247 research outputs found

    Crossing the Rift valley: using complete mitogenomes to infer the diversification and biogeographic history of ethiopian highlands Ptychadena (anura: Ptychadenidae)

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    The Ethiopian Highlands are considered a biodiversity hotspot, harboring a high number of endemic species. Some of the endemic species probably diversified in situ; this is, for example, the case of a monophyletic clade containing 12 known species of grass frogs of the genus Ptychadena. The different species occur at elevations ranging from 1,500 to above 3,400 m and constitute excellent models to study the process of diversification in the highlands as well as adaptations to high elevations. In this study, we sampled 294 specimens across the distribution of this clade and used complete mitogenomes and genome-wide SNP data to better understand how landscape features influenced the population structure and dispersal of these grass frogs across time and space. Using phylogenetic inference, population structure analyses, and biogeographic reconstructions, we found that the species complex probably first diversified on the south-east side of the Great Rift Valley. Later on, species dispersed to the north-west side, where more recent diversification occurred. We further demonstrate that Ptychadena species have dispersed across the Great Rift Valley at different times. Our analyses allowed for a more complete understanding of the contribution of geological events, biogeographic barriers and climatic changes as drivers of species diversification and adaptation in this important biogeographic region

    Human piRNAs Are Under Selection in Africans and Repress Transposable Elements

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    Piwi-interacting RNAs (piRNAs) are a recently discovered class of 24- to 30-nt noncoding RNAs whose best-understood function is to repress transposable elements (TEs) in animal germ lines. In humans, TE-derived sequences comprise ∼45% of the genome and there are several active TE families, including LINE-1 and Alu elements, which are a significant source of de novo mutations and intrapopulation variability. In the “ping-pong model,” piRNAs are thought to alternatively cleave sense and antisense TE transcripts in a positive feedback loop. Because piRNAs are poorly conserved between closely related species, including human and chimpanzee, we took a population genomics approach to study piRNA function and evolution. We found strong statistical evidence that piRNA sequences are under selective constraint in African populations. We then mapped the piRNA sequences to human TE sequences and found strong correlations between the age of each LINE-1 and Alu subfamily and the number of piRNAs mapping to the subfamily. This result supports the idea that piRNAs function as repressors of TEs in humans. Finally, we observed a significant depletion of piRNA matches in the reverse transcriptase region of the consensus human LINE-1 element but not of the consensus mouse LINE-1 element. This result suggests that reverse transcriptase might have an endogenous role specific to humans. Overall, our results elucidate the function and evolution of piRNAs in humans and highlight the utility of population genomics analysis for studying this rapidly evolving genetic system

    In Vitro Acquisition of Specific Small Interfering RNAs Inhibits the Expression of Some Target Genes in the Plant Ectoparasite Xiphinema index

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    Xiphinema index is an important plant parasitic nematode that induces direct damages and specifically transmits the Grapevine fanleaf virus, which is particularly harmful for grapevines. Genomic resources of this nematode species are still limited and no functional gene validation technology is available. RNA interference (RNAi) is a powerful technology to study gene function and here we describe the application of RNAi on several genes in X. index. Soaking the nematodes for 48 h in a suspension containing specific small interfering RNAs resulted in a partial inhibition of the accumulation of some targeted mRNA. However, low reproducible silencing efficiency was observed which could arise from X. index silencing pathway deficiencies. Indeed, essential accustomed proteins for these pathways were not found in the X. index proteome predicted from transcriptomic data. The most reproducible silencing effect was obtained when targeting the piccolo gene potentially involved in endo-exocytosis of synaptic molecules. This represents the first report of gene silencing in a nematode belonging to the Longidoridae family

    Plant and Aphid Partners of Poleroviruses: Role in Virus Transmission by Aphids?

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    Comité de lecture : trueConférence invitée : falseDate de début de l'événement : 2011-07-11Date de fin de l'évenement : 2011-07-14Date de validation : Tue Aug 13 15:11:30 CEST 2013Diffusion de la pièce jointe : Publique, PubliqueIdentifiant : 200587Langue du titre : engNombre de consultation de la notice : 77Nombre de téléchargements de la pièce jointe : 8Pays de l'événement : BRAPublic visé : ScientifiqueType de communication avec actes : Présentation oraleType d'événement : SymposiumPoleroviruses are phloem limited viruses strictly transmitted by aphids in a circulative and non propagative manner. Virions are acquired by aphids when ingesting sap from infected plants. Virus particles cross the gut epithelium and the accessory salivary gland cells before being released, together with saliva, into the plant during a subsequent feed. This highly specific transcytosis mechanism relies on the presence of virus receptors on the surface of the aphid cells. We developed several approaches to identify virus partners in the plant and in the aphid to analyse their role in virus transmission by the vector. By screening different aphid cDNA libraries using a yeast two hybrid system, only few candidates were able to bind virus structural proteins. Among them, we found two nuclear proteins (GAR1 and ALY) which may not be the true virusreceptors but could be considered as virus-sensors. An Ephrin receptor-like protein was also found to interact with the viral proteins. Involvement of these candidates in virus transport through the aphid needs to be analyzed by developing in the insect RNAi-based techniques. These experiments are in progress. We also looked for plant virus-partners and identified several phloem proteins able to bind purified virions in vitro. We showed that these proteins could stimulate virus transmission by aphids when added together with purified virus to the aphid diet (Bencharki et al. 2010, M.P.M.I., 23: 799). By developing a yeast two hybrid system using a phloem specific cDNA library, we identified five additional proteins able to bind viral proteins. Among them, we found ALY proteins already identified as aphid virus-partners suggesting that orthologous plant and aphid proteins could be implicated in the virus cycle. So far, a direct implication of these proteins in aphid transmission has not been observed and experiments are on going to analyze their functions

