592 research outputs found

    The dam-break problem for viscous fluids in the high-capillary-number limit

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    Experiments were undertaken to investigate dam-break flows where a finite volume of highly viscous fluid (glucose with viscosity μ ≈ 350 Pa s) maintained behind a lock gate was released into a horizontal or inclined flume. The resulting sequence of flow-depth profiles was tracked using a three-dimensional visualization system. In the low-Reynolds-number and high-capillary-number limits, analytical solutions can be obtained from the Navier-Stokes equations using lubrication theory and matched asymptotic expansions. At shallow slopes, similarity solutions can also be worked out. While the variation in the front position scaled with time as predicted by theory for both horizontal and sloping flumes, there was a systematic delay in the front position observed. Moreover, taking a closer look at the experimental flow-depth profiles shows that they were similar, but they noticeably deviated from the theoretical similarity form for horizontal planes. For sloping beds, the flow-depth profile is correctly predicted provided that different scalings are used at shallow and large slope

    Experimental investigation of the spreading of viscoplastic fluids on inclined planes

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    We report experimental results related to the dam-break problem for viscoplastic fluids. Using image processing techniques, we were able to accurately reconstruct the free-surface evolution of fixed volumes of fluid suddenly released a plane. We used Carbopol Ultrez 10 as a viscoplastic material; its rheological behavior was closely approximated by a Herschel- Bulkley model for a fairly wide range of shear rates. Varying the Carbopol concentration allowed us to change the yield stress and bulk viscosity. The yield stress ranged from 78 to 109 Pa, producing Bingham numbers in the 0.07–0.35 range. We investigated the behavior of a 43-kg mass released on a plane, whose inclination ranged from 0 to 18° . For each run, we observed that the behavior was nearly the same: at short times, the mass accelerated vigorously on gate opening and very quickly reached a nearly constant velocity. At time t=1st\, =\, 1\, s, independently of plane inclination and yield stress, the mass reached a near-equilibrium regime, where the front position varied as a power function of time over several decades. We did not observe any run-out phase, during which the mass would have gradually come to a halt. The similarity in the flow behavior made it possible to derive an empirical scaling for the front position in the form {x}_{f\,=\, }{t}^{0.275\left{ (sin\, \alpha\right)}}^{\frac{1}{3}}\left (sin\, \alpha \right)}^{\frac{5}{4}}, where α and t denote plane inclination and time, respectively, and which holds for sloping beds (α>0)\left(\alpha \, >\, 0\right)

    Tracking the free surface of time-dependent flows: Image processing for the dam-break problem

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    The dam-break problem (i.e., the sudden release of a given volume of fluid down a slope) has attracted a great deal of attention from mechanicians and physicists over the past few years, with particular interest devoted to the free-surface profile and the spreading rate. Experimentally, impediments to accurate measurements of the free-surface evolution are numerous because of the significant variations in its curvature and velocity. To accurately measure the surge’s free-surface variations with time, we have developed a new imaging system, consisting of a digital camera coupled with a synchronized micromirror projector. The object’s surface is imaged into a camera and patterns are projected onto the surface under an angle of incidence that differs from the imaging direction. From the deformed pattern recorded by the camera, the phase can be extracted and, by using unwrapping algorithms, the height can be computed and the free surface reconstructed. We were able to measure the free surface of the flow to within 1 mm over a surface of 1.8 · 1.1 m2. Although the techniques used in our system are not new when taken individually, the system in its entirety is innovative and more efficient than most methods used to-date in practical applications

    The dam-break problem for Herschel-Bulkley viscoplastic fluids down steep flumes

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    In this paper we investigate the dam-break problem for viscoplastic (Herschel- Bulkley) fluids down a sloping flume: a fixed volume of fluid initially contained in a reservoir is released onto a slope and flows driven by gravitational forces until these forces are unable to overcome the fluid’s yield stress. Like in many earlier investigations, we use lubrication theory and matched asymptotic expansions to de- rive the evolution equation of the flow depth, but with a different scaling for the flow variables, which makes it possible to study the flow behavior on steep slopes. The evolution equations takes on the form a nonlinear diffusion-convection equation. To leading order, this equation simplifies into a convection equation and reflects the balance between gravitational forces and viscous forces. After presenting analytical and numerical results, we compare theory with experimental data obtained with a long flume. We explore a fairly wide range of flume inclinations from 6° to 24° , while the initial Bingham number lies in the 0.07–0.26 range. Good agreement is found at the highest slopes, where both the front position and flow-depth profiles are properly described by theory. In contrast, at the lowest slopes, theoretical pre- dictions substantially deviate from experimental data. Discrepancies may arise from the formation of unsheared zones or lateral levees that cause slight flow acceleration

