanja odabrane su segmentne peći tipa SELAS, koje se nalaze u valjaonici šavnih cijevi Željezare Sisak. U cilju smanjenja proizvodnih troškova pokušala se odrediti pravovremena zamjena vatrostalne obloge pojedinog segmenta prema kriteriju usporedbe povećanih proizvodnih troškova, nastalih povećanjem energetskih gubitaka provođenjem topline kroz ziđe peći, s troškovima zamjene vatrostalne obloge. Za proračun gubitaka topline koristili su se podaci dobiveni snimanjem infracrvenom kamerom

    Possibilities of reconstruction and implant-prosthetic rehabilitation following mandible resection

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    Introduction. Mandible reconstruction is still very challenging for surgeons. Mandible defects could be the consequence of ablative surgery for malignancies, huge jaw cysts, infection and trauma. Segmental resection of the mandible may compromise orofacial function and often lead to patients psychological disorders. Despite very frequent use of microvascular flaps, autogenous bone grafts are still very reliable technique for mandible reconstruction. Comprehensive therapy means not only mandible reconstruction, but prosthodontic rehabilitation supported by dental implants, which can significantly improve patients quality of life. The aim of this paper was to evaluate possible techniques of mandible reconstruction and to present a patient who had been submitted to mandible resection and reconstruction with autogenous iliac bone graft and prosthodontic rehabilitation with fixed denture anchoraged by disc-shaped implants in early loading protocol. Case report. Mandible reconstruction was performed simultaneously with resection. Autogenous iliac bone graft was taken, reshaped and placed in two parts, to the required optimal contour of the mandible. After graft consolidation, decision was made for prosthodontics rehabilitation with fixed dentures supported by implants. In addition to the standard preoperative procedures, planning was done based on a biomodel gained by rapid prototyping after CT scan. It offered a real 3D planning to obtain a proper shape, dimension and the position of implants. Conclusion. If bone dimensions of a reconstructed mandible are insufficient, like in the presented case, the use of basal osseointegrated implants may be a method of choice. Avoiding bone augmentation procedures, as well as early loading protocol for this type of implants, shorten the total rehabilitation time, which is very convenient for patients. Fixed denture supported by dental implants is the best solution for comprehensive rehabilitation after mandible resection. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 175075

    Numerical analysis of temperature field during hardfacing process and comparison with experimental results

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    The three-dimensional transient nonlinear thermal analysis of the hard facing process is performed by using the finite element method. The simulations were executed on the open source Salome platform using the open source finite element solver Code_Aster. The Gaussian double ellipsoid was selected in order to enable greater possibilities for the calculation of the moving heat source. The numerical results were compared with available experimental results

