423 research outputs found

    Les revistes bilingĂĽes a la Tortosa de la II RepĂşblica

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    En l’àmbit de la premsa tortosina en català del primer terç del segle xx es donen dues actituds lingüístiques: la fabriana i la tortosinista. La primera, partidària del model de llengua de l’IEC, era minoritària als anys vint però es generalitza a partir dels anys trenta (La Veu de Tortosa, La Veu Comarcal, Ara, Acció, Vida Tortosina i Lluita); mentre que el tortosinisme, que es correspon amb una ideologia cada cop més localista i que eleva el «parlar tortosí» a la categoria de llengua, queda reduït durant la II República a tres revistes bilingües: La Zuda, Germanor i La Santa Cinta. There were two linguistic actitudes in the tortosine press of the first third in the 20th century: the fabriana amb the tortosinista. The fabriana, in favour of the IEC linguistic model, was in minority during the 20’s, but it became widespread from the 30’s (La Veu de Tortosa, La Veu Comarcal, Ara, Acció, Vida Tortosina i Lluita). The second, the tortosinista, had a local ideology and compared the tortosinisme talk as a complet language, but it was reduced during the ii Republic to three magazines: La Zuda, Germanor i La Santa Cinta

    Bias in the variance of gridded data sets leads to misleading conclusions about changes in climate variability

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    10 Pags.- 10 Figs. The definitive version is available at: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1097-0088Many studies addressing climate change and climate variability over large regions rely on gridded data. Grids are preferred to station-based data sets because they help avoiding bias arising from the irregular spatial distribution of the observations. However, while spatial interpolation techniques used for constructing gridded data are good at preserving the mean of the data, they do not offer an adequate representation of their variance. In fact, the grid's variance depends largely on the spatial density of observations used for constructing it. Most global and regional climate data sets are characterized by large temporal changes in the number of observations available for interpolation, with a strong reduction in the last 30 years. These changes in the sample size result in changes in the variance of gridded data that are merely an effect of the interpolation process, and ignoring this fact may lead to erroneous conclusions about changes in climate variability and extremes. We discuss this problem and we demonstrate its importance with a widely used global dataset of temperature and precipitation. We propose to move from interpolation techniques towards statistical simulation approaches that provide a better representation of climate variability when constructing climatic grids.This work has been supported by the research projects CGL2011-24185 and CGL2014-52135-C3-1-R, financed by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) and EU-FEDER. M. Maneta acknowledges support by the Montana Institute on Ecosystems, NSF EPSCoR Track-1 EPS-1101342, NSF GSS-1461576 and EPS-IIA-1443108 (INSTEP 3). The work of M. Tomás-Burguera was supported by a doctoral grant by MINECO.Peer reviewe

    Rugstreepsteurgarnaal - <i>Palaemon macrodactylus</i>. Niet-inheemse soorten van het Belgisch deel van de Noordzee en aanpalende estuaria

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    Het oorspronkelijk verspreidingsgebied van de rugstreepsteurgarnaal Palaemon macrodactylus zijn de riviermondingen langs de kusten van Japan, China en Korea. Via transport in het ballastwater van schepen zou de soort naar Europa gekomen zijn. De rugstreepsteurgarnaal werd in België voor de allereerste keer waargenomen in 1998 in de het Kanaal Gent-Terneuzen, ter hoogte van de Nederlandse grens. Later bleek de soort ook aanwezig in de Zeeschelde nabij Doel, de jachthaven van Zeebrugge, de Spuikom van Oostende, in het IJzer-estuarium en werden zelfs exemplaren gevonden op het strand van Heist. Deze exoot verdraagt grote schommelingen in temperatuur en zoutgehalte en komt doorgaans voor op beschutte plekjes


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    Palaemon macrodactylus Rathbun (1902) is an estuarine shrimp native to north-western Pacific which, due to its wide environmental tolerance to chemical-physical conditions and its long breeding period, from 1957, probably carried by ship ballast water, massively colonized estuarine ecosystems worldwide. After its first record, in 2012, P. macrodactylus appears to have rapidly colonized the entire Venice lagoon, showing higher abundance in the confined saltmarsh stations of the northern sub-basin, probably due to the relatively low salinities values of this area. Records collected from 2014 to 2020 confirm the long reproductive period, comprised between Spring (mid-April) and Autumn (October), and the potential large invasion capacity of this species, which in the future could provoke competition with autochthonous species of the genus Palaemon and Crangon crangon

    La llengua catalana del primer terç del segle XX a Tortosa: actituds i models lingüístics (síntesi del procés normativitzador)