    Multi-taxa neo-taphonomic analysis of bone remains from barn owl pellets and cross-validation of observations: a case study from Dominica (Lesser Antilles)

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    Paleo- and neo-taphonomic analyses of bone assemblages rarely consider all the occurring taxa in a single study and works concerning birds of prey as accumulators of microvertebrate bone remains mostly focus on small mammals such as rodents and soricomorphs. However, raptors often hunt and consume a large range of taxa, including vertebrates such as small mammals, fishes, amphibians, squamates and birds. Bone remains of all these taxonomic groups are numerous in many paleontological and archaeological records, especially in cave deposits. To better characterize the predators at the origin of fossil and sub-fossil microvertebrate accumulations and the taphonomic history of the deposit, it is thus mandatory to conduct global and multi-taxa taphonomic approaches. The aim of this study is to provide an example of such a global approach through the investigation of a modern bone assemblage from a sample of pellets produced by the Lesser Antillean Barn Owl (Tyto insularis) in the island of Dominica. We propose a new methodology that allows us to compare different taxa (rodents, bats, squamates and birds) and to experiment with a cross-validation process using two observers for each taxonomic group to test the reliability of the taphonomic observations.1. Introduction 2. Materials and Methods 2.1. Owl Pellets Sampling 2.2. Prey Identification 2.3. Taphonomic Analysis 2.3.1. Anatomical Representation 2.3.2. Fragmentation 2.3.3. Surface Modifications 2.3.4. Size/Weight Classes of Preys 2.4. Cross-Validation of Observations 3. Results 3.1. Faunal Spectrum 3.2. Anatomical Representation 3.3. Fragmentation 3.4. Modifications of Bone Surface 4. Discussion 4.1. Diet of Tyto Insularis in Dominica 4.2. Taphonomic Impact of Tyto Insularis on Small Vertebrate Bone Assemblage 4.2.1. Remarks on the Size/Weight Classes of Preys 4.2.2. Anatomical Representation 4.2.3. Fragmentation 4.2.4. Digestion 4.3. Degree of Inter-Observer Differences and Potential Outcomes 4.4. Towards an “Inter-Taxa Calibration” 5. Conclusion

    Cork oak (Quercus suber L.) seedlings acclimate to elevated

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    Leaf gas-exchange, leaf and shoot anatomy, wood density and hydraulic conductivity were investigated in seedlings of Quercus suber L. grown for 15 months either at elevated (700 lmol mol-1) or normal (350 lmol mol-1) ambient atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Plants were grown in greenhouses in a controlled environment: relative humidity 50% (±5), temperature similar to external temperature and natural light conditions. Plants were supplied with nutrients and two water regimes (WW, well watered; WS, water stress). After 6 months exposure to CO2 enrichment an increase in photosynthetic rate, a decrease in stomatal conductance and a decrease in carbon isotope discrimination (D13C) were observed, along with enhanced growth and an increase in the number of branches and branch diameter. Over the same period, the shoot weight ratio increased, the root weight ratio decreased and the leaf weight ratio was unaffected. The specific leaf area increased due to an increase in total leaf thickness, mainly due to the palisade parenchyma and starch. However, after 9 and 15 months of elevated CO2 exposure, the above-mentioned physiological and morphological parameters appeared to be unaffected. Elevated CO2 did not promote changes in vessel lumen diameter, vessel frequency or wood density in stems grown in greenhouse conditions. As a consequence, xylem hydraulic efficiency remained unchanged. Likewise, xylem vulnerability to embolism was not modified by elevated CO2. In summary, elevated CO2 had no positive effect on the ecophysiological parameters or growth of water stressed plants

    The Effect of Quantum Dot Shell Structure on Fluorescence Quenching By Acridine Ligand