    The "Muslim" or the impossible witness

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    U radu ćemo se baviti nemogućnošću svedočenja o iskustvu logora kroz pojam „Musliman”. Korpus istraživanja predstavlјaće roman Prima Levija "Zar je to čovek", dok će teorijski okvir biti delo "Ono što ostaje od Aušvica, arhiv i svjedok" Đorđa Agambena. Analizom se želi pokazati da je jedini pravi, istinski svedok onaj koji je u logoru dostigao krajnji nivo lјudske degradacije i to iskustvo platio životom, dok je svedočenje preživelih u ime Muslimana u krajnjem slučaju posredno: budući da je o logoru nemoguće svedočiti iz iskustva smrti (iz pozicije Muslimana), preživeli se mogu smatrati dru- gostepenim svedocima koji jedino na osnovu onoga što su i sami iskusili pokušavaju da svedoče u ime „potoplјenih” koji to ne mogu.As it has been indicated by the very title, the topic of the paper has been the "Muslim" or the impossible witness to the Holocaust. To accomplish this we have made use of the term so-called Muslim which existed as an ostracized group in the camp(s) and which was represented in Primo Levi's "If this is a man". The theoretical framework of the paper has been Giorgio Agamben's work "Remnants of Auschwitz: the witness and the archive". The analysis has tried to show that the only true, genuine witness is the one who reached the final stage of human degradation and paid dearly for that experience (as was the case with the Muslim), while the testimonies of those who survived are in the best case vicarious: having in mind the impossibility of bearing witness to Holocaust from the experience of death (from the position of a Muslim), the survived ones may be considered secondary witnesses who tried to reconstruct the experience of the Muslim ns based on their own.Reč “Musliman” (nemački, zastarelo: musliman) obično se koristila u Aušvicu i drugim nemačkim koncentracionim logorima. U Aušvicu je korišćen iskrivljeni oblik poljske reči koja označava muslimana (“muzułman”). U logorskom žargonu to se odnosilo na zatvorenika u terminalnoj fazi fizičke i psihičke iscrpljenosti, pre svega zbog gladovanja. “Muslimana” je karakterisala atrofija mišića; suva koža koja se ljušti rastegnuta preko obrisa kostiju; lice je izgledalo kao maska, oči su bile mutne. Mišićna atrofija činila je njihove pokrete sporim. Ramena su im bila pogrbljena i preferirali su čučeći položaj. Osetljivi na hladnoću, često su se pokrivali ćebadima, krpama i papirom od cementnih vreća. Psihološki poremećaji su pratili somatske promene. “Muslimani” u ranoj fazi bili su lako nestrpljivi i razdražljivi, a njihova pažnja bila je usmerena isključivo na nabavku hrane; vremenom su postali potpuno ravnodušni prema vanjskim stimulansima. Prilikom selekcije u logoru slali su ih u gasne komore. Ostaje nejasnoća u pogledu etimologije reči (Mini rečnik pojmova iz istorije Aušvica ([http://70.auschwitz.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=278&Itemid=179&lang=en]).The word “Muselmann” (German, obsolete: Muslim) was commonly used in Auschwitz and other German concentration camps. In Auschwitz, the distorted form of the Polish word denoting a Muslim was used (“muzułman”). In the camp jargon, it referred to a prisoner in the terminal stages of physical and mental exhaustion, due above all to starvation. “Muselmänner” were characterized by wasting away the fat layer and the muscles; dry, peeling skin stretched over the outline of the bones; the face looked like a mask, eyes clouded. Muscular atrophy made their movements sluggish. Their shoulders were hunched and they preferred a squatting position. Sensitive to cold, they often covered themselves with blankets, rags, and paper from cement sacks. Psychological disturbances accompanied the bodily changes. Early-stage “Muselmänner” were easily excited and irritable, with their attention focused exclusively on acquiring food; over time they became indifferent to outside stimuli. During selection in the camp, they were sent to their death in the gas chambers. Some ambiguity as to the etymology of the word remains (Mini dictionary of terms from the history of Auschwitz [http://70.auschwitz.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=278&Itemid=179&lang=en]).Zbornik je rezultat istraživanja u okviru Studija Holokausta koje se pod pokrovitelјstvom Claims Conference (Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany) izvode na Univerzitetu u Kragujevcu.The collection of papers is the result of research within Holocaust Studies, which are conducted at the University of Kragujevac under the support of the Claims Conference (Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany)

    The reflection of the past and poetics of postmemory

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    U radu ćemo se prevashodno baviti poetikom postmemorije u romanu "Izgubljeni" Danijela Mendelsona, kao i načinima na koji se putem pomenute postmemorije ostvaruje refleksija prošlosti (konkretno Holokausta) kod samog autora romana i drugih likova. Takođe, bavićemo se sledećim aspektima postmemorije kao takve: narativom povratka, seksualnim ponižavanjem žrtava (pornografskom dimenzijom odnosa izvršilac/žrtva), porodičnom romansom Holokausta, postmemorijom u svrhu potrage za identitetom kao konceptom postmemorije predstavljene kroz motive hrane i kuhinje. Analizom se želi doći do zaključka da su životi potomaka nastradalih u Holokaustu (kao i onih preživelih) ponekad u velikoj meri pod uticajem sećanja i trauma njihovih najbližih kao i da se vrlo često upuštaju u potragu kako bi došli do željenih odgovora i uspeli da uspostave kakav-takav mir sa prošlošću.The work will primarily deal with the poetics of post-memory in the novel "The Lost: A Search for Six of Six Million" by Daniel Mendelsohn as well as how the aforementioned post-memory is used to instil the reflection of the past (specifically of the Holocaust) in the mind of the very author and the other characters. In the paper we dealt with the following aspects of post-memory as such: the narrative of return, photography, the sexual humiliation of the victims (the pornographic dimension of the perpetrator/victim relationship), the Holocaust family romance, post-memory in the service of identity purposes and the concept of post-memory through the motifs of kitchen and food. As the secondary literature, we will make use of Marianne Hirsch's work "The Generation of Post memory: Writing and Visual Culture After the Holocaust". The analysis has shown that the lives of the descendants of those who perished in the Holocaust (or those who suffered through it) are sometimes in great measure shaped by remembrance and trauma of the ancestors: what is more, those descendants are often prone to make a journey in order to find the answers and make a peace with the past

