178 research outputs found

    Impact of fractional filter in PI control loop applied to induction motor speed drive

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    Introduction. One of the main problems of electrical machine control systems is to obtain a satisfactory performance in the rejection of load disturbances, as well as in the set-point tracking tasks. Generally, the development of control algorithms does not take into account the presence of noise. Appropriate filtering is, therefore, essential to reduce the impact of noise on the output of the controller, in addition to the machine output. Recently, there has been a great tendency toward using fractional calculus to solve engineering problems. The filtering is one of the fields in which fractional calculus has received great attention. The importance of filters in signal processing and other engineering areas is unquestionable Novelty. The proposed work is intended to be a contribution in the recent works conducted on the influence of the fractional filtering on the control robustness of induction machines control. Purpose. The main contribution of this research is the application of fractional filtering to the standard PI control loop for an induction motor speed drive. Methods. In order to assess its impact and benefit, different structures for introducing the filters are investigated, A first order filter is considered in different positions, whether before or after the controller or even in both positions at the same time, with a noise source. A review of the index performance evolution (the Integral Square Error, Integral Absolute Error and Integral Time Absolute Error) has allowed a configuration design of the filter. Results. Intensive simulations were performed with a control setup using integer and fractional order filters, which permitted to conclude that the fractional filters give better performance indices compared to the integer one and thus improve the dynamic characteristics of the system.Вступ. Однією з основних проблем систем керування електричними машинами є отримання задовільних характеристик при придушенні збурень навантаження, а також завдання відстеження уставок. Зазвичай, при розробці алгоритмів керування наявність шуму не враховується. Тому потрібна відповідна фільтрація для зниження впливу шуму на вихідний сигнал контролера на додаток до вихідного сигналу машини. Останнім часом спостерігається чітка тенденція до використання дробового обчислення для вирішення інженерних завдань. Фільтрація – це одна з областей, в якій дрібному обчисленню приділяється велика увага. Важливість фільтрів у обробці сигналів та інших галузях техніки незаперечна. Новизна. Запропонована робота покликана стати внеском у недавні роботи, присвячені впливу дробової фільтрації на надійність керування асинхронними машинами. Мета. Основним внеском цього дослідження є застосування дробової фільтрації до стандартного контуру ПІ-регулювання для приводу швидкості асинхронного двигуна. Методи. Щоб оцінити його вплив та користь, досліджуються різні конструкції для введення фільтрів. Фільтр першого порядку розглядається в різних положеннях до або після контролера або навіть в обох положеннях одночасно з джерелом шуму. Огляд розвитку показників ефективності (інтегральна квадратична помилка, інтегральна абсолютна помилка та інтегральна абсолютна помилка за часом) дозволив розробити конфігурацію фільтра. Результати. Значний обсяг моделювання був проведений з налаштуванням керування з використанням фільтрів цілочисельного та дробового порядку, що дозволило зробити висновок, що дробові фільтри дають кращі показники ефективності порівняно з цілочисельним і таким чином покращують динамічні характеристики системи

    Does fertilization practices increase residual nitrate nitrogen in soil irrigated with treated wastewater? An experimental trial on maize

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    Treated wastewater has significantly improved DM yield compared to ground water. The form of nitrogen provided by the water was determinant in drawing yields. Irrigation with ground water (where nitrogen is as nitrate) induces a faster migration of nitrogen at depth. In contrast, using treated wastewater (where nitrogen is as ammonium), resulting in a relative distribution of the remaining nitric smaller in the lower profile and therefore higher in the surface, especially after the second year (2010). In addition, the relative distribution of nitrates in the soil surface is even more important in the presence of organic manure. All happens as if a certain amount of ammonium provided by treated wastewater is retained in the organic compounds of manure. Yields were significantly lower in irrigation with treated wastewater in the second year and especially when fertilization was given in additional. If the soil can be used for storage of the nitrogen supplied by the treated wastewater during the first year of irrigation (24 kg N-NO3/ha before irrigation to 115 kg N-NO3/ha after irrigation), to the second year the capacity drops (to 64 N-NO3/ha) and a significant increase in nitrate leaching occurs. Therefore, unlike the contribution of manure that seems enrich the topsoil nitrate nitrogen, at least during the first campaign, mineral fertilization unreasoning causes faster migration of nitrogen at depth

