218 research outputs found

    On the ergodic theory of impulsive semiflows

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    We consider impulsive semiflows and establish sufficient conditions to the existence of invariant measures. Namely, the impulsive set and its image are both submanifolds of codimension one that are transversal to the flow direction. Moreover, we show that under the same conditions a Variational Principle holds

    Objeto Infoestético “É um Livro”: do real ao virtual

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    Esse trabalho fundamentou-se nos estudos sobre redes de transformação e de subjetividade e sobre as tensões entre os conceitos de real e virtual. Um objeto infoestético e um vernissage foram preparados para subsidiar as reflexões. O objeto infoestético foi construído a partir da transposição de um livro impresso para o formato digital em vídeo. Nessa projeção, o alvo foi despertar sentimentos e sensações e também provocar paradoxos na intersecção entre o real e o virtual.  A apresentação do objeto infoestético se deu no contexto de um vernissage de livros infanto-juvenis com uma ação artística explorando o tema da leitura, seus diferentes recursos tecnológicos, linguagens, gêneros, configurações e seus diferentes públicos. O vernissage proporcionou acesso e a manipulação de livros e materiais de diferentes configurações, formatos e propostas, incluindo ainda exemplos de integração do material impresso com mídias digitais. Conclui-se que longe de representar uma ameaça para o livro impresso, atecnologia digital convive com ele, se alia e também se ressignifica em meio ao processo. A partir dessa experiência também se constata o potencial de propostas educacionais que incluem a elaboração e utilização de objetos infoestéticos

    La differenciation plastidale chez l'acetabulaire etudiee par l'emission de fluorescence a 77° K

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    Plastidal differentiation in Acetabularia studied by fluorescence emission at 77° K. Examination of the 77° K fluorescence emission spectra provides a good criterion for distinguishing chloroplasts of the apical from those of the basal region of the stalk of Acetabularia cells at stage 4. Extraction increases the differences between the emission spectra of apical and basal chloroplasts. By using the 77° K fluorescence emission spectra technique, it is possible to show the differentiation of the plastids and to follow it during the regeneration of anucleate and nucleate fragments. © 1975

    Effects of technetium on marine micro-organisms

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    Eleven bacterial species have been isolated from the upper layer of intertidal sediments collected along the Belgian coast (Coxyde). Three of them (no. 1, 4 and 11) have been chosen for their halophilous character. One species has been identified as Flavobacterium halmephilum, the other two are being investigated. Effects of technetium (99Tc) have been studied on a mixed bacterial population isolated from sediments, as well as on the three halophilic species.At the concentrations utilized in this work (up to 100 microg ml-1), 99Tc has no evident effects on bacterial growth. Uptake of technetium (99Tc and/or 95mTc) has been investigated in the mixed bacterial population, in the three halophilic bacteria (including Flavobacterium halmephilum) and in the benthic ciliate Uronema marinum. It has been found that technetium is taken up by all these micro-organisms. However, the transfer factor (TF) in bacteria may vary considerably (from 0.5 to 200), but the cause of this variability is not known and deserves further study.The ciliate Uronema marinum, which feeds on living marine bacteria, was found to take up 95mTc added to the culture medium. However, the TF in this ciliate is rather low (from 1.4 to 5.5). Because it feeds on bacteria, Uronema marinum is supposed to take up technetium from water (direct contamination) as well as from contaminated bacteria (indirect contamination). Experiments with 95mTc-labeled bacterial cells might be useful, as they could indicate which form of contamination (direct or indirect) is prevailing

    Limites e possibilidades da Educação Ambiental em uma escola municipal agrícola de ensino fundamental

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    Ao compreendermos a educação enquanto formação humana intencional para a vida em sociedade, trazemos seu papel como possibilidade de transformação e pressupomos a transversalidade do tema meio ambiente. A análise do Projeto Político Pedagógico (PPP) de uma Escola Municipal Agrícola de Ensino Fundamental do Estado de São Paulo - Brasil, mediante as três possíveis dimensões da Educação Ambiental (EA), nos permitiu verificar: desafios, como a necessidade de reconhecimento da comunidade local articulada às questões globais, e perspectivas para trabalhos futuros a partir de ligações entre as dimensões da EA no PPP

    Integração curricular do tema agropecuária em uma escola municipal agrícola : sentidos construídos

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    Considerando os desafios da educação ambiental para o enfrentamento da crise ambiental, este recorte de pesquisa, de natureza qualitativa, analisou os enunciados dos professores de uma escola agrícola (Rio Claro, SP, Brasil), buscando compreender como têm integrado o tema Agropecuária em suas práticas. Buscando a construção de sentidos sob uma perspectiva bakhtiniana, a leitura dos enunciados iniciais dos professores indicou que maioria dos professores o considera importante e indicam integrá-lo com frequência em suas atividades. No entanto, este não parece ser problematizado: os sentidos produzidos parecem distantes de romper, por meio da crítica, com o discurso hegemônico sobre a questão agropecuária

    Plasma-Based Longitudinal Evaluation of ESR1 Epigenetic Status in Hormone Receptor-Positive HER2-Negative Metastatic Breast Cancer

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    Background: Endocrine therapy (ET) is the mainstay of treatment for hormone receptor-positive human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)-negative metastatic breast cancer; however, adaptive mechanisms emerge in about 25\u201330% of cases through alterations in the estrogen receptor ligand-binding domain, with a consequent ligand-independent estrogen receptor activity. Epigenetic-mediated events are less known and potentially involved in alternative mechanisms of resistance. The aim of this study was to test the feasibility of estrogen receptor 1 (ESR1) epigenetic characterization through liquid biopsy and to show its potential longitudinal application for an early ET sensitivity assessment. Methods: A cohort of 49 women with hormone receptor-positive HER2-negative MBC was prospectively enrolled and characterized through circulating tumor DNA using methylation-specific droplet digital PCR (MS-ddPCR) before treatment start (BL) and after 3 months concomitantly with computed tomography (CT) scan restaging (EV1). ESR1 epigenetic status was defined by assessing the methylation of its main promoters (promA and promB). The most established cell-free tumor DNA (ctDNA) factors associated with ET resistance [ESR1 and phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase, catalytic subunit alpha (PIK3CA) mutations] were assessed through next-generation sequencing. Associations were tested through Mann\u2013Whitney U test, matched pairs variations through Wilcoxon signed rank test, and survival was analyzed by log-rank test. Results: The ET backbone was mainly based on aromatase inhibitors (AIs) (70.83%) in association with CDK4/6 inhibitors (93.75%). Significantly lower promA levels at baseline were observed in patients with liver metastases (P = 0.0212) and in patients with ESR1 mutations (P = 0.0091). No significant impact on PFS was observed for promA (P = 0.3777) and promB (P = 0.7455) dichotomized at the median while a 652-fold increase in promB or in either promA or promB at EV1 resulted in a significantly worse prognosis (respectively P = 0.0189, P = 0.0294). A significant increase at EV1 was observed for promB among patients with PIK3CA mutation (P = 0.0173). A trend was observed for promB in ESR1 wild-type patients and for promA in the ESR1 mutant subgroup. Conclusion: The study proofed the concept of an epigenetic characterization strategy based on ctDNA and is capable of being integrated in the current clinical workflow to give useful insights on treatment sensitivity