    Democratic and civil control of work of security services in the Republic of Serbia from 2000 to 2010

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    За већину друштава која су крајем прошлог и почетком овог века ушла у процес транзиције и свеобухватних реформи демократска и цивилна контрола деловања служби безбедности постала је нужан предуслов њихових успешних извођења. У Републици Србији тај процес отпочео је после 2000. године, након политичких промена и потребе да се у оквиру зацртаних циљева ка интеграцијама изврши коренита реформа постојећег сектора безбедности, па самим тим и безбедносно- обавештајног система. Зато су промене саставни део постојећих процеса. У том процесу органи јавне власти, где спадају и службе безбедности, морају бити потчињени и контролисани од легитимно изабраних политичких власти, на основу усвојених правних стандарда. Управо због тога треба истаћи да је тај процес динамичан, да он има свој ток и своје фазе и да подразумева и одређене закономерности. У oвом раду детаљно су анализирани постојећи правни прописи, као и политичка пракса која се односи на рад служби безбедности у Србији. Између осталог, пропитивана је и анализирана примена важећих законских норми, разматраних свих актера који су задужени за спровођење контроле. То се, пре свега, односи на законодавну (парламентарну), извршну и судску власт, али и независне државне институције, организације цивилног друштва и јавност. Посебна пажња посвећена је унутрашњим (интерним) контролама које се спроводе у службама безбедности. У засебним одељцима обрађено је и анализирано свих шест облика контроле који се примењују над службама безбедности у Републици Србији. Дошло се до закључка да је за успостављање потпуније контроле потребно исправити и одређене недоречености када су законске норме у питању и донети јасне и предвидиве законе. Пре свих, нови закон о БИА или закон који би на јединствен начин регулисао рад свих служби безбедности. У том закону неопходно је 5 прецизно регулисати надлежности служби безбедности, посебно око примене метода, мера и поступака, којима се нарушавају људска права и слободе. Изменом Кривичног законика и Законика о кривичном поступку јасније регулисати примену посебних поступака и мера које у различитим правним режимима користе БИА и ВБА. Уз то формирати Телекомуникациони оперативно-технички центар који би се бавио спровођењем наложених посебних поступака и мера...For most societies which at the end of the last and beginning of this century started the process of transition and comprehensive reforms, democratic and civil control of security services` activities has become a necessary precondition for their successful execution. In the Republic of Serbia the process began after the year 2000, after political changes and the need, within the framework of goals set toward integration, to make a radical reform of the existing security sector, and by this of the security-intelligence system. That is why changes are a constituent part of the existing processes. In this process public authority bodies, which include security services, must be subordinated and controlled by the legitimately elected political authorities, based on adopted legal standards. That is why it should be stressed that the process is dynamic, has its flow and its phases and implies certain legal measures. This paper analyses in details the existing legal regulations, as well as the political practice relating to the work of security services in Serbia. Among other things, implementation of the valid legal norms has been examined and analyzed for all the contemplated actors in charge for implementation of control. This primarily relates to the legislative (parliamentary), executive and judicial authorities, but also to independent governmental institutions, civil society organizations and the public. Special attention was devoted to internal controls implemented in security services. Separate sections discuss and analyze all six forms of control implemented over security services in the Republic of Serbia. The conclusion was reached that for establishing of more control it is necessary to correct certain incompleteness concerning legal norms, 7 and to adopt clear and predictable laws, primarily a new law on BIA (Security- Information Agency), or a law which would in a unique way regulate work of all security services. This law must regulate the competences of security services precisely, especially concerning implementation of methods, measures and procedures which threaten human rights and freedoms. Amendments to the Criminal Law and the Criminal Procedure Code should more clearly regulate implementation of special procedures and measures which BIA and VBA (Military Security Agency) use in different legal regimes. Additionally, a separate telecommunication operative-technical center should be formed, which would deal with implementation of the ordered special procedures and measures..