    Cu-Ag bi-layer films in dielectric/metal/dielectric transparent electrodes as ITO free electrode in organic photovoltaic devices

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    Among ITO alternative, dielectric/metal/dielectric multilayer structures are one of the most often studied possible substituent. However, if their optical and electrical properties are systematically investigated it is not the same with regard to their mechanical properties. In the present manuscript we have studied the properties of ZnS/Cu/Ag/ZnS, ZnS/Cu/Ag/MO3 (with M ¼ Mo or W) structures. With a maximum transmission of 90% and a sheet resistance of 5 U/sq the optimum structure exhibits a figure of merit of 82 10-3 Ω-1 when l = 600 nm. Beyond these standard measures we proceeded to the study of the mechanical properties of the multilayer structures. The inner and outer bending tests show that the ZnS/ Cu/Ag/ZnS (or MO3) structures are more flexible than ITO, while their responses to scotch tests show that they exhibit a large adhesion to the substrate, glass or plastic. The scratching adhesion test puts in evidence that the adhesion to the substrate of the Ag layer is smaller than that of ZnS/Cu/Ag/ZnS, which is smaller than that of ITO. On the other hand, this test shows that the ZnS/Cu/Ag/ZnS (no cracks for L = 25 N) is less brittle than ITO (cracks L = 15N). Finally, when used as anode in organic solar cells, the structure ZnS/Cu/Ag/WO3 allows achieving the best efficiency, similar to that obtained with ITO

    Dielectric/metal/dielectric alternative transparent electrode: observations on stability/degradation

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    The use of indium-free transparent conductive electrodes is of great interest for organic optoelectronic devices. Among the possible replacements for ITO, dielectric/metal/dielectric (D/M/D) multilayer structures have already proven to be quite efficient. One issue with organic devices is their lifetime, which depends not only on the organic molecules used but also on the electrodes. Therefore we study the variation, with elapsed time, of the electrical and optical properties of different D/M/D structures, with M  =  Ag or Cu/Ag. Six years after realization, it has been shown that if some structures retained an acceptable conductivity, some others became non-conductive. For a sample which remains conductive, in the case of a PET/MoO3/Ag/MoO3 multilayer structure, the sheet resistance changes from 5 Ω/sq–17 Ω/sq after six years. This evolution can be compared to that of a PET/ITO electrode that varies from 25 Ω/sq–900 Ω/sq after six years. It means that not only are the PET/MoO3/Ag/MoO3 multilayer structures more flexible than PET/ITO, but they can also be more stable. Nevertheless, if some PET/MoO3/Ag/MoO3 multilayer structures are quite stable, some others are not. This possible degradation appears to be caused primarily by the physical agglomeration of Ag, which can result in Ag film disruption. This Ag diffusion seems to be caused by humidity-induced degradation in these Ag-based D/M/D structures. Initially, defects begin to grow at a \u27nucleus\u27, usually a microscopic particle (or pinhole, etc), and then they spread radially outward to form a nearly circular pattern. For a critical density of such defects, the structure becomes non-conductive. Moreover the effect of humidity promotes Ag electrochemical reactions that produce Ag+ ions and enhances surface diffusivity with AgCl formation

    Social Climber attachment in forming networks produces phase transition in a measure of connectivity

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    Formation and fragmentation of networks is typically studied using percolation theory, but most previous research has been restricted to studying a phase transition in cluster size, examining the emergence of a giant component. This approach does not study the effects of evolving network structure on dynamics that occur at the nodes, such as the synchronization of oscillators and the spread of information, epidemics, and neuronal excitations. We introduce and analyze new link-formation rules, called Social Climber (SC) attachment, that may be combined with arbitrary percolation models to produce a previously unstudied phase transition using the largest eigenvalue of the network adjacency matrix as the order parameter. This eigenvalue is significant in the analyses of many network-coupled dynamical systems in which it measures the quality of global coupling and is hence a natural measure of connectivity. We highlight the important self-organized properties of SC attachment and discuss implications for controlling dynamics on networks.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    XPS study of the band alignment at ITO/oxide (n-type MoO3 or p-type NiO) interface

