221 research outputs found

    Spastin mutations impair coordination between lipid droplet dispersion and reticulum.

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    Lipid droplets (LD) are affected in multiple human disorders. These highly dynamic organelles are involved in many cellular roles. While their intracellular dispersion is crucial to ensure their function and other organelles-contact, underlying mechanisms are still unclear. Here we show that Spastin, one of the major proteins involved in Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia (HSP), controls LD dispersion. Spastin depletion in zebrafish affects metabolic properties and organelle dynamics. These functions are ensured by a conserved complex set of splice variants. M1 isoforms determine LD dispersion in the cell by orchestrating endoplasmic reticulum (ER) shape along microtubules (MTs). To further impact LD fate, Spastin modulates transcripts levels and subcellular location of other HSP key players, notably Seipin and REEP1. In pathological conditions, mutations in human Spastin M1 disrupt this mechanism and impacts LD network. Spastin depletion influences not only other key proteins but also modulates specific neutral lipids and phospholipids, revealing an impact on membrane and organelle components. Altogether our results show that Spastin and its partners converge in a common machinery that coordinates LD dispersion and ER shape along MTs. Any alteration of this system results in HSP clinical features and impacts lipids profile, thus opening new avenues for novel biomarkers of HSP

    Methodological advancements in organ-specific ectopic lipid quantitative characterization: Effects of high fat diet on muscle and liver intracellular lipids.

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    Ectopic lipid accumulation is a hallmark of metabolic diseases, linking obesity to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, insulin resistance and diabetes. The use of zebrafish as a model of obesity and diabetes is raising due to the conserved properties of fat metabolism between humans and zebrafish, the homologous genes regulating lipid uptake and transport, the implementation of the '3R's principle and their cost-effectiveness. To date, a method allowing the conservation of lipid droplets (LDs) and organs in zebrafish larvae to image ectopic lipids is not available. Our objectives were to develop a novel methodology to quantitatively evaluate organ-specific LDs, in skeletal muscle and liver, in response to a nutritional perturbation. We developed a novel embedding and cryosectioning protocol allowing the conservation of LDs and organs in zebrafish larvae. To establish the quantitative measures, we used a three-arm parallel nutritional intervention design. Zebrafish larvae were fed a control diet containing 14% of nutritional fat or two high fat diets (HFDs) containing 25 and 36% of dietary fats. In muscle and liver, LDs were characterized using immunofluorescence confocal microscopy. In liver, intrahepatocellular lipids were discriminated from intrasinusoid lipids. To complete liver characteristics, fibrosis was identified with Masson's Trichrome staining. Finally, to confirm the conservation and effect of HFD, molecular players of fat metabolism were evaluated by RT-qPCR. The cryosections obtained after setting up the embedding and cryopreservation method were of high quality, preserving tissue morphology and allowing the visualization of ectopic lipids. Both HFDs were obesogenic, without modifying larvae survival or development. Neutral lipid content increased with time and augmented dietary fat. Intramuscular LD volume density increased and was explained by an increase in LDs size but not in numbers. Intrahepatocellular LD volume density increased and was explained by an increased number of LDs, not by their increased size. Sinusoid area and lipid content were both increased. Hepatic fibrosis appeared with both HFDs. We observed alterations in the expression of genes associated with LD coating proteins, LD dynamics, lipogenesis, lipolysis and fatty acid oxidation. In this study, we propose a reproducible and fast method to image zebrafish larvae without losing LD quality and organ morphology. We demonstrate the impact of HFD on LD characteristics in liver and skeletal muscle accompanied by alterations of key players of fat metabolism. Our observations confirm the evolutionarily conserved mechanisms in lipid metabolism and reveal organ specific adaptations. The methodological advancements proposed in this work open the doors to study organelle adaptations in obesity and diabetes related research such as lipotoxicity, organelle contacts and specific lipid depositions

    Enhanced Respiratory Chain Supercomplex Formation in Response to Exercise in Human Skeletal Muscle.

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    Mitochondrial dysfunction is a hallmark of multiple metabolic complications. Physical activity is known to increase mitochondrial content in skeletal muscle, counteracting age-related decline in muscle function and protecting against metabolic and cardiovascular complications. Here, we investigated the effect of 4 months of exercise training on skeletal muscle mitochondria electron transport chain complexes and supercomplexes in 26 healthy, sedentary older adults. Exercise differentially modulated respiratory complexes. Complex I was the most upregulated complex and not stoichiometrically associated to the other complexes. In contrast to the other complexes, complex I was almost exclusively found assembled in supercomplexes in muscle mitochondria. Overall, supercomplex content was increased after exercise. In particular, complexes I, III, and IV were redistributed to supercomplexes in the form of I+III2+IV. Taken together, our results provide the first evidence that exercise affects the stoichiometry of supercomplex formation in humans and thus reveal a novel adaptive mechanism for increased energy demand