    Toward Automatic Label-Free Whispering Gallery Modes Biodetection with a Quantum Dot-Coated Microsphere Population

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    We explore a new calibration-free approach to biodetection based on whispering gallery modes (WGMs) without a reference measure and relative shifts. Thus, the requirement to keep track of the sensor position is removed, and a freely moving population of fluorophore-doped polystyrene microspheres can now fulfill this role of sensing resonator. Breaking free from fixed surface-based biosensing promotes adhesion between the microsphere sensors and the analytes since both can now be thoroughly mixed. The 70-nm-wide spectrum of green fluorescent microbeads allows us to monitor over 20 WGMs simultaneously without needing evanescent light coupling into the microspheres, hence enabling remote sensing. Since the exact radius of each microsphere is unknown a priori, it requires algorithmic analyses to obtain a reliable result for the refractive index of a solution. We first test our approach with different solutions of alcohol in water obtaining 3 × 10−4 precision on the refractive index at lower concentrations. Then, the solutions of bacterial spores in water yield clear evidence of biodetection in the statistical analysis of WGMs from 50 microspheres. To extend the fluorescence spectral range of our WGM sensors, we present preliminary results on coating microspheres with CdSe/ZnS quantum dots

    First spectroscopy of 66^{66}Se and 65^{65}As: Investigating shape coexistence beyond the N = Z line

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    The experiment was performed at the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory (NSCL), at Michigan State University (USA).We report on the first γ spectroscopy of 66Se and 65As from two-neutron removal at intermediate beam energies. The deduced excitation energies for the first-excited states in 66Se and 65As are compared to mean-field-based predictions within a collective Hamiltonian formalism using the Gogny D1S effective interaction and to state-of-the-art shell-model calculations restricted to the pf5/2 g9/2 valence space. The obtained Coulomb-energy differences for the first excited states in 66Se and 65As are discussed within the shell-model formalism to assess the shape-coexistence picture for both nuclei. Our results support a favored oblate ground-state deformation in 66Se and 65As. A shape transition for the ground state of even-odd As isotopes from oblate in 65As to prolate in 67,69,71As is suggested

    Intermediate-energy Coulomb excitation of 104 Sn: Moderate E2 strength decrease approaching 100 Sn

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    International audienceThe reduced transition probability B(E2)↑ of the first excited 2 + state in the nucleus 104 Sn was measured via Coulomb excitation in inverse kinematics at intermediate energies. A value of 0.173(28) e 2 b 2 was extracted from the absolute cross section on a Pb target. Feeding contributions in 104 Sn from higher lying states were estimated by a reference measurement of the stable 112 Sn. Corresponding only to a moderate decrease of excitation strength relative to the almost constant values observed in the proton-rich, even-A 106−114 Sn isotopes, present state-of-the-art shell-model predictions, which include proton and neutron excitations across the N = Z = 50 shell closures as well as standard polarization charges, underestimate the experimental findings

    Anti-cancer effects and mechanism of actions of aspirin analogues in the treatment of glioma cancer

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    INTRODUCTION: In the past 25 years only modest advancements in glioma treatment have been made, with patient prognosis and median survival time following diagnosis only increasing from 3 to 7 months. A substantial body of clinical and preclinical evidence has suggested a role for aspirin in the treatment of cancer with multiple mechanisms of action proposed including COX 2 inhibition, down regulation of EGFR expression, and NF-κB signaling affecting Bcl-2 expression. However, with serious side effects such as stroke and gastrointestinal bleeding, aspirin analogues with improved potency and side effect profiles are being developed. METHOD: Effects on cell viability following 24 hr incubation of four aspirin derivatives (PN508, 517, 526 and 529) were compared to cisplatin, aspirin and di-aspirin in four glioma cell lines (U87 MG, SVG P12, GOS – 3, and 1321N1), using the PrestoBlue assay, establishing IC50 and examining the time course of drug effects. RESULTS: All compounds were found to decrease cell viability in a concentration and time dependant manner. Significantly, the analogue PN517 (IC50 2mM) showed approximately a twofold increase in potency when compared to aspirin (3.7mM) and cisplatin (4.3mM) in U87 cells, with similar increased potency in SVG P12 cells. Other analogues demonstrated similar potency to aspirin and cisplatin. CONCLUSION: These results support the further development and characterization of novel NSAID derivatives for the treatment of glioma

    A single amino acid substitution in ORF1 dramatically decreases L1 retrotransposition and provides insight into nucleic acid chaperone activity

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    L1 is a ubiquitous interspersed repeated sequence in mammals that achieved its high copy number by autonomous retrotransposition. Individual L1 elements within a genome differ in sequence and retrotransposition activity. Retrotransposition requires two L1-encoded proteins, ORF1p and ORF2p. Chimeric elements were used to map a 15-fold difference in retrotransposition efficiency between two L1 variants from the mouse genome, TFC and TFspa, to a single amino acid substitution in ORF1p, D159H. The steady-state levels of L1 RNA and protein do not differ significantly between these two elements, yet new insertions are detected earlier and at higher frequency in TFC, indicating that it converts expressed L1 intermediates more effectively into new insertions. The two ORF1 proteins were purified and their nucleic acid binding and chaperone activities were examined in vitro. Although the RNA and DNA oligonucleotide binding affinities of these two ORF1 proteins were largely indistinguishable, D159 was significantly more effective as a nucleic acid chaperone than H159. These findings support a requirement for ORF1p nucleic acid chaperone activity at a late step during L1 retrotransposition, extend the region of ORF1p that is known to be critical for its functional interactions with nucleic acids, and enhance understanding of nucleic acid chaperone activity