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    While they have different electronic properties n-type MoO3 and p-type NiO are very efficient as buffer layers between the ITO anode and the organic electron donor in organic photovoltaic cells. While it is admitted that MoO3 is n-type, its band structure is still under study. Here, the band alignment at the interface of an ITO/MoO3 heterojunction is studied by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The same study is realized on the structure ITO/NiO, NiO being a p-type semiconductor. The measurements have been performed on samples obtained under the same experimental conditions as those used to achieve organic photovoltaic cells. The MoO3 (NiO) upper layer was 3 nm thick. The semidirect XPS technique used to measure the band offsets allows us to estimate the band discontinuities at the interface ITO/MoO3: ΔEv = 0.50 eV and ΔEc = 0.90 eV, while at the interface ITO/NiO we have ΔEv = −2.10 eV and ΔEc = −1.90 eV. Therefore, n-type MoO3 and p-type NiO, which are both very efficient anode buffer layers (ABLs), exhibit different band structure at the contact with ITO. However, the measurement, by means of a Kelvin probe, of the work functions of the structures ITO/NiO and ITO/MoO3, shows that they are close and significantly higher than that of ITO alone

    In silico analysis of alpha1-antitrypsin variants: The effects of a novel mutation

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    Alpha1-antitrypsin (AAT) is a highly polymorphic protein with more than 120 variants that are classified as normal (normal protein secretion), deficient (reduced circulating AAT level caused by defective secretion) or null (no protein secretion). Alpha1-antitrypsin deficiency, one of the most common genetic disorders, predisposes adults to pulmonary emphysema and, to a lesser extent, chronic liver disease and cirrhosis. In this report, we provide additional sequence data for alpha1-antitrypsin based on the characterization of a novel variant detected in a 53-year-old heterozygous patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The mutation occurred on a PI*M2 base allele and was characterized by a T → C transition at nt 97 in exon II that led to the replacement of phenylalanine by leucine (F33L). Since the mutation was found in the heterozygous state with the expression of a normally secreted variant (PI*M1) it was not possible to assess the pattern of F33L secretion. However, computational analyses based on evolutionary, structural and functional information indicated a reduction of 23 Å 3 in the side chain volume and the creation of a cavity in the protein hydrophobic core that likely disturbed the tridimensional structure and folding of AAT. The accuracy of the in silico prediction was confirmed by testing known mutations

    The role of recent admixture in forming the contemporary West Eurasian genomic landscape

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    Over the past few years, studies of DNA isolated from human fossils and archaeological remains have generated considerable novel insight into the history of our species. Several landmark papers have described the genomes of ancient humans across West Eurasia, demonstrating the presence of large-scale, dynamic population movements over the last 10,000 years, such that ancestry across present-day populations is likely to be a mixture of several ancient groups [1-7]. While these efforts are bringing the details of West Eurasian prehistory into increasing focus, studies aimed at understanding the processes behind the generation of the current West Eurasian genetic landscape have been limited by the number of populations sampled or have been either too regional or global in their outlook [8-11]. Here, using recently described haplotype-based techniques [11], we present the results of a systematic survey of recent admixture history across Western Eurasia and show that admixture is a universal property across almost all groups. Admixture in all regions except North Western Europe involved the influx of genetic material from outside of West Eurasia, which we date to specific time periods. Within Northern, Western, and Central Europe, admixture tended to occur between local groups during the period 300 to 1200 CE. Comparisons of the genetic profiles of West Eurasians before and after admixture show that population movements within the last 1,500 years are likely to have maintained differentiation among groups. Our analysis provides a timeline of the gene flow events that have generated the contemporary genetic landscape of West Eurasia

    Hurler disease (mucopolysaccharidosis type IH): clinical features and consanguinity in Tunisian population

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    Mucopolysaccharidosis type I (MPS I) was a group of rare autosomal recessive disorder caused by the deficiency of the lysosomal enzyme, alpha -L -iduronidase, and the resulting accumulation of undergraded dematan sulfate and heparan sulfate. MPS I patients have a wide range of clinical presentations, that makes it difficult to predict patient phenotype which is needed for genetic counseling and also impedes the selection and evaluation of patients undergoing therapy bone marrow transplantation