1,181 research outputs found

    Analysis of an Electric Vehicle Charging System Along a Highway

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    To reduce carbon emission, the transportation sector evolves toward replacing internal combustion vehicles by electric vehicles (EV). However, the limited driving ranges of EVs, their long recharge duration and the need of appropriate charging infrastructures require smart strategies to optimize the charging stops during a long trip. These challenges have generated a new area of studies that were mainly directed to extend the classical Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) to a fleet of commercial EVs. In this paper, we propose a different point of view, by considering the interaction of private EVs with the related infrastructure, focusing on a highway trip. We consider a highway where charging stations are scattered along the road, and are equipped withmultiple chargers. Using Fluid Stochastic Petri Nets (FSPN), the paper compares different decision policies when to stop and recharge the battery to maximize the probability of a car to reach its destination and minimize the trip completion time

    Reliability analysis of dynamic systems by translating temporal fault trees into Bayesian networks

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    Classical combinatorial fault trees can be used to assess combinations of failures but are unable to capture sequences of faults, which are important in complex dynamic systems. A number of proposed techniques extend fault tree analysis for dynamic systems. One of such technique, Pandora, introduces temporal gates to capture the sequencing of events and allows qualitative analysis of temporal fault trees. Pandora can be easily integrated in model-based design and analysis techniques. It is, therefore, useful to explore the possible avenues for quantitative analysis of Pandora temporal fault trees, and we identify Bayesian Networks as a possible framework for such analysis. We describe how Pandora fault trees can be translated to Bayesian Networks for dynamic dependability analysis and demonstrate the process on a simplified fuel system model. The conversion facilitates predictive reliability analysis of Pandora fault trees, but also opens the way for post-hoc diagnostic analysis of failures

    The Cross-Cultural Invariance of the Servant Leadership Survey: A Comparative Study across Eight Countries

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    This paper tests and confirms the cross-cultural equivalence of the Servant Leadership Survey (SLS) in eight countries and languages: The Netherlands, Portugal, Germany, Iceland, Italy, Spain, Turkey and Finland. A composite sample consisting of 5201 respondents from eight countries that all filled out the SLS was used. A three-step approach was adopted to test configural invariance, measurement equivalence, and structural equivalence. For the full 30-item version of the SLS, configural invariance and partial measurement equivalence were confirmed. Implications of these results for the use of the SLS within cross-cultural studies are discussed

    Spin-Electromagnetic Hydrodynamics and Magnetization Induced by Spin-Magnetic Interaction

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    The hydrodynamic model including the spin degree of freedom and the electromagnetic field was discussed. In this derivation, we applied electromagnetism for macroscopic medium proposed by Minkowski. For the equation of motion of spin, we assumed that the hydrodynamic representation of the Pauli equation is reproduced when the many-body effect is neglected. Then the spin-magnetic interaction in the Pauli equation was converted to a part of the magnetization. The fluid and spin stress tensors induced by the many-body effect were obtained by employing the algebraic positivity of the entropy production in the framework of the linear irreversible thermodynamics, including the mixing effect of the irreversible currents. We further constructed the constitutive equation of the polarization and the magnetization. Our polarization equation is more reasonable compared to another result obtained using electromagnetism for macroscopic medium proposed by de Groot-Mazur.Comment: 24 pages, no figure, the discussion for the modifed thermodynamic relation is added, several errors are corrected, accepted for publication in PR


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    ABSTRAK Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis interdependensi antara FDI dengan beberapa variabel yang lain, seperti PDB, Trade, Nilai Tukar, dan Tingkat bunga. Model VAR digunakan untuk menunjukkan pandangan yang komprehensif dari interdependensi ini. Hasil empiris menunjukkan bahwa melalui model VAR, interdependensi antara variabel FDI, PDB, Trade, Nilai Output Industri, Nilai Tukar dan Tingkat Suku Bunga telah diteliti dalam hubungan jangka panjang melalui kointegrasi vektor dan jangka pendek yang berdampak pada model VAR. Korelasi dinamis variabel telah diperoleh dengan analisis varian dan analisis respon impuls. Beberapa implikasi besar muncul dari hasil penelitian. Jika pemerintah Indonesia berkeinginan mendorong FDI dan pertumbuhan ekonomi, hal ini dapat dilakukan dengan output dan nilai tukar. Dalam jangka pendek maupun jangka panjang, keduanya sangat penting untuk stabilitas ekonomi. Kata Kunci : FDI, Pertumbuhan ekonomi, variabel makro dan model VARBanda Ace