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    El 1899 apareix a Tortosa el primer rotatiu escrit íntegrament en català, La Veu de Tortosa, que significa l'inici del procés de recuperació de la llengua a les Terres de l'Ebre. El succeeix La Veu de la Comarca, que en continua la tasca de catalanització. Tots dos constitueixen el «català prenormatiu» a Tortosa. El 1919 naix el Bolletí Espiritual de la Mare de Déu de la Cinta, el qual representa l'adopció del codi ortogràfic normatiu de l'IEC, a la vegada que se'n deriven dues actituds i dos models lingüístics diferents: els tortosinistes i els fabrians. Ambdues actituds inverteixen el seu predomini als anys 30: mentre el model fabrià esdevé majoritari (La Veu de Tortosa 1930-31, Vida Tortosina, Acció, La Veu Comarcal, Ara i Lluita), l'actitud tortosinista és cada cop més local i acabareclosa a tres revistes: La Zuda, Germanor i La Santa Cinta. En aquest article fem una breu descripció dels diferents rotatius esmentats i una síntesi innovadora del procés d'adopció del codi normatiu a Tortosa –centrat sobretot en ortografia i morfologia– en tres moments: el català prenormatiu, el codi ortogràfic normatiu –a través del Bolletí– i el català literari

    Tres obres tortosines: un sostre «a usança nostra», un dibuix del segle xvi i un «quadro embigat» del mil sis-cents

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    En aquest text s’analitzen tres teginats que només tenen en comú el seu origen geogràfic, la ciutat de Tortosa. En canvi, per la seva diversitat, es tracta d’obres significatives des del punt de vista cronològic (un teginat típic de la baixa edat mitjana, un d’habitual en les estances representatives del Renaixement i un altre d’utilitari de tota l’època moderna), decoratiu (pintat, entallat, sense decoració) i també des del punt de vista del seu estudi, ja que es tracta d’una obra conservada sense documentar, d’una obra perduda, però documentada, i finalment d’una obra conservada i documentad

    Alien species in the Guadiana Estuary (SE-Portugal/SW-Spain): Blackfordia virginica (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa) and Palaemon macrodactylus (Crustacea, Decapoda): potential impacts and mitigation measures

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    The cnidarian Blackfordia virginica and the adult of the caridean prawn, Palaemon macrodactylus are first recorded from the Guadiana Estuary. The habitats and environmental conditions under which these species were found are described and the potential impacts and mitigation measures for their introduction are discussed. The first observations of adults of these species were made in July 2008, at the transitional zone of the estuary (brackish area). Most samples taken in the middle-estuary were characterized by large densities of B. virginica (> 100 individuals 100 m-3), while P. macrodactylus was recorded in much smaller densities (<0.01 individuals m-2). Despite a comprehensive survey of invertebrates done between 1999 and 2003, neither of these species was previously detected in the Guadiana estuary. These observations may, therefore, coincide with the introduction of these species to the Guadiana estuary. Small planktonic crustaceans are generally described as the main food items for B. virginica. Our results show that the presence of the medusa was usually associated with a reduction of densities of all zooplanktonic organisms, including eggs of Engraulis encrasicolus. The reduction of planktonic biomass could have severe implications for organisms at upper trophic levels, such as E. encrasicolus, which use the Guadiana estuary as a nursery area and feed mostly on small planktonic crustaceans. Moreover, the potential consumption of eggs by B. virginica could potentially increase the impact on the nursery function of the estuary. The other alien species detected, P. macrodactylus, appears to be a strong invader, able to colonise a wide geographical range. It has a strong osmoregulatory capacity, and is known to inhabit a wide range of salinities, particularly if compared to similar native species (Crangon crangon and Palaemon longirostris). There is clear potential for the occurrence of competition for food between P. macrodactylus and the native prawn, due to dietary overlapping. The Guadiana estuary is under Mediterranean climate influence and is expected to be strongly impacted by climatic changes in the next decades. Other threat-factors are also present, such as increasing regulation by dams, the construction of new harbors, and increase shipping activity. It is important, therefore, to study the impact of these new invasions in this estuary and, based on the ecohydrology approach, propose mitigations measures to be applied in this system and other similar ecosystems worldwide

    Actividades del Centro

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    La Sinagoga del call jueu tortosĂ­

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    Modelling the impact of forest loss on shallow landslide sediment yield, Ijuez river catchment, Spanish Pyrenees

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    International audienceThe SHETRAN model for simulating the sediment yield arising from shallow landslides at the scale of a river catchment was applied to the 45-km2 Ijuez catchment in the central Spanish Pyrenees, to investigate the effect of loss of forest cover on landslide and debris flow incidence and on catchment sediment yield. The application demonstrated how such a model, with a large number of parameters to be evaluated, can be used even when directly measured data are not available: rainfall and discharge time series were generated by reference to other local records and data providing the basis for a soil map were obtained by a short field campaign. Uncertainty bounds for the outputs were determined as a function of the uncertainty in the values of key model parameters. For a four-year period and for the existing forested state of the catchment, a good ability to simulate the observed long term spatial distribution of debris flows (represented by a 45-year inventory) and to determine catchment sediment yield within the range of regional observations was demonstrated. The lower uncertainty bound on simulated landslide occurrence approximated the observed annual rate of landsliding and suggests that landslides provide a relatively minor proportion of the total sediment yield, at least in drier years. A scenario simulation in which the forest cover was replaced by grassland indicated an increase in landsliding but a decrease in the number of landslides which evolve into debris flows and, at least for drier years, a reduction in sediment delivery to the channel network
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