7,177 research outputs found

    Rotordynamic coefficients and leakage flow of parallel grooved seals and smooth seals

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    Based on Childs finite length solution for annular plain seals an extension of the bulk flow theory is derived to calculate the rotordynamic coefficients and the leakage flow of seals with parallel grooves in the stator. Hirs turbulent lubricant equations are modified to account for the different friction factors in circumferential and axial direction. Furthermore an average groove depth is introduced to consider the additional circumferential flow in the grooves. Theoretical and experimental results are compared for the smooth constant clearance seal and the corresponding seal with parallel grooves. Compared to the smooth seal the direct and cross-coupled stiffness coefficients as well as the direct damping coefficients are lower in the grooved seal configuration. Leakage is reduced by the grooving pattern

    Non-unique factorization of polynomials over residue class rings of the integers

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    We investigate non-unique factorization of polynomials in Z_{p^n}[x] into irreducibles. As a Noetherian ring whose zero-divisors are contained in the Jacobson radical, Z_{p^n}[x] is atomic. We reduce the question of factoring arbitrary non-zero polynomials into irreducibles to the problem of factoring monic polynomials into monic irreducibles. The multiplicative monoid of monic polynomials of Z_{p^n}[x] is a direct sum of monoids corresponding to irreducible polynomials in Z_p[x], and we show that each of these monoids has infinite elasticity. Moreover, for every positive integer m, there exists in each of these monoids a product of 2 irreducibles that can also be represented as a product of m irreducibles.Comment: 11 page

    Applying the Instructional Beliefs Model to Training and Development Research and Practice

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    In 2011, Weber, Martin, and Myers introduced an innovative instructional model to more fully understand student outcomes within the classroom: the Instructional Beliefs Model (IBM). Results from this seminal article provided support to suggest that the IBM was a better predictor of student outcomes than previous models. Since its inception, this model has guided and informed subsequent instructional research (e.g., Goodboy & Frisby, 2014; Johnson & LaBelle, 2015; LaBelle, Martin, & Weber, 2013). While clearly applicable in the university classroom, the theoretical relationships outlined by the IBM offer transferability to additional instructional contexts: namely, training and development. Notably, there is limited visibility of empirical training and development research in communication scholarship (e.g., Stephens & Mottet, 2009), and a majority of investigations rely on case studies or needs assessment (e.g., Lucier, 2008) to forward knowledge claims. However, if the discipline is truly committed to expanding knowledge of communication within training, applicable in both academic and organizational contexts, scholars should pursue more theoretically and empirically driven research. As such, the IBM has potential to serve as an instrumental resource in forwarding more generalizable findings in training communication research. Thus, the purpose of the present explication and extension of this model is to highlight the shortcomings and strengths of applying the IBM to training and development. First, several major preceding instructional models are outlined. Second, the assumptions and tenets of the IBM are discussed at length. Throughout this overview, the theoretical underpinnings of the relationships outlined in the model, along with conceptual and operational implications for applying the IBM to a training context, are explored

    Eulerian time-stepping schemes for the non-stationary Stokes equations on time-dependent domains

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    This article is concerned with the discretisation of the Stokes equations on time- dependent domains in an Eulerian coordinate framework. Our work can be seen as an extension of a recent paper by Lehrenfeld and Olshanskii (ESAIM: M2AN 53(2):585–614, 2019), where BDF-type time-stepping schemes are studied for a parabolic equation on moving domains. For space discretisation, a geometrically unfit- ted finite element discretisation is applied in combination with Nitsche’s method to impose boundary conditions. Physically undefined values of the solution at previous time-steps are extended implicitly by means of so-called ghost penalty stabilisations. We derive a complete a priori error analysis of the discretisation error in space and time, including optimal L2(L2)-norm error bounds for the velocities. Finally, the theoretical results are substantiated with numerical examples

    Evaluation of propofol for repeated prolonged deep sedation in children undergoing proton radiation therapy

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    Background The aim of this study is to evaluate the safety and sufficiency of a fixed dose rate propofol infusion for repeated prolonged deep sedation in children for proton radiation therapy (PRT). Methods With ERB approval, we recorded anaesthesia monitoring data in children undergoing repeated prolonged propofol sedation for PRT. Sedation was introduced with a single bolus of i.v. midazolam 0.1 mg kg−1 followed by repeated small boluses of propofol until sufficient depth of sedation was obtained. Sedation was maintained with fixed dose rate propofol infusion of 10 mg kg−1 h−1 in all patients up to the end of the radiation procedure. Patient characteristics, number and duration of sedation, propofol induction dose, necessity to alter propofol infusion rate, and heart rate, mean arterial pressure, respiratory rate were noted at the end of the radiation procedure before cessation of the propofol infusion. Data are mean (sd) or range (median) as appropriate. Results Eighteen children aged from 1.4 to 4.2 yr (2.6 yr) had 27.6 (sd 2.0) (497 in total) radiation procedures within 44.1 (4.0) days lasting 55.7 (8.8) min. Propofol bolus dose for induction, monitoring, and positioning was 3.7 (1.0) mg kg−1. Propofol bolus requirements were quite stable over the successive weeks of treatment and variability was larger between individuals than over time. In none of the children did propofol infusion rate need to be changed from the pre-set 10 mg kg−1 h−1 flow rate because of haemodynamic state, respiratory conditions or inadequate anaesthesia. Conclusions Repeated prolonged deep sedation over several weeks in very young children using a fixed rate propofol infusion was safe and adequate for all patient

    Fracturas de implantes de tibia. Consecuencias para los ensayos de los implantes

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar los modelos de fracturas de prótesis de tibia descritos en la literatura y, sobre la base de dichos conocimientos, desarrollar un ensayo para implantes en la cual se logren simular condiciones fisiológicas. El caso descrito con mayor frecuencia en la literatura es la migración de la parte medial de la prótesis, fenómeno que, a menudo, antecede a la fractura de la prótesis. La posición defectuosa resultante de dicha migración modifica el eje mecánico y provoca una sobrecarga en la parte medial de la prótesis. Se ha desarrollado un ensayo de implantes que simula el modelo de fallo in-vivo. Dos bases de material sintético de diferente dureza simulan la diferente densidad ósea medial y lateral, para permitir una migración del lado medial del platillo. En el ensayo dinámico el platillo tibial es sometido a una carga de un solo lado y el vástago de la prótesis se apuntala con un contrasoporte. Para simular el entorno fisiológico, todo el dispositivo se encuentra sumergido en una solución de Ringer a 37°. El implante de tibia es expuesto durante 10 millones de ciclos a una carga que corresponde al quíntuple del peso del cuerpo (4.000 N). El punto de aplicación de la fuerza fue tomado de datos de análisis del caminar (marcha en superficie plana, ascendente y descendente, subir escaleras). Con esta carga fisiológica se efectuaron los primeros ensayos. En éstas quedó demostrado que productos clínicamente exitosos podían superar el ensayo. Por el contrario, los productos con modelos de fracturas conocidos no la superaron. Los primeros resultados con estos productos demostraron también que el ensayo generaba muestras de fractura semejantes a las que se producen in vivo. Debido a la configuración fisiológica del dispositivo se somete el sistema completo es decir el platillo, el vástago de la prótesis y la unión - generalmente modular - entre ambos a ensayo. El "ensayo fisiológico de tibia " descrito ayuda a evaluar los diseños de tibia antes de que se autorice su venta. Nuevos implantes y modificaciones de diseño en implantes ya existentes son puestos a la venta después de cumplir con las exigencias del ensayo.Peer Reviewe