    Designing effective public participation

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    This paper reviews the various connections that can exist between the design of participatory processes and the different kind of results that they can entail. It details how effective participatory processes can be designed, whatever are the results that participation is deemed to elicit. It shows the main trends pertaining to design choicesand considers how to classify different arrangements in order to choose from among them. Then the paper deals with the main dilemmas that tend to arise when designing participatory processes. Thanks to this review, the paper argues that participatory processes tend to display a certain degree of ambivalence that cannot be completely overcome through the design choices

    Alpha glucocorticoid receptor expression in different experimental rat models of acute lung injury

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    Background and objectives: Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is a frequent form of hypoxiemic respiratory failure caused by the acute development of diffuse lung inflammation. Dysregulated systemic inflammation with persistent elevation of circulating inflammatory cytokines is the pathogenetic mechanism for pulmonary and extrapulmonary organ dysfunction in patients with ARDS. Glucocorticoids (GCs) have a broad range of inhibitory inflammatory effects, including inhibition of cytokines transcription, cellular activation and growth factor production. They inhibit the inflammatory pathways through two specific intracellular glucocorticoid receptors (GRs), named GRα and GRβ. The aim of our study was to evaluate the histologic evidence of inflammatory injury and the GRα uptake of resident and inflammatory cells in different experimental models of acute lung injury (ALI). Methods: We studied four groups of rats: three different experimental rat models of lung injury and a control group. The ALI was caused by barotrauma (due to an overventilation), oleic acid injection and mechanical ventilation. Results were compared to nonventilated rat control group. The duration of mechanical ventilation was of 2.5 h. At the end of each experiment, rats were sacrificed. Lung biopsies were evaluated for morphologic changes. The immunohistochemistry was performed to study GRα expression. Results: Histologic evidence of lung injury (alveolar and interstitial edema, vascular congestion, alveolar haemorrhage, emphysema, number of interstitial cells and neutrophils, and destruction of alveolar attachments) were present in all ventilated groups. Barotrauma lead to an additional inflammatory response. GRα expression significantly increased in the three ventilated groups compared with nonventilated groups. GRα expression was highest in barotrauma group. Conclusions: These data indicate that ALI is associated with diffuse alveolar damage, up-regulation of the inflammatory response and GRα overexpression. Barotrauma is the most effective mechanism inducing acute lung inflammation and GRα overexpression. © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Autoantibody profile in rheumatoid arthritis during long-term infliximab treatment

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    The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of long-term infliximab treatment on various autoantibodies in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Serum samples from 30 consecutive patients, who were prospectively followed during infliximab and methotrexate therapy for refractory rheumatoid arthritis, were tested at baseline and after 30, 54 and 78 weeks. At these points, median values of the Disease Activity Score were 6.38 (interquartile range 5.30-6.75), 3.69 (2.67-4.62), 2.9 (2.39-4.65) and 3.71 (2.62-5.06), respectively. Various autoantibodies were assessed by standard indirect immunofluorescence and/or ELISA. Initially, 50% of patients were positive for antinuclear antibodies, and this figure increased to 80% after 78 weeks (P=0.029). A less marked, similar increase was found for IgG and IgM anticardiolipin antibody titre, whereas the frequency of anti-double-stranded DNA antibodies (by ELISA) exhibited a transient rise (up to 16.7%) at 54 weeks and dropped to 0% at 78 weeks. Antibodies to proteinase-3 and myeloperoxidase were not detected. The proportion of patients who were positive for rheumatoid factor (RF) was similar at baseline and at 78 weeks (87% and 80%, respectively). However, the median RF titre exhibited a progressive reduction from 128 IU/ml (interquartile range 47-290 IU/ml) to 53 IU/ml (18-106 IU/ml). Anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide (CCP) antibodies were found in 83% of patients before therapy; anti-CCP antibody titre significantly decreased at 30 weeks but returned to baseline thereafter. In conclusion, the presence of anti-double-stranded DNA antibodies is a transient phenomenon, despite a stable increase in antinuclear and anticardiolipin antibodies. Also, the evolution of RF titres and that of anti-CCP antibody titres differed during long-term infliximab therapy