    Scaf1 promotes respiratory supercomplexes and metabolic efficiency in zebrafish

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    The oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) system is a dynamic system in which the respiratory complexes coexist with superassembled quaternary structures called supercomplexes (SCs). The physiological role of SCs is still disputed. Here, we used zebrafish to study the relevance of respiratory SCs. We combined immunodetection analysis and deep data-independent proteomics to characterize these structures and found similar SCs to those described in mice, as well as novel SCs including III2 + IV2, I + IV, and I + III2 + IV2. To study the physiological role of SCs, we generated two null allele zebrafish lines for supercomplex assembly factor 1 (scaf1). scaf1 / fish displayed altered OXPHOS activity due to the disrupted interaction of complexes III and IV. scaf1 / fish were smaller in size and showed abnormal fat deposition and decreased female fertility. These physiological phenotypes were rescued by doubling the food supply, which correlated with improved bioenergetics and alterations in the metabolic gene expression program. These results reveal that SC assembly by Scaf1 modulates OXPHOS efficiency and allows the optimization of metabolic resources.Microscopy Imaging Center of the University of BernSpanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, MINECO SAF2015-65633-RSpanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, MINECO SAF2015-65633-RHuman Frontier Science Program RGP0016/2018European Research Council (ERC) 337703SNF 31003A-159721Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) 320030_170062MINECO BIO2015-67580-PCarlos III Institute of Health-Fondo de Investigacion Sanitaria) PRB3 IPT17/0019Fundacion La Marato TV3La Caixa Foundation HR17-00247Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (MEIC)Pro-CNIC FoundationSevero Ochoa Center of Excellence (MEIC award) SEV-2015-050

    Expanding Duplication of Free Fatty Acid Receptor-2 (GPR43) Genes in the Chicken Genome

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    International audienceFree fatty acid receptors (FFAR) belong to a family of five G-protein coupled receptors that are involved in the regulation of lipidmetabolism, so that their loss of function increases the risk of obesity. The aim of this study was to determine the expansion of genesencoding paralogs of FFAR2 in the chicken, considered as amodel organism for developmental biology and biomedical research. Byestimating the gene copy number using quantitative polymerase chain reaction, genomic DNA resequencing, and RNA sequencingdata, we showed the existence of 23 ±1.5 genes encoding FFAR2 paralogs in the chicken genome. The FFAR2 paralogs shared anidentity from 87.2%up to 99%. Extensive gene conversion was responsible for this high degree of sequence similarities betweenthese genes, and this concerned especially the four amino acids known to be critical for ligand binding. Moreover, elevated nonsynonymous/synonymous substitutionratios onsomeamino acids withinor inclose-vicinity of the ligand-bindinggroove suggest thatpositive selectionmay have reduced the effective rate of gene conversion in this region, thus contributing to diversify the function ofsome FFAR2 paralogs. All the FFAR2 paralogs were located on a microchromosome in a same linkage group. FFAR2 genes wereexpressed in different tissues and cells such as spleen, peripheral blood mononuclear cells, abdominal adipose tissue, intestine, andlung, with the highest rate of expression in testis. Further investigations are needed to determine whether these chicken-specificevents along evolution are the consequence of domestication and may play a role in regulating lipid metabolism in this species

    Methods for interpreting lists of affected genes obstained in a DNA microarray experiment

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    Background - The aim of this paper was to describe and compare the methods used and the results obtained by the participants in a joint EADGENE (European Animal Disease Genomic Network of Excellence) and SABRE (Cutting Edge Genomics for Sustainable Animal Breeding) workshop focusing on post analysis of microarray data. The participating groups were provided with identical lists of microarray probes, including test statistics for three different contrasts, and the normalised log-ratios for each array, to be used as the starting point for interpreting the affected probes. The data originated from a microarray experiment conducted to study the host reactions in broilers occurring shortly after a secondary challenge with either a homologous or heterologous species of Eimeria. Results - Several conceptually different analytical approaches, using both commercial and public available software, were applied by the participating groups. The following tools were used: Ingenuity Pathway Analysis, MAPPFinder, LIMMA, GOstats, GOEAST, GOTM, Globaltest, TopGO, ArrayUnlock, Pathway Studio, GIST and AnnotationDbi. The main focus of the approaches was to utilise the relation between probes/genes and their gene ontology and pathways to interpret the affected probes/genes. The lack of a well-annotated chicken genome did though limit the possibilities to fully explore the tools. The main results from these analyses showed that the biological interpretation is highly dependent on the statistical method used but that some common biological conclusions could be reached. Conclusion - It is highly recommended to test different analytical methods on the same data set and compare the results to obtain a reliable biological interpretation of the affected genes in a DNA microarray experimen

    How the central domain of dystrophin acts to bridge F-actin to sarcolemmal lipids

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    Dystrophin is a large intracellular protein that prevents sarcolemmal ruptures by providing a mechanical link between the intracellular actin cytoskeleton and the transmembrane dystroglycan complex. Dystrophin deficiency leads to the severe muscle wasting disease Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy and the milder allelic variant, Becker Muscular Dystrophy (DMD and BMD). Previous work has shown that concomitant interaction of the actin binding domain 2 (ABD2) comprising spectrin like repeats 11 to 15 (R11-15) of the central domain of dystrophin, with both actin and membrane lipids, can greatly increase membrane stiffness. Based on a combination of SAXS and SANS measurements, mass spectrometry analysis of cross-linked complexes and interactive low-resolution simulations, we explored in vitro the molecular properties of dystrophin that allow the formation of ABD2-F-actin and ABD2-membrane model complexes. In dystrophin we identified two subdomains interacting with F-actin, one located in R11 and a neighbouring region in R12 and another one in R15, while a single lipid binding domain was identified at the C-terminal end of R12. Relative orientations of the dystrophin central domain with F-actin and a membrane model were obtained from docking simulation under experimental constraints. SAXS-based models were then built for an extended central subdomain from R4 to R19, including ABD2. Overall results are compatible with a potential F-actin/dystrophin/membrane lipids ternary complex. Our description of this selected part of the dystrophin associated complex bridging muscle cell membrane and cytoskeleton opens the way to a better understanding of how cell muscle scaffolding is maintained through this essential protein