    The characters from the documentary film "Bare existence"

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    "Goli život" je televizijska serija čiji su autori Danilo Kiš i Aleksandar Mandić. Snimlјena je u martu 1989. godine u Izraelu. Prvi i jedini put, sedam meseci pre smrti, Danilo Kiš se pojavlјuje pred kamerama u ulozi televizijskog pripovedača koji predstavlјa sudbine dve Jevrejke, Ženi Lebl i Eve Nahir Panić. Kroz njihove živote prelama se na uzbudlјiv način istorija naših prostora od 30-ih do 60-ih godina našeg veka, siromaštvo, komunizam, rat, Služba državne bezbednosti (UDBA), iselјenje, itd. Serija Goli život je prikazana u februaru 1990. godine, šest meseci posle Kišove smrti kao poslednji televizijski program koji su zajedno mogli da gledaju svi građani ondašnje Jugoslavije. Serija se sastoji iz četiri epizode.The topic of this work will primarily be the characters from the documentary film "Bare existence" directed by Aleksandar Mandić. The scenario for the film was written by Danilo Kiš himself. It was filmed in March 1989. in Israel. For the first and only time, Danilo Kiš appears in front of the camera in the role of a television narrator who represents the destinies of two Jews, Jovanka Ženi Lebl and Eva Nahir Panić, seven months before his death. Through their lives, the history of our region from the 1930s to the 1960s, poverty, communism, war, the State Security Service (UDBA), emigration, etc. are narrated in an exciting way. The series "Bare existence" premiered in February 1990., six months after Kiš's death, as the last television program that all citizens of the former Yugoslavia could watch together. The series consists of four episodes.Pod pokrovitelјstvom "Claims Conference ( Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany)", Centar za studije sećanja Univerziteta u Kragujevcu - čiji je osnivač i rukovodilac prof. dr Katarina Melić - akademske 2021/2022. godine je dalekosežno pokrenuo Studije Holokausta. Jedan od realizovanih kurseva, "Istražni diskurs u književnosti" (prof. dr Dragan Bošković) održan je u zimskom semestru akademske 2021/2022. godine, i problemski je bio usredsređen na stvaralački opus Danila Kiša. Osim preispitivanja karaktera i smisla istražnog diskursa - elementarnog mehanizma epistemologije, naracije i poetike - glavna intencija kursa bila je analitičko percipiranje literarnih predstava Holokausta i antisemitizma u Kišovom delu, a kao jedan od rezultata rada na kursu bio je prezentacija Kišovih junaka-žrtava Holokausta. Tako su polaznici kursa izdvojili junake (likove-žrtve) iz "Porodičnog cirkusa", "Grobnice za Borisa Davidoviča", Kišovih drama i televizijske emisije "Goli život". Ispitujući (ili: oblikujući) njihove identitete, studenti su posebnu pažnju posvetili antisemitističkom belegu na njima, kao i njihovim tragičnim stradanjima. Uočivši simboličnu važnost realizovanih prezentacija, koje oslikavaju žrtve Holokausta u Kišovom opusu, došlo se na ideju preinačavanja power-point prezentacija u formu tekstova, i to tekstova nalik „ličnim kartama”. U želјi da sagledamo posledice Holokausta, kao i da predstavimo identitete žrtava i da čujemo njihov glas, tekstovi koji slede predstavlјaju omaž mrtvima - onima koji tek mogu da budu mrtvi onda kada progovore kroz literaturu, kroz diskurs. Progovorom kroz literaturu i kroz ove tekstove, mrtvi se samopotvrđuju kao žrtve, a tako i kao „besmrtni”. Stoga, ovaj temat - "Spomen-muzej žrtava Holokausta u opusu Danila Kiša" - prilog je narativnom otelotvorenju Kišovih žrtava koje, kako bi to rekao Pol Riker, „vape za odmazdom i prizivaju priču”. Ovaj mali tematski blok je, dakle, njihova i naša „odmazda”, njihova i naša „priča”. Ovaj tekst je jedan od šest tekstova čiji su autori doktorandi Filološko-umetničkog fakulteta Univerziteta u Kragujevcu, i ovo su prvi tekstovi ovakvog tipa u celokupnoj istoriji kišologije. O likovima-žrtvama Holokausta dati su uvidi u formi taksativno navedenih biografskih informacija, dok je