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    The current strategy for the development of advanced methods of tumor treatment focuses on targeted drug delivery to tumor cells. Quantum dot (QD) - semiconductor fluorescent nanocrystal, conjugated with a pharmacological ligand, such as acridine, ensures real-time tracking of the delivery process of the active substance. However, the problem of QD fluorescence quenching caused by charge transfer can arise in the case when acridine is bound to the QD. We found that QD shell structure has a defining role on photoinduced electron transfer from QD on acridine ligand which leads to quenching of QD photoluminescence. We have found that multishell CdSe/ZnS/CdS/ZnS QD structure provides minimal reduction of photoluminescence quantum yield at minimal shell thickness compared to classical thin ZnS or “giant” shells. Thus, CdSe/ZnS/CdS/ZnS core/multishell QD could be an optimal choice for engineering of small-sized acridine-based fluorescent labels for tumor diagnosis and treatment systems. Keywords: Quantum dot, photoluminescence quenching, DNA ligand, acridine derivative

    Drought-induced embolism in current-year shoots of two Mediterranean evergreen oaks

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    threatened by the increasing water deficits related to climate change. To contribute to the understanding of the capacity of these oaks to withstand severe drought we assessed the vulnerability to xylem embolism and the anatomical traits in current-year shoots. Data were collected in mature trees at two sites, in central/ coastal and southern/inland Portugal. In situ safety margins to hydraulic failure were evaluated from long-term predawn and midday leaf water potential records. Results showed that xylem vulnerability to embolism was similar in Q. ilex and Q. suber. The 50% loss in hydraulic conductivity (Wxyl,50PLC) was observed at xylem water potentials of 2.9 and 3.2 MPa in shoots of Q. suber and Q. ilex, respectively. Values of mean vessel diameter of Q. suber shoots at both sites suggest an intra-species adaptation to the local water availability, with larger vessels at the more mesic site. In situ hydraulic safety margins observed in shoots showed that, even during the driest periods, both oaks lived comfortably above the most critical embolism thresholds. However, the hydraulic safety margins were narrower in the driest site. Results are relevant to the understanding of survival, growth, and functional behaviour of evergreen oaks in Mediterranean climates, under recurrent/seasonal drought condition

    Herbaceous angiosperms are not more vulnerable to drought-induced embolism than angiosperm trees

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    The water transport pipeline in herbs is assumed to be more vulnerable to drought than in trees due to the formation of frequent embolisms (gas bubbles), which could be removed by the occurrence of root pressure, especially in grasses. Here, we studied hydraulic failure in herbaceous angiosperms by measuring the pressure inducing 50% loss of hydraulic conductance (P50) in stems of 26 species, mainly European grasses (Poaceae). Our measurements show a large range in P50 from 20.5 to 27.5 MPa, which overlaps with 94% of the woody angiosperm species in a worldwide, published data set and which strongly correlates with an aridity index. Moreover, the P50 values obtained were substantially more negative than the midday water potentials for five grass species monitored throughout the entire growing season, suggesting that embolism formation and repair are not routine and mainly occur under water deficits. These results show that both herbs and trees share the ability to withstand very negative water potentials without considerable embolism formation in their xylem conduits during drought stress. In addition, structure-function trade-offs in grass stems reveal that more resistant species are more lignified, which was confirmed for herbaceous and closely related woody species of the daisy group (Asteraceae). Our findings could imply that herbs with more lignified stems will become more abundant in future grasslands under more frequent and severe droughts, potentially resulting in lower forage digestibility.

    Visualization of lateral water transport pathways in soybean by a time of flight-secondary ion mass spectrometry cryo-system

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    Water movement between cells in a plant body is the basic phenomenon of plant solute transport; however, it has not been well documented due to limitations in observational techniques. This paper reports a visualization technique to observe water movement among plant cells in different tissues using a time of flight-secondary ion mass spectrometry (Tof-SIMS) cryo-system. The specific purpose of this study is to examine the route of water supply from xylem to stem tissues. The maximum resolution of Tof-SIMS imaging was 1.8 μm (defined as the three pixel step length), which allowed detection of water movement at the cellular level. Deuterium-labelled water was found in xylem vessels in the stem 2.5 min after the uptake of labelled water by soybean plants. The water moved from the xylem to the phloem, cambium, and cortex tissues within 30–60 min after water absorption. Deuterium ion counts in the phloem complex were slightly higher than those in the cortex and cambium tissue seen in enlarged images of stem cell tissue during high transpiration. However, deuterium ion counts in the phloem were lower than those in the cambium at night with no evaporative demand. These results indicate that the stem tissues do not receive water directly from the xylem, but rather from the phloem, during high evaporative demand. In contrast, xylem water would be directly supplied to the growing sink during the night without evaporative demand