posebna pažnja posvećena antisemitizmu i to u odelјku svakog teksta, naslovlјenom: „Znakovi i posledice antisemitizma/Holokausta”.Sponsored by "Claims Conference (Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany"), the Centre for the Study of Memory of the University of Kragujevac - whose founder and the head is prof. Katarina Melić, PhD, full professor - has, during the academic year of 2021/2022, issued forth the Holocaust Studies. One of the realized courses, "Investigative Discourse in Literature" (prof. Dragan Bošković, PhD, full professor) was held in the winter semester of the academic year of 2021/2022 and was focused on the creative work of Danilo Kiš through a problem-solving approach. Apart from re-examining the character and meaning of investigative discourse - the elementary mechanism of epistemology, narration and poetics - analytical perception of literary representations of the Holocaust and antisemitism in Kiš’s work represented the primary intention of the course, and one of the results of course activities was the presentation of Kiš’s characters-victims of the Holocaust. Thus, the attendees of the course sought to single out the heroes (characters-victims) from the "Family Circus", "A Tomb for Boris Davidovich", Kiš’s plays and the television show "Naked Life". Examining (or: shaping) their identities, the students paid special attention to the antisemitic mark on them, as well as their tragic sufferings. Having noticed the symbolic significance of the completed presentations, while concurrently depicting the victims of the Holocaust in Kiš’s oeuvre, there emerged an idea to transform power-point presentations into the form of manuscripts, and not just any, but manuscripts similar to “identity cards”. In order to appreciate the consequences of the Holocaust, as well as to present the identities of the victims and hear their voices, the following manuscripts represent a homage to the dead - to those who may be dead only after they have spoken through literature, through discourse. By speaking through literature and through these manuscripts, the dead assert themselves as victims, and thus as “immortals”. Therefore, this thematic issue - "The Memorial Museum of the Holocaust Victims in the Oeuvre of Danilo Kiš" - constitutes a contribution to the narrative embodiment of Kiš’s victims who, as Paul Ricoeur would say, “cry out for retribution and invoke a story”. This small-scale thematic issue is, hence, their and our “retribution”, their and our “story”. This is one of six manuscripts whose authors are PhD students at the Faculty of Philology and Arts, University of Kragujevac, and these are the first manuscripts of this type in the entire history of Kišology. Insights into the characters-victims of the Holocaust are provided in the form of exhaustive specifications of biographical information, paying special attention to antisemitism in a particular section of each manuscript, entitled: „Signs and Consequences of Antisemitism/Holocaust”

    Design of electro-mechanical actuator for medium sized helicopter and a test platform for its testing and verification

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    This paper presents the design of an electro-mechanical actuator that is used for actuation of a medium sized helicopter. The designed actuator consists of a commercially available electro-mechanical cylinder EMC40 from Rexroth Bosch and a brushless DC motor EC45 from maxon motor. Cylinder and the motor are connected by a custom-made gearbox, which allows for their parallel axial mount. In addition to the actuator, the paper describes a test platform that can be used to emulate the forces generated by an actual helicopter. Designed test platform consists of a torsional spring and an AC motor with excentre. Frequency regulator is used to achieve the desired frequency of the force. Experimental results obtained by testing the designed actuator on the test platform are also given in the paper